Frame Analysis Essay

For this assignment, write a three or four page essay that concisely analyzes the “frame” of a substantial hard news story in either 1) the New York Times, 2) CNN, or 3) Al Jazeera English. The story you choose to analyze should be more than four paragraphs, or if on TV, more than two minutes long. Refer to this overview to make sure you understand what a frame is and how to identify it. In your essay be sure to:

  1. Provide a clear description of the story. (If it is from the NYTimes, attach a printout of the story to your paper.)
  2. Provide clear evidence of why you think the frame you identify is present in the story. (This will usually take the form of quotes from the story coupled to analyses that demonstrate the choices made by the journalist and why they are evidence of the frame you identify.)
  3. Consider other ways the story could have been told using the same facts.

In your essay you may not use the words “bias,” “distortion,” or “objective.”

Due in Class Feb. 6th.