Online appendices for Mitchell, et al. The Geography of Happiness: Connecting Twitter sentiment and expression, demographics, and objective characteristics of place (2013). [PLoS ONE, 8(5): e64417] [arxiv link]

Appendix C

Wellbeing/happiness comparison

This is a comparison between wellbeing rankings from the Gallup-Healthways survey and our own happiness rankings, for US cities in 2011. Cities with lower wellbeing (less happiness) have smaller ranks in this figure. Mouse over points for the name of the city. Note that the Gallup-Healthways examined a smaller number of cities than we did, hence some cities from the other Appendices do no appear in this scatter plot.

Happiness rankings, tweet maps and word shift plots for all cities

Below is our list of the happiest cities in the contiguous United States. Click the headings to reorder by rank, state name, total number of tweets collected or happiness, and click the links under each city name to display the tweet map or word shift plot for that city in the right-hand window.
(Note: A previous version of this table had Battle Creek, MI with a score of 5.85, due to an erroneous inclusion of the word 'battle' in its word shift. We have corrected this, and apologize for the error. Many thanks to commenter Stephen for pointing this out on our blog post.)