Introduction to Minitab

These instructions are written for Minitab version 14.

Basic Minitab

Exploring One Variable

Exploring Relations Between Two or More Variables

Sampling and Probability


Minitab Windows

When you open Minitab (Mtb), you find a session window in the top half of the main window and the data window in the bottom half. There is also a project manager window which is usually hidden.   To see the project manager window, click on Window at the very top of the main window and check Project Manager.
To activate one of these windows, click on it.  The toolbars at the top changes depending on the active window.
The main window menu bar has the usual menu items (File for opening, closing, and saving; Edit for copying, pasting, and deleting) and specific menu items for Data manipulation, Calculation, Graphing, and Statistics.
The Editor menu item allows you to Enable Commands in the session window and to make its Output Editable.  If you wish to clean up the session window by deleting e.g. error messages and adding comments, you should uncheck Enable Commands and check Output Editable. The Tools item provides access to the Windows calculator, Windows Explorer, and Notepad. It also allows you to customize all other menu items, e.g. to add statistical routines or custom graph routines to the menu.

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Opening, Closing, Saving

Click on File in the main Mtb window to open Mtb files.  You can open Mtb projects (file extension .mtj), Mtb worksheets (file extensions .mtw, .mtb, .mtp and others), and Mtb graphs (file extension .mgf). You can also open spreadsheets and text files. Usually you'll be interested in projects and worksheets. 

Worksheets are essentially data files in spreadsheet format.  Opening them creates a new data window. No other information is loaded into Mtb.  Several worksheets can be open at the same time.

Projects contain also records of what happened in the session window, graphs, a list of all variables that are currently stored, possibly a report in MS Word format etc.  You can open only one project at a time.

To save a worksheet, click on File > Save Current Worksheet or File > Save Current Worksheet As ... and follow the prompts. Have a USB drive or some other media ready to save your worksheet.

To save a project, click on File > Save Project and follow the prompts. When you save the project, you save all the information about your work: the contents of all the windows, including the columns of data in each Data window, stored constants and matrices, the complete text in the Session window and History folder, and each Graph window.  This allows you to interrupt your work and pick up later where you left off.

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Entering Data

Entering Data manually

Activate the data window by clicking on it.
Check to insure that the arrow in the box in the upper left corner of the data window page is pointing downward (click on it to switch it).
Place the name of your variable in the top cell of the column (directly under C1, or whatever column you put your data in).   Move the cursor to the first cell in your column and enter your first data value.  Press Enter.  If the arrow in the upper left corner is pointing down, the cursor will automatically move to the next cell in the column. You can also use the up and down arrows or the mouse to move to other cells. Continue until you have all the values of that variable entered into that column.  Don't leave any empty cells.
Move to the next column and repeat the steps with your next variable.

Minitab considers a data column as numerical as long as all entries in its cells are numbers. If one or more cells are non-numerical (text, symbols), the entire data column is considered categorical, and the column label is changed from e.g. C2 to C2-T. Integer entries with spaces are interpreted as dates, and the column label is changed from C2 to C2-D. It can be tedious to undo such a change in data type, so be careful when entering data.

Data types can be changed by going to Data > Change Data Type.

Copying and Pasting

To copy data (cells, groups of cells or columns) within a Mtb data window or between data windows, select the cells with the mouse. You can also select a group of columns (highlight the column names instead of the cells).
Go to Edit > Copy Cells.
Move the mouse to the location where you want to enter the data and go to Edit > Paste Cells.
You can also copy and paste data to and from other applications (spreadsheet columns, text files) in this manner.

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Dialog Boxes

These boxes pop up when you choose submenus from the Data, Calc, Stat, and Graph menus.
All dialog boxes list available variables in a big window on the left and expect input in smaller fields on the right.

Stat and Calc Dialog Boxes

Click in a Variables input field to activate it.
Select one or more variables from the list on the left by typing its name in the input field or by highlighting it and clicking on the Select button. Double-clicking on the variable name also works.
Other fields expect you to enter the location of output data or to enter numerical values. Radio buttons or check boxes may change the options for input. Click on OK when you are done.

Graph Dialog Boxes

Click in the Graph Variables input field to activate it.
Select one or more variables from the list on the left by typing in its name or by highlighting it and clicking on the Select button.
Design your graph with the Data View window (e.g. symbols or connected points or bar graphs). Available choices appear when you click on the arrow symbols.  Scale, Label, and Data Options provide ways to add titles and legends, control the axes, spacing of tick marks, grids etc..
To generate Multiple Graphs, click on the corresponding button Frame > Multiple Graphs.  By clicking on the appropriate radio button, you can overlay several graphs on the same page (e.g. side by side box plots).
Click on OK when you are done.

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Stem plots (Stem and Leaf)

Go to Graph > Stem-and-Leaf.
Use the Graph Dialog window to select the desired variable.
Within the dialog box you can choose to trim outliers (click in box) or adjust the stem increments (i.e. split or combine stems).
Click OK to generate the plot.
The plot will appear in the Session window.

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Pie Charts

Go to Graph > Pie Chart.
Choose between charting raw data and values from a table.

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Bar Charts

One-way tables

Go to Graph > Bar Chart. Choose whether your data represent raw data ("counts of unique values") or values in a table. Then choose the type of bar chart you want to produce.

Two-way tables

Your two-way table may be in a single column (say in the column DATA) , with classification variables for the table rows and columns in two other columns (say in columns  ROW and COLUMN). Alternatively it may in the form of several columns, e.g. with labels DATA1 and DATA2, properly lined up, with an additional column, say ROWS, for the row labels.

Changing the look of a bar chart

This can be done either by using the Data View, Scale, Labels, Data Options buttons in the main dialog window before the chart has been made, or by editing portions of the chart after it has been made. See the section on changing the look of a histogram.

If the chart doesn't look the way you want it, close it and redo it.  All previous settings are still in the dialog boxes.  Change a few things at a time until the chart looks right.

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Go to Graph > Histogram.
Choose the type of histogram and click OK..

In the Graph Dialog box, select the variable(s) for which you want to make a histogram. Note that you can choose several variables at once, so it is possible to make histograms of several different variables simultaneously. These will usually appear in separate graph windows, unless you choose to have graphs overlaid on the same page in Multiple Graphs.
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Changing the look of your histogram

You can change the appearance of a histogram by clicking on the appropriate buttons in the graph dialog window.

You can also change the histogram after it has been made by clicking on the bars, the title, the axes, the axis labels etc. and editing them. For example,

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Box Plots

Go to Graph > Boxplot.
Choose a graph type from the top or bottom row. "Simple Y" here means that the data are in a single column, "Multiple Y's" means several columns. Choose "With Groups" if there is an additional column of categorical variables for classification. This will allow you to make side-by-side boxplots for comparison.

Enter the column name(s) for the data in the graph dialog window. Use the buttons in the dialig window to change the overall appearance and press OK.  

Boxplots can also be edited after they have been made - double-click on the title, the box, axes and labels, or the entire window to bring up options for changing the appearance.

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Managing Graphs

A graph can be moved around on the screen, its size may be changed as any other window, and it may be closed.  Once a graph has been closed, it is gone and must be recreated. In addition, the menu bar item Window will allow you to manage the histograms. With Window > Close all Graphs you can clean up a cluttered work area.
To copy a graph to a report (e.g. to MS Word), righ-click on it and select Copy Graph, then paste the graph into your report. In MS Word it is possible to resize the graph easily.

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Descriptive Statistics

Go to Stat > Basic Statistics > Diplay Descriptive Statistics.
Enter your desired variable(s) in “Variable” box.
Click OK.
The descriptive statistics (number of observations, mean, median, maximum, minimum, quartiles, standard deviation, and a few others) will appear in the Session window.

By clicking on the Graphs button in the dialog window, you can produce histograms or boxplots.

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Go to Calc > Calculator.
You can enter calculator operations for variables from the left window in the Expression window and store the result in another column.  You can also use the functions from the list (highlight and click Select).

Linear Transformations

Start by putting a title on the new column you want to form.
Go to Calc > Calculator.
In the Expression box, enter the formula for the transformation.
Enter the name of the new column in the Store result in variable box and click OK.

To transform centigrade temperatures (stored in C1) to Fahrenheit and store the Fahrenheit data in C2, go to Calc > Calculator.  In the Store results in variable box, enter C2.  In the Expression box, enter 32 + (9/5)*C1.  Then click OK.  Column C2 will now contain the Fahrenheit temperatures.

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Standardizing data

Go to Calc > Standardize.
Select the data columns you want to standardize in the Dialog box and enter the column where the standardized columns go. Leave the radio button at "subtract mean and divide by standard deviation". Click OK.

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Normal Probability Calculations

Go to Calc > Probability Distributions > Normal.

To find the probability that a variable with a normal distribution is less than a certain value, say X, click the radio button "Cumulative probability".
Enter the mean and standard deviation.
Click the button "Input constant" and enter the value X in the field.
Click OK.
The answer appears in the session window.

To find a value x such that a variable with a normal distribution is less than x with given probability  p, click the radio button "Inverse cumulative probability".
Enter the mean and standard deviation.
Click the button "Input constant" and enter the probability  p  in the field.
Click OK.
The answer x appears in the session window.

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Normal Probability Plot

To produce a normal quantile plot, go to Graph > Probability Plot. Select whether your data are in a single column (for a single plot) or if there are several data columns and press OK.

Enter the name of the column(s) in the dialog window and press OK again.

The result is a normal quantile plot, flipped about the diagonal: The normal probabilities (probabilities for z-scores) are plotted against the data. The plot also has a straight line and error boundaries for comparison.

Alternatively, go to Stat > Basic Statistics > Normality Test.Enter the name of the column with the data, leave everything else at the default setting, and press OK.

The result is the same plot, with slightly changed scales and without error boundaries.

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Go to Graph > Scatterplot.
Choose the type of scatterplot you wish to make.

In the Graph dialog box, enter the column number or the name of the explanatory variable in the X box and the column number of name of the response variable in the Y box.
Leave all other options at their default setting and click OK.

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To obtain the correlation coefficient between two quantitative variables without using the “Scatterplot” instruction, go to Stat > Basic Statistics > Correlation.
Under Variables, select the two columns of data and click on OK.

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Go to Stat > Regression > Regression.
In the Dialog Box, enter your response variable (y-axis) in the box marked Response and your explanatory variable (x-axis) in the box marked Predictors. Click OK to read off the equation for the regression line in the session window.

Note that in the “Predictors:” box there is room for more than one explanatory variable.  We can enter more than one explanatory variables to do multiple regression. 

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While you are still in the Regression Dialog Box and before you move on to obtain the regression analysis, you can store and plot the residuals:
Click on Storage > Residuals and click on OK.
Back in the Regression Dialog Box, click on Graphs.
In the ensuing dialog box (Regression - Graphs), enter your explanatory variable in the large box at the bottom: Residuals versus the variables and click on OK

At this point Minitab will compute the regression analysis and draw the residual plot.  The regression analysis will appear in the session window and the residual plot will appear immediately thereafter as a separate graph. The residuals will be stored in a new column called RESI1 in the worksheet.

This approach gives the least squares regression equation, the coefficients a and b, the coefficient of determination R2, and information on “unusual” observations (outliers) and influential observations, but not the regression line.

Least Squares Regression Line

To obtain a graph with the least squares regression line fitted to the scatterplot:
Go to Stat > Regression > Fitted Line Plot.
In the dialog box, select the response and explanatory  variables in the appropriate boxes.
If you haven't calculated the residuals yet, go to Storage > Residuals and click OK.
Click OK to obtain the scatterplot with the regression line.

The regression analysis will appear in the session window.  You will obtain the regression equation, the coefficients a and b, and the coefficient of determination. After this information appears in the session window, Minitab will draw the scatterplot with the least squares regression line,  the regression equation, and R2.

If you want to see the Residual Plot at this time, activate the data window by clicking on it and click on the Edit Last Dialog icon, to bring back the Fitted Line Plot dialog box.
Enter the residual column RESI1 as the Response Variable.  Leave the Predictor box unchanged.
Click on OK
You will get a graph of the residuals plotted against the explanatory variable, i.e. a residual plot.

Inference for Regression

To conduct tests of the null hypotheses that the slope or the constant term are zero, go to Stat > Regression > Regression and carry out the regression as above. In the session window, you can read off the p-values for these tests.

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Time Plots

Go to Graph > Time Series Plot.

Chose the type of graph you want to produce and click OK.

Select your variable(s) in the Series window.  Mtb will assume that the index of the data is the time variable. You can change this in the graph dialog window by clicking on Time/Scale.
The Data View button allows you to change the appearance of the time plot and to make a smoothed scatterplot.

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Two-Way Tables

If your two-way table is in a single column, with classification variables for the table rows and columns in two other columns:

Go to Stat > Tables > Cross Tabulation and Chi-Square.
Select the two variables for rows and the Classification variables window. Enter the column containing the frequencies.
Check Count, Row Percent, etc., as you desire and click on OK. The results will be displayed in the session window.

To do a c2 test for independence for data in this form, click on Chi -Square in the dialog window and check Chi-Square analysis as well as any other details you wish to display. Then click OK.

If your two-way table is is already stored in table form in the worksheet:

Go to Stat > Tables > Chi-Square test (Table in Worksheet)
Enter the columns that contain the table and click on OK.Select the two variables for rows and the Classification variables window.
The results of the Chi-Square test for independence will be displayed in the session window (degrees of freedom, expected cell counts, cell contributions to c2, overall value of  c2, p-value).

To compute row percents and column percents, stack the columns of the table with Data > Stack > Columns to turn the table into a single column. Make sure there are row and column subscripts in two separate columns (Minitab will make the column subscripts automatically).  Then proceed as above.

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Manipulating Data

Copying columns without omitting rows

Go to Data > Copy > Columns to Columns.
Enter the columns to be copied in and their destination.

Copying designated rows by row number

Go to Data > Copy > Columns to Columns.
After entering the columns to be copied and the destination in the dialog window, click on Subset and enter the rows to be used or to be excluded.

Stacking columns

Go to Data > Stack and choose Columns or Blocks of Columns or Rows..
Select the columns you want to stack and their destination columns in the dialog box.
You can keep track of the origin of the stacked columns by storing subscripts in another column.

Unstacking columns

This is the same as "separating column data according to categories or characteristics".

Go to Data > Unstack Columns.
In the window Unstack the data in select the column you want to separate.
In the Using subscripts in window,  enter the column containing the category or characteristic according to which you want to separate the data.
Enter where you want to store the unstacked data, either in a new worksheet or after the last column in use.

Copying designated rows by category

This can be done by first unstacking a block of columns by category and then deleting all columns that are not needed.

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Random Samples from a Data Column

To draw a simple random sample from data stored in a column, go to Calc > Random Data > Sample from Columns.
Select the column you want to sample from, enter the size of your sample (Sample ... rows from column) and enter the column where the samples are to be stored.
Choose whether you want to sample with or without replacement (check box) and click OK.

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Random Digits

To make a list of random digits,  go to Calc > Random Data > Integer.
Enter how many (groups of) random digits you need in "Generate ... rows of digits".
Enter the column where the digits are to be stored.
To get single digits, choose Minimum value = 0 and Maximum value = 9.  To get two-digit groups,  choose Minimum value = 0 and Maximum value = 99.  Of course, other choices are also possible.
Click OK to generate the random digits.
Work with the digits just like you would work with random digits found in a table.

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Bernoulli Trials

To simulate a series of  n  Bernoulli trials (outcomes are either  1 , "success",  with probability  p  or  0, "failure",  with probability  1-p), go to Calc > Random Data > Bernoulli. Enter the success probability  p  and the number  n  of trials ("Generate  n  rows of data"). Then enter the column where the data are to be stored.  To simulate several series of  n  trials each, enter several column locations, one for each series.

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Probability Densities

To make a plot of a density curve, start a fresh worksheet (File > New > Worksheet). Let's say you want to make a density curve for a < x < b.

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Binomial Distribution

To compute an individual binomial probability of  k  successes in  n  trials for a success probability of  p,
Click on  Calc > Probability Distributions > Binomial,
click the radio button for Probability,
enter the number of trials and the probability of success,
click the radio button for Input Constant and enter the number of successes k,
and click Enter.

The probability of exactly  k  successes will appear in the session window.

To compute the binomial probability of  k  or fewer successes in  n  trials for a success probability of  p,
Click on  Calc > Probability Distributions > Binomial,
click the radio button for Cumulative Probability,
enter the number of trials and the probability of success,
click the radio button for Input Constant and enter the number of successes,
and click Enter.

The probability of  k or fewer successes will appear in the session window.

To make a binomial probability table for  n  trials with a success probability of  p , first go to Calc > Patterned Data > Simple Set of Numbers,
store the patterned data in  C1 from first value of  0  to last value of  n, in steps of 1.
Then go to Calc > Probability Distributions > Binomial,
click the radio button for Probability,
enter the number of trials and the probability of success,
click the radio button for Input column and enter C1,
enter  C2  in Optional Storage, and click Enter.

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Confidence Interval for Mean

Known standard deviation

Go to Stat > Basic Statistics > 1 Sample Z....
Select the variable for whose mean you want to find a confidence interval in the dialog window.

Enter the standard deviation.
Click on Options, enter the Confidenc level (in percent), and enter and leave the Alternative on not equal.
Click OK twice and read off the result in the Session window. You can choose Graphs in the dialog box to illustrate the results.

Unknown standard deviation

Go to Stat > Basic Statistics > 1 Sample t.
Select the variable for whose mean you want to find a confidence interval.

Click on Options, enter the Confidenc level (in percent), and enter and leave the Alternative on not equal.
Click OK twice and read off the result in the Session window. You can choose Graphs in the dialog box to illustrate the results.

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Z-Test for Mean

Go to Stat > Basic Statistics > 1 Sample Z.
Select the variable for whose mean you want to conduct the test and enter the standard deviation.
Enter the value for the null hypothesis in the Test mean field and click on Options to choose the Alternative
Click OK twice. The results appear in the Session window. You can choose Graphs in the dialog box to illustrate the results.

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t-Test for Mean

Go to Stat > Basic Statistics > 1 Sample t.
Select the variable for whose mean you want to conduct the test..

Enter the value for the null hypothesis in the Test mean field and click on Options to choose the Alternative
Click OK twice. The results appear in the Session window. You can choose Graphs in the dialog box to illustrate the results.

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Paired t-Test for 2 Means

Go to Stat > Basic Statistics > Paired t.
Select the two variables for whose means you want to conduct the test..
Click OK. Mtb will conduct a test of the null hypothesis of equal means against the alternative that the means are not equal. It will also produce a 95% confidence interval for the difference of the means. To change any of these settings, go to Options.
The results (95% confidence interval and p-value for the alternative of unequal means) appear in the Session window. You can choose Graphs in the dialog box to illustrate the results.

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t-Test and Confidence Interval for 2 Means from Independent Samples

Go to Stat > Basic Statistics > 2 Sample t.
If all samples are in one column, click the top radio button and select the variables that contain the data and the subscripts.

If the samples are in two different columns, click the middle radio button and select the columns that contain the samples.

Summarized data can also be entered (lower radio button).

Click on Options to select the alternative and to choose the confidence level for a confidence interval. Mtb assumes that the variances are unequal.
Click OK.
The results appear in the Session window, including a p-value and an estimate for the number of degrees of freedom. You can choose Graphs in the dialog box to illustrate the results.

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Sign Test for Median

Go to Stat > Nonparametrics > 1-Sample Sign Test.
Enter or choose the variable in the dialog window.
Click the Test median radio button and enter the value for the null hypothesis.
Click OK. The result (p-value) appears in the session window.

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Rank Sum Test for Median (Wilcoxon Test)

Go to Stat > Nonparametrics > 1-Sample Wilcoxon.
Enter or choose the variable in the dialog window.
Click the Test median radio button and enter the value for the null hypothesis.
Click OK. The result (p-value and Wilcoxon statistic) appears in the session window.

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Tests and Confidence Intervals for Proportions

One Proportion

Go to Stat > Basic Statistics > 1 Proportion.
If the data (1 for success, 0 for failure) are in a data column, click the top radio button and enter the name of that column in the top box of the dialog window.
If you have summarized data (number of trials and number of successes), click the bottom radio button and enter the values.
Click Options to choose

Click OK twice to see the results in the session.

Two Proportions

Go to Stat > Basic Statistics > 2 Proportions.
If the data (1 for success, 0 for failure) are in one data column with subscripts in another data column, click the top radio button and enter the name of the columns containing the samples and the subscripts.
If the data (1 for success, 0 for failure) are in two data columns, click the middle radio button and enter the name of the columns containing the samples.
If you have summarized data (number of trials and number of successes), click the bottom radio button and enter the values for the two samples.
Click Options to choose

Click OK twice to see the results.

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