Lecture Five CALS 001 Foundations: Communication Methods, Lecture Outline
Week of Oct 4-8, 2010.

Lecture A (90220) Mondays 1:55 – 2:45 pm,  Fleming 101
Lecture B (90221) Wednesdays 1:55 – 2:45 pm, Dewey 314
Lecture C (93409) Fridays 1:55 - 2:45 pm, Kalkin 004
Lecture D (94310) Tuesdays 2:30 - 3:20 pm, Stafford 101

Attendance speech, 15 seconds or less, First Name, Last Name, "I've always wanted to ______." 

Please put away all electronic devices (lap tops, cell phones, Blackberrys, I-Pods, etc.), take out pen and paper to take notes.



Tips from TAs:

  1. Be creative with your hooks: tell a personal story, play a quick game with the audience, show an image or thing that gets the audience's attention, have the audience close their eyes and imagine, turn off the lights, present a magic trick, play a musical instrument, pass out food, stand on your head, tell a joke, juggle, ride the unicycle, dance, etc.
  2. If you use PowerPoint or other presentation software, practice in the lab room to make sure everything works.  Use http://resource25.uvm.edu to find out when the lab room is free.  You are responsible for knowing how to use the computer/projector/doc camera etc., not the TAs.
  3. Informational Presenters: Don't Read from a script!  Use a presentation outline: One page, big font, just reminders of what to cover (not a script).
  4. Endings should be POWERFUL! Figure out something to do or say that will be memorable just before you end with "Thank You".  Do not peter out and say "That's about it.....".  Your Last words should be "Thank You"!
  5. Pause for effect!  The pause should be obvious (2 seconds long or more).  "Pausing" to find your place does not count for a dramatic pause.
  6. Master of Ceremonies should stand up in the front of the lab at the end of each presentation and ask "Who has a question for our speaker?"  It is the job of the MC to prompt questions, not the speaker!
  7. Posture: avoid the slow rock and roll, hands in pockets, and leaning on one leg.  Instead practice returning to the neutral stance, and natural gestures.
  8. If you are Passionate, your presentation will go well, even if you make some mistakes.
  9. Follow the dress code.  Neat, clean, conservative clothing (avoid: jeans, T-shirts, hoodies, hats, faded, stained, ripped, holes, navel or boxer exposure)
  10. Don't forget to repeat any questions asked at the end.
    Other Suggestions here.

Assignments & Announcements:

  1. Practice your informational presentation in front of others and get feedback.
  2. Bring your Flash Memory stick (2+ Gigs, with 500 MB free) and bring to lab if you are presenting your Informational Presentation.
  3. Check Syllabus speaking schedule for when you are reading/presenting and your lab role.
  4. Your completed Library Workbook is due in lab the day you give your informational presentation! 
  5. Your completed Reflection Folder is due at the beginning of lab the week after your present.
  6. Outside Speech Critique assignment is approaching!  UVM lecture calendar site.
  7. Post to BlackBoard once a week (need at least 14 postings by the last day of classes).
  8. Visit with your academic advisor and have them sign the Advisor Meeting Form.
  9. Practice your Formal (lecture) Introduction.  These continue next week.  Names will be called at random.  If you are unexcused absent: zero.


Group Critical Analysis preview, Syllabus #9.

Most Famous Speech of the Twentieth Century: Martin Luther King's, I Have A Dream.  Stylistic languages devices used.

Formal Lecture Introductions