Goals & Objectives

Each year, the executive board outlines goals and objectives for the coming year. Our utmost priority remains publishing a scholarly journal of high integrity, addressing the student affairs profession and higher education. You can also find these Goals & Objectives in the TVC Constitution.

Section 1. Produce a journal of scholarly integrity.

    1. Solicit and select a balance of article genres (research, literary review, philosophical commentary, scholarly personal narrative, argumentative essay, poetry, current issues in the field, book review, interview, etc.).
    2. Actively solicit a balance of article authors who represent multiple identities, including graduate students, alumni, faculty, and friends.
    3. Pursue authors who represent multiple perspectives on current issues in student affairs and the journal theme.
    4. Provide a comprehensive format to include an introduction from the editor, The Final Word, New Connections/Reflections, and when appropriate, dedications.
    5. Engage in researching comparable professional journals in student affairs.

Section 2. Initiate and maintain connections among alumni/ae, graduate students, faculty, and friends.

    1. Invite local authors, alumni/ae, graduate students, faculty, and friends to the Premiere and initial distribution of the journal.
    2. Encourage HESA community involvement in fundraising endeavors and professional development opportunities.
    3. Maintain connections, communications, and relations with alumni/ae.
      a. Update and maintain the online alumni/ae directory.
      b. Sponsor and host alumni/ae receptions at ACPA and NASPA.
      c. Distribute the journal to alumni/ae and professional colleagues at conferences and through the mail.
      d.Create and distribute a biannual newsletter for the HESA community.
      e. Maintain and update TVC website and additional social media. 
    4. Maintain connections with graduate students, faculty, and friends:
      a. Distribute the biannual newsletter to the HESA community.
      b. Provide opportunities for first year, second year, and part time students to unite by creating a schedule of regular programming, encompassing both social and professional development needs.
      c. Organize professional development opportunities for current students, faculty, and friends.
      d. Support the professional development of graduate students who are presenting at national and regional conferences through scholarship awards.

Section 3. Remain financially self-supporting.

    1. Make sound financial decisions.
    2. Maintain accurate budgetary information.
    3. Distribute budget reports to the Editorial Board and Advisors in a timely fashion.
    4. Monitor the budget so that all projects secondary to the publication of the journal do not compromise the quality of the publication.
    5. Coordinate fundraisers with the objectives of attaining funds for:
      a. Journal and directory publication
      b .Daily operational expenses
      c. Sponsorship of receptions at national conferences.
      d. Professional development, including scholarship funds.
      e. HESA community development.

Section 4. Continue to improve the editorial process.

    1. Communicate clearly, constructively, and consistently with authors.
    2. Coordinate editing and production teams so that they work cooperatively.
    3. Revise the Editing Manual distributed to editing teams.
    4. Provide training materials to editors.
    5. Provide a formal evaluation process for authors.
    6. Maintain and respect the anonymous editing process.
    7. Provide authors with reasonable flexibility regarding their submissions.

Section 5. Provide a significant learning experience for all board members of TVC.

    1. Keep the work of the Full and Editorial Boards productive, educational, and enjoyable.
    2. Provide editorial training, writing workshops, and Phone-A-Thon training workshops for all HESA students.
    3. Include all members of the Editorial Board in decision-making processes and production schedule.
    4. Encourage board members to provide feedback and to propose new programs and projects, regardless of their level of involvement.
    5. Increase participation in all TVC activities, especially Phone-A-Thon and Production Weekends.

Section 6. Maintain communication, support, and positive attitudes.

    1. Make decisions by consensus whenever possible.
    2. Stay well organized and keep a focused sense of direction.
    3. Maintain good communication among all board members.
    4. Provide feedback, encouragement, and support to one another.
    5. Take risks with both journal content and professional development opportunities.
    6. Pay attention to timeliness regarding communication and tasks.
    7. Be creative, flexible, and proactive about helping others.
    8. Enjoy the experience!

Section 7. Pursue the continued organizational growth and development of TVC.

    1. Maintain communication with Faculty Advisor
    2. Select two Advisors who are HESA alumni/ae and/or friends of the program each academic year to serve the Editorial Board as needed.
    3. Continually develop two First-Year Social and Professional Development Chair positions, to be elected each year by the cohorts as a more formalized link between the Editorial Board and first-year HESA students.
    4. Identify strategies by which TVC may more effectively utilize technology in its operations.
    5. Consider the development of documents (a “History of TVC”) that may strengthen TVC and promote increased continuity from year to year.