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Welcome from the Dean

William FallsHello! My name is Bill Falls and I became Interim Dean of the College about eight months ago. In that time my strong affection for the College and its faculty, staff, and students has grown stronger.  I joined the College faculty in 1998 as an assistant professor of psychological science.  I was attracted to the College because of its strong reputation as a collegial academic environment that supported world-class scholarship and excellent teaching. Read more.

Performing the Greeks

LysistrataMost first-year students in the College of Arts and Sciences begin the fall semester enrolled in a semester-long seminar course as part of the Teacher-Advisor Program or TAP, choosing from course titles that range from Nineteenth-Century Monsters (English) to Health Care in America (Sociology), from Gender and the Economy (Economics) to Global Climate Change and Sustainability (Geology). With over fifty courses to consider, it can be a daunting selection process for incoming students. Read more.

California Dreaming

altIt’s 4 p.m. on a Thursday in UVM’s Kalkin Hall — hello, afternoon slump! Not for Eugene Korsunskiy, who’s wearing a peppy plaid shirt and jeans and is literally bouncing around the room, arranging tables askew to the beat of Generationals tune, from a Songza “Happy” playlist that soon gives way to “Sugar, Sugar” by the Archies. Read more.

CAS New Faculty

CAS New FacultyDiscover more about the new teacher-scholars who have joined the CAS faculty, including their formal education, and areas of expertise. Pictured, clockwise from top left, are: Sylvia Perry (Psychology), Severin Schneebeli (Chemistry),Katie Gough (Theatre), and Brent Lockwood (Biology).