JUNE 2020

In This Issue: 


Staff Council Meetings:

The next Staff Council meeting will take place online on Tuesday, June 9th from 12:05-1:30. All members of the UVM community are welcome.  Contact the Staff Council Office office with any questions at

The University of Vermont Staff Council is pleased to introduce the new Representatives who will begin serving their terms on July 1st, 2020:

April Berteau – CAS 
Carol Brakenwagen – Libraries 
Amanda Broder – LCOM
Stephen DeVoe – LCOM
Stephanie Glock – President/Provost/Honor College 
Rejenne Jalbert – LCOM 
Jilliene Johnson – Student Affairs 
Emily Taylor – CALS
The following Representatives have completed their terms and are embarking on a new term:

Tatiana Andrievskaya – Student Affairs
Nick Hall – Student Affairs
Mindy Kear – LCOM
Cindy Lee – Division of Finance & Facilities
Katherine McGinn-Hall – Athletics
Allison Spain – Grad College
Bridget Tully – LCOM
The following individuals will be serving as at-large members:

Aimee Gale – LCOM (Aimee will be completing her term as a Representative and continuing her service as an at-large member)
Kristen Allard – LCOM

The following Representatives are stepping down from the Staff Council. Thank you for serving as a Representative!

Miriam Harrison - Division of University Relations and Administration
Shirley Pine – LCOM
Lacey Ure – LCOM
36 other Representatives will be continuing their current terms. Two seats remain open – one in the Division of University Relations and Administration, and one in Student Affairs. Please contact the Staff Council Office (email) if you're interested in serving.

Who Is My Staff Council Representative?

To find out who represents your unit, just visit the Staff Council website directory of representatives. You can always reach out to your rep or to the Staff Council Office with any issues, questions, or suggestions.
Stephen Lunna, Staff Council President, recently presented to the Board of Trustees on the question of how UVM staff contribute to student success, research, and fulfilling UVM's land grant mission:
"Over the past few months, I have had the privilege and honor of witnessing great bravery, adaptability, and selflessness in my colleagues. UVM’s essential staff continue to come to work each day to ensure the University is safely maintained during the COVID-19 pandemic. Alongside the rest of the UVM community, staff working from home have demonstrated a commitment to excellence in all corners of the virtual campus, even while they have each had to manage the balancing act of working remotely during a pandemic. Despite the difficulties, frustrations, and fears they must often experience my colleagues are continuously and impressively rising to the occasion..." 

The Staff Council Executive Board met this week and settled on an action plan for rigorously analyzing the Staff Council Survey results. Each of the four Standing Committees (Social; Personal & Professional Development; Community Engagement; Compensation, Budget, & Benefits) will meet separately over the next month to isolate and identify which issues highlighted by the survey results would best fall under their respective purviews. They'll present their lists to the Executive Board, and when it meets again in late June, it will finalize these lists.

The Staff Council Committees will be on great footing in the new academic year, to hit the ground running, and make the next year a productive one. 
The Staff Council Social Committee continues to work with local vendors to plan future events, within the parameters of COVID-19 state guidelines.
  • This week, the cancellation of the Champlain Valley Fair was confirmed.
  • After initially being rescheduled to July, the performances of Matilda have again been delayed.
  • Right now, there is no confirmation yet of whether Smugglers' Notch Daycation will be in operation.
  • The annual Golf Outing has been tentatively scheduled for August, but confirmation needs to wait for budgetary decisions. 
  • And finally, the annual Lake Monsters game and BBQ has been rescheduled for August, pending the restart of the baseball season.
Any confirmed dates will be announced when they are available.

Less and Better: Reinventing Yourself in the Post-Pandemic Workplace 
July 15th, 9:00 - 11:00 AM 
Online via MS Teams

The pandemic has made it challenging for many of us to exercise choices to the same extent, something that in the past we may have taken for granted. How can our pandemic experiences be translated into professional resilience, especially when we are likely to operate with diminished resources? This class will help you to learn how to make the greatest possible contributions towards the things that really matter – in the workplace and beyond.
  • Understand that our experiences at critical junctures are an invitation to re-examine our attitudes, the choices we make and how we arrive at those decisions.
  • Explore how getting things done right may help you in getting more done.
  • Learn to operate at your highest level of contribution in a team and individually even in more scarce 
Register in PeopleSoft HR, Class Code: COM058

UVM Staff Appreciation Week
will take place this year, although the exact form of the celebrations have not yet been determined. The Staff Appreciation Committee, with the help and oversight of HRDMA, has begun to meet and strategize on how best to help recognize our fantastic staff. 

As usual, the call for art from staff for the Staff Art Show will begin soon this summer. It has not yet been determined if the exhibition will be virtual, physical, or a hybrid of the two, but it will go ahead regardless. We will announce in the next Staffline how to submit your creative work. 

After a three-year process that included the input of staff, faculty, students and UVM community members, the UVM Women's Center is thrilled to announce they have officially changed their name to the UVM Women & Gender Equity Center! Please check out their video announcement for more information. And thank you for your continued support of our work to advance gender equity across identities at UVM!

The UVM Greenhouses spring plant selection is now live! Click here for availability and pricing. The greenhouses and the University continue to remain closed to the public and non-essential personnel, but they are offering customers an option to preorder and prepay for curbside pickup. Learn more about how to pre-order (PDF)