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World Literature 118
Russian Film:  The Last Decade - Taught in English


Using the subject of contemporary Russian film, the course is designed to improve your comprehension of the
major trends in Russian film during the last decade.  During the first part of each evening meeting, we shall screen a new film, take
a short break, and then proceed to discuss and analyze that film.  (It is not required but recommended that you purchase the films for your own
viewing and to facilitate your own work on take-home exams.  Sites where most of the films may be purchased abound.  Along
with a complete list of films shown in the course, directors and debut dates, some vendors are given on the SYLLABUS page.
Additionally, the UVM Language Resource Center has copies of all films, which you may watch at your own discretion.)

Our course will require two take-home exams as well as a take-home final exam.  A choice of examination questions will be
found on-line at the EXAMS page.  Exams may be passed in on paper or may be transmitted electronically as MS WORD
attached files.   (Since UVM COMPUTING DOES NOT support WORD PERFECT, files may not be transmitted to me in that format.)

Your attendance is required at all screenings and your participation in class discussion is expected, as this participation constitutes
20 percent of the semester grade.