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Russian 122 - Composition-Conversation  -  Russian Film: The Last Decade

Русский язык 122 - Сочинение-беседа  -  Русский фильм - в  прошлое десятилетие


Using the subject of contemporary Russian film, the course is designed to improve your written and oral communication skills
in the target language.

Approximately every two weeks, we will be watching a new film (this will take place OUTSIDE of the classroom, usually at the Language Resource Center).   In class, we shall analyse and discuss the films in Russian.  Oral reports on the films, their meanings, production
and other topics will punctuate
the course.   Writing assignments (sent to me via the Internet) will be numerous.  Each essay will be
returned to you via the Internet with notes for your correction.  Resubmission of corrrected compositions
will produce a second grade
for that work.


  • Improve your ability to understand spoken Russian in context (by watching the films)
  • Improve conversational skills by discussing various facets of the films and the film-making arts
  • Improve your ability to express more complex ideas via the written word (in compostions)
  • Learn from your mistakes (by submitting corrected essays for a second grade)


Compositions and Oral Reports                         80%
Preparedness and in-class participation             20%