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Stat 5310 - Experimental Design

Research Design and Analysis

Richard Single

Location: T/TH at 11:40 - 12:55 in Marsh Life Science 107.

Text:"Design of Experiments: Statistical Principles of Research Design and Analysis" by Robert O. Kuehl, 2nd Edition

Prerequisites: STAT 5210; or (STAT 211 and STAT 201).

Office hours: TBD

Course Objectives: This course has two major objectives. (1) You will gain an understanding of several experimental designs, the underlying statistical models, and how they relate to specific research questions. (2) You will also learn how to analyze results from these experimental designs. Putting this information together will allow you to formulate a research hypothesis, determine an appropriate design, carry out the analyses, and interpret the results. We will discuss ways of determining appropriate numbers of subjects/units to include in experiments and methods for verifying assumptions that underlie the statistical models.

NOTE: I will make minimal use of Brightspace. I will use it to post and collect HW solutions, but I will not use it for any other purpose.

NOTE2: You will be turning in classwork at the end of each class. This will be graded on a 0-2 scale (0=no real work; 1=a minimal attempt; 2=an honest attempt). I am planning to collect a hard copy on paper at the end of class, but may have you submit periodically at If you are excused from class ahead of class time, you will be allowed to submit your classwork by the end of the day at the above URL.

NOTE3: Scanning to PDF: Below are links to the two apps for scanning to a PDF file (Genius-Scan, or CamScanner). You must use one of these since they have been vetted by UVM's IT group and work well. Other scanners have been problematic. If there is an issue with you scan and you are not using one of these two, you will not receive credit.

The basic version of each one is free.

Once you download the app of your choice, be sure that you are able to scan multiple pages into a single PDF file. You can transfer the scan to your computer (if needed) via email, ftp, dropbox, onedrive, ... You may not need to if you want to upload directly from a phone/tablet. In Genius-Scan you just take 2 (or more) picture/scans in a row with the app and they are included in the single PDF file that is created. Medium (even low) resolution is usually fine - and easier to deal with. If you write very lightly on your papers in pencil you may need to press down harder.