Barren Photointerpretation Keys

Click on one of the four barren sub-classes to view the keys. To find out more about the class hierarchy refer to the VCGI LULC codes.

Note: Class 71 (Salt Flats) is not present in VT.

Anderson et al. (1976):
Barren Land is land of limited ability to support life and in which less than one-third of the area has vegetation or other cover. In general, it is an area of thin soil, sand, or rocks. Vegetation, if present, is more widely spaced and scrubby than that in the Shrub and Brush category of Rangeland. Unusual conditions, such as a heavy rainfall, occasionally result in growth of a short- lived, more luxuriant plant cover. Wet, nonvegetated barren lands are included in the Nonforested Wetland category. Land may appear barren because of man's activities. When it may reasonably be inferred from the data source that the land will be returned to its former use, it is not included in the Barren category but classified on the basis of its site and situation. Agricultural land, for example, may be temporarily without vegetative cover because of cropping season or tillage practices. Similarly, industrial land may have waste and tailing dumps, and areas of intensively managed forest land may have clear cut blocks evident.