Production Information

This section of New Farmer Project website contains articles, fact sheets and other resources that will help you build your production skills and know-how.

Farm Safety

This section addresses a variety of health and safety issues on farms, including equipment, buildings and personal safety. Learn about about common risks on farms and measures you can take to avoid accident and injury. Link to Farm Safety Information.

Food Safety and Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs)

Here you'll find information and educational materials related to assessing your food safety needs, developing a food safety plan and evaluating whether you should be certified in Good Agricultural Practices. Link to Food Safety and GAPs Information.

Forage Crops and Small Grains

This section contains information about species, mixture options, site preparation and management for forage crops and small grains. Link to Forage Crops and Small Grain Management Information.

Livestock and Grazing Management

Getting started with livestock? Interested in learning about managing grazing systems? Here you'll find fundamentals of rotational grazing for beginners and some key tips for success with new livestock operations. Link to Livestock and Grazing Management Information.

*NEW* Infrastructure Resources

This section information related to on-farm energy and irrigation, with additional information on buildings and equipment coming soon. Link to Infrastructure Resources.

Produce Production - Vegetables, Berries & Herbs

Here you'll find information and educational materials related to raising vegetables, small fruit and herbs. Link to Produce Production Information.