Week 2, Jan 25-29, 2016
CDAE 195 Propaganda, Media Ownership, and Citizen Responsibility
CRN 13743, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Martin Luther King Lounge (Billings)

Check-In: Questions?

Question on the Media Log Assignment?  Share.

Read BLUR chapters 4-5 (pages 57-73)

Let's Look at the Syllabus!

What is Propaganda?   Class Results. Look up Propaganda Definitions.  Origin of the word?

Plot yourself on the Political Compass, http://www.politicalcompass.org/!

Jonathan Haight Interview

In class writing:
How do you decide if something is true?  For example: a claim in a commercial, a statistic presented in a graph, a friend telling you a story.  What do you look for?  What questions do you ask?  What process do you go through?

How to spot a Lier,

  Media Inventory Log Assignment (5% of course grade):
Record all media you consume for one week - from now (Friday 22 January 11:40am) until Friday 29 January beginning of our class (10:50am).  The assignment will be due on Monday February 1 at the beginning of our class.

Record details of what media, how long, and any comments about media type or coverage.  Use sheets provided (from http://www.csuchico.edu/~swiesinger/255/xassign/mediaLog.htm you may print extra copies of the sheets from this web site).

Bring this with you at all times for the next week and enter the information by hand.  You should record what you listened to, watched, browsed, or read, and for how long.  Include information like type of movie watched (drama, comedy, etc.), and whether there were propaganda words used and  (unasked for) advertising that you were exposed to.

TOTAL your media usage in minutes for each media category at the bottom of each media log page.

Calculate and estimated Cost of the media per month using the last sheet.

Write a reflection paper (at least one to three full pages) where you describe the process – what it was like for you to complete the assignment, and the results.  Do an analysis: what did you find interesting, what was unexpected, will this change the way you look at your media usage or your behavior?  Which media is most important to you and why?  What do you think about unasked for advertising that you saw or heard?

Dangerous Memes - How Cults Re-Wire the Brain, Dangerous MEMES TED talk by Dan Dennett

ASSIGNMENT COMING: Choose any presidential candidate speech that is online (Vimeo, YouTube, etc), and find at least five examples of Propaganda Techniques that are used.  Record when these techniques appear in the speech and be prepared to show them to us using our classroom's computer.

Here's an example: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/10/28/cruz_rips_press_at_cnbc_debate_this_debate_illustrates_why_we_can_not_trust_the_media.html