Background on Vermont hurricanes with a focus on Tropical Storm Irene

History of hurricanes in Vermont

Preliminary Hurricane/Tropical Irene weather summary - National Weather Service/Burlington VT

"Irene" retired from list of Atlantic Basin storm names - NOAA

USGS Hurricane Irene Activities

NASA - Hurricane Season 2011: Hurricane Irene

Vermont Center for Geographic Information - Geospatial Irene resources

Vermont Agency of Natural Resources - Tropical Storm Irene by the numbers

National Hurricane Center map of August 2011 named storms - Atlantic basin

NOAA - Active 2011 hurricane season breaks 'Hurricane Amnesia'

NOAA Hurricane Central

New England hurricanes - David Vallee - National Weather Service/Taunton MA

Recovering from Tropical Storm Irene

President Obama signs emergency declaration

Vermont Emergency Management - flood recovery resources

Vermont Agency of Commerce & Community Development recovery resources

Senator Bernie Sanders' Office - flood recovery resources

Senator Bernie Sanders' Office - Rebuilding Vermont after Hurricane Irene: Questions and Answers

VPR recovery resources

Waterbury recovery resources

VTrans - I am Vermont Strong recovery resources

Irene flooding & recovery assistance resources

National Weather Service - Burlington precipitation maps

State Climate forecast page - weather, rivers, road closings

VCGI Hurricane Irene GIS resources

Vermont Local Roads

Sites for collecting and archiving data, stories and other accounts about Irene

Vermont Response

Center for Research on Vermont blog

GIS crowd-sourcing data collection - Bill Morris at UVM

VTrans - GOOGLE partnership for road data collection

GOOGLE road closures mapping

Road status in the Windham region

Seven Days crowd-sourcing data collection

VPR - Pre- and post-Irene imagery on Google maps

VPR photo gallery

Photo galleries of the flood damage

Vermont Agency of Transportation

Vermont Public Radio

VPR photo gallery

FEMA - Flooding on the road to Rutland, Vermont

Rutland County flood damage

Southern Vermont High-res flood gallery