The Lumen Drew house, located at 274 Maple street, is a one and one-half-story, three by one bay house.1

Oriented to the south, its rectangular block mass is dominated by a polychromatic and patterned slate roof. The slate roof combines floral, diamond, and zigzag patterns in colors of green and red The Drew house is built on a stone foundation and is currently faced with rose colored clapboards. Fenestration of the façade is 2/2 sash windows symmetrically placed to each side of the central, three-panel entrance door with upper glass inset. The door has an elliptical door hood that is supported on two square posts. To the east is one 2/2 window at both the first and second levels. A rectangular bay window with one set of 1/1 sash windows at the north and south sides and a paired 1/1 window on the west, projects from the western elevation of the main house.

An attached, rear, two story, wing with a double shed-roofed dormer and an enclosed porch on the west side extends north from the main structure. Its fenestration has one 2/2 sash window of the first floor and windows on the east and wet sides of the second story and an exterior door with adjacent picture window to the right on the first story. Another attached ell contains an enclosed porch with two small jerkin head-roofed dormers face the east and the west. A garage is attached at the far north end of the building .2

The 1877 map shows the original peaked roof ell that extended out from the center of front of the house. 3  The scar of this part of the original building was detected when the house was resided in about 1990.  The map and the scars indicate that the front of the house originally extended into what is now the road right-of–way. 4

In 1899, Lumen A. and his wife Matilda conveyed the deed to Carrie Drew. In 1906, Carries drew sold the house to Levensaler A. (Assistant Superintendent of Streets) and Emma Walker. After Levensaler's death in 1929, Emma resided there until 1936. The residence then underwent twelve changes of ownerships. 5
1. Burlington City Tax Assessors Records
2. Burlington Historic Sites and Structures Survey, Vermont Division for Historic Preservation, 1977.
3. 1877 Bird's Eye map of Burlington
4. Information from current owner, 1/4/2007
5. Burlington City Directories, various years

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