The basic assignments are a midterm (25%, Oct. 13) and final exams (25%, Dec. 13), reading journals turned in regularly during the semester (20%), a critical media analysis essay (20%), and attendance (10%). Details about each of these are on separate pages on this syllabus.

A lot of course syllabi have come to read like legal contracts, with long lists of what students should and should not do under different circumstances. Before getting into all that, here’s what I think it all really boils down to: the main thing you should try to do in this class is, to the best of your ability, act professionally. This does not mean dressing a certain way or acting like someone you’ve seen on TV. Rather, it means doing your absolute best to be reliable and effective in a way that treats others around you with respect. It’s not easy, but it’s worth doing your best to develop the habit. It means things like meeting deadlines, but also showing your instructor and the others around you that you are doing your best to do your part, and thinking about the good of the whole group. For example, if you find that a link to a reading doesn’t work, contact me to let me know; don’t try to use it as an excuse not to do the reading. I and everyone else in the class will be grateful you took a little bit of time to help us all out.


  • A makeup exam will be scheduled only for circumstances truly beyond a student’s control, such as illness or family tragedy, as per UVM policy. Vacation plans, already-purchased plane tickets, or a ride home do not constitute legitimate reasons for scheduling a makeup. If you are sick or otherwise can not make it to an exam, you should let me know before the time of the scheduled exam.
  • No electronics in class. No laptops, phones, or tablets, please. There’s a growing body of research that shows we all learn better if we take notes by hand and read on paper. (Exceptions can be made for people who have a very specific need that can only be taken care of electronically; let me know if that’s the case.)
  • The material from the readings will not always be repeated in class; in many cases, class will start where the readings leave off.
  • All assignments must be completed to pass the course, regardless of your accumulated score on previous assignments (that means: skip one major assignment, and you flunk).
  • You will receive more details about assignments in class during the course, and this online syllabus will be updated from time to time. If you miss a class for some reason, be sure to either contact another student or me to make sure you didn't miss any assignments or changes in the syllabus, course readings, etc. It's your responsibility to keep on top of what's going on in the course.
  • Sharing class notes with fellow students in the course is allowed. Selling them or putting them online is not. (Click here for more details.)
  • Religious Holidays: It is UVM policy that students have the right to practice the religion of their choice. Each semester students should submit in writing to their instructors by the end of the second full week of classes their documented religious holiday schedule for the semester. Faculty must permit students who miss work for the purpose of religious observance to make up this work.