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Smoking and Tobacco

We explore causes, effects, and beliefs surrounding cigarette use, focusing much of our research on cultural differences. Our goal is to contribute to reduced cigarette use, especially in vulnerable populations.

Current Research

Collaborating with the Vermont Center on Tobacco Regulatory Sciences to examine the impact of regulatory policies on smoking and tobacco use behaviors in vulnerable populations, Dr. Cepeda-Benito developed an interest in understanding tobacco use in rural populations and women of reproductive age.  

My students and I are collaborating with colleagues from the UVM Cancer Center and the UVM College of Engineering to develop computerized assisted intervention to help primary care physicians create a “teaching moment” to motivate long-term smokers to seek smoking cessation treatment and quit.

As governments, health officials, and the public have become aware of the health consequences of tobacco use, smoking prevalence has declined steadily and, in some countries, dramatically. However, in a recent trip to Spain Dr. Cepeda Benito became aware that after many years of successful declines in smoking prevalence rates, recent national surveys show smoking rates increasing among Spaniards. This unfortunate reversal deserves attention and my team is in the initial stages of exploring the reasons and circumstances behind this phenomenon. A preliminary hypothesis is that, in comparison to other developed countries, smoking has not been as stigmatized and remains a socially condoned if not welcome behavior. We will collaborate with Spanish investigators to conduct parallel/comparative studies related to tobacco use stigma and prejudice in Spain and the US. We also hope to recruit investigators from other countries to join our project. If interested, send us a message.

Our Presentation from the 2017 SRNT Annual Conference
