Henry P. Bradbury
lineage in reverse order:
Henry P. 43,
Warren C.42, Ernest41,
Henry40, Jacob39,
Joseph38, Benjamin37,
Moses36, Jacob35,
William34, Thomas33,
Wymond32, Anne31
Edon, Elizabeth30
Heigham, Clement29,
Clement28, Catherine27
Cotton, William26,
Joan25 Rede, Cecily24
Harlyngrugge, Alice23
Marmion, Thomas22,
John21, William20,
Geoffrey19, William18,
Robert17, Milicent
de Rethal16, Elizabeth
de Namur15, Godfrey
de Namur14, Albert
III de Namur13, Albert
II de Namur12, Ermengarde
de Lorraine11, Charles
Duke of Lower Lorraine10,
Louis IV, d'Outremer9,
Charles III, The Simple8,
Louis II, the Stammerer7,
Charles II, the Bald6,
Louis I, the Fair/Pious5,
Pepin The Short3,
Charles Martel, The Hammerer2,
Pepin d'Heristal1)
Note: In the following, Bradbury ancestors are bold and underlined.
They are not links.
Endnote links may not work, but endnotes can be found at end of document
or at http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/b/r/a/Charles-E-Bradbury/GENE11-0061.html
Generation No. 1
1.Pepin d'Heristal1 He met (1) Alpaide1. He married (2) Plectrude1.
Notes for Pepin d'Heristal and Alpaide:
Alpaide was Pepin d'Heristal's
concubine and mother of Charles Martel
About Pepin d'Heristal and Alpaide:
Other-Begin: 1
About Pepin d'Heristal and Plectrude:
Marriage: 1
Child of Pepin d'Heristal and Alpaide is:
+ | 2 | i. | DukeCharles Martel, The Hammerer2, born 689; died 741 in Aisne, FRANCE. |
Generation No. 2
2.DukeCharles Martel, The Hammerer2 (Pepin d'Heristal1)2,3 was born 6894, and died 741 in Aisne, FRANCE5. He married Duchess Rotrou Of Alemania6,7, daughter of Leutwinus. She died 7247,8.
for DukeCharles Martel, The Hammerer:
Duke of Austrasia
Victor over the Saracens
at Tours, 732
About DukeCharles Martel, The Hammerer:
Charlemagne: Ancestor, AR
190-11, TB R-25088
Occupation: Duke of Austrasia
,Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
About Duchess Rotrou Of Alemania:
Charlemagne: Ancestor
Occupation: Duchess
Children of Charles Martel, The Hammerer and Rotrou Of Alemania are:
3 | i. | Carloman Mayor of the Palace39. | ||
4 | ii. | Hiltrude9, died 7989. She married Odilo of Bayern9. | ||
5 | iii. | Gripho9, died 7539. | ||
+ | 6 | iv. | Pepin The Short, born 714; died September 24, 768. |
Generation No. 3
6.Pepin The Short3(Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)10,11 was born 71412,13, and died September 24, 76814,15. He married Bertrada of Laon16,17 Abt. 75318, daughter of Count Canbert of LaonandBertrada. She was born Abt. 72019, and died 78319,20.
About Pepin The Short:
Charlemagne: Ancestor, AR
50-12, TB R-12544
Occupation: Bet. 751 - 768,
Mayor of the Palace, First King of the Franks of the second race
About Bertrada of Laon:
Charlemagne: Ancestor
About Pepin The Short and Bertrada of Laon:
Marriage: Abt. 75321
Children of Pepin The Short and Bertrada of Laon are:
7 | i. | Carloman422, died December 04, 77122. | ||
+ | 8 | ii. | Charlemagne, born April 02, 747 in Ingelheim; died January 28, 813/14 in Aix la Chapelle. |
Generation No. 4
8.Charlemagne4 (Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)23,24 was born April 02, 747 in Ingelheim25, and died January 28, 813/14 in Aix la Chapelle25,26. He married Countess Hildegarde of Linzgau27,28 Abt. 77129, daughter of Count Geroud of Swabia. She was born 758 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia29,30, and died April 30, 78331,32.
for Charlemagne:
AKA Charles I, King of the
Franks and Emperor of the West, Charles the Great
King of France 768-814
About Charlemagne:
Charlemagne: Holy Roman
Emperor, AR50-13, 140:13, 148-13, TB R-6272
Occupation: December 25,
800, Holy Roman Emperor
About Countess Hildegarde of Linzgau:
Occupation: Countess
About Charlemagne and Hildegarde of Linzgau:
Marriage: Abt. 77133
Children of Charlemagne and Hildegarde of Linzgau are:
+ | 9 | i. | Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, born August 778 in Casseneuil, Aquitaine, FRANCE; died June 20, 840 in near Mainz. | |
+ | 10 | ii. | King of Italy 781-810 Pepin, born Abt. April 12, 781 in Rome; died July 08, 810 in Milan. |
Generation No. 5
9.Louis I, the Fair/Pious5 (Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)34,35 was born August 778 in Casseneuil, Aquitaine, FRANCE36,37, and died June 20, 840 in near Mainz38,39. He married (1) Ermengarde39,40 79441, daughter of Count Ingram. She died October 03, 81842. He married (2) Judith of Bavaria43,44 February 818/1945, daughter of Count of Welf. She was born Abt. 800 in Bavaria46, and died April 19, 843 in Tours, FRANCE47.
About Louis I, the Fair/Pious:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 148-14, 140:14, TB R-3136
Occupation: Bet. 814 - 840,
Emperor of Aquitaine48
About Louis I, the Fair/Pious and Ermengarde:
Marriage: 79449
About Louis I, the Fair/Pious and Judith of Bavaria:
Marriage: February 818/1950
Child of Louis I, the Fair/Pious and Ermengarde is:
+ | 11 | i. | King of Italy 817-855 Lothair6, born 795; died September 29, 855 in Pruem, Germany. |
Children of Louis I, the Fair/Pious and Judith of Bavaria are:
12 | i. | Gisela Of France651, born Abt. 82051. | ||
+ | 13 | ii. | Charles II, the Bald, born June 13, 823; died October 06, 877 in Brides-les-Bains, FRANCE. |
10.King of Italy 781-810 Pepin5 (Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)52 was born Abt. April 12, 781 in Rome53, and died July 08, 810 in Milan54.
About King of Italy 781-810 Pepin:
Baptism: April 12, 781,
Rome, by Pope Adrian I54
Charlemagne: Descendant
Occupation: Bet. 781 - 810,
King of Italy, consecrated King of Lombardy 15 Apr 78154
Child of King of Italy 781-810 Pepin is:
+ | 14 | i. | King of Italy 813-817 Bernard6, born 797; died April 17, 818 in Milan. |
Generation No. 6
11.King of Italy 817-855 Lothair6 (Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)55 was born 79556, and died September 29, 855 in Pruem, Germany56. He married Ermangarde56. She died March 20, 850/5156.
About King of Italy 817-855 Lothair:
Charlemagne: 140:15
Child of Lothair and Ermangarde is:
+ | 15 | i. | Ermengarde7. |
13.Charles II, the Bald6 (Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)57,58 was born June 13, 82359, and died October 06, 877 in Brides-les-Bains, FRANCE60,61. He married (1) Richardis de Buwinus62. He married (2) Ermentrude of Orleans63,64 December 14, 84265,66, daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and Engeltrude. She was born September 27, 830 in Orleans, France67, and died October 06, 86968.
for Charles II, the Bald:
Emperor 25 Dec 875-877
About Charles II, the Bald:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 148-15, TB R-1568
Occupation: Bet. 840 - 877,
King of France
About Charles II, the Bald and Ermentrude of Orleans:
Marriage: December 14, 84269,70
Children of Charles II, the Bald and Ermentrude of Orleans are:
16 | i. | Judith Of England770, born Abt. 84370. | ||
+ | 17 | ii. | Louis II, the Stammerer, born November 01, 846 in France; died April 10, 879 in Compiegne, Oise, FRANCE. | |
18 | iii. | Charles70, born Bet. 847 - 84870. | ||
19 | iv. | Carloman70, died 87470. | ||
20 | v. | Lothair70, died December 86570. | ||
21 | vi. | Irmtrud70. | ||
22 | vii. | Hildegard70. | ||
23 | viii. | Gisela70. | ||
24 | ix. | Rotrud70, born Abt. 85270. | ||
25 | x. | Rothilde70. | ||
26 | xi. | Pepin70, died Abt. 87570. | ||
27 | xii. | Drogo70, died Abt. 87570. | ||
28 | xiii. | Charles70, born October 10, 87670; died Bef. May 87770. |
14.King of Italy 813-817 Bernard6 (Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)71 was born 79772, and died April 17, 818 in Milan72. He married Cunigunde72. She died Abt. 83572.
About King of Italy 813-817 Bernard:
Charlemagne: 50:15
Child of Bernard and Cunigunde is:
+ | 29 | i. | Pepin7, born 818; died Aft. 840. |
Generation No. 7
15.Ermengarde7 (Lothair6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)73. She married Count Giselbert74 84675.
About Ermengarde:
Charlemagne: 140:16
About Count Giselbert:
Charlemagne: 240:16
About Giselbert and Ermengarde:
Marriage: 84675
Child of Ermengarde and Giselbert is:
+ | 30 | i. | Count of Hainaut Regnier I8, died Bet. October 25, 915 - January 19, 915/16. |
17.Louis II, the Stammerer7 (Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)76,77 was born November 01, 846 in France78, and died April 10, 879 in Compiegne, Oise, FRANCE79,80. He married (1) Luitgrade Of Saxony81. He married (2) Adelaide of Paris82,83 86884. She was born Abt. 85585, and died Aft. November 10, 90185,86.
for Louis II, the Stammerer:
Emperor 878-879
About Louis II, the Stammerer:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 148-16, TB R-784
Occupation: Bet. 877 - 879,
King of France
About Adelaide of Paris:
Burial: l'eglise abbatiale
Saint-Corneille a Compiegne
About Louis II, the Stammerer and Adelaide of Paris:
Marriage: 86886
Child of Louis II, the Stammerer and Adelaide of Paris is:
+ | 31 | i. | Charles III, The Simple8, born September 17, 879 in Peronne, Somme, FRANCE; died October 07, 929 in Peronne, Somme, FRANCE. |
29.Pepin7 (Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1) was born 818, and died Aft. 840.
About Pepin:
Charlemagne: 50:16
Child of Pepin is:
+ | 32 | i. | Herbert I de Vermandois8, born Abt. 840; died Abt. 902. |
Generation No. 8
30.Count of Hainaut Regnier I8 (Ermengarde7, Lothair6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)87 died Bet. October 25, 915 - January 19, 915/1687. He married (1) Hersent of France87. He married (2) Alberade of Mons87.
About Count of Hainaut Regnier I:
Charlemagne: 140:17
for Hersent of France:
About Hersent of France:
Charlemagne: Dau of Charles
II by whom?
Child of Regnier I and Hersent of France is:
+ | 33 | i. | Duke of Lorraine Giselbert9, died 939. |
31.Charles III, The Simple8 (Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)88,89 was born September 17, 879 in Peronne, Somme, FRANCE90,91, and died October 07, 929 in Peronne, Somme, FRANCE92,93. He married Princess Eadgifu Princess of England93,9494, daughter of Edward The Elder , King Of The West Saxons andAlfflaed Queen Of England. She was born Abt. 904 in Wessex, ENGLAND, and died Abt. 95195.
for Charles III, The Simple:
Died in Prison
About Charles III, The Simple:
Burial: St. Fursy
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 148-17, TB R-392
Occupation: Bet. 893 - 922,
King of France95
for Princess Eadgifu Princess of England:
the granddaughter of Alfred the Great of England
About Princess Eadgifu Princess of England:
Burial: l'eglise Saint-Medard
de Soissons
About Charles III, The Simple and Eadgifu Princess of England:
Marriage: 96
Children of Charles III, The Simple and Eadgifu Princess of England are:
34 | i. | Giselle996. | ||
+ | 35 | ii. | Louis IV, d'Outremer, born September 921; died September 10, 954 in Reims. |
32.Herbert I de Vermandois8 (Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)97 was born Abt. 84098, and died Abt. 90298. He married Bertha de Morvois99.
About Herbert I de Vermandois:
Charlemagne: 50:17
Children of Herbert I de Vermandois and Bertha de Morvois are:
+ | 36 | i. | Beatrix de Vermandois9, died Aft. March 930/31. | |
+ | 37 | ii. | Herbert II, born Bet. 880 - 890; died Abt. 943 in St Quentin. |
Generation No. 9
33.Duke of Lorraine Giselbert9 (Regnier I8, Ermengarde7, Lothair6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)100 died 939100. He married Gerberga de Saxony101,102, daughter of Henry I, The Fowler and Matilda Of Oldenburg. She was born Bet. 913 - 914 in Nordhausen, Saxony, GERMANY103, and died May 05, 984 in Reims, FRANCE104,105.
About Duke of Lorraine Giselbert:
Charlemagne: 140:18
About Gerberga de Saxony:
Charlemagne: 142:18
Child of Giselbert and Gerberga de Saxony is:
+ | 38 | i. | Gerberga de Lorraine10, born Abt. 935. |
35.Louis IV, d'Outremer9(Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)106,107 was born September 921108,109,110, and died September 10, 954 in Reims111,112. He married Gerberga de Saxony113,114 939115, daughter of Henry I, The FowlerandMatilda Of Oldenburg. She was born Bet. 913 - 914 in Nordhausen, Saxony, GERMANY116, and died May 05, 984 in Reims, FRANCE117,118.
About Louis IV, d'Outremer:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 148-18, TB R-196
Occupation: Bet. 936 - 954,
King of France119
About Gerberga de Saxony:
Charlemagne: 142:18
Louis IV, d'Outremer and Gerberga de Saxony:
Marriage: 939119
Children of Louis IV, d'Outremer and Gerberga de Saxony are:
39 | i. | Lothair10120, born 941121. | ||
+ | 40 | ii. | Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine, born March 952/53 in Laon; died 994. | |
41 | iii. | Henry122, born March 952/53122. |
for Henry:
Twin to Charles died shortly after baptism.
About Beatrix de Vermandois:
Charlemagne: Daughter of
About Count, Duke, and King Robert I:
Charlemagne: 48:18, 53:18,
Child of Beatrix de Vermandois and Robert I is:
+ | 42 | i. | Hugh Magnus10, born Abt. 895; died June 16, 956 in Deurdan. |
37.Herbert II9 (Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)127 was born Bet. 880 - 890, and died Abt. 943 in St Quentin. He married Liegarde.
About Herbert II:
Charlemagne: 50:18
About Liegarde:
Charlemagne: 48:19
Child of Herbert II and Liegarde is:
+ | 43 | i. | Albert I10, born Abt. 920; died Bet. 987 - 988. |
Generation No. 10
38.Gerberga de Lorraine10 (Giselbert9, Regnier I8, Ermengarde7, Lothair6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)128 was born Abt. 935129. She married Albert I130, son of Herbert II and Liegarde. He was born Abt. 920131, and died Bet. 987 - 988131.
About Gerberga de Lorraine:
Charlemagne: 140:19, 142:19
About Albert I:
Charlemagne: 50:19
Child of Gerberga de Lorraine and Albert I is:
+ | 44 | i. | Count de Vermandois Herbert III11, born Abt. 955; died Abt. 1000. |
40.Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10 (Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)132,133 was born March 952/53 in Laon134,135, and died 994136,137. He married Adelaide138,139 Bef. 979140,141, daughter of Herbert IIIand Ermengarde. She was born in Vermandois, Normandy, France142.
About Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 148-19, 149-19, TB R-98
About Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine and Adelaide:
Marriage: Bef. 979143,144
Children of Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine and Adelaide are:
+ | 45 | i. | Ermengarde de Lorraine11, born 970; died 1022. | |
46 | ii. | Gerberga de Lorraine145, born Abt. 975146; died Aft. 1018146. |
About Gerberga de Lorraine:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
47 | iii. | Otto de Lorraine146, born Bef. 985146. |
About Otto de Lorraine:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
48 | iv. | Louis de Lorraine146, born Bef. 989146. |
About Louis de Lorraine:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
49 | v. | Charles de Lorraine, born Abt. 989. |
About Charles de Lorraine:
Charlemagne: Descendant
About Hugh Magnus:
Charlemagne: 53:19, 101:19
About Hedwig of Saxony:
Charlemagne: 141:19
About Hugh Magnus and Hedwig of Saxony:
Marriage: 938150
Child of Hugh Magnus and Hedwig of Saxony is:
+ | 50 | i. | King of France 987-996 Hugh Capet11, born 941; died October 24, 996. |
43.Albert I10 (Herbert II9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)151 was born Abt. 920152, and died Bet. 987 - 988152. He married Gerberga de Lorraine153, daughter of Giselbert and Gerberga de Saxony. She was born Abt. 935154.
About Albert I:
Charlemagne: 50:19
About Gerberga de Lorraine:
Charlemagne: 140:19, 142:19
Child is listed above under (38) Gerberga de Lorraine.
Generation No. 11
44.Count de Vermandois Herbert III11 (Albert I10, Herbert II9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)155 was born Abt. 955156, and died Abt. 1000156. He married Ermengarde156.
About Count de Vermandois Herbert III:
Charlemagne: 140:20
Children of Herbert III and Ermengarde are:
+ | 51 | i. | Adelaide12, born in Vermandois, Normandy, France. | |
+ | 52 | ii. | Otho, born Abt. 1000; died May 25, 1045. |
45.Ermengarde de Lorraine11(Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)157,158 was born 970, and died 1022159. She married Robert II de Namur160160, son of Albert I Count of Namur andErmengarde of Lorraine. He died Bet. 1018 - 1031160.
for Ermengarde de Lorraine:
"In the second half of the
10th century, Charlemagne's decendants were divided into two branches;
the royal branch and the Vermandois branch. It is certain that Ermengarde
did not belong to the Vermamdois lineage; the text itseld excludes that
possibility, for it says that Ermengarde came from the kings of France...."
(From The Ancestry of Thomas Bradbury and his Wife mary Perkins, p. 441)
About Ermengarde de Lorraine:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 149-20, TB R-49
for Robert II de Namur:
This does not agree with
the "Ancestral Roots" book but does not change the blood line to Charlemagne.
Robert II is missing from the lineage in Ancestral Roots but included in
the book The Ancestry of Thomas Bradbury....See note on Albert I.
From the book "The Ancestry of Thomas Bradbury and his Wife Mary Perkins" page 440:
"Historians of Namur contend that Robert II was the son of Albert I and Ermengarde, and was Albert II's older brother, although the proof is lacking. Unless they were by two wives and many years apart in age, the chronology looks doubtful and it seems more likely that Albert II was the son of Robert II, rather than a younger brother. As for the wives, that presents a confusing problem unless both wives were named Ermengarde. But which one was the Carolingian princess, daughter of Charles of France? The chronology would suggest clearly that Ermengarde, alledged to have been the daughter of Charles of France, must have been the wife of Robert II. If Ermengarde, wife of Albert I, was the princess as stated in the gemealogy of Godfrey of Bouillon, then she had to have been the second wife and a generation younger than her husband. There are clear contradictions in the several accounts outlined so far. It seems more logical to assume normal generation spans and ages."
Notes for Ermengarde de Lorraine and Robert II de Namur:
See note on Robert II of
About Robert II de Namur and Ermengarde de Lorraine:
Marriage: 160
Children of Ermengarde de Lorraine and Robert II de Namur are:
53 | i. | Lutgarde de Namur12161. |
About Lutgarde de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
54 | ii. | Goda de Namur161. |
About Goda de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
55 | iii. | Ermengarde de Namur161. |
About Ermengarde de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
56 | iv. | Hadewide de Namur161. |
About Hadewide de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
+ | 57 | v. | Count Albert II de Namur, born 1000; died Bet. 1063 - 1064. |
50.King of France 987-996 Hugh Capet11 (Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)162 was born 941163, and died October 24, 996163. He married Adelaide of Poitou164 968165. She was born Abt. 945165, and died Abt. 1004165.
About King of France 987-996 Hugh Capet:
Charlemagne: 53:20, 101:20,
About Adelaide of Poitou:
Charlemagne: 144A:20
About Hugh Capet and Adelaide of Poitou:
Marriage: 968165
Child of Hugh Capet and Adelaide of Poitou is:
+ | 58 | i. | King of France 996-1031 Robert II the Pious12, born March 27, 972 in Oreleans; died July 20, 1031 in Melun. |
Generation No. 12
51.Adelaide12 (Herbert III11, Albert I10, Herbert II9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)166,167 was born in Vermandois, Normandy, France168. She married Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine169,170 Bef. 979171,172, son of Louis IV, d'Outremer and Gerberga de Saxony. He was born March 952/53 in Laon173,174, and died 994175,176.
About Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 148-19, 149-19, TB R-98
About Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine and Adelaide:
Marriage: Bef. 979177,178
Children are listed above
under (40) Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine.
52.Otho12 (Herbert III11, Albert I10, Herbert II9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)179 was born Abt. 1000180, and died May 25, 1045180. He married Parvie180.
About Otho:
Charlemagne: 140:21
Child of Otho and Parvie is:
+ | 59 | i. | Count de Vermandois Herbert IV13, born 1032; died 1080. |
Albert II de Namur12 (Ermengarde
de Lorraine11, Charles
Duke of Lower Lorraine10,
Louis IV, d'Outremer9,
Charles III, The Simple8,
Louis II, the Stammerer7,
Charles II, the Bald6,
Louis I, the Fair/Pious5,
Charlemagne4, Pepin
The Short3, Charles
Martel, The Hammerer2,
Pepin d'Heristal1)181,182
was born 1000183,184,
died Bet. 1063 - 1064184,185.
He married Regilinde de
daughter of Gonzelon I Count of Lorraine Verdun
and Urraca Of Italy. She was
born 994188,
and died 1064188.
for Count Albert II de Namur:
Albert II was PERHAPS the
youngest surviving son of Albert I and Ermengarde of France.
Succeeded Robert II between
About Count Albert II de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 149-21, TB R-24
Children of Albert II de Namur and Regilinde de Lorraine are:
60 | i. | Henry de Namur13189. |
About Henry de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
61 | ii. | Female Child de Namur189. |
About Female Child de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
+ | 62 | iii. | Count Albert III de Namur, born 1030; died June 22, 1102. |
58.King of France 996-1031 Robert II the Pious12 (Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)190 was born March 27, 972 in Oreleans191, and died July 20, 1031 in Melun191. He married Constance of Provence192. She was born Abt. 986193, and died July 25, 1032 in Melun193.
About King of France 996-1031 Robert II the Pious:
Charlemagne: 53:21, 101:21,
About Constance of Provence:
Charlemagne: 141A-21
Child of Robert II the Pious and Constance of Provence is:
+ | 63 | i. | King of France Henry I13, born 1006; died August 04, 1060 in Vitry-en-Brie. |
Generation No. 13
59.Count de Vermandois Herbert IV13 (Otho12, Herbert III11, Albert I10, Herbert II9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)194 was born 1032195, and died 1080195. He married Adela de Vexin196.
About Count de Vermandois Herbert IV:
Charlemagne: 140:22
Child of Herbert IV and Adela de Vexin is:
+ | 64 | i. | Adelaide of Vermandois14, died Abt. 1120. |
62.Count Albert III de Namur13 (Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)197,198 was born 1030199, and died June 22, 1102200,201. He married Ida of Saxony202,203 Abt. 1067204, daughter of Bernard, Duke of Saxony. She was born 1035205, and died July 31, 1102206,207.
for Count Albert III de Namur:
First mentioned in 1035
next to his father, probably as a child, next in 1062
About Count Albert III de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 149-22, 246A-22, TB R-12
for Ida of Saxony:
Daughter of probably Bernard
About Albert III de Namur and Ida of Saxony:
Marriage: Abt. 1067208
Children of Albert III de Namur and Ida of Saxony are:
65 | i. | Albert de Namur14209. |
About Albert de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
66 | ii. | Alice de Namur209. |
About Alice de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
+ | 67 | iii. | Godfrey de Namur, born Bet. 1067 - 1068; died August 19, 1139. | |
68 | iv. | Henry I Lord de La Roche209, born 1070210; died 1126210. |
About Henry I Lord de La Roche:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
69 | v. | Frederic de Namur211. |
About Frederic de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
70 | vi. | Albert de Namur211. |
About Albert de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
71 | vii. | Daughters de Namur211. |
About Daughters de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant
About King of France Henry I:
Burial: St Denis218
Charlemagne: 53:22, 101:22,
Occupation: King of France
About Anne of Kiev:
Burial: Abbaye Villiers219
About Henry I and Anne of Kiev:
Marriage: January 20, 1043/44219
Children of Henry I and Anne of Kiev are:
+ | 72 | i. | Duke of France & Burgundy Hugh Magnus14, died 1101. | |
73 | ii. | Phillip I220. |
About Phillip I:
Charlemagne: 101:23 |
Generation No. 14
64.Adelaide of Vermandois14 (Herbert IV13, Otho12, Herbert III11, Albert I10, Herbert II9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)221,222 died Abt. 1120223. She married Duke of France & Burgundy Hugh Magnus224,225, son of Henry I and Anne of Kiev. He died 1101226.
About Adelaide of Vermandois:
Charlemagne: 50:23, 140:23
About Duke of France & Burgundy Hugh Magnus:
Charlemagne: 53:23, 141:23
Child of Adelaide of Vermandois and Hugh Magnus is:
+ | 74 | i. | Isabel of Vermandois15, died February 13, 1130/31. |
67.Godfrey de Namur14 (Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)227,228 was born Bet. 1067 - 1068229,230, and died August 19, 1139231,232. He married (1) Ermisende233. He married (2) Sybil de Chateau-Porcien234 Abt. 1087235,236, daughter of Roger of Chateau-Porcien.
About Godfrey de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-23, TB R-6
About Godfrey de Namur and Sybil de Chateau-Porcien:
Marriage: Abt. 1087237,238
Marriage Fact: because of
her affair with a neighbor while Godfrey was away waging war239
Children of Godfrey de Namur and Ermisende are:
75 | i. | Albert de Namur15240. |
About Albert de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
76 | ii. | Henry de Namur240. |
About Henry de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
77 | iii. | Clemence de Namur240. |
About Clemence de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
78 | iv. | Beatrix de Namur240. |
About Beatrix de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
79 | v. | Alice de Namur240. |
About Alice de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
Children of Godfrey de Namur and Sybil de Chateau-Porcien are:
+ | 80 | i. | Elizabeth de Namur15, born in Normandy, FRANCE; died 1144. | |
81 | ii. | Flandrine de Namur241. |
About Flandrine de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant
About Duke of France & Burgundy Hugh Magnus:
Charlemagne: 53:23, 141:23
About Adelaide of Vermandois:
Charlemagne: 50:23, 140:23
Child is listed above under (64) Adelaide of Vermandois.
Generation No. 15
74.Isabel of Vermandois15 (Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)248,249 died February 13, 1130/31250. She married 1st Earl of Leicester Robert de Beaumont251,252 1096253. He was born Abt. 1049254, and died June 05, 1118255.
About Isabel of Vermandois:
Charlemagne: 50:24, 53:24,
140:24, 141:24
About Robert de Beaumont and Isabel of Vermandois:
Marriage: 1096256
Children of Isabel of Vermandois and Robert de Beaumont are:
+ | 82 | i. | Isabel de Beaumont16. | |
83 | ii. | Robert de Beaumont, born 1104; died April 05, 1168257. |
About Robert de Beaumont:
Charlemagne: 53:25 |
84 | iii. | Waleran de Beaumont, born 1104. |
80.Elizabeth de Namur15 (Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)258,259 was born in Normandy, FRANCE260, and died 1144260. She married (1) Count Gervais de Rethal261,262263, son of Hugh de Rethel and Millicent de Monthlery. He was born in Normandy, FRANCE264, and died 1124265,266. She married (2) Clarembald de Rosoy267,268269.
About Elizabeth de Namur:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-24, TB M-130, R-3
for Count Gervais de Rethal:
3rd son of Hugh and Millicent,
archdeacon of Rheims, resigned on the death of his father and succeeded
him as count of Rethel
About Gervais de Rethal and Elizabeth de Namur:
Marriage: 270
About Clarembald de Rosoy and Elizabeth de Namur:
Marriage: 271
Child of Elizabeth de Namur and Gervais de Rethal is:
+ | 85 | i. | Milicent de Rethal16. |
Generation No. 16
82.Isabel de Beaumont16 (Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)272. She married 1st Earl of Pembroke Gilbert de Clare272.
About Isabel de Beaumont:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Isabel de Beaumont and Gilbert de Clare is:
+ | 86 | i. | 2nd Earl of Pembroke Richard de Clare17. |
85.Milicent de Rethal16 (Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)273,274. She married (1) RobertMarmion275,276, son of Roger Marmion. He was born Bet. 1090 - 1095 in Normandy, France277,278, and died Bet. 1143 - 1144 in Coventry279. She married (2) Richard de Camville280,281.
for Milicent de Rethal:
First appears in the Lindsey
Survey of Lincolnshire 1115-1118
About Milicent de Rethal:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-25, TB M-65, R-1
Children of Milicent de Rethal and Robert Marmion are:
+ | 87 | i. | Robert17 Marmion II, born Bef. 1133; died Abt. 1185. | |
88 | ii. | Richard Of Gloucestershire Marmion282. |
for Richard Of Gloucestershire Marmion:
Richard of Gloucestershire |
About Richard Of Gloucestershire Marmion:
Charlemagne: Descendant Living: 1190282 |
89 | iii. | Richard De Camville Marmion282, born Abt. 1144282. |
for Richard De Camville Marmion:
Richard de Camville |
About Richard De Camville Marmion:
Charlemagne: Descendant |
Generation No. 17
86.2nd Earl of Pembroke Richard de Clare17 (Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)283. He married Eve of Leinster283.
About 2nd Earl of Pembroke Richard de Clare:
Charlemagne: Descendant
for Eve of Leinster:
Of Ancient Irish lineage
Child of Richard de Clare and Eve of Leinster is:
+ | 90 | i. | Isabel de Clare18. |
87.Robert17MarmionII(Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)284,285 was born Bef. 1133286,287, and died Abt. 1185288,289. He married Matilda de Beauchamp290. She died 1181291.
About Robert Marmion II:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-26, TB M-32
Children of Robert Marmion and Matilda de Beauchamp are:
91 | i. | Daughters18 Marmion. | ||
92 | ii. | Mabel Marmion. | ||
93 | iii. | Robert Marmion, born Bet. 1150 - 1160. | ||
+ | 94 | iv. | William Marmion, born Bet. 1155 - 1170 in Tamsworth, Warwickshire, England; died Bef. 1220. | |
95 | v. | Geoffrey Marmion292, born Bet. 1163 - 1168. |
Generation No. 18
90.Isabel de Clare18 (Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)293. She married Earl of Pembroke William Marshall293.
About Isabel de Clare:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Isabel de Clare and William Marshall is:
+ | 96 | i. | Eve19 Marshall. |
94.William18Marmion (Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)294,295 was born Bet. 1155 - 1170 in Tamsworth, Warwickshire, England296,297, and died Bef. 1220298,299.
for William Marmion:
Acquired Lordship of Checkenden
in Oxfordshire through series of deeds from his father and brother Geoffrey
About William Marmion:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-27, TB M-16
Children of William Marmion are:
97 | i. | Robert19 Marmion300. | ||
98 | ii. | William Marmion301. | ||
+ | 99 | iii. | Geoffrey Marmion, born Abt. 1198; died Bef. 1255. |
Generation No. 19
96.Eve19Marshall (Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)302. She married Willian de Braose302.
About Eve Marshall:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Eve Marshall and Willian de Braose is:
+ | 100 | i. | Eve de Braose20. |
99.Geoffrey19Marmion(William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)303,304 was born Abt. 1198305,306, and died Bef. 1255307,308. He married Rosamund309,310. She died Bet. April 25, 1273 - February 02, 1273/74311,312.
About Geoffrey Marmion:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-28, TB M-8
Children of Geoffrey Marmion and Rosamund are:
101 | i. | Robert20 Marmion313, died Bef. 1342313. | ||
102 | ii. | Beatrix Marmion313, born Bet. 1225 - 1227313. | ||
+ | 103 | iii. | William Marmion, born Abt. 1229 in Checkenden, Oxfordshire, England; died Abt. 1266 in Checkenden, Oxfordshire, ENG. | |
104 | iv. | John Marmion313, born Abt. 1231313. | ||
105 | v. | Thomas Marmion313, born Bet. 1233 - 1241313. | ||
106 | vi. | Roger Marmion313, born Bet. 1235 - 1243313. |
Generation No. 20
100.Eve de Braose20 (Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)314. She married William de Cantilupe314.
About Eve de Braose:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Eve de Braose and William de Cantilupe is:
+ | 107 | i. | Millicent de Cantilupe21. |
103.William20Marmion (Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)315,316 was born Abt. 1229 in Checkenden, Oxfordshire, England317,318, and died Abt. 1266 in Checkenden, Oxfordshire, ENG319,320. He married Matilda321,322.
About William Marmion:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-29, TB M-4
Children of William Marmion and Matilda are:
108 | i. | Daughter21 Marmion323. | ||
109 | ii. | Hawisia Marmion323. | ||
+ | 110 | iii. | John Marmion, born Abt. 1260 in Checkenden, Oxfordshire, England; died Bet. 1330 - 1331. |
Generation No. 21
107.Millicent de Cantilupe21 (Eve de Braose20, Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)324. She married Eudo la Zouche324.
About Millicent de Cantilupe:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Millicent de Cantilupe and Eudo la Zouche is:
+ | 111 | i. | Elizabeth la Zouche22. |
110.John21Marmion (William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)325,326 was born Abt. 1260 in Checkenden, Oxfordshire, England327,328, and died Bet. 1330 - 1331329,330. He married Margery de Notingham330,331 Abt. 1273332,333, daughter of Sir Henry de Notingham. She died Abt. 1300334.
About John Marmion:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-30, TB M-2
About John Marmion and Margery de Notingham:
Marriage: Abt. 1273335,336
Marriage Fact: an arranged
child marriage
Children of John Marmion and Margery de Notingham are:
112 | i. | John22 Marmion, born Bet. 1280 - 1285. | ||
+ | 113 | ii. | Thomas Marmion, born Bet. 1285 - 1290 in Checkenden, Oxfordshire, England. |
Generation No. 22
111.Elizabeth la Zouche22 (Millicent de Cantilupe21, Eve de Braose20, Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)337. She married Baron Nicholas Pontz337.
About Elizabeth la Zouche:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Elizabeth la Zouche and Nicholas Pontz is:
+ | 114 | i. | Baron Hugh23 Pontz. |
113.Thomas22Marmion (John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)338,339 was born Bet. 1285 - 1290 in Checkenden, Oxfordshire, England340,341. He married Agnes342,343.
About Thomas Marmion:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-31, TB M-1, 2862
Children of Thomas Marmion and Agnes are:
115 | i. | John23 Marmion344. | ||
116 | ii. | Margery Marmion344. | ||
+ | 117 | iii. | Alice Marmion, born Abt. 1320; died Bef. 1367. |
Generation No. 23
114.Baron Hugh23Pontz (Elizabeth la Zouche22, Millicent de Cantilupe21, Eve de Braose20, Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)345. He married Margaret Paveley345.
About Baron Hugh Pontz:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Hugh Pontz and Margaret Paveley is:
+ | 118 | i. | Baron Nicolas24 Poyntz. |
117.Alice23Marmion (Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)346,347 was born Abt. 1320348,349, and died Bef. 1367349,350. She married WilliamHarlyngrugge351,352 Bef. 1353 in Checkenden, Oxfordshire, ENG353,354. He was born Bet. 1310 - 1320 in Checkenden, Oxfordshire, England355, and died Aft. 1393355.
About Alice Marmion:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-32, TB 1431
About William Harlyngrugge and Alice Marmion:
Marriage: Bef. 1353, Checkenden,
Oxfordshire, ENG356,357
Children of Alice Marmion and William Harlyngrugge are:
119 | i. | Margaret24 Harlyngrugge358. |
About Margaret Harlyngrugge:
Living: May 1367359 |
120 | ii. | Thomas Harlyngrugge. |
for Thomas Harlyngrugge:
Probably a child by second wife of William Harlyngrugge |
+ | 121 | iii. | Cecily Harlyngrugge, born Bet. 1340 - 1346 in Checkenden, England; died May 20, 1428. |
Generation No. 24
118.Baron Nicolas24Poyntz (Hugh23 Pontz, Elizabeth la Zouche22, Millicent de Cantilupe21, Eve de Braose20, Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)360. He married Eleanor Erleigh360.
About Baron Nicolas Poyntz:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Nicolas Poyntz and Eleanor Erleigh is:
+ | 122 | i. | Margaret25 Poyntz. |
121.Cecily24Harlyngrugge (Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)361,362 was born Bet. 1340 - 1346 in Checkenden, England363,364, and died May 20, 1428365,366. She married (1) JohnRede367,368 Aft. May 1367369, son of John Reed and Margery. He was born Abt. 1350370, and died May 20, 1404371,372. She married (2) Sir Thomas Sackville372 Aft. May 20, 1404372. He died Bef. 1406372.
About Cecily Harlyngrugge:
Burial: Church at Checkenden372
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-33, TB 715
for John Rede:
elaborate brass to him
in the Chechenden church, brass inscription to her, Rede and Marmion arms,
appointed Serjeant-at-law 1396, possibly son of John and Margery Rede of
Ascote in the parish of Winkfield, co. Berks.
About John Rede:
Burial: Church at Checkenden372
About John Rede and Cecily Harlyngrugge:
Marriage: Aft. May 1367373
About Thomas Sackville and Cecily Harlyngrugge:
Marriage: Aft. May 20, 1404374
Children of Cecily Harlyngrugge and John Rede are:
123 | i. | William25 Rede. | ||
+ | 124 | ii. | Joan Rede, died Bef. May 1445. | |
125 | iii. | Margery Rede, born Abt. 1373. | ||
126 | iv. | Edmund Rede, born Bet. 1380 - 1390. |
Generation No. 25
122.Margaret25Poyntz (Nicolas24, Hugh23 Pontz, Elizabeth la Zouche22, Millicent de Cantilupe21, Eve de Braose20, Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)375. She married John de Newburgh375.
About Margaret Poyntz:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Margaret Poyntz and John de Newburgh is:
+ | 127 | i. | John26 Newburgh. |
124.Joan25Rede (Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)376,377 died Bef. May 1445378. She married (1) Roger Poure379, son of Hugh Poure and Katherine. He was born in Bleckingdon, Oxfordshire, England379. She married (2) Vice Chamberlain Walter Cotton380,381 Abt. 1409382, son of John Cotton and Margaret. He was born Abt. 1375 in Cambridge, England383,384, and died May 13, 1445 in Landwade, Cambridgeshire, ENG385,386.
About Joan Rede:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-34, TB 357
for Vice Chamberlain Walter Cotton:
Killed in Battle.
A mercer of London, brought Landwade Estate in Cambridgeshire, rebuilt the Landwade church (his tomb is there,Cotton-Rede/Marmion arms in original stained glass window)
About Walter Cotton and Joan Rede:
Marriage: Abt. 1409387
Child of Joan Rede and Roger Poure is:
128 | i. | Roger26 Poure. |
Children of Joan Rede and Walter Cotton are:
129 | i. | Walter26 Cotton388. | ||
130 | ii. | Joan Cotton388. | ||
131 | iii. | Thomas Cotton388. | ||
132 | iv. | Edmund Cotton388. | ||
133 | v. | Daughter Cotton388. | ||
+ | 134 | vi. | William Cotton, born Bet. 1410 - 1411 in Landwade, Cambridgeshire, England; died May 22, 1455 in Landwade, Cambridgeshire, ENG. |
Generation No. 26
127.John26Newburgh (Margaret25 Poyntz, Nicolas24, Hugh23 Pontz, Elizabeth la Zouche22, Millicent de Cantilupe21, Eve de Braose20, Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)389. He married Joan Delamere389.
About John Newburgh:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of John Newburgh and Joan Delamere is:
+ | 135 | i. | John27 Newburgh. |
134.William26Cotton (Joan25 Rede, Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)390,391 was born Bet. 1410 - 1411 in Landwade, Cambridgeshire, England392,393, and died May 22, 1455 in Landwade, Cambridgeshire, ENG393,394. He married Alice Abbott395,396 Bef. 1446397, daughter of John Abbott and Agnes. She was born Abt. 1424397, and died November 21, 1473 in Landwade, Cambridgeshire, ENG398,399.
for William Cotton:
killed in battle of St.
Albans, the beginning of the war of the Roses, his tomb and brass epitaph
at Landwade, a London mercer, Vice Chamberlain to Henry VI
About William Cotton:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-35, TB 178
About William Cotton and Alice Abbott:
Marriage: Bef. 1446400
Children of William Cotton and Alice Abbott are:
136 | i. | William27 Cotton. | ||
137 | ii. | Andrew Cotton. | ||
138 | iii. | Joan Cotton. | ||
139 | iv. | Edmund Cotton. | ||
140 | v. | John Cotton. | ||
141 | vi. | Robert Cotton. | ||
142 | vii. | Ethelreda Cotton. | ||
143 | viii. | Thomas Cotton401, born 1438401. | ||
+ | 144 | ix. | Catherine Cotton, born Abt. 1446 in Landwade, Cambridgeshire, England. |
Generation No. 27
135.John27Newburgh (John26, Margaret25 Poyntz, Nicolas24, Hugh23 Pontz, Elizabeth la Zouche22, Millicent de Cantilupe21, Eve de Braose20, Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)402. He married Alice Carent402.
About John Newburgh:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of John Newburgh and Alice Carent is:
+ | 145 | i. | Thomas28 Newburgh. |
144.Catherine27Cotton(William26, Joan25 Rede, Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)403,404 was born Abt. 1446 in Landwade, Cambridgeshire, England405. She married ThomasHeighamV406,407 1467408. He was born 1431 in Grazely, Suffolk, England408,409, and died Aft. 1494409.
About Catherine Cotton:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-36, TB 89
About Thomas Heigham and Catherine Cotton:
Marriage: 1467410
Children of Catherine Cotton and Thomas Heigham are:
146 | i. | Thomas28 Heigham411, died July 28, 1504411. | ||
147 | ii. | Richard Heigham411. | ||
148 | iii. | John Heigham412, died Abt. February 27, 1522/23412. | ||
149 | iv. | Daughter Heigham412. | ||
150 | v. | Jane Heigham412. | ||
+ | 151 | vi. | Sir Clement Heigham, born 1468 in Lavenham, Suffolk, England; died September 26, 1500 in Lavenham, Suffolk. |
Generation No. 28
145.Thomas28Newburgh (John27, John26, Margaret25 Poyntz, Nicolas24, Hugh23 Pontz, Elizabeth la Zouche22, Millicent de Cantilupe21, Eve de Braose20, Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)413. He married Alice413.
About Thomas Newburgh:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Thomas Newburgh and Alice is:
+ | 152 | i. | Walter29 Newburgh. |
151.Sir Clement28Heigham (Catherine27 Cotton, William26, Joan25 Rede, Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)414,415 was born 1468 in Lavenham, Suffolk, England416, and died September 26, 1500 in Lavenham, Suffolk417,418. He married MatildaCooke419,420, daughter of Lawerence Cooke. She was born Abt. 1468 in Lovenham, Suffolk, England421.
About Sir Clement Heigham:
Burial: Lavenham Church422
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-37, TB 44423
Children of Clement Heigham and Matilda Cooke are:
153 | i. | Thomas29 Heigham. | ||
154 | ii. | Constance Heigham. | ||
155 | iii. | William Heigham. | ||
+ | 156 | iv. | Sir, Knt. Clement Heigham, born Abt. 1495 in Lavenham, Suffolk, England; died March 09, 1570/71 in Barrow, Sufflok. |
Generation No. 29
152.Walter29Newburgh (Thomas28, John27, John26, Margaret25 Poyntz, Nicolas24, Hugh23 Pontz, Elizabeth la Zouche22, Millicent de Cantilupe21, Eve de Braose20, Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)424. He married Elizabeth Birport424.
About Walter Newburgh:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Walter Newburgh and Elizabeth Birport is:
+ | 157 | i. | Richard30 Newborough. |
156.Sir, Knt. Clement29Heigham(Clement28, Catherine27 Cotton, William26, Joan25 Rede, Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)425,426 was born Abt. 1495 in Lavenham, Suffolk, England427, and died March 09, 1570/71 in Barrow, Sufflok428,429. He married (1) Anne Munnings430, daughter of Thomas Munnings and Margaret Woodward. She was born Abt. 1500 in of Barrow431, and died Bet. May 26 - August 22, 1540432,433. He married (2) Anne Waldegrave433, daughter of George Waldegrave and Anne Drury. She was born Abt. 1506 in of Smallbridge434, and died April 24, 1590434.
for Sir, Knt. Clement Heigham:
by Queen Mary
About Sir, Knt. Clement Heigham:
Burial: Barrow435
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-38, TB 22436
About Anne Waldegrave:
Burial: Thornage in Norfolk437
Children of Clement Heigham and Anne Munnings are:
+ | 158 | i. | Elizabeth30 Heigham. | |
159 | ii. | Anne Heigham. | ||
160 | iii. | Margaret Heigham. | ||
161 | iv. | Frances Heigham. | ||
162 | v. | Lucy Heigham. | ||
163 | vi. | Vincent Heigham, born Abt. 1540; died in Young438. |
Children of Clement Heigham and Anne Waldegrave are:
164 | i. | John30 Heigham. | ||
165 | ii. | Thomas Heigham. | ||
166 | iii. | William Heigham. | ||
167 | iv. | Judith Heigham. | ||
168 | v. | Dorothy Heigham. |
Generation No. 30
157.Richard30Newborough (Walter29 Newburgh, Thomas28, John27, John26, Margaret25 Poyntz, Nicolas24, Hugh23 Pontz, Elizabeth la Zouche22, Millicent de Cantilupe21, Eve de Braose20, Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)439. He married Elizabeth Horsey439.
About Richard Newborough:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Richard Newborough and Elizabeth Horsey is:
+ | 169 | i. | Richard31 Newberry. |
158.Elizabeth30Heigham (Clement29, Clement28, Catherine27 Cotton, William26, Joan25 Rede, Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)440,441. She married (1) HenryEdon442,443, son of Thomas Edon and Joan. He was born Bet. 1514 - 1520 in of Barningham, Suffolk, England444,445, and died January 30, 1545/46446,447. She married (2) Robert Kempe448. He was born in of Spain Hall in Finchingfield, Essex, England448.
About Elizabeth Heigham:
Charlemagne: Descendant,
246A-39, TB 11449
Children of Elizabeth Heigham and Henry Edon are:
+ | 170 | i. | Anne31 Edon, born Abt. 1542 in Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England; died Abt. February 08, 1611/12 in Wicken, England. | |
171 | ii. | Joan Edon450, born Abt. 1544451,452. She married Lucas452; born in of Suffolk452. | ||
+ | 172 | iii. | Elizabeth Edon, born 1546. |
Children of Elizabeth Heigham and Robert Kempe are:
173 | i. | Robert31 Kempe. | ||
174 | ii. | Bridget Kempe. | ||
175 | iii. | Dorothy Kempe. | ||
176 | iv. | William Kempe, born Abt. 1555. |
Generation No. 31
169.Richard31Newberry (Richard30 Newborough, Walter29 Newburgh, Thomas28, John27, John26, Margaret25 Poyntz, Nicolas24, Hugh23 Pontz, Elizabeth la Zouche22, Millicent de Cantilupe21, Eve de Braose20, Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)453. He married Grace Matthew453.
About Richard Newberry:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Richard Newberry and Grace Matthew is:
+ | 177 | i. | Thomas32 Newberry. |
170.Anne31Edon(Elizabeth30 Heigham, Clement29, Clement28, Catherine27 Cotton, William26, Joan25 Rede, Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)454,455,456,457 was born Abt. 1542 in Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England458,459,460, and died Abt. February 08, 1611/12 in Wicken, England461,462,463,464. She married Esq. WilliamBradbury465,466,467,468 Bet. 1568 - 1571 in England469, son of Matthew Bradbury and Margaret Rowse. He was born Abt. 1544 in Wicken Bonhunt, Essex, England470,471,472, and died November 30, 1622 in Wicken Bonhunt, Essex, England473,474,475.
for Anne Edon:
Ann Edon is referred to
as Anne Eden in the Bradbury Memorial (p. 32) and being the daughter of
Richard Eden, Esq. LLD of Bury St. Edmmunds. The "Ancestral Roots of Certain
American Colonists..." indicates she was the daughter of Henry Edon of
Barningham, Soffolk, England who was a cousin of Richard Eden.
The book, "The Ancestry of Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins" also shows Henry Edon and Elizabth Heigham as Anne's father and mother.
If the Bradbury Memorial is true, Anne Edon was the daughter of Richard Eden and her lineage to Charlemagne is traced thru the 246 line in the "Ancestral Roots..." book (p 210).
If the "Ancestral Roots"
book and "The Ancesry of Thomas Bradbury..." books are true, Ann
Edon (246A-40) was the daughter of Henry Edon and her lineage to Charlemagne
is traced thru 246A line in the "Ancestral Roots..." book (p 212). This
genealogy follows this (246A) lineage to Charlemagne.
About Anne Edon:
Burial: February 08, 1611/12,
Wicken Bonhunt, Essex, England476,477
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-40, TB 5478
for Esq. William Bradbury:
Ancestral # 4 (Ancestry
of Thomas Bradbury...)
William Bradbury of Wicken Bonhunt, Esq., aged 41 in 1585, named in the wills of his cousin Robert and brother Thomas. His own will is dated April 19, 1622 and was proved May 6, 1623. He died Nov 30, 1622 and was buried in Wicken.
From the Book "The Ancestry of Thomas Bradbury and his Wife Mary Perkins..." page 9: "1589 - John Howland bought from William Bradburie, gentleman, & wife Anne, 1 messuage, 1 garden, 2 orchards, 70 acres of arable land, 6 acres of meadow & 15 acres of pasture in Wicken Bonhunt for 140 marks. (Feet of Fines for Essex)"
This may have been a son of John Howland (1540-1574) and the Uncle of John Howland (1592-1672 ) Mayflower Pilgrim, from whom Charles E Bradbury III is also descended (on his mothers side).
About Esq. William Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: E-20
About William Bradbury and Anne Edon:
Marriage: Bet. 1568 - 1571,
Children of Anne Edon and William Bradbury are:
178 | i. | Matthew32 Bradbury480,481, born Abt. 1570 in England481; died in England. He married Jane Whitgift481,482 Abt. June 06, 1594483; born in England; died in England. |
for Jane Whitgift:
Sister of Elizabeth Whitgift |
About Matthew Bradbury and Jane Whitgift:
Marriage: Abt. June 06, 1594483 |
+ | 179 | ii. | Wymond Bradbury, born Abt. May 16, 1574 in Wicken Bonant, Essex, England; died Abt. 1650 in Whitechapel, London, Middlesex, England. | |
180 | iii. | Thomas Bradbury484,485, born in England; died in England. |
for Thomas Bradbury:
Died young |
181 | iv. | Bridget Bradbury486,487, born in England; died Bef. 1623 in England487. She married Francis Bridgewater488,489 in England; born in England; died in England. |
About Francis Bridgewater and Bridget Bradbury:
Marriage: England |
182 | v. | Anne Bradbury490,491, born in England; died in England. She married Thomas Kinethorpe492,493 in England; born in Louth, Lincoln, England. |
About Thomas Kinethorpe and Anne Bradbury:
Marriage: England |
183 | vi. | Alice Bradbury494,495, born Abt. February 28, 1572/73 in England495; died in England. She married (1) George Yardley in England; born in Weston, Hetrs, England; died in England. She married (2) Thomas Wadeson496 in England; born in England; died in England. |
About Alice Bradbury:
Baptism: February 28, 1572/73497 |
About George Yardley and Alice Bradbury:
Marriage: England |
About Thomas Wadeson and Alice Bradbury:
Marriage: England |
184 | vii. | Henry Bradbury498,499, born Abt. 1577 in Quendon Hall, England499; died Abt. August 20, 1616 in England500,501. |
for Henry Bradbury:
Died young |
About Henry Bradbury:
Burial: August 20, 1616501
About Daniel Bettenham and Elizabeth Edon:
Marriage: Abt. 1565
Child of Elizabeth Edon and Daniel Bettenham is:
185 | i. | John32 Bettenham502. |
Generation No. 32
177.Thomas32Newberry (Richard31, Richard30 Newborough, Walter29 Newburgh, Thomas28, John27, John26, Margaret25 Poyntz, Nicolas24, Hugh23 Pontz, Elizabeth la Zouche22, Millicent de Cantilupe21, Eve de Braose20, Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)503. He married Jane504.
About Thomas Newberry:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Thomas Newberry and Jane is:
+ | 186 | i. | Benjamin33 Newberry. |
179.Wymond32Bradbury (Anne31 Edon, Elizabeth30 Heigham, Clement29, Clement28, Catherine27 Cotton, William26, Joan25 Rede, Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)505,506,507,508 was born Abt. May 16, 1574 in Wicken Bonant, Essex, England509,510,511,512,513, and died Abt. 1650 in Whitechapel, London, Middlesex, England514,515,516,517,518. He married ElizabethWhitgift519,520,521,522 Abt. 1605 in England523,524, daughter of William Whitgift and Margaret Bell. She was born Abt. March 1573/74 in Clavering, Essex, England525,526,527,528, and died June 26, 1612 in Croyden, Surrey, England529,530,531,532,533.
for Wymond Bradbury:
Ancestral # 2 (Ancestry
of Thomas Bradbury...)
of the "Brick House" - home of Wymond at Wicken Bonhunt, Essex, built for him 1600-1620 by his father, William Bradbury
Wymond Bradbury of Wicken
Bonant, afterward of the parish of Whitechapel, county Middlesex, died
in 1650, and his daughter Anne Stubbes was appointed administratix, Nov
20, 1650. He was baptised at Newport Pond (about a mile from Wicken) May
16, 1574, and was of London, Oct 17, 1628. He married Elizabeth, daughter
of William Whitgift, and sister of the wife of his brother Matthew. She
died June 26, 1612, aged 38 years 3 months and was buried at Croyden, county
Surrey. Her first husband was Richard Coles of Leigh, Worcestershire, who
died Nov., 1600. She married, second, Francis Gill of London, who died
in 1605, and third Wymond Bradbury.
About Wymond Bradbury:
Baptism: May 16, 1574, Church
of St. Mary the Virgin, Newport Pond, Essex, England534,535,536
Bradbury Memorial #: E-24
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-41, TB 2537,538
for Elizabeth Whitgift:
Sister of Wymond's brother's
(Matthew's) wife (Jane)
Her Marble Tomb contained the inscription:
About Elizabeth Whitgift:
Burial: In the Church at
Croyden, Surrey, England539
About Wymond Bradbury and Elizabeth Whitgift:
Marriage: Abt. 1605, England539,540
Children of Wymond Bradbury and Elizabeth Whitgift are:
187 | i. | Jane33 Bradbury541, born Abt. June 02, 1606 in Newport Pond?, England542; died in Perhaps in childhood542. |
About Jane Bradbury:
Baptism: June 02, 1606, Wicken Bonhunt, Essex, England542,543 |
188 | ii. | William Bradbury543, born September 13, 1607 in Newport Pond?, England544,545; died Bef. 1650546. He married Mary Rogers Abt. February 27, 1632/33 in London, England546. |
About William Bradbury:
Baptism: September 28, 1607, Newport Pond, Essex, England546,547 |
About William Bradbury and Mary Rogers:
Marriage: Abt. February 27, 1632/33, London, England548 Marriage license: Abt. February 27, 1632/33, London, England548 |
189 | iii. | Anne Bradbury549,550, born Abt. February 20, 1608/09551; died Aft. November 20, 1650552. She married (1) Stubbs552,553 in England. She married (2) Nicholas Troughton553 in England. |
for Anne Bradbury:
Source "Ancestral Roots..."; Anne (Bradbury) Stubbs was appointed admx. on Wymonds estate, 20 Nov 1650, "as her brother Thomas was overseas". Wymond left no will. |
About Anne Bradbury:
Baptism: February 20, 1608/09, Newport Pond, Essex, England554,555 |
About Stubbs and Anne Bradbury:
Marriage: England |
for Nicholas Troughton:
Of a Buckinghamshire family. Had no children with Anne Bradbury |
Notes for Anne Bradbury and Nicholas Troughton:
Anne was his third wife. |
About Nicholas Troughton and Anne Bradbury:
Marriage: England |
+ | 190 | iv. | Captain Thomas Bradbury, born Abt. February 28, 1610/11 in Wicken Bonhunt, Essex, England; died March 16, 1694/95 in Salisbury, Essex, MA. |
Generation No. 33
186.Benjamin33Newberry (Thomas32, Richard31, Richard30 Newborough, Walter29 Newburgh, Thomas28, John27, John26, Margaret25 Poyntz, Nicolas24, Hugh23 Pontz, Elizabeth la Zouche22, Millicent de Cantilupe21, Eve de Braose20, Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)556. He married Mary Allyn556.
About Benjamin Newberry:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Benjamin Newberry and Mary Allyn is:
+ | 191 | i. | Mary34 Newberry. |
190.Captain Thomas33Bradbury (Wymond32, Anne31 Edon, Elizabeth30 Heigham, Clement29, Clement28, Catherine27 Cotton, William26, Joan25 Rede, Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)557,558,559,560,561,562,563 was born Abt. February 28, 1610/11 in Wicken Bonhunt, Essex, England564,565,566,567,568, and died March 16, 1694/95 in Salisbury, Essex, MA569,570,571,572,573,574. He married Mary Perkins575,576,577,578,579 1636 in prob. Ipswich, MA580,581,582,583, daughter of John Perkins and Judith Gater. She was born Abt. September 03, 1615 in Hillmorton, Warwickshire, England584,585,586,587, and died December 20, 1700 in Salisbury, Essex, MA588,589,590,591,592,593.
for Captain Thomas Bradbury:
Ancestral # 1 (Ancestry
of Thomas Bradbury...)
Bradbury Memorial, 1st Bradbury from England
The Bradbury surname according to Savage
Quoted directly from Genealogical
Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England by James Savage, Boston,
1860-1862: Vol I., pp 229-230. Select abbreviations for futher definition
by Savage.
Came to New England 1634
as agent for Sir Ferdinando Gorges (209-39)
BRADBURY, *THOMAS, Salisbury, an orig. propr. but it is not kn. where he was sett. bef. going to that town, yet prob. Ipswich, freem. 13 May 1640, rep. 1651 and six yrs. more, record for the Co. of Norfolk, when New Hampsh. was part of Mass. was capt. and d. 16 Mar. 1695. His w. Mary, d. of John Perkins, after 56 yrs. of good cohabit. was accus. of witchcraft in the dark hours of 1692, but her age was not sufficient to condemn her; she was acq. and d. 20 Dec. 1700. The ch. were Wymond, b. 1 Apr. 1637; Judith, 2 Oct. 1638; Thomas, 28 Jan. 1640; Mary, 17 Apr. 1642; Jane, 11 May 1645; Jacob, 17 June 1647, wh. d. at Barbados, 1669; William, 15 Sept. 1649; Eliz. 7 Nov. 1651; John, 20 Apr. 1654, wh. d. 24 Nov. 1678; Ann, 16 Apr. 1656; d. young; and Jabez, 27 June 1658, wh. d. 28 Apr. 1677. Mary m. 17 Dec. 1663, John Stanian; Judith m. 9 Oct. 1665, Caleb Moody, as his sec. w.; Jane m. 15 Mar. 1668 Henry True; and Eliz. m. 12 May 1673, John Buss. WILLIAM, Salisbury, s. of the proced. had Mary as his first w. and next Rebecca, wid. of Samuel Maverick, d. of Rev. John Wheelwright, m. 12 Jan. or more prob. Mar. 1672; d. 4 Dec. 1678, and his w. d. 20 of the same mo. He left William, b. 16 Oct. 1672; Thomas, 24 Dec. 1674; and Jacob, 1 Sept. 1677; the last two rememb. in the will of their gr.f. Rev. John Wheeelwright of S. WYMOND, Salisbury, eldest s. of Thomas, m. 7 May 1661, Sarah, d. of Robert Pike, had Sarah, b. 26 Feb. 1662; Ann, 21 Nov. 1666; and Wymond, 13 May 1669; d. that yr. at Nevis; and his wid. m. 10 May 1671, John Stockman of S.
Note: There are no Additions and Corrections listed by Savage.
©Copyright expired.
Will made 14 Feb 1694/5
to New England in 1634 as agent for Sir Ferdinando Gorges
Other sources of information: Bradbury Memorial; Savage; Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, by Noyes, Libby, Davis; Visitation Pedigrees; Parish Registers; N.E.H.G.R. -23:262; History og Croydon, by Ducarel, 1786
About Captain Thomas Bradbury:
Baptism: February 28, 1610/11,
Wicken Bonhunt, Essex, England594,595,596
Bradbury Memorial #: 1597
Charlemagne: Descendant,
AR 246A-42, TB 1598,599
for Mary Perkins:
and convicted as a witch but escaped punishment.
About Mary Perkins:
Baptism: September 03, 1615,
Hillmorton, Warwickshire, England600,601
About Thomas Bradbury and Mary Perkins:
Marriage: 1636, prob. Ipswich,
Children of Thomas Bradbury and Mary Perkins are:
+ | 192 | i. | Wymond34 Bradbury, born April 01, 1637; died April 07, 1669 in Island of Nevis, West Indies. | |
+ | 193 | ii. | Judith Bradbury, born October 02, 1638 in Salisbury, Essex, MA; died January 24, 1699/00 in Newbury, MA. | |
194 | iii. | Thomas Bradbury606, born January 28, 1640/41 in Salisbury, Essex, MA606,607. |
About Thomas Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 4608 Charlemagne: Descendant |
195 | iv. | Mary Bradbury608, born March 17, 1642/43 in Salisbury, Essex, MA608,609. |
About Mary Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 5610 Charlemagne: Descendant |
+ | 196 | v. | Jane Bradbury, born May 11, 1645 in Salisbury, Essex, MA. | |
197 | vi. | Jacob Bradbury610, born June 17, 1647 in Salisbury, Essex, MA610,611. |
About Jacob Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 7612 Charlemagne: Descendant |
+ | 198 | vii. | William Bradbury, born September 15, 1649 in Salisbury, Essex, MA; died December 04, 1678. | |
199 | viii. | Elizabeth Bradbury613, born November 07, 1651 in Salisbury, Mass.614,615. |
About Elizabeth Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 9 Charlemagne: Descendant |
200 | ix. | John Bradbury615, born April 20, 1654 in Salisbury, Mass.616,617. |
About John Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 10 Charlemagne: Descendant |
201 | x. | Ann Bradbury617, born April 16, 1656 in Salisbury, Mass.618,619. |
About Ann Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 11 Charlemagne: Descendant |
202 | xi. | Jabez Bradbury619, born June 27, 1658 in Salisbury, Mass.620,621. |
About Jabez Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 12 Charlemagne: Descendant |
Generation No. 34
191.Mary34Newberry (Benjamin33, Thomas32, Richard31, Richard30 Newborough, Walter29 Newburgh, Thomas28, John27, John26, Margaret25 Poyntz, Nicolas24, Hugh23 Pontz, Elizabeth la Zouche22, Millicent de Cantilupe21, Eve de Braose20, Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)622. She married John Moseley622.
About Mary Newberry:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Mary Newberry and John Moseley is:
+ | 203 | i. | Joseph35 Moseley. |
192.Wymond34Bradbury (Thomas33, Wymond32, Anne31 Edon, Elizabeth30 Heigham, Clement29, Clement28, Catherine27 Cotton, William26, Joan25 Rede, Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)623,624 was born April 01, 1637624,625, and died April 07, 1669 in Island of Nevis, West Indies626. He married SarahPike627 May 07, 1661628, daughter of Robert Pike and Sarah Sanders.
for Wymond Bradbury:
Date and location of Wymonds
death is stated in a record made by his father and now in Essex County
archieves, in Salem Mass.
About Wymond Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 2629
Charlemagne: Descendant
for Sarah Pike:
widow of Wymond Bradbury, married second John Stockman who died December
10, 1686, and by him she had five children.
About Wymond Bradbury and Sarah Pike:
Marriage: May 07, 1661630
Children of Wymond Bradbury and Sarah Pike are:
204 | i. | Sarah35 Bradbury631, born February 26, 1661/62631. She married Abraham Merrill631. |
About Sarah Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 13 Charlemagne: Descendant |
205 | ii. | Ann Bradbury631, born November 22, 1666631. She married Jeremy Allen631. |
About Ann Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 14 Charlemagne: Descendant |
+ | 206 | iii. | Wymond Bradbury, born May 13, 1669; died April 17, 1734 in York, ME. |
193.Judith34Bradbury (Thomas33, Wymond32, Anne31 Edon, Elizabeth30 Heigham, Clement29, Clement28, Catherine27 Cotton, William26, Joan25 Rede, Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)632,633,634 was born October 02, 1638 in Salisbury, Essex, MA635,636,637,638, and died January 24, 1699/00 in Newbury, MA639,640. She married Caleb Moody641,642,643 November 09, 1665 in Newbury, MA644,645,646, son of William Moody. He was born 1637 in Newbury, MA?646, and died August 25, 1698647,648.
About Judith Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 3649
Charlemagne: Descendant
About Caleb Moody and Judith Bradbury:
Marriage: November 09, 1665,
Newbury, MA650,651,652
Children of Judith Bradbury and Caleb Moody are:
207 | i. | Caleb35 Moody, born September 09, 1666. | ||
208 | ii. | Thomas Moody, born October 20, 1668. | ||
209 | iii. | Judith Moody653, born September 23, 1669653; died January 28, 1678/79 in Salisbury, MA653. | ||
210 | iv. | Joshua Moody, born November 03, 1671. | ||
211 | v. | William Moody, born December 15, 1673. | ||
+ | 212 | vi. | Rev. Samuel Moody, born January 04, 1675/76; died November 13, 1747 in York, ME. | |
213 | vii. | Mary Moody, born October 23, 1678. | ||
214 | viii. | Judith Moody, born February 12, 1682/83. |
196.Jane34Bradbury (Thomas33, Wymond32, Anne31 Edon, Elizabeth30 Heigham, Clement29, Clement28, Catherine27 Cotton, William26, Joan25 Rede, Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)653,654 was born May 11, 1645 in Salisbury, Essex, MA655,656. She married Capt. Henry True657,658 March 15, 1667/68659.
About Jane Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 6659
Charlemagne: Descendant
About Henry True and Jane Bradbury:
Marriage: March 15, 1667/68659
Child of Jane Bradbury and Henry True is:
215 | i. | John35 True660, born February 23, 1678/79660. He married Martha Merrill June 16, 1702 in Salisbury, MA; born September 03, 1683660. |
About John True:
Living: 1736660 |
About John True and Martha Merrill:
Marriage: June 16, 1702, Salisbury, MA
About William Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 8670
Charlemagne: Descendant
for Rebecca Wheelwright:
Previously Married. Rebecca
Maverick nee Wheelwright
Notes for William Bradbury and Rebecca Wheelwright:
Marriage Index: Massachusetts,
Bradbury, William
Sex : M
Spouse : Maverick, Rebecka
Marriage Date : Mar 12, 1672
Town : Salisbury
County : Essex
About William Bradbury and Rebecca Wheelwright:
Marriage: March 12, 1671/72,
Salisbury, MA671
Children of William Bradbury and Rebecca Wheelwright are:
216 | i. | William35 Bradbury, born October 16, 1672. |
About William Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 16672 Charlemagne: Descendant |
217 | ii. | Thomas Bradbury, born December 24, 1674. |
About Thomas Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 17672 Charlemagne: Descendant |
+ | 218 | iii. | Jacob Bradbury, born September 01, 1677; died May 04, 1718. |
Generation No. 35
203.Joseph35Moseley (Mary34 Newberry, Benjamin33, Thomas32, Richard31, Richard30 Newborough, Walter29 Newburgh, Thomas28, John27, John26, Margaret25 Poyntz, Nicolas24, Hugh23 Pontz, Elizabeth la Zouche22, Millicent de Cantilupe21, Eve de Braose20, Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)673. He married Abigail Root673.
About Joseph Moseley:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Joseph Moseley and Abigail Root is:
+ | 219 | i. | Abigail36 Moseley. |
206.Wymond35Bradbury (Wymond34, Thomas33, Wymond32, Anne31 Edon, Elizabeth30 Heigham, Clement29, Clement28, Catherine27 Cotton, William26, Joan25 Rede, Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)674 was born May 13, 1669674, and died April 17, 1734 in York, ME675. He married Mariah Cotton676, daughter of John Cotton and Joanna Rosseter. She was born January 14, 1671/72677, and died January 30, 1735/36 in Kittery, ME678.
About Wymond Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 15
Charlemagne: Descendant
for Mariah Cotton:
From the Bradbury Memorial
p. 71: "Her father was the son of Rev. John and Sarah (Story) Cotton, and
her mother the daughter of Dr. Bryan Rosseter of Guilford, Conn."
Children of Wymond Bradbury and Mariah Cotton are:
220 | i. | Jabez36 Bradbury678, born January 26, 1692/93678; died January 13, 1781678. |
for Jabez Bradbury:
From the Bradbury Memorial p. 72: "He resided in Boston and was never married" |
About Jabez Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 19 Charlemagne: Descendant |
221 | ii. | Wymond Bradbury678, born August 18, 1695678. He married Phebe Young678. |
About Wymond Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 20 Charlemagne: Descendant |
+ | 222 | iii. | John Bradbury, born September 09, 1697; died December 03, 1778. | |
223 | iv. | Rowland Bradbury678, born December 15, 1699678. He married Mary Greenleaf678. |
About Rowland Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 22 Charlemagne: Descendant |
224 | v. | Ann Bradbury678, born March 09, 1701/02678. She married Jabez Fox678; born in of Falmouth678. |
About Ann Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 23 Charlemagne: Descendant |
225 | vi. | Josiah Bradbury678, born July 25, 1704678. He married Anna Stevens678. |
About Josiah Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 24 Charlemagne: Descendant |
226 | vii. | Theophilus Bradbury678, born July 08, 1706678. He married Ann Woodman678. |
About Theophilus Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 25 Charlemagne: Descendant |
227 | viii. | Maria Bradbury678, born 1708678. She married Samuel Service678; born in of Boston678. |
About Maria Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 26 Charlemagne: Descendant |
228 | ix. | Jerusha Bradbury678, born July 05, 1711678. She married John Pulling678; born in of Salem, MA678. |
About Jerusha Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 27 Charlemagne: Descendant
for Rev. Samuel Moody:
He graduated from Harvard
College 1697, was ordained at York, Dec 20, 1700 and died there Nov 13,
1747 (Source Bradbury Memorial p. 68)
Child of Samuel Moody and Hannah Sewall is:
+ | 229 | i. | Mary36 Moody, born 1702; died 1779. |
218.Jacob35Bradbury(William34, Thomas33, Wymond32, Anne31 Edon, Elizabeth30 Heigham, Clement29, Clement28, Catherine27 Cotton, William26, Joan25 Rede, Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)690,691 was born September 01, 1677, and died May 04, 1718692. He married ElizabethStockman692,693 July 26, 1698694, daughter of John Stockman and Sarah Pike.
About Jacob Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 18695
Charlemagne: Descendant
About Jacob Bradbury and Elizabeth Stockman:
Marriage: July 26, 1698696
Children of Jacob Bradbury and Elizabeth Stockman are:
+ | 230 | i. | Capt. Thomas36 Bradbury, born August 16, 1699 in Salisbury, MA; died Abt. 1775 in Buxton, ME. | |
231 | ii. | Ann Bradbury, born September 23, 1701. |
About Ann Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 44696 Charlemagne: Descendant |
232 | iii. | Anna Bradbury, born September 03, 1702. |
About Anna Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 45696 Charlemagne: Descendant |
233 | iv. | Elizabeth Bradbury, born February 25, 1705/06. |
About Elizabeth Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 46696 Charlemagne: Descendant |
234 | v. | Dorothy Bradbury, born May 27, 1708. |
About Dorothy Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 47696 Charlemagne: Descendant |
235 | vi. | Jacob Bradbury, born October 06, 1710. |
About Jacob Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 48 |
236 | vii. | Sarah Bradbury, born April 15, 1713. |
About Sarah Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 49 |
+ | 237 | viii. | Moses Bradbury, born November 03, 1715. | |
238 | ix. | Jane Bradbury, born Aft. May 04, 1718. |
About Jane Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 51 |
Generation No. 36
219.Abigail36Moseley (Joseph35, Mary34 Newberry, Benjamin33, Thomas32, Richard31, Richard30 Newborough, Walter29 Newburgh, Thomas28, John27, John26, Margaret25 Poyntz, Nicolas24, Hugh23 Pontz, Elizabeth la Zouche22, Millicent de Cantilupe21, Eve de Braose20, Eve19 Marshall, Isabel de Clare18, Richard de Clare17, Isabel de Beaumont16, Isabel of Vermandois15, Hugh Magnus14, Henry I13, Robert II the Pious12, Hugh Capet11, Hugh Magnus10, Beatrix de Vermandois9, Herbert I de Vermandois8, Pepin7, Bernard6, Pepin5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)697. She married John Lyman697.
About Abigail Moseley:
Charlemagne: Descendant
Child of Abigail Moseley and John Lyman is:
+ | 239 | i. | Mindwell37 Lyman. |
222.John36Bradbury (Wymond35, Wymond34, Thomas33, Wymond32, Anne31 Edon, Elizabeth30 Heigham, Clement29, Clement28, Catherine27 Cotton, William26, Joan25 Rede, Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)698 was born September 09, 1697698, and died December 03, 1778699. He married Abigail Young700, daughter of Joseph Young and Abigail Donnell. She was born in of York, ME700, and died September 28, 1787701.
for John Bradbury:
From the Bradbury Memorial,
p. 76: John Bradbury was known as "The Elder" ... He was founder of the
York family of Bradbury, a leading man in town affairs and in the Presbyterian
church of which he was elder. At the breaking out of the Revolutionary
War he warmly espoused the cause of the colonies, and it is said that on
one occasion he rebuked his minister in open meeting for disloyal sentiments
expressed in his sermon. He was several terms a member of the provinical
legislature, and of the executive council ten years, He was also judge
of porbate."
About John Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 21
Charlemagne: Descendant
Children of John Bradbury and Abigail Young are:
+ | 240 | i. | Cotton37 Bradbury, born October 08, 1722; died June 14, 1806. | |
241 | ii. | Lucy Bradbury702, born January 18, 1724/25702. |
About Lucy Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 61 Charlemagne: Descendant |
242 | iii. | Bethulah Bradbury702, born March 20, 1726/27702. She married James Sayward702. |
About Bethulah Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 62 Charlemagne: Descendant |
243 | iv. | Mariah Bradbury702, born April 05, 1729702. She married Simpson702. |
About Mariah Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 63 Charlemagne: Descendant |
244 | v. | Abigail Bradbury702, born August 12, 1731702. |
About Abigail Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 64 Charlemagne: Descendant |
245 | vi. | Elizabeth Bradbury702, born January 05, 1733/34702. |
About Elizabeth Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 65 Charlemagne: Descendant |
246 | vii. | John Bradbury702, born September 18, 1736702. He married Elizabeth Ingraham702. |
About John Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 66 Charlemagne: Descendant |
247 | viii. | Joseph Bradbury702, born October 23, 1740702. He married Dorothy Clark702. |
About Joseph Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 67 Charlemagne: Descendant |
248 | ix. | Anne Bradbury702, born June 02, 1743702. She married Moulton702. |
About Anne Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 68 Charlemagne: Descendant
for Rev. Joseph Emerson:
He was the officiating minister
at the marriage of John Haskins and Hannah Upham
Child of Mary Moody and Joseph Emerson is:
+ | 249 | i. | Rev. William37 Emerson, born 1743; died October 20, 1776. |
230.Capt. Thomas36Bradbury (Jacob35, William34, Thomas33, Wymond32, Anne31 Edon, Elizabeth30 Heigham, Clement29, Clement28, Catherine27 Cotton, William26, Joan25 Rede, Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)709,710 was born August 16, 1699 in Salisbury, MA710,711, and died Abt. 1775 in Buxton, ME712. He married Sarah Merrill712,713 April 16, 1724 in Salisbury, MA714,715,716,717, daughter of Moses Merrill and Mary Clough. She was born April 07, 1706 in Salisbury, Essex, Mass718,719,720,721, and died Aft. 1749 in Buxton, Maine722.
for Capt. Thomas Bradbury:
From the Bradbury Memorial,
p. 81: "He was much in the military service during the Indian Wars, and
after they were over he moved to what is now Buxton, where he died about
the year 1775."
From " A Merrill Memorial" by Samuel Merrill, Cambridge, MA 1917-1928 p 198: "Capt. Thomas Bradbury son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Stockman) Bradbury of Salisbury was born 16 Aug 1699; lived Salisbury until about 1744, and then removed to Biddeford and afterword to "Narraganset, No. 1" (now Buxton), ME. Capt. Bradbury was one of the first settlers of Buxton and was a distinguished soldier and Indian fighter. He commanded, in 1748-49, at the block-house on the west side of the Saco River, Near Union Falls."
From the book, "The Allens" , He was a yeoman. He lived in Salisbury, and after his fathers death in 1718 be became owner of the family hoestead. ... They were living in Salisbury in 1741, and probably as late as 1745 when daughter Mary was born. But since at least three of his sons were later from Biddeford, Me., it is possible he and his family removed to Biddeford at about that time. "
1699 Born in Salisbury,
1744- 1745 Moved to Biddeford
17xx moved to Buxton
1775 died in Buxton
About Capt. Thomas Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 43723
Charlemagne: Descendant
About Thomas Bradbury and Sarah Merrill:
Marriage: April 16, 1724,
Salisbury, MA724,725,726,727
Children of Thomas Bradbury and Sarah Merrill are:
250 | i. | Samuel37 Bradbury, born October 16, 1724 in Salisbury, Essex, MA728; died January 06, 1729/30 in Salisbury?, Essex, MA728. |
About Samuel Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 118728 Charlemagne: Descendant |
251 | ii. | Elizabeth Bradbury, born April 13, 1727 in Salisbury, Essex, MA728,729; died January 18, 1820729. She married Samuel Merrill, Jr730,731,732 March 03, 1746/47 in Salisbury, MA732; born January 08, 1728/29 in Salisbury, MA732; died May 04, 1822732. |
About Elizabeth Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 119733 Charlemagne: Descendant |
for Samuel Merrill, Jr:
From the book, "A Merrill Memorial Volume 1" , pp. 143-145: Buxton, Me. The Narraganset War was a brief episode of the war against King Philip, chief of the Wampanoags, and it was fought in 1675. The Massachusetts soldiers who took part in the campaign were promised, in the event of success, grants of land in addition to their usual service pay, but for many years the terms of the promise were not complied with. At last, in 1734, a grant of land (Source: "Portland in the Past," by William Gould, (Portland,1886), pp. 330-331.) on the east side of the Saco River in Maine, some ten miles above its mouth, was made to 120 proprietors, the proprietors being soldiers of the Narraganset War, or their representatives. The township was given the name Narraganset No. 1, (*) and by this name it was known until, at its incorporation in 1772, it received the name Buxton. Settlement was begun in 1742, but little progress in this direction had been made when, in 1744, war between England and France broke out, and the few settlers were forced to abandon their farms and take refuge in the more easily defended towns along the coast. In 1750, the war having ended, some of the settlers returned, and thereafter nothing happened to cause them to desert their homes. Capt. Thomas Bradbury of Biddeford was one of the proprietors of Narraganset No. 1. He was a native of Salisbury, Mass., and married Sarah4 Merrill (Moses3, Daniel2). His daughter Elizabeth married Samuel5 Merrill of Salisbury, a great-grandson of Daniel2 Merrill through John3 and Thomas4. (See page 359.) Capt. Bradbury was noted as an Indian fighter, and in 1748 and 1749 had command of a block-house on Saco River, opposite the southern extremity of the present town of Buxton. But Capt. Bradbury did not become a resident of Narraganset No. 1 until about 1763. Samuel5 Merrill had been a soldier at the block-house, under his father-in-law's command, in 1748. He was living in Narraganset No. 1 on the 17th of May, 1751, for on that day he was one of the signers of a petition for a meeting of the proprietors of the Plantation. Capt. Bradbury had purchased two lots of land in the Narraganset township, paying for them œ600, old tenor. One was described as Lot 1, Range D, 1st Division, and the deed recites that a dwelling house stood upon it. This "was probably the first dwelling house in the town worthy of the name."(**) Capt. Bradbury gave a deed of this farm to his son-in-law, under date of 22 Nov. 1753, and here Samuel5 Merrill spent the remainder of his long life, dying in 1822 at the age of ninety-three years. The homestead was near Salmon Falls, and in 1872 a portion of the farm was in possession of Ansel9 Merrill, greatgreat-grandson of Samuel5 Merrill. (*) There were seven "Narraganset" townships. No. 2 is now Westminster, Mass.; No. 3, Amherst, N.H.; No. 4, Goffstown, N.H.; No. 5, Bedford, N.H.; No. 6, Templeton, Mass.; No. 7, Gorham, Me. (**) "Buxton Centennial," (Portland, 1874), p. 236. In 1754 Samuel Merrill was a second time a petitioner for a proprietors' meeting, this time the fear of attack by the Indians impelling the proprietors to provide for the erection of a fort, the structure "to be forty feet square bilt with Pillasaders or Stockades three feet & one half in the ground & ten feet above the Ground & Said Stockades to be Sett Double & a Good flanker or watch box at two opposite Corners of Said fort." By good fortune no attack was made by the Indians in the course of the seven years' war, from 1754 to 1761. Once Indians were seen in the vicinity, and all the inhabitants hastened to the garrison, "who were aided and assisted on this occasion by the coolness and decision of Lieut. Samuel Merrill." (*) Samuel5 Merrill was a man of prominence in the community. In 1761 at a meeting of the proprietors it was "Voted that the proprietors give to Samuel Merrill the old meeting house for said props meeting in Said merrills dwelling house on Lords days heretofore." He was repeatedly chosen surveyor of roads, and after the incorporation of the town he was frequently elected selectman. His military service continued as late as the Revolution, and he served as a lieutenant at the battle of Bunker Hill, in the company commanded by Capt. Jeremiah Hill. (**) Ten of his children lived to grow up; and they left many descendants in Buxton. His name was handed down in the successive generations, Rev. Samuel-Hill Merrill, the genealogist (see pages 1-4), and Governor Merrill of Iowa (see page 534), among others, receiving the name Samuel as part of their inheritance. (**) "Buxton Centennial," pp. 163, 272. His son Samuel6 was a member of the same company. From the book, "A Merrill Memorial Volume 1" , pp. 359: "After 1753 he lived near Salmon Falls, Buxton, Me, of which town he was one of the first settlers. (see pages 144-5) He was lieutenant at the Battle of Bunker Hill..."
About Samuel Merrill and Elizabeth Bradbury:
Marriage: March 03, 1746/47, Salisbury, MA734 |
+ | 252 | iii. | Jacob Bradbury, born Abt. September 15, 1728 in Salisbury, Essex, MA; died 1801. | |
253 | iv. | Moses Bradbury, born February 14, 1730/31 in Salisbury, Essex, MA735. |
About Moses Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 121735 Charlemagne: Descendant |
254 | v. | Samuel Bradbury, born October 14, 1733 in Salisbury, Essex, MA735. |
for Samuel Bradbury:
Died Young |
About Samuel Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 122735 Charlemagne: Descendant |
255 | vi. | Thomas Bradbury, born January 10, 1735/36 in Salisbury, Essex, MA735. |
About Thomas Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 123735 Charlemagne: Descendant |
256 | vii. | William Bradbury, born May 05, 1738 in Salisbury, Essex, MA735. |
About William Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 124735 Charlemagne: Descendant |
257 | viii. | Sarah Bradbury, born December 10, 1739 in Salisbury, Essex, MA735. |
About Sarah Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 125735 Charlemagne: Descendant |
258 | ix. | Benjamin Bradbury, born March 02, 1743/44 in Biddeford, York, ME735. |
About Benjamin Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 126735 Charlemagne: Descendant |
259 | x. | Mary Bradbury735, born Abt. 1745 in Biddeford, York, ME. |
About Mary Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 127735 Charlemagne: Descendant |
260 | xi. | Mercy Bradbury, born January 29, 1745/46 in Biddeford, York, ME735. |
About Mercy Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 128735 Charlemagne: Descendant |
261 | xii. | Jabez Bradbury, born April 22, 1749 in Biddeford, York, ME735; died May 10, 1749 in Biddeford, York, ME. |
About Jabez Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 129735 Charlemagne: Descendant |
237.Moses36Bradbury (Jacob35, William34, Thomas33, Wymond32, Anne31 Edon, Elizabeth30 Heigham, Clement29, Clement28, Catherine27 Cotton, William26, Joan25 Rede, Cecily24 Harlyngrugge, Alice23 Marmion, Thomas22, John21, William20, Geoffrey19, William18, Robert17, Milicent de Rethal16, Elizabeth de Namur15, Godfrey de Namur14, Albert III de Namur13, Albert II de Namur12, Ermengarde de Lorraine11, Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine10, Louis IV, d'Outremer9, Charles III, The Simple8, Louis II, the Stammerer7, Charles II, the Bald6, Louis I, the Fair/Pious5, Charlemagne4, Pepin The Short3, Charles Martel, The Hammerer2, Pepin d'Heristal1)736 was born November 03, 1715736. He married AbigailFogg737 December 28, 1737738.
About Moses Bradbury:
Bradbury Memorial #: 50
About Moses Bradbury and Abigail Fogg:
Marriage: December 28, 1737738
Name | Born | Married |
Moses Bradbury36 | November 3, 1715 | Abigail Fogg |
Benjamin Bradbury37 | June 13, 1745 | |
Joseph Bradbury38 | May 10, 1768 | Tabitha Cotton |
Jacob Bradbury39 | June 25, 1799 | Sally (Sarah) King Ripley |
Henry Ambrose Merrill Bradbury40 | August 20, 1830 | Persis Ripley |
Ernest Ambrose Bradbury41 | Lois Edna Wood | |
Warren Chace Bradbury42 | May 11, 1888 | Tessa Carey |
Henry P. Bradbury43 | January 26, 1919 | Eleanor Marjorie Chase |
1. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 577.
2. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
51, (190-11).
3. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 577.
4. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), Ancestory Tree in Book.
5. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), Ancestor Tree in Book.
6. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
51, (50-11).
7. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0001095.html#I08327.
8. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
9. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 578.
10. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
51, (50-12).
11. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000487.html#I05920.
12. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
13. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 575.
14. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
15. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 575.
16. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
17. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0001096.html#I08328.
18. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 561.
19. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0001096.html#I08328.
20. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
21. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 561.
22. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 576.
23. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
129, 51, (148-13), (50-13).
24. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 561-568, Ancestral # R-6272.
25. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
26. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000299.html#I05919.
27. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
129, (182-5).
28. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 566.
29. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
30. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 566.
31. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
32. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 566.
33. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
34. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
129, 122, (148-14) (140:14).
35. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 551-555, Ancestral # R-3136.
36. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
37. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 551,566, 551.
38. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
39. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 566.
40. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
122, 140:14.
41. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 551.
42. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 566, 551.
43. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
44. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 551.
45. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 566, 551.
46. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000488.html#I05921.
47. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 566, 553.
48. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
49. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 551.
50. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 566, 551.
51. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 554.
52. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
51, (50-14).
53. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
51, 50:14.
54. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
55. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
122, 140:15.
56. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
57. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
129, (148-15).
58. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 523, 533-534, Ancestral # R-1568.
59. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 533, 554.
60. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
61. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 523, 533.
62. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 534.
63. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
64. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 523.
65. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
66. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 534.
67. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000294.html#I05914.
68. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 534.
69. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
70. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 534.
71. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
51, 50:15.
72. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
73. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
123, 140:16.
74. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
123, 240:16.
75. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
76. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
129, (148-16).
77. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 523-525, 534, Ancestral # R-784.
78. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 523, 534.
79. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000525.html#I05900.
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
81. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000525.html#I05900.
82. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
83. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 525.
84. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
85. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000268.html#I09424.
86. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
87. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
88. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
129, (148-17).
89. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 491-492, 525, Ancestral # R-392.
90. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
91. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 491, 525.
92. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000964.html#I05899.
93. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
94. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 492.
95. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
96. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 492.
97. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
51, 50:17.
98. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
99. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
57, see 53:18.
100. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
101. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
123, 129, (142-18) 140:18.
102. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000961.html#I05896.
103. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 483.
104. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
105. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 483.
106. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
129, (148-18).
107. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 465, 482-483, 492, Ancestral # R-196.
108. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000961.html#I05896.
109. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995), 129.
110. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 482.
111. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
112. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 465, 483.
113. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
123, 129, (142-18) 140:18.
114. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000961.html#I05896.
115. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
116. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 483.
117. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
118. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 483.
119. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
120. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 483.
121. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000784.html#I06197.
122. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 465.
123. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
50, 57, 97, wife of 48:18, see 53:18, 101:18.
124. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
125. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
50, 57, 97, 48:18, 53:18, 101:18.
126. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
127. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
51, 50:18.
128. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
123, 140:18.
129. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
130. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
123, 50:19.
131. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
132. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
131, (149-19), (148-19).
133. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 440, 441, 465-468, Ancestral # R-98.
134. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
135. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 465.
136. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000958.html#I05893.
137. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
138. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
130, 131.
139. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 465.
140. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
130, 131.
141. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 465.
142. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000613.html#I09890.
143. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
130, 131.
144. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 465.
145. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 466, 468.
146. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 468.
147. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
57, 97, 123, 53:19, 101:19, husband of 141:19.
148. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
149. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
57, 97, 123, wife of 53:19, 101:19, 141:19.
150. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
151. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
123, 50:19.
152. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
153. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
123, 140:18.
154. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
155. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
123, 140:20.
156. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
157. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
131, (149-20).
158. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 436-442, Ancestral # R-49.
159. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000957.html#I05892.
160. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 463.
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 442.
162. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
57, 97, 123, 53:20, 101:20, 141:20.
163. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
164. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
57, 97, 123, 128, 53:20, 101:20, 141:20, 144A:20.
165. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
166. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
130, 131.
167. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 465.
168. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000613.html#I09890.
169. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
131, (149-19), (148-19).
170. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 440, 441, 465-468, Ancestral # R-98.
171. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
130, 131.
172. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 465.
173. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
174. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 465.
175. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000958.html#I05893.
176. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
177. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
130, 131.
178. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 465.
179. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
123, 140:21.
180. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
181. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
131, (149-21).
182. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 419-435, 442, Ancestral # R-24.
183. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000020.html#I05888.
184. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
185. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 427.
186. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
187. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 420.
188. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000354.html#I06207.
189. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 427.
190. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
57, 97, 123, 53:21, 101:21, 141:21.
191. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
192. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
57, 97, 123, 124, 53:21, 101:21. 141:21, 141A:19.
193. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
194. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
51, 123, 50:22.
195. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
196. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
51, 123.
197. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
210, (246A-22), (149-22).
198. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 393-404, Ancestral # R-12.
199. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 393.
200. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
201. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 403.
202. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
203. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 393.
204. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
131, 210.
205. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000349.html#I06202.
206. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
207. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 403.
208. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
131, 210.
209. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 404.
210. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000596.html#I10875.
211. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 404.
212. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
213. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
57, 97, 124, 53:22, 101:22, 141:22.
214. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
215. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
216. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
57, 97, 124, wife of 53:22, 101:22, 141:22.
217. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
218. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
57, 53:22.
219. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
220. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
97, 101:23.
221. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
222. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
51, 57, 58, 23, 50:23, wife of 53:23 141:23.
223. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
224. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
225. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
52, 57, 124, 50:23, 53:23, 141:23.
226. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
227. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
210, (246A-23).
228. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 381-388, 404, Ancestral # R-6.
229. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
230. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 381-388, Ancestral # R-6.
231. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000018.html#I05886.
232. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
233. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 384.
234. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 381.
235. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
236. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 381.
237. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
238. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 381.
239. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
240. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 388.
241. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 382, 388.
242. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
243. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
52, 57, 124, 50:23, 53:23, 141:23.
244. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
245. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
246. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
51, 57, 58, 23, 50:23, wife of 53:23 141:23.
247. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
248. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
249. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
52, 124, 50:24, 141:24.
250. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
52, 58.
251. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
252. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
58, 124, husband of 141:24.
253. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
52, 58.
254. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
255. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
256. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
52, 58.
257. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
58, 53:25.
258. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
210, (246A-24).
259. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 343.
260. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0001000.html#I05877.
261. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
262. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 343.
263. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 344, 375.
264. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000999.html#I05876.
265. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
266. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 344, 375.
267. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
268. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 344, 375.
269. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 375.
270. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 344, 375.
271. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 375.
272. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
273. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
210, (246A-25).
274. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 328, 343-358, Ancestral # M-65, R-1.
275. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
276. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 328, 343.
277. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
278. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 343.
279. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
280. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
281. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 357.
282. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 358.
283. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
284. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, (246A-26).
285. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 327-342, Ancestral # M-32.
286. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
287. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 327.
288. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000995.html#I05872.
289. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
290. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 340.
291. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0001014.html#I06182.
292. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
293. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
294. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, (246A-27).
295. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 323, Ancestral # M-16.
296. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
297. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 323, 342.
298. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
299. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 325.
300. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 326.
301. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 319, 326.
302. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
303. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, (246A-28).
304. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 317-322, 326, Ancestral # M-8.
305. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
306. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 317, 326.
307. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
308. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 317.
309. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
310. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 317.
311. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
312. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 317, 322.
313. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 322.
314. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
315. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, (246A-29).
316. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 301-304, Ancestral # M-4.
317. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
318. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 301-304, 322, Ancestral # M-4.
319. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
320. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 289, 304, 321.
321. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
322. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 301.
323. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 304.
324. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
325. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, (246A-30).
326. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 289-300, 304, Ancestral # M-2.
327. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
328. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 289, 321.
329. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0001040.html#I05859.
330. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
331. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 291.
332. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0001040.html#I05859.
333. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
334. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 293.
335. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0001040.html#I05859.
336. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
337. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
338. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, (246A-31).
339. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 285-287, Ancestral #2862 and M1.
340. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
341. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 285.
342. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
343. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 285.
344. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0001038.html#I05857.
345. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
346. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, (246A-32).
347. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 282-284, Ancestral #1431.
348. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0001037.html#I05856.
349. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
350. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 282.
351. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
352. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 282-284.
353. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0001036.html#I05855.
354. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
355. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 282.
356. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0001036.html#I05855.
357. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
358. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0001036.html#I05855.
359. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 284.
360. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
361. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, (246A-33).
362. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 180, 271-278, Ancestral #715.
363. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
364. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 273.
365. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
366. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 274.
367. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
368. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 180, 271.
369. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 272.
370. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 271.
371. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
372. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 274.
373. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 272.
374. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 274.
375. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
376. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, (246A-34).
377. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 179-206, Ancestral # 357.
378. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 202.
379. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 180.
380. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000165.html#I05801.
381. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
382. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 180.
383. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
384. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 179.
385. Leslie
Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000165.html#I05801.
386. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
387. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 180.
388. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 203.
389. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
390. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, (246A-35).
391. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 135-152, Ancestral # 178.
392. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000833.html#I05784.
393. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
394. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 135.
395. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
396. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 135.
397. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000834.html#I05785.
398. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
399. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 146.
400. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000834.html#I05785.
401. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 149.
402. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
403. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, (246A-36).
404. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 97-100, Ancestral # 89.
405. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000832.html#I05783.
406. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000831.html#I05782.
407. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
408. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000831.html#I05782.
409. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
410. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000831.html#I05782.
411. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 98.
412. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 99.
413. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
414. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, (246A-37).
415. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
(Second Edition - 1995), 75, Ancestral #44.
416. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000708.html#I05730.
417. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
418. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 75.
419. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
420. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 75.
421. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000709.html#I05731.
422. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 75.
423. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, Line 246A-37.
424. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
425. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, (246A-38).
426. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 23, Ancestral #22.
427. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 51.
428. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 55.
430. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
431. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 23.
432. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
433. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 54.
434. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 54-55.
435. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 55.
436. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, Line 246A-38.
437. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 55.
438. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 56.
439. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
440. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, (246A-39).
441. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 9,20,23, 56, Ancestral #11.
442. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
443. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 9,20.
444. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
445. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 9,23.
446. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000238.html#I05695.
447. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
448. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
449. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
211, Line 246A-39.
450. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000239.html#I05696.
451. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000747.html#I05711.
452. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 25.
453. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191.
454. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 163.
455. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 32.
456. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
212, (246A-40).
457. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 9-11,18,20,25, Ancestral #5.
458. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 32.
459. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
460. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 9.
461. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 163.
462. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 32.
463. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
464. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 25.
465. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 163.
466. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 32.
467. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
468. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 9, 18, 20.
469. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 9.
470. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 32.
471. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
472. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 9, 20.
473. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 32.
474. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
475. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 9, 20.
476. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
477. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 9, 20.
478. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
212, Line 246A-40.
479. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 9.
480. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 32.
481. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 10.
482. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 32, 34.
483. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 10.
484. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 33.
485. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 10.
486. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 33.
487. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 10.
488. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 33.
489. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 10.
490. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 33.
491. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 10.
492. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 33.
493. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 10.
494. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 33.
495. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 10.
496. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 33.
497. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 10.
498. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 32.
499. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 10.
500. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 32.
501. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 10.
502. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 25.
503. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191, 232.
504. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 191,232.
505. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 163, 164.
506. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 32,34, BM:24.
507. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
212, 175, (246A-41), (246-40).
508. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 5-8,10, Ancestral #2.
509. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 163.
510. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 34.
511. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000473.html#I05685.
512. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
513. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 5.
514. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 34.
515. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 164.
516. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000473.html#I05685.
517. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
518. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 5.
519. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 163, 164.
520. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 32,34.
521. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
175, 212, (210-42).
522. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000474.html#I05686.
523. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 5.
524. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 34.
525. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 34, Birthdate Computed.
526. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
175, 212.
527. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000474.html#I05686.
528. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 5.
529. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 34.
530. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 164.
531. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
175, 212.
532. Leslie
Nutbrown, Leslie Nutbrown Web Page, (http://www.geocities.com/~nutbrown),
"Electronic," http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4889/g0000474.html#I05686.
533. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 5.
534. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
535. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 5.
536. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 34.
537. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
212, Line 246A-41.
538. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), Entire book traces lineage back to Charlemagne.
539. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 5.
540. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 34.
541. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 35.
542. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 6.
543. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 35.
544. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 6.
545. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 35.
546. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 6.
547. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 35.
548. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 6.
549. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 5.
550. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 35.
551. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 6.
552. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 5.
553. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 35.
554. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 6.
555. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 35.
556. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 232.
557. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 35,54, 55, 57, 59-67.
558. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 164.
559. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
212, 175, (246A-42), (210-43).
560. Genealogical
Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, Vol II, p. 104.
561. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 1-4, Ancestral #1.
562. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
563. Massachusetts
and Maine Families, Volume III, Perkins of Topsfield, (Family Tree
Maker, CD#194 Massachusetts and Maine Genealogies, 1650's-1930's), "CD-ROM,"
564. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 59.
565. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy,
566. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
175, (210-43).
567. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 1,6.
568. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
569. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 60.
570. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 164.
571. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
175, 212.
572. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 1,3.
573. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
574. Massachusetts
and Maine Families, Volume III, Perkins of Topsfield, (Family Tree
Maker, CD#194 Massachusetts and Maine Genealogies, 1650's-1930's), "CD-ROM,"
575. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 164.
576. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 60, 67.
577. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
212, 175.
578. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
579. Massachusetts
and Maine Families, Volume III, Perkins of Topsfield, (Family Tree
Maker, CD#194 Massachusetts and Maine Genealogies, 1650's-1930's), "CD-ROM,"
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 60.
581. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
582. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 1.
583. Massachusetts
and Maine Families, Volume III, Perkins of Topsfield, (Family Tree
Maker, CD#194 Massachusetts and Maine Genealogies, 1650's-1930's), "CD-ROM,"
584. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
585. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 1.
586. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
587. Massachusetts
and Maine Families, Volume III, Perkins of Topsfield, (Family Tree
Maker, CD#194 Massachusetts and Maine Genealogies, 1650's-1930's), "CD-ROM,"
588. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 164.
589. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
590. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 3.
591. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
592. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 60.
593. Massachusetts
and Maine Families, Volume III, Perkins of Topsfield, (Family Tree
Maker, CD#194 Massachusetts and Maine Genealogies, 1650's-1930's), "CD-ROM,"
594. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
595. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 1.
596. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 35.
597. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
598. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
212, Line 246A-42.
599. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), Book Traces Thomas Bradbury back to Charlemagne
and beyond.
600. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
601. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 1.
602. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 60.
603. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
604. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 1.
605. Massachusetts
and Maine Families, Volume III, Perkins of Topsfield, (Family Tree
Maker, CD#194 Massachusetts and Maine Genealogies, 1650's-1930's), "CD-ROM,"
606. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
607. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 4.
608. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
609. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 4.
610. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
611. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 4.
612. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
613. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 4.
614. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 68.
615. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 4.
616. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 68.
617. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 4.
618. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 68.
619. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 4.
620. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 68.
621. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 4.
622. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 232.
623. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
624. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
625. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 4.
626. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 68.
627. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 68, 74.
628. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 68.
629. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
630. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 68.
631. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 69.
632. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy.
633. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67, 68.
634. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
635. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 164.
636. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
637. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 4.
638. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 68.
640. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
641. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 164.
642. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
643. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
644. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 164, Date indicates Oct 9 not Nov 9 1665.
645. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
646. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
647. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 68.
648. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
649. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
650. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 164, Date indicates Oct 9 not Nov 9 1665.
651. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
652. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
654. Samuel
Merrill, Merrill Memorial Volume 1, (Anundsen Publishing Co., 108
Washington St., Decorah, Iowa 52101), 170.
655. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
656. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 4.
657. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
658. Samuel
Merrill, Merrill Memorial Volume 1, (Anundsen Publishing Co., 108
Washington St., Decorah, Iowa 52101), 170.
659. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
660. Samuel
Merrill, Merrill Memorial Volume 1, (Anundsen Publishing Co., 108
Washington St., Decorah, Iowa 52101), 170.
661. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67,70.
662. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
175, 212.
Index: Massacheusetts 1633-1850, Family Archieve CD 231, "CD-ROM."
664. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 67.
665. John
Brooks Threlfall, Thomas Bradbury and His Wife Mary Perkins, The Ancestry
of, (Second Edition - 1995), 4.
666. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 70.
667. Frederick
Lewis Weis, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.,
Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700,
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Seventh Edition 1992, 1993, 1995),
175, 212.
668. Marriage
Certificate, Charles E. Bradbury & Georgia M. Perkins.
669. Broderbund,
Index: Massacheusetts 1633-1850, Family Archieve CD 231, "CD-ROM."
670. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 70.
671. Broderbund,
Index: Massacheusetts 1633-1850, Family Archieve CD 231, "CD-ROM."
672. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 70.
673. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 232.
674. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 69.
675. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 72.
676. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 69.
677. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 71.
678. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 72.
679. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 164.
680. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 68.
681. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
682. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 164.
683. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 68.
684. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
685. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 68.
686. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 164.
687. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
688. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 164.
689. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
690. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 74.
691. Samuel
Merrill, Merrill Memorial Volume 1, (Anundsen Publishing Co., 108
Washington St., Decorah, Iowa 52101), 198.
692. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 74.
693. Samuel
Merrill, Merrill Memorial Volume 1, (Anundsen Publishing Co., 108
Washington St., Decorah, Iowa 52101), 198.
694. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 74.
695. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 70, 74.
696. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 74.
697. Gary
Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents, (Carl Boyer, 3rd
Santa Clarita, California 1995), 232.
698. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 72.
699. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 76.
700. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 72.
701. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 76.
702. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 77.
703. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 164.
704. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
705. Bruce
H. Harrison, Founders & Patriots Family Forest, (Milisecond
publishing Company), "CD-ROM."
706. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Internet Web Page, "Electronic."
707. Bruce
H. Harrison, Founders & Patriots Family Forest, (Milisecond
publishing Company), "CD-ROM."
708. Ralph
Waldo Emerson Genealogy, 164.
709. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 81.
710. Samuel
Merrill, Merrill Memorial Volume 1, (Anundsen Publishing Co., 108
Washington St., Decorah, Iowa 52101), 198.
711. Raymond
F. Allen, Allens, The, (The Reporter Company, Inc., Walton, N.Y.
1958), 88.
712. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 81.
713. Brøderbund
Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 15, Ed. 1, (Release date:
November 20, 1997), "CD-ROM," Tree #2202, Date of Import: Jun 11, 2000.
714. Broderbund,
Index: Massacheusetts 1633-1850, Family Archieve CD 231, "CD-ROM,"
Film # 0845110, Family History Library, Salt Lake City.
715. Raymond
F. Allen, Allens, The, (The Reporter Company, Inc., Walton, N.Y.
1958), 88.
716. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 81.
717. Samuel
Merrill, Merrill Memorial Volume 1, (Anundsen Publishing Co., 108
Washington St., Decorah, Iowa 52101), 198.
718. Raymond
F. Allen, Allens, The, (The Reporter Company, Inc., Walton, N.Y.
1958), 88.
719. Samuel
Merrill, Merrill Memorial Volume 1, (Anundsen Publishing Co., 108
Washington St., Decorah, Iowa 52101), 198.
720. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 81.
721. Brøderbund
Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 15, Ed. 1, (Release date:
November 20, 1997), "CD-ROM," Tree # 2202, Date of Import: Jun 11, 2000.
722. Brøderbund
Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 15, Ed. 1, (Release date:
November 20, 1997), "CD-ROM," Tree #2202, Date of Import: Jun 11, 2000.
723. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 81.
724. Broderbund,
Index: Massacheusetts 1633-1850, Family Archieve CD 231, "CD-ROM,"
Film # 0845110, Family History Library, Salt Lake City.
725. Raymond
F. Allen, Allens, The, (The Reporter Company, Inc., Walton, N.Y.
1958), 88.
726. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 81.
727. Samuel
Merrill, Merrill Memorial Volume 1, (Anundsen Publishing Co., 108
Washington St., Decorah, Iowa 52101), 198.
728. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 81.
729. Samuel
Merrill, Merrill Memorial Volume 1, (Anundsen Publishing Co., 108
Washington St., Decorah, Iowa 52101), 359.
730. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 81.
731. Raymond
F. Allen, Allens, The, (The Reporter Company, Inc., Walton, N.Y.
1958), 88.
732. Samuel
Merrill, Merrill Memorial Volume 1, (Anundsen Publishing Co., 108
Washington St., Decorah, Iowa 52101), 359.
733. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 81.
734. Samuel
Merrill, Merrill Memorial Volume 1, (Anundsen Publishing Co., 108
Washington St., Decorah, Iowa 52101), 359.
735. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 81.
736. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 75.
737. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 75,82.
738. William
Berry Lapham, Bradbury Memorial, (Brown Thurston & Company,
Portland, Maine 1890), 82.