K-12 STEM Outreach | College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences | The University of Vermont(title)

CEMS students and faculty are dedicated to sharing their time, talents, and inspiration with students in K through 12. Below are some of the outreach events and opportunities in which we are proud to participate.

K-12 Programs

STEM Ambassador Program

STEM Ambassadors

STEM Ambassadors are UVM students studying Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math, and trained to deliver experiential STEM activities to Vermont youth, both in-person and virtually. Their mission is to share the wonders of these fields, through hands-on learning experiences in the classroom, in afterschool programs and in other youth development programs, as well as through outreach at community events. STEM Ambassadors also connect Vermont youth to UVM campus resources through on-campus educational events, such as the STEM Showcase.

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