Buddleja pringlei type, 1883 Home
 Compiled and maintained by Kathryn Mauz, University of Arizona

Vascular Plant Records


Species: Bulbostylis capillaris (L.) C.B. Clarke    
Collection details: Foothills of the Santa Rita Mts.
Collection date: 22 July 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i0573.
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Species: Bulbostylis funckii (Steud.) C.B. Clarke    
Collection details: Sandy plains, near the Mexican boundary
Collection date: 29 Aug 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 15: 103. 1888.
Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 21: 30. 1894.
Image: VT-i0840.
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Species: Carex alma L.H. Bailey    
Collection details: By brooks of the Santa Rita Mts.
Elevation: 5000 ft
Collection date: 1 May 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i0571.
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Species: Carex lativena S.D. Jones & G.D. Jones    
Collection details: Santa Rita Mts.
Collection date: 17 May 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i0596.
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Species: Carex occidentalis L.H. Bailey    
Collection details: Rich canyons of the Santa Rita Mts.
Elevation: 5000 ft
Collection date: 28 May 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 22: 140. 1887 [1886].
Image: VT-i0597.
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Species: Carex thurberi Dewey    
Collection details: By brooks of the Santa Rita Mts.
Elevation: 5000 ft
Collection date: 28 May 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 22: 70. 1887 [1886].
Image: VT-i0600.
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Species: Carex thurberi Dewey    
Collection details: By brooks of the Santa Rita Mts.
Elevation: 5000 ft
Collection date: 28 May 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Bot. Gaz. 9: 93. 1884.
Image: VT-i0572.
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Species: Carex turbinata Liebm.    
Collection details: Santa Rita Mts.
Collection date: 26 July 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i0599.
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Species: Carex turbinata Liebm.    
Collection details: Santa Rita Mts.
Collection date: July 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i0598.
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Species: Cyperus acuminatus Torr. & Hook.    
Collection details: By streams, Santa Catalina Mts.
Collection date: 14 May & 27 June 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i0595.
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Species: Cyperus odoratus L.    
Collection details: Banks of the Rillita
Collection date: 23 June 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 13: 214. 1886.
Sida, Bot. Misc. 35: 92. 2011.
Image: VT-i0593.
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Species: Cyperus odoratus L.    
Collection details: Santa Cruz Valley, Tucson
Collection date: 25 Sep 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Sida, Bot. Misc. 35: 92. 2011.
Image: VT-i0594.
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Species: Cyperus sphaerolepis Boeck.    
Collection details: Mustang Mts.
Collection date: 12 Sep 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i0592.
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Species: Cyperus squarrosus L.    
Collection details: Rillita R., Camp Lowell
Collection date: 14 May 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Sida, Bot. Misc. 35: 93. 2011.
Image: VT-i0591.
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Species: Eleocharis montana (H.B.K.) Roem. & Schult.    
Collection details: By streams of the Santa Catalina Mts.
Collection date: 27 June 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Arizona Fl., ed. 2: 154. 1960.
Rhodora 39: 256. 1937.
Image: VT-i0590.
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Species: Schoenoplectus acutus (Muhl. ex Bigelow) Á. Löve & D. Löve var. occidentalis (S. Watson) S.G. Smith 
Collection details: Santa Cruz River
Collection date: 13 June 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Amer. J. Bot. 28: 695, 697. 1941.
Sida, Bot. Misc. 35: 94. 2011.
Image: VT-i0841.
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 Title image: Buddleja pringlei, Tucson, 1883 (VT)
 Home/contact: www.uvm.edu/~plantbio/pringle/arizona
 Page created: Friday, January 11, 2013
 Last updated: Friday, January 11, 2013