e-mail:   kenneth.nalibow

Course Description
Take-Home Exams
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World Literature 118
Great Short Works of Dostoevsky

First week  (August 27 - 31)
Tuesday - Course Introduction
Thursday - Read first half of The House of the Dead.   Be prepared to discuss and analyze the work in class.

Second week   (September 3 - 7)
Tuesday - Finish The House of the Dead.   Be prepared to discuss and analyze the work in class.
Thursday -  Read Poor Folk.  Be prepared to discuss and analyze the work in class.

Third week  (September 10-14)
Tuesday -  Read Part I of Notes from Underground .  The piece is located in the volume titled Great Short Works of Dostoevsky.  
                 Try to read it at least twice even if the second time is skimming.

Thursday -  Finish Notes from UndergroundOne of the cornerstones of Dostoevsky's artistic production, this will
make an excellent work for discussion

Fourth week
  (September 17 - 21)
Tuesday - From The Best Short Stories of Dostoevsky,, read Chapter I - III of Dream of a Ridiculous Man
Thursday -
Read Chapter IV - to the conclusion of Dream of a Ridiculous Man.

Fifth week  (September 24 - 28)
Tuesday -
First take-home exam due.  Screening of the Russian film, «Живой» (Alive) - 2006, Director - Aleksandr Veledinskij, 92 min
Thursday - From The Best Short Stories of Dostoevsky, read The Christmas Tree and a Wedding .

Sixth week  (October 1 - 5)
Tuesday - From The Best Short Stories of Dostoevsky,, read The Honest Thief
Thursday - Read One-Third  of The Gambler.  It is a wonderfully autobiographical work.

Seventh week (October 8 - 12)
Tuesday -
Read the Second-Third of The Gambler.
Thursday - Finish The Gambler.

Eighth Week  (October 15 - 19)
Tuesday - From The Best Short Stories of Dostoevsky, read White Nights
Thursday -  From The Best Short Stories of Dostoevsky, read The Peasant Marei  (pp. 89-94). 

Ninth week  (October 22-26)
Tuesday - Read HALF of The Crocodile.  Although the Cioran is an excellent translation, it has only been available off and on.
@ http://www.magister.msk.ru/library/dostoevs/dostf14e.htm

Thursday -
Finish The Crocodile.
Tenth week (October 29 - November 2)
Tuesday - Pass in second take-home exam.  Screening of the Russian film, «Возвращение» (The Return) 2003 Director - Andrei    
.  104 min.

Thursday - Return exam.   Finish screening of The Return - discuss.

Eleventh week (November 5 - 9)
Tuesday - Read One-Third of The Double.  Be sure to read the marvelous introduction written by the translators!
Thursday - Read the Second-Third of The Double.

Twelfth week (Novermber 12 - 16)
Tuesday - Finish The Double.
Thursday - Open discussion

Thirteenth week (Novermber 19 - 23)
Thanksgiving Recess - No Class!

Fourteenth week (November 26 - 30)
Tuesday - Read The Litttle Orphan on line (1887) http://www.online-literature.com/dostoevsky/3369/
Thursday - Read The Gentle Creature, pp. 215-262 (from The Best Short Stories of Fyodor Dostoevsky).

Fifteenth week (December 3 - 5)
Tuesday - Summing up the semester's reading in this course.
Thursday - With no official class meeting, I shall be in the office for student consultations concerning anything in this course.

You may have until Tuesday, December 11 @ noon to submit this
exam on paper or as an Emailed MS WORD attachment. 
Extensions beyond this point are NOT possible.