Buddleja pringlei type, 1883 Home
 Compiled and maintained by Kathryn Mauz, University of Arizona

Vascular Plant Records


Species: Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & C.A. Mey.    
Collection details: Mesas near Camp Lowell
Collection date: 9 Apr 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 9. 1917.
Image: VT-i1445.
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Species: Cryptantha albida (H.B.K.) I.M. Johnst.    
Collection details: Sandy plains near the Mustang Mts.
Collection date: 12 Sep 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Contr. Gray Herb. 74: 42-43. 1925.
Image: VT-i1456.
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Species: Cryptantha angustifolia (Torr.) Greene    
Collection details: Mesas
Collection date: 3 & 21 June 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Contr. Gray Herb. 74: 38-39. 1925.
Image: VT-i2159.
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Species: Cryptantha angustifolia (Torr.) Greene    
Collection details: Mesas near Tucson
Collection date: 4 June 1882
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i2160.
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Species: Cryptantha angustifolia (Torr.) Greene    
Collection details: Mesa near Tucson
Collection date: 28 Apr 1883
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i2161.
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Species: Cryptantha barbigera (A. Gray) Greene    
Collection details: Mesas near Camp Lowell
Collection date: 13 Apr 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Contr. Gray Herb. 74: 66-67. 1925.
Image: VT-i2164.
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Species: Cryptantha barbigera (A. Gray) Greene    
Collection details: Santa Catalina Mts.
Collection date: 7 May 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i2162.
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Species: Cryptantha crassisepala (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene    
Collection details: Valley near Camp Lowell
Collection date: 12 May 1883
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Contr. Gray Herb. 74: 59-60. 1925.
Sida, Bot. Misc. 35: 133. 2011.
Image: VT-i1436.
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Species: Cryptantha micrantha (Torr.) I.M. Johnst.    
Collection details: Near Camp Lowell
Collection date: 13 Apr 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 36: 677. 1909.
Contr. Gray Herb. 74: 36-37. 1925.
Sida, Bot. Misc. 35: 133. 2011.
Image: VT-i1434.
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Species: Cryptantha micrantha (Torr.) I.M. Johnst.    
Collection details: Mesa near Tucson
Collection date: 14 May 1883
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 36: 677. 1909.
Image: VT-i1435.
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Species: Cryptantha muricata (Hook. & Arn.) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr. var. denticulata (Greene) I.M. Johnst. 
Collection details: Mesas near Camp Lowell
Collection date: 9 Apr 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Contr. Gray Herb. 74: 72. 1925.
Image: VT-i1459.
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Species: Cryptantha muricata (Hook. & Arn.) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr. var. denticulata (Greene) I.M. Johnst. 
Collection details: Santa Catalina Mts.
Collection date: 6 May 1883
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i1460.
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Species: Cryptantha nevadensis A. Nelson & P.B. Kenn.  var. rigida I.M. Johnst. 
Collection details: Mesas near Tucson
Collection date: 30 Apr 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i2163.
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Species: Cryptantha pterocarya (Torr.) Greene  var. cycloptera (Greene) J.F. Macbr. 
Collection details: Near Camp Lowell
Collection date: Apr 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Contr. Gray Herb. 48: 44. 1916.
Contr. Gray Herb. 74: 51-52. 1925.
Image: VT-i1458.
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Species: Cryptantha pterocarya (Torr.) Greene  var. cycloptera (Greene) J.F. Macbr. 
Collection details: Hills near Tucson
Collection date: 15 Apr 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information: Isotype, Krynitzkia cycloptera Greene
Literature citations: Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 207. 1886 [1885].
Contr. Gray Herb. 48: 44. 1916.
Contr. Gray Herb. 74: 52-53. 1925.
Arizona Fl., ed. 2: 720. 1960.
Harvard Pap. Bot. 16: 115. 2011.
Image: VT-i1457.
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Species: Hackelia pinetorum (Greene ex A. Gray) I.M. Johnst.  var. pinetorum  
Collection details: Santa Rita Mts.
Collection date: 28 July 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i1441.
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Species: Harpagonella palmeri A. Gray    
Collection details: Sierra Tucson
Collection date: 15 Mar & 15 Apr 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i1438.
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Species: Heliotropium fruticosum L.    
Collection details: Damp places, sandy plains near the Mexican boundary
Collection date: 30 Aug 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i1437.
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Species: Lappula occidentalis (S. Watson) Greene    
Collection details: Near Camp Lowell
Collection date: 9 Apr 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Sida, Bot. Misc. 35: 133. 2011.
Image: VT-i1439.
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Species: Lappula texana (Scheele) Britton    
Collection details: Mesas near Tucson
Collection date: 18 Apr 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information: Isotype, Lappula coronata Greene
Literature citations: Pittonia 4: 94. 1899.
Fl. Pl. Ferns Ariz.: 746. 1942.
Harvard Pap. Bot. 16: 116. 2011.
Image: VT-i1440.
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Species: Lithospermum cobrense Greene    
Collection details: Santa Rita Mts.
Collection date: 25 July 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i1454.
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Species: Lithospermum incisum Lehm.    
Collection details: Santa Rita Mts.
Collection date: 15 May 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i1455.
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Species: Lithospermum multiflorum Torr. ex A. Gray    
Collection details: Santa Rita Mts.
Elevation: 7000 to 8000 ft
Collection date: 10 July 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i1453.
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Species: Macromeria viridiflora DC. var. viridiflora  
Collection details: Rich canyons of the Santa Rita Mts.
Elevation: 5000 to 6000 ft
Collection date: 3 & 15 July 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i1452.
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Species: Pectocarya platycarpa (Munz & I.M. Johnst.) Munz & I.M. Johnst.    
Collection details: Mesas near Camp Lowell
Collection date: 16 Apr 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information: Isotype, P. gracilis (Ruiz & Pav.) I.M. Johnst. var. platycarpa Munz & I.M. Johnst. in I.M. Johnst.
Literature citations: Contr. Gray Herb. 70: 36. 1924.
Fl. Pl. Ferns Ariz.: 745. 1942.
Vasc. Pl. Pacific NorthW. 4: 235. 1959.
Harvard Pap. Bot. 16: 116. 2011.
Image: VT-i1451.
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Species: Pectocarya platycarpa (Munz & I.M. Johnst.) Munz & I.M. Johnst.    
Collection details: Sierra Tucson
Collection date: 15 Mar & 15 Apr 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i1450.
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Species: Pectocarya recurvata I.M. Johnst.    
Collection details: Sierra Tucson
Collection date: 15 Mar & 15 Apr 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i1449.
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Species: Plagiobothrys arizonicus (A. Gray) Greene ex A. Gray    
Collection details: Near Camp Lowell
Collection date: 9 Apr 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information: Isosyntype, Eritrichium canescens (Benth.) A. Gray var. arizonicum A. Gray
Literature citations: Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 20: 227. 1885 [1884].
Syn. Fl. N. Amer. II(1): 431. 1886.
Arizona Fl., ed. 2: 722. 1960.
Sida, Bot. Misc. 35: 133. 2011.
Harvard Pap. Bot. 16: 115. 2011.
Image: VT-i1446.
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Species: Plagiobothrys arizonicus (A. Gray) Greene ex A. Gray    
Collection details: Mesas near Tucson
Collection date: 7 May 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i1448.
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Species: Plagiobothrys pringlei Greene    
Collection details: Near Camp Lowell
Collection date: 14 Apr 1881
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations: Syn. Fl. N. Amer. I(2)-II(1): 433. 1886.
Sida, Bot. Misc. 35: 134. 2011.
Image: VT-i1447.
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Species: Tiquilia canescens (DC.) A.T. Richardson    
Collection details: Mesa near Tucson
Collection date: 30 Apr 1883
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i1443.
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Species: Tiquilia canescens (DC.) A.T. Richardson    
Collection details: Mesas near Tucson
Collection date: 4 May 1884
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i1444.
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Species: Tiquilia palmeri (A. Gray) A.T. Richardson    
Collection details: Sandy washes of the Hassayampa
Collection date: 15 June 1882
Collector/No.: C.G. Pringle s.n.
Type information:
Literature citations:
Image: VT-i1442.
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 Title image: Buddleja pringlei, Tucson, 1883 (VT)
 Home/contact: www.uvm.edu/~plantbio/pringle/arizona
 Page created: Friday, January 11, 2013
 Last updated: Friday, January 11, 2013