Priyantha Wijesinghe, Ph.D.

CEMS College of engineering and mathematical sciences


Teaching Evaluations

Students Evaluations: CEES 3253 Introduction to Continuum Mechanics – Fall 2010


“She was always very helpful and willing outside of class.”


“I liked Priyantha. She's a good instructor. She did as good a job presenting this material as anyone possibly could have.”


”excellent teacher”


“Pryiantha was very effective, especially considering the difficulty of subject matter. She was always timely and prepared. Additionally, she was ALWAYS willing to help outside the classroom. I personally met with her several times throughout the semester, and found her to be a great resource. I also thought she was a wise choice of professor for this class. She had so much real world/personal experience with regards to continuum mechanics.”


“Dr. Pryantha did a great job trying to teach the class”




“Dr. Wijesinghe was a very enthusiastic instructor and geared her teaching to the necessities of the students.”


“Priyantha started the semester kind of slowly, but she made wonderful progress throughout the semester and did a wonderful job. She had a good understanding of work loads and was the only teacher this semester most of the CEES students had who didn't bog down the class in vasts amount of work toward the end of the semester. She encouraged working outside of class for projects and had very helpful work sessions.

The class was very interesting, and the homework problems really helped explain the concepts.”


“Thank you very much, I would love to have more teachers like you that are really care about us, as students..”



Students Evaluations: CEES 2153 Mechanics of Materials – Spring 2011


The teacher was very helpful during and outside of class. She really worked with the students in order to help them.”


“Very good and very helpful. I really enjoyed her teaching style. Need more teachers like her. Still tough but not as much pressure.”


“Priyantha made every effort to be available outside of class to help students. Some professors are intimidating to students which makes them afraid to ask for help or participate in discussions. Priyantha encouraged people to ask for help in or out of class, and she was always very friendly. She was so nice all the time, i feel like people actually took advantage of her. Many people were rude and talked in class, so in the future she might want to be a little more strict with this kind of disrespect. Lay down the law!”


“Very clear definition of what was expected and a GREAT presentation of the material.”


“Dr. Wijesinghe is a great instructor. She clearly presents all the material and is always available outside of class to help! She will be missed as she moves on from OU.”


“Was accessible and continously gauged student progress to determine problem areas.”


“When quizes are taken in class don't work out the problems on the board so you have a better idea how much we are learning the material. Other than that, Dr. Priyantha is an excellent teacher and I would not change her teaching style in any way.”


“I think because she knows she is not going to be teaching anymore she made the class really easy for us. She did seem to rush class a lot and sometimes seemed scatter-brained.”


“Dr. Priyantha is a very good professor and I am so glad I took this class with her.”


“Priyantha is a great professor, I am sad to be losing her. I would have recommended that other students to take her as a teacher. She is very understanding and willing to help her students.”


“Instead of answering the quiz questions for us, guide us and then let us determine it on our own”


“She has her own way to teach students about new materials and it helped student understand the class well.”


“She made learning the tough material interesting and fun.”


“Very good instructor.”


“She was the greatest! Wish she would teach more :/

Great class!”


“She is awesome! Will miss her a lot!”


“I think she is a very caring professor. She wants her students to do well and she goes above and beyond to makeherselve avalilable to them. One area she is challanged with is explaining the material so its easy to understand. We can read the book and do the examples on our own. It would be helpful to teach students techniques to solve the problems that are not in the text book. Or show techniques such as short cuts or other ways to work problems maybe things she learned how to do as an undergrade to learn the material. Maybe have RATs to evlaulate students understanding of the reading.”


“She is a very good professor who cares. Not many care about the students learning...she goes out of her way to help.”


“Dr. Priyantha is a great teacher!

I love Dr. Priyantha's quizzes--they were very clear and very helpful. I wish more professors gave quizzes like her.”


“We'll miss Dr. Priyantha next years and in the years to come. I wish her all the best and good luck.”


The University of Vermont