Welcome to the Job Description Generator! Our goal is to help you produce accurate, professional job descriptions for the employees on your farm. As the farm owner/manager, the job description is one of your most important tools in managing your employees. It all starts with the expectations you set for the position and those expectations are spelled out in the job description.
First time using this tool? Read this before you begin.
If your employees are all field workers then you will only need to complete one job description. If you have multiple positions to fill: field crew, field managers and sales staff, then you will want to create a job description for each category of job. Job descriptions should avoid being too specific. You don't want to be in the position of having to re-write them every time something minor changes. On the other hand, you don't want anything too general either because this is a tool you will use to hold employees accountable.
We have tried to make the tool as intuitive as possible. Text boxes are available for you to type in your information. When you have finished, save a PDF of your work to your computer.