Priyantha Wijesinghe, Ph.D.

CEMS College of engineering and mathematical sciences



Priyantha Wijesinghe is a lecturer in the department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science at the University of Vermont (UVM). Prior to joining at UVM she was an instructor in the School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science (CEES) at the University of Oklahoma. She completed her postdoctoral, doctoral and master’s studies in structural Engineering with Professor Kyran D Mish’s (CEES) and Professor J D Baldwin’s (School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering) research groups at the University of Oklahoma. In addition to her structural engineering expertise, she also possesses master’s and bachelors’ degrees in Architecture and was an Architect for several years in leading architectural and structural engineering firms overseas. Her multidisciplinary research interests include structural health monitoring, fatigue monitoring and detection in steel highway bridges, linear and nonlinear finite element modeling/analysis and restoration and preservation of historic structures.



Office: 377 Votey Hall

Phone: (802) 656-3305


Mail: College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences

109 Votey Hall

33 Colchester Avenue

Burlington, VT 05405-0156



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The University of Vermont

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