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Class of '31

Esther Pitts Peck of McKinney, Tex., wonders if there are any classmates nearby. Esther is blessed with good health and enjoys traveling and volunteering at the Heard Natural History Museum and a local hospital. Esther, a fourth-generation Iroquois Indian, lectures about her ancestors at schools and clubs. She wishes everyone good health. Marjorie Eisenwinter Eaton let us know that she is in good health and she enjoys visits from family and friends at Brookhaven Nursing Center in Massachusetts.32Isaac Fleischmann of Falls Church, Va., received the first Lifetime Achievement Award presented by the National Inventors Hall of Fame, of which he is a co-founder.

Class of '34

Many thanks for all the interesting news that has come in. Hilda Sturdevant wrote that she has a happy life at the retirement village where she lives. She still spends summers at her camp on Grand Isle. Hilda visits her daughter in Costa Rica for a month each winter. She also sees her son, Tom, several times a year and is very proud of his success with the Blockbuster Movie Game, which has been on the market since October 2000. In January, I had the chance to visit with our dear friends and neighbors at St. Petersburg Beach, Fla., our winter home for many years. I was glad to see Peg Congdon ’35, whose husband, Dick, was a member of our class. Peg lives in their home, near her daughter, Carol. I recently learned
that our classmate, Dorothy Thomas Parsons, who was living with her son and daughter-in-law in Essex Junction, Vt., is now in the Green Mountain Nursing Home in Colchester, Vt. I am sad to report that Kay Durick Lull passed away last March. She lived in Shelburne, Vt., with her daughter. I first knew Kay when we lived in Robinson Hall, which had its own dining room, with a few other women and a housemother. I attended the lovely memorial service that was held for her in Shelburne. Ada Ingalls Martin reported that hers is a three-generational UVM family, including daughter Marianne Martin Rogow ’68, grandson Todd Rogow ‘93, and granddaughter Maegan ‘01. Betty Lane Bradish wrote that, at 88 years old, she is happy to report that she is pretty healthy. Her three sons live nearby, and she is the proud great-grandmother of one. Thanks to all who sent in news for this issue. Keep up the good work!

Class of '35

I enjoyed a nice telephone visit with Rollie Delfausse recently. He and Kay enjoy frequent visits from their three children and seven grandchildren, who all live near their lakefront home. One granddaughter attends UVM’s College of Medicine. I received a letter from Bunny Miller Swift, who was cheerfully recovering at home after several days of hospitalization. Jimmy Kingsland had just recovered from surgery for a fractured hip when his wife, Ruth, had the misfortune of having a stroke following a coronary bypass operation. Ruth was back home and recovering well. I am sad to report that I recently lost two good friends, who were classmates for seven years at UVM, through medical school, Fletcher White and Harry Colombo.

Class of '36

Libby Downer was looking forward to our 65th reunion when she wrote in February.

Class of '37

It’s time to start talking about our 65th reunion. I plan to help, and perhaps other classmates will also get involved. Marguerite Bean Fiske hopes to join the committee. She lives in Florida and sends her best. Who will volunteer to be our class president and vice president? Start thinking Vermont. The snow is usually gone by June.

Class of '38

Your class news gatherer was tickled pink to hear from several members of the venerable class of 1938. Keep up the good work, classmates! Ruth Bronson Crockett, who lives in Hamden, Conn., reported visits last fall to her son in Idaho Falls, her daughter in Big Bear Lake, Calif., and another son in Yakima, Wash. Ethel Stroh Harris wrote of spending more time at her home in Sarasota, Fla., where she is near children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. “How lucky can you get,” asks Ethel. Mary “Kit” Draper Bailey, a widow for several years, continues to live in her home in Lexington, Mass. Kit has done considerable traveling abroad, and she has also written stories for children. Her current writing is on the subject of her childhood in the copper mining country in Nevada. Charlie Houghton retired more than 25 years ago after 30 years as an engineer with Hercules, Inc., in Glens Falls, N.Y. He has been a resident in a retirement home in Manchester, N.H., since his wife died in 1993. Charlie has two sons, both UVM alumni, as well as four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Beatrice “Bea” Ball Phillips has volunteered in a Wise Owl reading program at a school in Troy, Vt. Bea wondered if other classmates have been part of a similar program. Ethel “Babe” Starbird lives in a retirement community near Washington, D.C. For 26 years, she was with National Geographic, and for several years thereafter, she was involved in the ambitious project of upgrading an Edwardian house beside the lower Rappahannock River in Virginia. Babe noted that UVM alumni are very scarce in her neck of the woods. Quoting directly from Hastings Keith’s welcome postcard from his home in Monument Beach, Mass., “I’m ever more vigorously pursuing the prodigality of my profusions of pensions.” Following his report of an impending visit with his wife, Barbara, to Jamaica for the celebration of the marriage of a grandson, Damon Brink ’92, Hastings added, “Come and join me in the revelry of the new age.” Fred Gear and his wife, Ruth, continue to live in Farmington, “the garden spot of Connecticut.” He wrote that they’re healthy, happy, and reasonably prosperous. “Yowsah.”

Class of '39

Ruth Wimett spent six weeks in Sarasota, Fla., earlier this year. Hope to hear from more classmates for the next issue.

Class of '40

A few North Country residents emerged from the snow drifts to send news. I was glad to receive an email message from Dr. Dick Atkins, who recently retired, noting, “At 80 plus, it’s time to hang it up.” It was a pleasure to receive a letter from Dr. Ed Irwin, who provided helpful comments about UVM and its optimistic future. I was also delighted to hear comments from Bob Smith, Flossie Eaton, and Laura Dustan, all of whom are confident that (with apologies to T.S. Eliot) “All shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.” Charlie Utter, former class vice president, sent greetings to all from Westerly, R.I. It was a special pleasure, after more than 60 years, to have a telephone visit with Beatrice Marsac Radner, who is enjoying retirement in Maryland with her husband. I am happy to report that the three current recipients of the Class of 1940 Memorial Scholarship, a business major and two environmental science majors, are excellent students. The principal of the fund remains more than $112,000. It is always heartening to receive letters of appreciation from the students who are assisted by our scholarship. What a well-chosen investment by our class this has been and continues to be. All your gifts help make it happen. Keep up the correspondence by letter, email, or telephone. Everyone (well almost everyone) reads

Class of '41

Shirley Gray Stevenson retired as a medical social worker at St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn, N.Y., in 1993. Her husband, Nick, retired early due to macular degeneration, but he is an active volunteer with the Association for Macular Diseases. The Stevensons moved to The Windrows, a retirement community in Princeton, N.J. Their three married children and six grandchildren live in Alaska; Geneva, Switzerland; and New Paltz, N.Y.

Class of '42

Alice Reichman Chapman of Marion, Ind., still remembers many classmates, the great professors she had, and the beautiful UVM campus. Hope to hear from more classmates for the next issue.

Class of '43

As this is being written, your secretary and husband have survived another Vermont winter, “a doozey,” and wouldn’t live any place else. A couple of communications from classmates have brightened up the dreary winter days. A phone call from Bea Buttles recalled to mind waiting on tables at Robinson Hall, Grasse Mount, and Waterman. We did all three together. Bea reminded me of the time she was waiting on faculty, who were sequestered in a separate room, and somehow we forgot all about them for a rather lengthy period of time. When we finally remembered, they were very gracious and forgiving, albeit hungry, and we did not get fired. Bea is a retired junior high social studies teacher now living in Hampton, N.H. Most of her teaching career was in Newburyport, Mass., but she mentioned a period of two years when she taught overseas in Japan. She loved every bit of it. Ada Coats, who lives in Dona Ana, N.Mex., reported that she enjoys traveling around the western U.S. in an RV and attending Elderhostel programs. A communication from Robert Stockwell let us know that he has retired to Marco Island, Fla. In spite of his “advanced years” (just like everyone else in the class of ’43), he hopes to visit UVM one of these days. Let’s hope it will be for our 60th reunion…shouldn’t be snowing then. Keep the news coming. Think how sad you would be if you opened this publication, and it was blank under 1943!

Class of '44

Hi, everyone! Spring finally came, with snows receding fast and warblers flying toward Vermont and points north. I hope some of you were able to attend the Green and Gold Luncheon at Reunion, because it is there that we can see our friends from other classes. George Goldsmith and wife Sonia live in Sherborn, Mass. George is a professor emeritus at Boston College, and Sonia is retired as well. Their children, Lynn, who runs a business in Bedford, N.H.; Peter, dean of students at Oberlin College; Robert, director of administration at the Frick Collection; and Laurie, a preschool teacher, have given them six grandchildren, who receive lots of postcards from their grandparents’ extensive travel. Harriet Whitney Dodge of Boca Raton, Fla., is in very good health. She volunteers at her church’s busy thrift shop. Harriet traveled in Britain recently, where she met an old friend in Skipton, near Charlotte Bronte country. Malcolm Dana started out with our class, but, on a date he still remembers, February 27, 1943, he left for military service. He later graduated from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and pursued a career in horticulture for 35 years. The Danas have seven children and live in Cedarburg, Wisc. Priscilla Perkins Johnson lives in a different nursing home facility in Cranes Mill, N.J. Her husband, Paul, was with the Army Air Force at UVM when they first met. He has been in touch with Betty and Bishop McGill and Esther Gustafson Torberg and her husband. We remember Priscilla and Paul with admiration and wish them well in the year ahead. Pauline Clarke, M.D., a noted doctor, still practices part-time in Florida. She has cared for some of her patients for nearly 40 years, and they keep calling. Polly remembers many of us as well as classmates from the UVM Medical School class of ’50, including Olive Davies. Polly said, “We fish in Alaska regularly, play golf, no tennis when it’s hot, and enjoy trout fishing.” Hope to hear from more of you next time.

Class of '45

Ruth Redhead has been retired from teaching since 1993. She still enjoys dividing her time between Paris and Minneapolis, with an annual trip to Vermont. She enjoyed Reunion 2000 and seeing the campus so beautiful. Lorraine Luce Wright lives in a retirement community in Catonsville, Md. For the past 19 years, she has been a volunteer with the sexual assault/ domestic violence hotline, sometimes 100 hours a month.

Class of '47

Reading about the class of 1946’s 55th reunion reminds me to remind you that next year will be OUR 55th Reunion and that it’s not too early to start planning to be there. Barbara Snetsinger Sevy wrote that she is enjoying retirement and is busy being a docent at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. I wish I had more news to report, but I can’t report it if you don’t send it! Hope to hear from more of you for the next issue.

Class of '48

Hi, classmates! Please drop a line to a friend mentioned in this column. We need to stay in touch between reunions. After earning a PhD in biochemistry and teaching 30 years at the University of Delaware, John Wriston retired in 1985 as professor emeritus. He has four children and 10 grandchildren and is the author of Vermont Inns and Taverns, Pre-Revolution to 1925. Backpacking, teaching, and volunteering in the library provide him a busy and productive retirement. Carleton Sprague moved to Port Isabel, Tex., since his retirement from EG&G at Sandia National Laboratory. He has four children, and he enjoys playing golf daily, occasionally twice a day. Carleton traveled to Alaska and recommends it to all. Audrey Gutterson Batchelder sent greetings to UVM friends. She finds retirement enjoyable, giving her free time to serve in the state retired teacher organizations. Also retired is Art Camire of Richmond, Va., whose career was in retail. Art has six children and 12 grandchildren. He has traveled extensively and is a volunteer at the Virginia Aviation Museum and a driver for the elderly and incapacitated. Forrest Nelson retired to Florida after a career at Yale University. He has four children, and his hobby is “self-boating carefully executed between the famous Florida hurricanes.” Beverly Hall Post summers in South Burlington, Vt., and winters in Florida, since her retirement from Pediatric Associates. Her free time is spent knitting for charities, crafting, and playing bridge. The New Hampshire Legislature will lose a 28-year legislator when Marion Lamson Copenhaver retires. She plans to become active in the Grafton Country Conservation District and in the Grafton County Senior Citizen Council. Your class secretary, at age 70, discovered a new talent that won her first place in amateur watercolors at the New Mexico State Fair in 2000. I have since donated two watercolors to UVM and two to the Historical Society of Proctor, Vt. Richard Hall of Derby Vt., retired from North Country Union High School and has since traveled extensively throughout Western Europe. Nowadays, he plays golf, enjoys reading, and maintains a Christmas tree farm. Betty Whitney Bolgnani is retired from the UVM Extension System. She is actively involved in a family restaurant and an officer in 12 organizations around Readsboro, Vt. Betty traveled to Ireland, Italy, and many U.S. cities visiting children. She proudly announced the arrival of two great-grandchildren. Carol Clark Wheatley is retired from the Arlington, Va., school system and now lives in her childhood homestead in Glover, Vt. She has traveled to Alaska, England, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, and San Diego and Fort Lauderdale in the U.S. Her free time is divided between church, music, history, and her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Concetta Virgona Alberghini volunteers at Fletcher Allen Health Care and in the Reading Recovery Program in Burlington elementary schools. She has a grandchild attending UVM. Rebecca Corliss Chamberlin retired to Florida, where she and her husband, Willard, have built a home in North Port. Ann Tuttle Geary lives in Larchmont, N.Y., and summers on Cape Cod. She skis in the winter, this year, in Utah at Alta.

Class of '49

We received a news item that John “Dusty” Miller was among the veterans who recently were presented with the commemorative Medal of the Jubilee of Liberty, given to living veterans, who participated in Operation Overlord, The Invasion of Normandy, France during World War II. The original medal was awarded by the French government during the 50th anniversary of the invasion. Thanks to Bob and Barbara Freeman, Barbara Perry and Ralph Perry ’50 for encouraging John to send us this news.

Class of '50

Charles and I were again volunteer host couple for a month at the Northeast Regional Center of Heifer Project International, which helps the hungry attain a sustainable livelihood. We also took a ski trip to Utah in February with the 70+ Ski Club and recommend joining to anyone who likes to ski. Charles recently received a phone call from Bill Jasper, who lives in Tehachapi, Calif. They had a pleasant chat about their respective services in the Army and how busy retirement proves to be for each. Leonard Tomat of South Orleans, Mass., wrote that he was sorry to have missed our 50th reunion. He appreciated reading about our outstanding classmates in our memory book. Robert Looby of Shelburne, Vt., let us know that he enjoyed a trip to Hawaii recently. He will travel to Blarney in County Cork, Ireland, later this year for his daughter’s wedding. Doris Jones Fafunwa wrote from Nigeria that she found it a moving experience to see old classmates at our reunion last June. She and her husband, Bas, former federal minister of education in Nigeria, surely came from the farthest away. Doris is vice president of the organization that runs Child Life-Line, helping boys who formerly lived on the streets of Lagos. Robert Taisey wrote that after 47 years with a law firm, the predecessor of which he joined upon graduation from Cornell Law School, he joined Holland & Knight, LLP, in their newly-established New York office. Rather than retiring, he has embarked on a new career path, “so far so good.” Charles Carlton wrote about taking part in the annual meeting of the United Nations Association of Rochester, N.Y., where he presented an article reflecting on a 1948 bus trip some of us made with Professor Robert Long to visit the United Nations, which was then still at Lake Success, Long Island. Lillian “Bunny” Cotnoir Doyle wrote that she took part in an Elderhostel program that featured skiing in Utah at one of the venues of the 2002 Winter Olympics. She is looking for “serendipitous travelers wishing to join me in Italy and environs in the fall.” Her email address is lilliski@arn.net.” 51Raymond Gleim of Redding, Ga., wrote that the highlight of his year was visiting with his old friends and classmates, Ed and Betsy Bouton ’50. Col. Philip Kelsall and his wife, Eileen, are doing well in Fort Collins, Colo. Philip continues to play golf, despite having had angioplasty several times last year. Dorothy Post Stevens wrote from East Greenwich, R.I., that she enjoyed sailing her Nonsuch 30 Dexterity around Liberty Landing in New York City in the company of more than 50 others last summer. She also enjoys skiing at Sunday River, Maine, and Mount Sutton, Quebec, with an Elderhostel group. Dorothy visited her sister, Jean Post Lamphear, and husband Gil in Shelburne, Vt., last January, and she also visited her stepmother Persis Post in Bethel, Maine, who is “going strong at 93 years old.”

Class of '52

Ronald Ross of York, Pa., was among 800 supporters of Congressman Platt who went to Washington, D.C., for the Congressional swearing in ceremony. He reported that they also enjoyed viewing the historic sites. Trudy Wolf is enjoying her four grandchildren and life in Sugarbush, Vt. She is looking forward to having lots of classmates at our big 50th reunion in 2002. Hope that classmates will be in touch as we get closer to the big event. A seasonal poem from your secretary: What a winter with many a wondrous blanket of cold snow o’er all; Sprigs of spring green finally hearing nature’s call; Summer with its colorful flower array—hooray; Autumn is coming with a sea of red, yellow and gold to behold; For four seasons, an ever changing scene to be seen. 53Announcing an opening for a classmate to write our class column in Vermont Quarterly. It’s a fun job, contacting classmates and receiving news from old friends. Anyone interested should contact class president Frank Leary, c/o UVM Alumni Relations, 411 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401. Kimball Howes of Florence, Mass., who recently retired as trustee vice president of the Florence Savings Bank, loves his work in forensic engineering. He recently received an Outstanding Volunteer Citation from the Hampshire Community United Way.

Class of '54

William McKernan has retired after 40 years of working in the “Big Apple.” Classmates can now contact him via email at incorrig@aol.com. Your secretary was named Citizen of the Year by the Woodstock Historical Society last fall. I continue to do desktop publishing and other extracurricular activities. I have also been a member of the Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation Board, of which John Densmore ’51 is also a member.class of ‘55 secretary

Class of '55

George Gould wrote from Amarillo, Tex., “I will always appreciate UVM and what it did for me.” He is happy that he made the decision to keep strong ties to UVM. Joyce Thayer Rosenstein wrote that after living in Southern California for more than 40 years, she recently moved to the San Francisco East Bay area, where she enjoys being closer to her grandchildren. She continues to spend summers in Malletts Bay, Vt. Arlene Scher Leiter, executive director, will celebrate her 30th year at Community Synagogue in Rye, N.Y. Her son, who lives in New York City, recently became engaged. Arlene would love to hear from UVM friends. class of ‘56 secretary

Class of '56

We had a great time celebrating last June, and we would love to hear what more of you are doing. Send news, please! For nearly 18 years, Carol Brandt Frank has been a realtor in the Plainview, Syosset, and Woodbury area of Long Island. She has five grandchildren and is divorced. Pauline LeMoine Cleveland retired two years ago after 29 years of teaching. She now works part time in the Waverly, N.Y., library. Pauline enjoys traveling and visiting friends and former classmates. Frances Pedusey Johansen and her husband are now retired and busier than ever. They enjoy traveling and spending summers at their place in Tunbridge, Vt.

Class of '57

Roland and Rachel Thompson Burroughs of Underhill, Vt., met their children in Captiva, Fla., last February. They were joined by Robin Burroughs Simard ’85 and husband Al, Wendy Burroughs ’83 and husband Pat Audet, son Rand and wife Nancy, and Rebecca Burroughs Curry and husband Jon. The Burroughs also got together with Bob Carlson ’42 for some golf, and they visited with Charles Bailey ’57. They have eight grandsons.

Class of '59

Last February, I happened to meet for the first time Kristi Watson Phillips ’82 at a trade show in Columbia, S.C. Kristi is vice president of marketing at McIntyre and Company, a food distributor for the Carolinas. Since her days growing up in South Hero, Vt., followed by some years in Florida, Kristi and her family now live in Charlotte, N.C., and she would love to hear from old friends. It is refreshing to meet Vermont alumni in the Deep South.

Class of '60

Joan Loveridge-Sanbonmatsu had her first book of poetry published in 2001. She continues to teach an intensive English course to international students at SUNY Oswego. Joan and her husband plan to travel “down under” to Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania in March.

Class of '61

Ruth Engs-Franz of Bloomington, Ind., represented UVM at the inauguration of Lloyd Benjamin as president of Indiana State University last December. Marvin Vipler wrote from New York City that he and his wife, Elaine, are spending more time in the San Francisco Bay area, where their daughter, Julie, lives. Judith Conant Jarvis of Northfield, Vt., retired in June 2000, after 30 years of teaching. She and her husband, also a retired teacher, enjoy traveling and visiting children and grandchildren.

Class of '62

Robert Patterson has completed building his retirement home in west Texas near Big Bend National Park. His daughter, Caitlin, recently moved from Nairobi to Montreal to begin computer training. Robert would love to hear from UVM friends via email at webmaker@overland.net. Brenda “Bonnie” Burgess MacLean of Pittsford, N.Y., teaches in a middle school in Webster, N.Y. She enjoys keeping in touch with UVM friends and traveling to Vermont frequently. Charles Stevens recently retired to Lancaster, Pa., after 37 years of working on Wall Street. Anne “Anzi” MacLean Jacobs is a PhD candidate in human development/gerontology at the Fielding Institute in Santa Barbara, Calif. She anticipates graduating in July 2001.

Class of '63

For all of you skiers, this winter was the ski season of the century in Vermont. Over the holidays, my daughter, Kelly, her husband Chris, and I skied at Mad River. We had one perfect day, with good conditions and lots of sun. Charity Greenwood Henderson and her husband, Doug, both retired, are golf fanatics. Charity taught in Hinesburg, Vt., for more than 33 years. She loves email and was recently reunited with Jane Lague Triaureau, who lives outside of Paris. Charity can be reached at ddh@together.net. Sara Moreau Gear Boyd and husband Joe can be found on a golf course almost any time of year. Perhaps the Hendersons and the Gear Boyds can get together for a foursome in Vermont. Sara was re-elected committeewoman for Vermont and will serve another four-year term with the Republican National Committee. Sara is also the proud grandmother of three. Shirley Mumford Ferguson and I keep in touch, and we can’t believe that we have not yet gotten together in the three years that I have been back from Europe. Shirley, her children, Rob, Missy, and Jeff, and their dogs Quincy and Fairbanks sent greetings. Margo Smith Miller lives in San Diego, enjoying the wonderful West Coast weather, after 30 years of Vermont winters. She finds her job as an internal organization development consultant with the City of San Diego rewarding. Her daughter Stephanie, lives in London with her husband, Rob, and son Thomas. Son Tim lives in Essex Junction, Vt., with his wife and three children. She would love to hear from classmates at msm46@ home.com. Paul Woehlke has been vice president of support services at Lima Memorial Hospital in Ohio and director of the hospital’s foundation for the past 22 years. He and his wife, Genoveva, a registered nurse, have been married for 36 years. Their son, Erik, is a financial analyst with Bell and Howell, and son Kirk is a systems consultant with Microsoft. Paul works with two other UVMers: Jennifer Kane Smith ’88, a physical therapist; and Steven Romey ’76, an attorney on the board of directors of the Lima Family YMCA with Paul. Paul can be reached at paulwoehlke@hotmail.com. Ira Adelman is a professor in the department of fisheries and wildlife at the University of Minnesota. His email address is ira@fw.umn.edu. Richard Burgess retired from the language department at Needham High School in Massachusetts to work for Scottish Rite, Free Masonry as an assistant CEO. Richard extends an invitation to classmates visiting the Lexington/Concord area. Classmates, please continue to keep in touch.

Class of '64

In 1999, Jane Wenzel graduated from Pickens Tech with academic excellence, receiving a certificate for administrative assistant. She was also a volunteer at the Colorado Center for the Book. Francis Suitor sent greetings to the class of ’64. His family was blessed with their seventh grandchild in 2000. Francis keeps in touch with Vermont via ham radio, email, and yearly visits. He is glad that UVM is represented in the NHL by Martin St. Louis ’97. Phyllis Pheeney has been living in southwest Michigan for nearly 12 years and thoroughly enjoys the area. She is regional vice president at Arcadia Services, Inc., a national home care and staffing company. Brian Pease works part-time since retiring from the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in 1996. His wife will also retire soon. When he wrote, Brian had plans to sail to Bermuda in a single-handed race in June. He also noted that he has two easy mountains left to climb to complete all of the highest peaks in each state. Gerald Miner retired from the University of Illinois in 1999. He now operates his own business, Gem Engineering, Inc., involved in environmental engineering. Gerald lives in Florida during the winter and would like to hear from friends in either Illinois or Florida via email. Susan Gershen Bachner, an occupational therapist and certified environmental access consultant, provides evaluations and consultation in home modifications and products that promote safety, comfort, and accessibility. Carolyn McCarthy Doane enjoys the luxury of being a student again, studying psychology. She also enjoys skiing, biking, creating colorful gardens, and traveling with her children to experience other cultures.

Class of '65

Carmen Wessner West retired after 25 years with Hewlett-Packard. She and her husband, Tom, retired dean of engineering at Oregon State University, moved to Bend, Oreg., where they plan to pursue golf. Judith Godbout Harper and her husband are now living in Southport, N.C. Judith is currently head of Aetna’s office of employment dispute resolution. She will finish her career with Aetna in 2002, although she has been admitted to the North Carolina Bar in case she decides to pursue legal work. Melvyn Ravitz, M.D., is an ob/gyn physician in New Jersey. He and his wife, Lori, have four children: Nikki, a University of Florida graduate who works for Lowes Hotels; Jill, a University of Miami graduate and stockbroker; Nathan, a University of Michigan graduate and computer programmer; and Natalie, a senior at
the University of Michigan. Donald Grossman, M.D., is the medical director of AmeriHealth in New Jersey. He and his wife, Joan, have six grown children. They enjoy skiing in Vermont, golfing, biking, and traveling. Jamie Clinton Detweiler continues to live in the San Diego area in Del Mar, Calif. She and her husband, Rich, enjoy traveling and playing golf. Their daughter graduated from Middlebury College, and she makes her home in Middlebury.

Class of '66

David Hosmer of Pelham, Mass., wrote that he and his wife, Trina, are still working at UMass Amherst and are engaged in cross country ski racing (master’s division). They also bought a townhouse in Stowe, Vt., and enjoy spending time there. Walter Lehneis was recently appointed president of Diamond Crystal Brands. Walter, who makes his home in Savannah, Ga., just became a grandfather for the first time. He is very proud of little Walter IV. Last summer, Joyce Smith and 10 others spent two weeks in the Andes Mountains teaching writing, English as a second language, teamwork, sewing, and woodworking to 30 children at an orphanage in El Cobre, Venezuela. She encourages others to consider similar efforts. Joyce is in her 24th year as consumer and textile sciences faculty at the Ohio State University. For the past several years, she has been involved in research on sun protection and skin cancer. Thomas McEntee is a principal scientist in the national intelligence
division of the MITRE Corporation in McLean, Va. He received his PhD in organic chemistry at the University of Colorado in 1972, and he joined MITRE in 1986. Thomas lives with his family in Leesburg, Va. I look forward to receiving your news. Please write or email me at the above address.

Class of '67

Anthony Rishe, his son, Nicholas, and daughter Natalie are living in California. Anthony is a manager at Xerox, working on their major account, Global Services Group. Natalie is a senior at the University of Nevada, Reno, and Nicholas will attend the University of California, Santa Cruz, this fall.

Class of '68

Paul Sackevich wrote to tell us that he continues to serve as pastor for three southern Vermont parishes: Chester, Proctorsville, and Londonderry. He finds the area a great place for prayer and Christian hospitality. Paul recently celebrated his 17th year of ordination. Please send us your news…we want to hear from you…it’s lonely out here without you.

Class of '69

William Howard wrote from Edmond, Okla., that his daughter, Sara, received her R.N. degree and was married in July 2000. Son Zachary is a senior in creative writing at Ithaca College. William rarely gets back to Vermont, but he misses the Green Mountains.

Class of '70

Ann Nevin joined the Arizona State University West College of Education in 1991 after having served on UVM’s faculty for 22 years. In 2001, she was awarded the ASU West Achievement Award for Research, Scholarship, and Creativity. David Benjamin wrote that his CV now contains more than 100 presentations and publications. He teaches clinical pharmacology and legal medicine at Tufts Medical School and the Harvard Medical School risk management program. David was elected Fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology, the American College of Legal Medicine, and the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Jeanne Semer Purzycki keeps busy on Boston’s North Shore as the author of five textbooks for the travel industry and hospitality, as editor with a dot.com company called TripResearch, as executive director of Harcourt Learning Direct, and as a full-time college administrator in financial aid at North Shore Community College. She would love to hear from classmates via email at jpurz@aol.com. Sharon “Sherry” Jones Peterson and her husband, Bill, both serve the senior citizens of Virginia. Sherry is director of the Greater Richmond Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, and Bill is deputy commissioner of the Virginia Department for the Aging.

Class of '71

We left off last time awaiting the results of the Academy Awards. I’m sure you’re all aware that David Franzoni’s film, Gladiator, won in the best picture category. Speaking of the West Coast, I’ll be traveling to San Francisco to visit Bill Allard. He’s already thinking about our reunion and looking forward to seeing everyone. Bill wanted us to check out the Web site splurch.com, and he also has a book splurch.com coming out. ’71’ers are coming out of the woodwork these days! In my UVM travels, I’ve met with Bill Davis, who’s living in Stowe and working in Waterbury. His daughter, Heather, is a UVM student. I also met with Peter Spear in town and learned more about his consulting business. Susie Campbell, Joanne Czachor Magliozzi, and I had dinner in the Boston area and talked more about Dick Peisch. Suzie’s son, Nick, will be attending UVM next year. I continue to get press releases about Envirologix, Bruce Ferguson’s company, which has developed state-of-the-art ways to detect genetically-modified products. At press time, we’re hoping that son Sam comes to UVM in the fall. Jim O’Brien was too busy to see me on my last visit to Boston, but I’m hoping he’ll write in and let us know what he’s been up to in his medical practice. Mary Soule Wright is currently a school nurse in Bangor, Maine. Husband George is a neurologist in Bangor. They have four children: George IV, who graduated from Middlebury; Anne, who attends Middlebury; Timothy, who attends West Point; and Stewart, who graduated from Hamilton College this year. Elaine Fauteaux Pinckney lives in Williston, Vt., with her husband and two sons. She is the principal at Williston Central School. Harvey Bogin has a general dentistry practice in Winfield, Ill., a Chicago suburb. He and his wife, Pamela, will celebrate their 28th anniversary this year. They have twin daughters, Sarah and Melissa. Milo Shelley called in and is wondering how Jay Stearns is doing in the Boston area. Milo is still with Gallo Winery and continues to collaborate on books about corporate hiring practices. More about his books in a future issue. Milo’s middle daughter will be attending UC Davis in the fall. I ran into Lydia Horsford Hibbard at the Shelburne IGA; her daughter Morgan is also at UVM. Jason Robards ’73, who really should be ’71, wants to do our reunion in New York. He’s putting everyone up, with dinner at Chanterelle thrown in. In the meantime, our fearless leader Myron Grauer is gearing up for our real reunion in June ’02 on campus. Could someone please clue in Bob Hawes, our second in command, about when and where our reunion is?

Class of '72

Robert Riesenberg, of Chappaqua, N.Y., produced Mr. Bo Jangles, starring Gregory Hines, which premiered on Showtime last February. He also produced the holiday Hallmark Hall of Fame special. Michael Scrofani and Robin, his wife of nearly 28 years, are enjoying their “empty nest” in Libertyville, Ill. Daughter Alyssa will graduate from Vanderbilt, while son Sam is at CU-Boulder. Michael continues his career as a school psychologist and family counselor. He began working with children while at UVM, where he was a “Big Brother” to a young Vermont foster child.

Class of '73

Elaine Potter Prescott lives in Charlotte, Vt., and has been teaching in Burlington since 1973. She enjoys skiing at Mad River Glen with her husband and children. Cheryl Smith Kelly sent greetings from Reed City in West Central Michigan. She is in her 14th year of teaching at an alternative high school, which she says has been a great experience. She sent greeting to Pam Gillman, Karen Richardson, Carolyn Garland, Melissa Malcolm, “and all my other ’73 classmates.” Her email address is ckelly@moisd.k12. mi.us. Robert Skinner is building custom and reproduction houses in Acworth, N.H. He has two sons in college and another on the way. Daughter Paige is a high school freshman. Lois Farnham wrote that she was part of
a landmark case, Baker v. State of Vermont, and she entered into a civil union with Holly Puterbaugh, a lecturer in the math department, on July 1, 2000, the first day it became legal. Several UVM faculty, alumni, and friends were among the more than 200 guests who attended the service at the First Congregational Church in Burlington. Louis Pfeifle and his twin brother, Hank, spent their 50th birthday in St. Lucia last February along with Louis’ wife, Gail Hayn (’71) Pfeifle, and Hank’s wife, Beth Bland (’72) Pfeifle. Hank and Beth live near Portland, Oreg., while Louis and Gail live near Portland, Maine, where their son, Sam, was recently named manager of the Portland Phoenix newspaper.

Class of '74

Bernard and Elsa Carlson (’70) Bingel of Endicott, N.Y., proudly welcomed their first grandson, Carleton David Bingel. Elsa teaches in a multi-age classroom, and Bernie is a program manager with BAE Systems. Joan Fels Stone lives in Harrison, N.Y., with her husband and three children: Heather, a Harvard senior; Edward, a Harvard freshman; and Eric, a high school sophomore. Joan continues to sell real estate in the Rye/Harrison, N.Y., area. Ann Geller Danziger of Wayne, N.J., has been coaching a talented high school gymnastics team that won the County Championship again this year. She wrote, “It is really special that my daughter, Crescent, is a star performer and leader. Working together is a pleasure.” John “Pepper” Redd recently started a new business in the Mount Snow, Vt., area, Skihome Realty. Wayne Richardson and his wife, Carol, have lived in Goffstown, N.H., for the past seven years. He became the building inspector for the town of Bedford, N.H., and was promoted to department head as building and health code official. Marie Gilman Robbins and husband Tom make their home in White River Junction, Vt. Marie is nurse manager for the ob/gyn clinic at DHMC in Lebanon, N.H. She would love to hear from classmates.

Class of '74

Greetings from Vermont! I hope that by the time this is published the snow will have melted up here. Winter did not want to let go this year. News from our class is sparse this quarter. Feel free to send me an email message with your news, and I will include it in the next column. Will Gordon and his wife, Kris, welcomed the birth of their daughter, Nevin Lee, on December 16, 2000 in Walnut Creek, Calif. Will recently joined Adventis Co. as vice president and head of the San Francisco office. Susan Spackman Jones wrote that it is hard to believe that she has been working at Dartmouth Hitchock Medical Center in the intensive care nursery for the past 21 years. Son Josiah is a student at Gordon College in Wenham, Mass., and son Geoffrey is involved in drama at Mid Vermont Christian School. She wrote that he is also in driver’s ed, “which is scary.” Son Alec, a fourth grader, loves to read and is “very talkative.” Lynnette Stahlin Robillard retired after 20 years in nursing. She lives in Boca Raton, Fla., with her husband, Mark, an American Airlines pilot, and their two sons, Robert and James, both adopted from Russia. Lynnette, whose email address is bocarobeys@ aol.com, would love to hear from her Alpha Delta Pi sisters. She would also enjoy hearing from Lonnie Larrow and Nancy Parenteau. Candace Gauthier Delagasse works for the state of Washington, monitoring the Forster Children’s Healthcare Program.

Class of '76

Jane Smith wrote that after four years of editing a regional magazine, she is now the Online communications manager for the NE division of the American Cancer Society in Framingham, Mass. Her husband, John Reilly, a graduate of Bowdoin College, is a senior vice president at MFS in Boston. They live in Southborough, Mass., with their sons, Ben and Chris. Bob and Judy Freeman (’77) Wilkenfeld continue to enjoy living in the San Francisco area with their two teenagers who keep them busy. Bob enjoys hiking and biking, and, when Judy is not driving the boys around, she plays tennis. Last summer, they played tour guide for Andrea and Peter Bonner. Christopher Williams of Parker, Colo., still plays hockey once a week. He came back to UVM for the graduation of his nephew, Geoffrey Robertson ’00, and he had a great time. Chris continues to practice architecture in Colorado, and he invites classmates to call him if they are visiting the area. Paul and Lydia Monsivais Alberghini continue to live in Cumberland, Maine. Paul has his own wireless communication consulting business, and Lydia is a discharge planner at Mercy Hospital. They have three children, the oldest of whom is a freshman at UVM. Andrew Follett lives in Burlington, Vt., with his wife, Annie, and son Avery. He was looking forward to our reunion when he wrote in February.

Class of '77

Hilde Sheftel wrote from Seattle, Wash., “Supporting UVM energizes.” Mark Letourneau is a professor of English at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah. His textbook, English Grammar, which he used for teaching spring semester, was published in November 2000. Patricia Boyd Johnson and her husband, Peter, of Alpharetta, Ga., are excited to have purchased property on Lake Champlain. They are looking forward to beginning construction on their new home soon.

Class of '78

By the time you read this, your wandering class secretary will have relocated to Las Vegas, Nev., where my husband Mark has accepted a position as a junior chef at a Mobil Five-Star Restaurant, called “Picasso,” located in the awesome Bellagio Hotel. The world-famous chef, Julian Serrano, will be his mentor. This is a complete career change for Mark and a whole new lifestyle for us (gulp!). We hope our two doggies can stand the 110-degree summers. If ANYONE reading this lives in or near Las Vegas and can give me any advice, tips or job leads, I would be most grateful. Please contact me via email. Here’s the latest in class news: I heard from Daniel Johnson, who is presently living in Breckenridge, Colo. Daniel reports that he lived in Europe before moving to Australia. He was in Melbourne for more than 10 years, but he never continued on as a civil engineer. Daniel is the author of a remarkable 11 books, several of which have been translated into numerous languages and have been best sellers in a number of countries. His expertise is in guest service. Daniel moved to Breckenridge five years ago, and he has a market research and training company, called Resort Loyalty. He skis with Kirk Dice, who also lives in Breckenridge. Bob Chodos got Daniel and Kirk together on the slopes, although Bob currently lives in Chicago. Doug Lyons, who lives in Moretown, Vt., came out and skied powder with Daniel last winter. Daniel asked that UVMers contact him at johnson@ vail.net. Catherine Call Desautels reported that she and husband Tom live in Richmond, Vt., with their five daughters, Kaitlyn, Kiesha, Kimberly, Alison, and Emily. Joyce Wagoner Ames wrote that she lives in Virginia now. She noted, “Aside from being cheated of appreciable snowfalls, life in Virginia is great. We are a stone’s throw away from Washington, D.C., so there is always a lot going on. Nat and I and our two teens, Justin and Meghan, have a small Christmas tree farm in the mountains of Virginia as a side business. We love the escape to a quieter pace of life.” Margaret Staple Munt wrote that she is still teaching in Williston, Vt., Her daughter, Vanessa, who graduated in the spring and lives in Florida, is also a primary school teacher. Kathleen Schultz Nichols received her MBA at Boston University with a health care emphasis. She is currently a nursing home administrator in a non-profit, 180-person facility in Williamstown, Mass. Kathleen wrote that she loves work and loves Vermont. That’s all the class news I have received since our last publication. Please write to me so that I can publish more of YOUR news, your accomplishments, even your whereabouts, so that classmates can reminisce and get in touch with you. It is such a treat to hear from classmates. I even got a quick IM (instant message) from Eric Albin very late one night while we were both surfing the net instead of going to sleep as we should have been. Happy summer to all!

Class of '79

Spring came late to Vermont this year, but thankfully, summer is upon us. Thank you to all who sent in class notes over the past few months. Carol Bengis wrote from Weston, Mass., where she is enjoying life with her husband and five-year-old daughter Sarah. Carol has started her own marketing consulting company, working with area financial institutions. Gregg Bowering is living in Rochester, N.Y., and employed as a custom homebuilder. Michael and Lisa Goff (’80) Pajolek have just completed building a new home in Osterville, Mass., and they keep busy with their four children and spending time with close UVM friends. Lori Brandon Rennels is living in Boiling Springs, Pa., where she is a full-time mom to three lively boys. I received word recently that Christine O’Donnell has been diagnosed with amytrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a fatal and degenerative neuromuscular disorder. Chris is from Upper Makefield, Pa. She stopped working as an orthopedic surgeon last July. Chris was actively involved throughout the years as an alumnae representative and a good friend to many of us in Pi Beta Phi. I spoke with her very recently and expressed my interest in sharing with all our fellow classmates her active participation in the Greater Philadelphia chapter of the ALS Association. If you are interested in making a donation in her name, please contact Nancy Venner, the chapter’s director of development, at nancy@alsphiladelphia.org. A recent fundraiser with Chris, her husband Bob, their two children, and the local community of Newtown raised $130,000 for research because there is presently no cure. Chris, I, along with many of our mutual friends, wish you strength.

Class of '80

Mary Feenan Peloquin lives in North Brookfield, Mass., with her husband, Mark, and daughter Kate. After having taught nearly every grade in elementary school, she now teaches in a transitional (kindergarten-first grade) class and loves it. Gary and Kim Watts Nicksa are living in Wellesley, Mass. 2001 finds Kim still teaching nursery school and playing chauffeur to Sarah and Jeffrey. Gary began a new job as senior vice president of finance and administration with the Chickering Group in Cambridge, Mass. The Nicksas get together with Jan Waterman Cohen, Pam Rogal Zlota ’81, Betsy Faunce Andrews ’81, and Nancy Lee Monroe often during the year. Lisa Hotte Kelley is pursuing an MS degree in nursing at UVM and a CNM certificate from the University of Rhode Island, through a new joint program between UVM and URI. Her oldest daughter, Kristen ‘01, majored in math. Lisa would like to hear from other Tri Deltas and wondered, “Lynn Hollings, where are you?” William Reilly was recently appointed broker manager of Frances Billingsley Realty, Inc., the largest independently-owned real estate firm in northern Westchester County, N.Y. William, his wife, and three children spend most of their free time raising Labrador puppies for Guiding Eyes for the Blind in Yorktown, N.Y. Kathy Newton Whiting teaches in the radiography program at Champlain College, which she has found to be a very enjoyable experience. James Belaski is superintendent of construcion and maintenance at Quechee Lakes Development Company. He recently completed 20 years in the Vermont Army National Guard, currently assigned as intelligence and operations officer at 186 Forward Support Battalion in Northfield, Vt. Col. Susan Johl Potter of Wilton, Conn., retired last May after 20 years in the U.S. Air Force Active Reserve, eight on active duty. Susan is a registered dietitian.81Blair Edgerton wrote that he was able to listen to the Hockey Cats via the internet last season. He said it felt like it was 20 years ago when he heard all the cheering when the Cats scored the winning goal against Clarkson in overtime. Ann McGovern MacAdam and her husband, Don, live in Canton, Mass. Ann does composting outreach for the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. She wrote, “My father would be very pleased to know that my UVM education helped prepare me for a job that didn’t even exist when I was a student.” She would love to hear from SNR alumni in the Boston area. Martha Davidowicz is living in Tempe, Ariz., and working as a nurse practitioner for a homeless children’s shelter. Caroline Drye Taylor became a certified orthopedic clinical specialist in physical therapy last year. She welcomed her second daughter, Laura Eileen, on January 28, 2001. Mary Bowditch-Allen, her husband, and children Sophie, Emily, and Henry spent nearly four years in Cairo, Egypt, before returning to their house in Boulder, Colo. Mary wrote, “The experience in Egypt was wonderful. We visited incredible sights, including the pyramids, and met many fascinating new friends.”

Class of '82

Matthew Purcell and his wife, Cornelia, celebrated the birth of their second son, Alexander, born August 28, 2000, after a week at Lake Winnipesaukee water skiing and playing golf with Paul Giegerich and Peter Noordsij. Shelby Marston-Ainley wrote from Los Angeles to “send a heartfelt thank you to my wonderful UVM buddies for their kind sympathy cards sent after the death of my mother. What a generous and thoughtful group. They made a difficult time easier.” Amy Aronoff Blumkin wrote that Wendy Reservitz ’83 came to Florida to visit her and her family. They had a great time catching up and visiting theme parks. Pamela Carlo Baer, husband Bob, and daughter Allison had a wonderful Christmas present last year. Baby Kenneth Robert was born on December 11, 2000. The Baers are happy to be back living in Maryland, where they are closer to their UVM friends. Paul Rachlin joined the law firm of Proskauer Rose LLP in New York as a partner in the corporate department.

Class of '83

Lisa Campisi Casey sent greetings from Pasadena, Calif. She has three children, Dillon, Maggie, and Ryan. Claire Finger Spofford was recently promoted to vice president of brand management at The Timberland Company, responsible for overall brand building and for the development of long-term and annual marketing objectives, strategies, and volume-driving plans for all Timberland brands. Claire began her tenure with the company in 1993. Freeman Hazen has recently divorced, and he now shares the joys and perils of raising his daughter, Katie, in Pittsburgh. Freeman built a music studio and has been playing rock and roll. He is generally in age denial, “too old to rock and roll, too young to die.” Michael Rudman, M.D., is medical director of the pain management center at Morristown Memorial Hospital in New Jersey. He lives in Short Hills with his wife, Judy, and their children, Alexander, Gregory, and Madeline. Last March, Michael went skiing in Utah with classmates Craig Benson, Rick Schill, and Jeffrey Trembley. Kristina Sandock Palomba is busy in Shrewsbury, Mass. She reported that most of her time is spent as a member of the school committee and as an active volunteer in her children’s classrooms. Kristina keeps in touch with Toni-Lynne Rafanelli Kittredge, who continues to practice law in Chelmsford, Mass.

Class of '84

Rob and Mary Harper Ross proudly announced the birth of their third daughter, Carolyn, on October 24, 2000. Carolyn joins her sisters, Sarah and Shelley, in the family’s Oceanside, N.Y., home. Jeffrey Alpert of Mill Valley, Calif., was looking for other UVMers on the slopes in Squaw Valley last winter. Marc Tell and his wife, Julie, live happily in Woodbury, N.Y., with their children, Linda Rose, Sam, and Hannah Rae. Marc sees Lisa Speiser Bogen, Gary Kaplan ’85, and Doug Schultz ’85 occasionally, and he attended the wedding of David Healy ’83 last year. Marc is looking for Wendy Felligal, Peter Butteri ’83, and Erik Johnson ’85. Natalie Ciccariello wrote from Horseheads, N.Y., that she had a wonderful education at UVM and years later the experience still stands out in her mind. Mary Coughlin Young of Pearland, Tex., graduated from the Mid Atlantic Professional Feldenkrais Training Program last March, which improved her physical therapy skills for helping babies and neurology and orthopedic patients. William and Helen Swanson Weigel moved to York, Maine, with their children, Kenny, Lindsay, and Erica. They spend weekends skiing, sailing, biking, hiking, kayaking, and canoeing. Bill works for Celestica, an electronics manufacturing services company, and he heads a Hewlett Packard division and a fiber optics project. Helen works at home.

Class of '85

Hi, everyone. By the time you read this, we will have had our reunion. I want to thank everyone who joined us on campus and everyone who was not able to make it but wrote in telling us what is going on in his or her life. Well, now that it’s summer, people seem to be out and about with no time to write. Nancy Jo Miner Marciniak told me that she and her wonderful husband, Mike, have been living in Florida for the past 12 years. Nancy and Mike enjoy fishing and boating with their two beautiful children, Mikey and Natalie. Jane Hunt let me know that she is living in Brattleboro, Vt., and renovating her newly-purchased home with her fiancé. She is still a part-time bartender at Mort’s, so old friends should stop by and say hi to Jane. Rebecca Dilworth wrote that she and her husband are living in Falmouth, Maine, with daughters Caroline and Lucy and new baby son Nicholas. Rebecca will indefinitely be taking time off from her therapist job to be an at-home mom. I heard from Dara Diamant Silverberg, who married Dr. Eric Silverberg (“the best man in the universe”) last November in Summit, N.J. Dara works in publishing as the assistant manager of editorial production for Travel Weekly, based in Secaucus. Dara and Eric live in Clifton, N.J. I also heard from Laurie Fife, who told me that she has been living and working on Cape Cod for eight years. Laurie is a technical service manager for a biotechnology company. Jill Soltys Schildkamp moved to Fairfield County, Conn., and she enjoys being a stay-at-home mom. She and her family get to Vermont often because their favorite pastime is skiing, “and, of course, après ski activities.” Rich Gold was made an equity partner at Holland & Knight in Washington, D.C. He has taken over as head of the firm’s Washington lobbying group.

Class of '86

Our 15th reunion was a great time to see old friends, make new ones, and enjoy UVM and the Burlington area. Thanks to our reunion committee and the folks in the Alumni Office whose hard work and support made the events possible. On the news front, James Walker wrote to announce that he and his wife, Joanna, are the proud parents of twins Nicholas and Grace. Margaret Brigham is married and living in Hamden, Conn. She has three children and is working part-time as a family nurse practitioner. Elizabeth Weiland Hughes recently moved from New Hampshire to the Columbus, Ohio, area. She is an “at-home mom” with three boys: Dan, Jack, and Matthew, who was born on October 2, 2000. Llynne Carpenter Kiernan wrote to say that, in the fall of 1998, she and her husband, Joe, moved back to Randolph, Vt., where they live with their children, Erin and James. They both work at the Gifford Medical Center, where Llynne is a registered nurse, and Joe is a general surgeon. Adrian Villaruz is training to become a helicopter flight instructor in Eugene, Oreg. After leaving the U.S. Forest Service, he is also now working in a position fueling and servicing airplanes.

Class of '87

Hi, everyone! We had a great “mini” class of ’87 reunion at the UVM black tie party at the Plaza Hotel in early March. The event was fantastic, extremely well attended, and a great way to catch up with a lot of people I hadn’t seen in a long time. At our table was Dave Crowley (who had flown in from Washington, D.C.), Phil Gorrivan, Ed and Michelle Pinter Howe, Ellen Berkowitz Klein, Lisa Lewis, and Ken Mazur. We all had a great time at cocktails, dinner, dancing, and honoring several outstanding alumni. Next time (if there is a next time), I hope to see more of our class attend. By the time all of you read this, our official reunion in June will have come and gone. I look forward to the next issue when I can update you on the events of the weekend. Cindy Bullis Vasco wrote (“for the first time in 15 years”) that she was married in June 2000 to Kevin, who was a good high school friend. She is back in DC working at Washington Hospital Center as a nurse practitioner in cardiac surgery. Cindy still keeps in touch with Greer Green ’88, Jennifer Kohnen McNair, and Julia Larson, among others. Jennifer Mongeon Eisenlau and her husband Skip ’85 are thrilled with the birth of their son, George, born December 27, 2000. The baby’s favorite babysitters are Rebecca Mongeon ’88 and Deb Wilson Kelly ’88. Dara Levine was looking forward to seeing everyone at our reunion in June. She also wrote that Meg Servais Mangan opened her own interior design company “Mango Design” on Greenwich Avenue in Greenwich, Conn. Dara herself is currently director of corporate services at the Burgundy Wine Company in New York City. Stacy Shields Shill is thoroughly enjoying the four seasons of Maine with her husband Weber and two young daughters. They go skiing in winter and boating and water skiing (around lobster buoys) in the summer. Laura Weiner Esterow, who currently lives
in Scarsdale, N.Y., wrote that she has been looking forward to our reunion. Michael Wright owns a sports insurance and consulting company in Marietta, Ga. He and his wife Sally just had their third child, Patrick, born October 11, 2000, who joins their other children, Meredith and Andrew. Kevin Silva spent several years as a petroleum geologist before going to medical school at UTMB in Galveston, Tex. He is currently back in New England doing his residency in internal medicine at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. Katherine Bradley owns and operates three out patient orthopedic clinics in Essex, Milton, and St. Albans, Vt.

Class of '88

Peter Haywood has been living and working in Chelmsford, Mass. He and his wife, Beth, have three daughters, Anna, Sophie, and Ingrid.

Class of '89

Happy summer! Hope this finds everyone in relaxation mode with long days and warm, sunny weather. Scant news this issue, but interesting all the same. Congratulations to Maureen Kelly Gonsalves, who had a baby boy, Daniel John, in March. He was born just 16 days shy of his mom’s favorite holiday, so she was able to make it out on St. Patrick’s Day. Mark and Courtney Terrien (’91) Kagan live in Charlestown, Mass., and are looking forward to Courtney’s 10th reunion, despite the lack of The Last Chance as a meeting spot. Laura Curry Dukat and her family will be enjoying the next year and a half in Hawaii as work has sent them there. Andrew and Amy Ruger (’92) Whiteley had a second son, James Stratford Whitely, in November 2000. He joins older brother, Thompson. The Whiteleys, who live in Fairfield, Conn., see Pilar and Michael Solimene ’92 quite often. Natalie Halle Mason lives in Sudbury, Mass., with her husband and two children. She is home with her kids and enjoys playing tennis and skiing. John and Mary Abele-Austin and their son, Jacob, live in Middlesex, Vt. Mary enjoys both being at home and her part-time work promoting writing and literacy around the state. Last year, she presented at the National Science Teachers Association meeting in Orlando, Fla. Bryn Fenton lives in Sunnyvale, Calif., with her husband of three years. She worked at CISCO for five years and loves the California weather and lifestyle. Bryn keeps in touch with Eva Fettig, Craig Morlang, Ro Pierce, Jeff “Chaos” Gentes, Matt Scribner, Scott Merrilland, George Baschinski, and Elizabeth Bell. Felicia Thornton Herman recently relocated from Ohio to New Hampshire. She is happily at home with her daughter and son and works part-time. Congratulations to Jeffrey and Deirdre Lynch (’90) Folsom on the birth of their daughter, Madeline Lily, on December 2, 2000. Thanks to all who let us know what’s up in their lives! It is always good to hear how everyone is and what they are doing. Have a great rest of the summer and be sure to email me with your news!

Class of '90

After 10 years in Hawaii, Tanya Miller decided she’d had enough of paradise, so she moved back to New York last November, just in time for winter. She now works in the family business, Westlake Marina in Montauk, with her brother, Chris ’91. Chris was married to Julie Aster on June 3, 2000, in a ceremony on a cliff overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Siobhan Nilan was recently transferred to Amsterdam, Netherlands. She has enjoyed working for Intel, and she continues to find her work in logistics challenging. Jessica Levine Zych and husband, Kevin, make their home in Weston, Conn. She attended the UVM field hockey alumnae weekend last March, along with Tara Feeney Bennett and Paige Erikson Kaleita. Kara Pitkin Brechwald enjoyed a great “girls’ weekend” with Kim Mitchell, Jenn Bock, Jenn Sparzynski, Triera Putman, and Judy McHale. They had a great weekend snowshoeing, skiing, and reminiscing
in Park City, Utah. Jonathan and Elizabeth Bohn (’91) Scharf have moved back to Vermont and now make their home in Middlesex. Jonathan works as a data analyst in Montpelier, while Liz stays at home with their son, Ethan. Monique Chamberlain of Ferrisburgh, Vt., was promoted to offshore and wardrobe production manager at Vermont Teddy Bear. She coordinates the purchase of raw materials and outfits from offshore and domestic sources and manages the wardrobe production staff and the department budget.

Class of '91

Cynthia Werhand recently bought a house in Portland, Oreg., built in 1913. She and her partner, Sandy Sadowitz, held their ceremony of union in their new living room
on October 29, 2000, surrounded by friends and family. Susan Belmonte Langenheim and her husband are building a house in the Berkshires of Massachusetts, after having spent four years in Jackson Hole, Wyo. She married Hal Langenheim in September 1999, and Tara Fleming Patterson, Kristy White Trask, and Elisa Oballe ’90 were in attendance. Susan works as an ICU/CCU RN. Tim Cohen and his wife, Christina, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Kaitlyn Elizabeth, on July 11, 2000. The family lives in Boston, and they are doing great. Rob Mocarsky is serving in the Peace Corps, developing environmental education programs for the secondary level. He married Katya Koryulina of Russia in Petispalovski, Kazakhstan, on February 20. Amy McKeen Merchant lives in Eastern Connecticut with her husband, Scott and daughter, Abigail. She is an RN supervisor at an adult day center, part of United Community and Family Services. Amy wrote, “Juggling home and work responsibilities is challenging, but worth it.” Tammy Greenwood received an MA in English from Northern Arizona University in 1994 and then went on to earn an MFA in creative writing in 1996 at the University of Washington. Tammy currently has two novels in bookstores, Breathing Water and Nearer Than the Sky. Tammy and her husband, Patrick Stewart, live in San Diego.

Class of '92

Hello, classmates from 1992! I must apologize for having lost the last set of notes you all sent in. I suppose I could blame it on loss of brain cells as we all are entering our 30’s, but realistically I can only attribute it to lack of sleep and forgetfulness. I left my computer on my commuter train in London and surprisingly someone felt the need to take it. So thanks for the new news below. If anyone has sent things in that are not printed here, please resend them, and I promise to get them in the next issue. Take care and be well. Wendy Williamson Sullivan and her husband, Tim ‘93, G’95, welcomed a son, William Asher on July 23, 2000. They already have two daughters, Kendall and Emma. Wendy and Tim moved to Hopewell, N.J., in October 2000. Tim is a production editor at Princeton University Press. Wendy is busy at home with the children. Steven Karp wrote that he recently got engaged, and they have set November 10, 2001 as the date. Congratulations, Steven! Tracey Hutchinson and her husband announced the birth of their first son, Benjamin, in April 2000. Jennifer Swift has spent the last three years in Japan and only started to learn the language as she was leaving. She recently moved back to the States to start studying cognitive psychology. Amy Ruger Whiteley and her husband Andrew ’89 welcomed their second son, James Stratford Whiteley, on November 18, 2000. James has an older brother named Thompson.

Class of '93

Lynn Laferriere Madigan and husband Kyle enjoy living in Northern California. Lynn works in the emergency department. She and Kyle spend most of their time kayaking. Robin Snell Aiken and husband Greg ’00 met when they both were students at UVM. When Greg graduated, they moved to the Carolinas, were married, and they recently welcomed their first child, a son, Zachary Dean, in December 2000. Greg was promoted, and the family moved to Leawood, Kans. Gregory Hullstrung of New Rochelle, N.Y, enjoys spending time with his wife, Liza, and son, Michael. He visits family and friends in Grand Isle, Vt., as much as possible. Annie Brooks received a master of urban and regional planning degree from the University of Michigan in April 2000. After graduation, she traveled throughout Europe for nine weeks, mostly solo. While there, she got together with Sam Aylesworth in Amsterdam. Annie moved to Atlanta to become a zoning manager at American Tower Corporation. Last fall, she attended two UVM weddings: Ingrid Franz was married in Vermont last August, and Cindy Wright was married in Texas last December. She enjoyed spending time with Jennifer Murphy, Chris ’92 and Carrie Smith Rose, Melissa Young ’92, Kevin McGonegal ’92, Beth Smith-Moncrief ’92, Linda Schnee ’92, and Kim Schmidt ’92. Marc Miller is chief operating officer at Welington Regional Medical Center in West Palm Beach, Fla. He loves the life there and plans to spend a few years in the sunshine before heading back North. Rob Ittner is the new manager and co-owner of Renaissance Restaurant in Aspen, Colo.

Class of '94

A new feature of this column may be “Where’s JJ?” In recent months, JJ McNulty has been spotted in Jackson Hole along with Paul Zedlovich, throwing beads in a Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans, sipping champagne in Boston, and wowing
the showgirls in Vegas. In March, Erin Gurry, Maura Mahoney, Beth McDermott, and I had a chance to catch up with JJ, Mark Abramowitz, and Dave Donohue in San Francisco. For those of you who are Phish fans, check out Dave’s name in the acknowledgments of The Phish Companion: A Guide to the Band and their Music. We were also happy to see Cyndi Bohlin (who was visiting from New York), Brian Koch ’92, Sarah Mahoney ’96, and Alie McManus ’96. Jeremy Watson and Tyler Zapton ’96 had an outstanding time in Whistler in February. They didn’t seem too concerned about the impression they left on their Canadian hosts (“They torture us enough with Celine Dion. We couldn’t have been that offensive…). Tennyson Harwood is a member of the Connecticut Crush, part of the National Women’s Football League. Check them out in their inaugural season. With the new year, Jennifer Brody and her husband moved to upstate New York for his job as an assistant professor at SUNY New Paltz. Jennifer continues to pursue her doctorate in clinical psychology, and she was fortunate to have found an internship training site in their new area. Jennifer sent greetings to classmates. Adam Riley moved back to Jackson Hole, Wyo., and started his own business, Jackson Hole Housewrights, building timber frame homes. He also announced his engagement last Valentine’s Day. Paula Boucher Deming and her husband, Matthew ’98, were married in July 1999. Paula is finishing up her doctorate at UNC, Chapel Hill. Finally, congratulations to Melissa Gregory who will marry Derek Slayton in September.

Class of '96

Hi, everyone. I’ve moved! My new address is listed above. You also can still email me with news. I have finally made the move to Texas to be near my fiancé. We thought that being in the same state might make wedding planning a bit more fun. Here’s the news: Karen Albertson is living in Boston and working as a physical therapist in a sports clinic in Lexington. Karen reported on a few classmates’ weddings: Marlis MaKocy married Robert Clingan in Connecticut on August 5, 2000. They are currently building a house in Connecticut. On September 30, 2000, Karen and friends had their own UVM mini-reunion in celebration of the marriage of Mark Schneider to Rebecca Moulton in Killington last fall. Those who attended were Matt Gagnon from Boston, Karen’s boyfriend; Jason Janicke from San Francisco; Darren Kenniston from Phoenix; Jason Strongin from New York City; Jeremy Shubitz from Los Angeles; Drew Berescik from Connecticut; and Laura Barkell. Karen wrote, “Somehow Jason Janicke ended up in the pool at the reception—in his dress suit.” Mark and Rebecca are living happily in Cambridge, Mass. Karen also wrote that she recently ran into friends from PT class: Cheryl Cote, Amy Miller, Katie Gillis, Sarah Shedd, Tim Busick, and Laura Plummer Busick. Patrick Riordan is living in Washington, D.C., and working toward his MBA degree at George Washington University. He is still rowing, and he is currently a member of the Capital Rowing Club. He continues to train for the world championships in August. Phaedra Saltis worked as an e-commerce intern for M&M/Mars in New Jersey last summer. She graduated from the Boston College MBA program last spring. Jessye Smith is working in research and development for a biotech company in Boston. Sean Madden is a teacher on the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater. He uses hands-on programs to demonstrate the Hudson’s ecology, history, and pollution issues, and he needs volunteers April through November, so if you’re looking for a week of adrenaline, see www.clearwater.org. Sara Hammond married Frederick Anderson ’92 on September 22, 2000. Sara is the network administrator for Hackett, Valine & MacDonald in South Burlington, Vt., and Fred is an account manager for SymQuest Group in South Burlington, Vt. They are currently living in Burlington. It was a lovely wedding. I was lucky enough to be in attendance from Seattle, and I spent the night catching up with other UVM guests, including Katie and Glenn (’95) Varricchione, Gill and Wayne (’95) Berna, Kristin Cabral, and Eric Defresne among others.

Class of '98

Dana Drissel of Concord, Mass., was promoted to account executive at Harpwell. In her new position, she will work with clients to define their position in the marketplace and implement programs to support their objectives. Danielle Peters recently moved to the Boston area, where she works as a civil engineer. She wrote that she misses Burlington and Vermont, but she’s “having a blast” living and working in Boston. Walter DeNino was selected for the USA Triathlon Olympic Residency Program at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colo. In addition to winning many triathlons, he finished 15th in his division at the 1999 Triathlon World Championships in Montreal. He is now training as a full-time member of the national team for the next year, and he expects to be there until the Athens Olympics. He would love to hear from classmates who would like to help him in his quest for Olympic gold.

Class of '99

Happy summer, 99ers! I can’t believe it’s been two years since our graduation. Now that the weather has turned around, all I can think about are beautiful days in Burlington. A nice stroll down to the lake, shopping on Church Street, enjoying a cocktail in the window seat at RJ’s…what memories we have! Well, I have some updates for you this time around. Will Roya is “in the SPOTLIGHT” and “On the Town” these days. Since graduation, Will has gotten married, and he and his new bride have moved to Las Vegas. You might remember Will from the Windjammer, where he performed magic tricks. He is a legend and is carrying on the tradition in Las Vegas. So, if you find yourself out in “Sin City” for business or pleasure, be sure to catch one of Will’s acts. Good luck to you, Will! Belinda Ovitt is using her education to help the Green Mountain State. She is the program director of Project Phoenix Teen Center in St. Albans, Vt. Belinda has also opened a teen center in Swanton, Vt. Congratulations to Patricia Mahan and Ted Welch on their recent engagement. Patricia works for Dunham Investments, and Ted works for Scudder. Elisabeth Sequin is pursuing her master’s degree in bilingual communication speech disorders at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Congratulations to you, Elisabeth! Enjoy yourself out there; they say it’s just like Burlington. I want to send props out to Lyssa Sher and Kevin Chipman, who ran the Boston Marathon on April 16th. Let’s just say they rocked! Many classmates, including Chris Frier, Mark Allen, Jamie Bergin, Christopher Pereira, Mike Griffin, Kerry Gulickson, Steve Howe, Todd Martin, Lindsay Truesdell, and Casey Hall, gathered on Comm. Ave. to cheer them on while they ran their hearts out. We are really proud of you! Glad to hear so many of you are doing wonderful things. I hope to hear more in the future. Please let me know if you are looking for a classmate or if you have any updates for me. It’s always a pleasure! Cheers!

Class of '00

Classmates, family and friends of Alexander McMahon Kende are invited to make a donation in remembrance of Alex and in support of a new College of Agriculture & Life Sciences scholarship fund bearing his name. Awards from the Alexander McMahon Kende Memorial Scholarship Fund will go to one or more outstanding junior students who demonstrate academic excellence, an interest in medicine or bio-medical research, service to and caring for others, integrity, personal courage and good humor. Donations may be sent to the Alex Fund, c/o UVM Development Office, Grasse Mount.

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