Learning to Draw and Drawing
to Learn Science
Art 95; EDSS 200
B-203 Angell (Cook); Wednesdays, 6-9 p.m.
Does not satisfy any requirements in the Art program
Does not satisfy any distribution requirement in
the College of Arts and Sciences
There’s something that’s very intense about the experience of sitting down
and having to look at something in the way that you do in order to make a
drawing or a painting of it. By the time you’ve done that, you feel
that you’ve really understood what you were looking at.... and somehow it
becomes a method of possessing the experience in a unique way.
---Robert Bechtle
Professor Michael Strauss
Office A-330 Cook; Ext: 60274; Email: Michael.Strauss@uvm.edu
Required: Keys to Drawing, by Bert Dodson (in University Store)
Optional Additional Text: A Guide to Drawing, by Mendelowitz, Wakeham
and Faber, 6th edition.
Required Materials:
Drawing Board (Masonite or other) ca. 20”x 26”
Masking Tape (to hold paper to board)
Pad of multipurpose drawing paper, suitable for pencil, charcoal and ink,
18”x 24”
Pad of newprint paper (inexpensive), for quick sketching, 18” x 24”
Small journal for written exercises (no larger than 8” x 10”
Binder clips (to hold pad to board)
Graphite drawing pencils (hard to soft); HB, 2B, 4B, 6B
Variety of erasers, including kneaded and gum erasers
Charcoal stick and vine (medium and soft)
Blending stumps (tortillons)
Box of tissues, Box of cotton (will be useful when working with charcoal)
Felt tip pens (medium and fine point)
Medium size pointed watercolor brush (size 10). Get the best quality
you can afford
Pencil sharpeners (small, portable), Get the kind that collect the shavings
Charcoal/graphite spray fixative
Sketchbook/Journal, ca. 10”x14” wired ring to open flat
A bottle of water soluble fountain pen ink or a water soluble black ink
pen with a medium sized tip.
Optional Materials:
Charcoal paper, heavy weight
Pastel paper pad, variety of colors
Pad of fine sandpaper for sharpening graphite
Conte crayons (gray), box of 12
Easel (I will comment on this in class)
Attendance at all 14 Classes is mandatory. The grade will be determined
approximately as follows:
Attendance and participation in all class exercises 10%
Completion of all in class assignments and assembly of portfolio of them
for submission at scheduled times during the semester 20%
Completion of all homework assignments and assembly of portfolio of them
for submission at scheduled times during the semester 20%
Project 15%
Class presentation 10%
Subjective evaluation by the instructor 25%
Topics we will cover in this class...
Visualization in Education
Drawing to Learn Science
Materials used in drawing
Learning to see
Learning about graphite
Learning about charcoal
Learning about inks
Perspective, an Introduction (one point and two point)
Mechanical Aids to Perception
Vertical and horizontal alignments
What you “know” and what you see
Movement of the eye and the hand.
Eye-hand coordination
The contour line
The variety of line
Lost and found edges
Defining form with light
Perspective, part II. picture plane, ground line, horizon line, vanishing
point, 3-point Aerial perspective
Figure drawing
Tentative Class Schedule (topics and times may change depending on content
and context of class, as needed):
Wednesday, January 19 CLASS 1
1. Course overview.
2. In class exercises...(
4. Homework assignments:
a) Read Chapter 1 in Dodson
b) Drawing exercise associated with reading in text (to
be done in sketchbook). Make sure it is dated and signed....
c) Brief journal entry summarizing your reaction to the
drawing exercise. Another brief entry (xerox to hand in) re: your
thoughts for topics for your project/paper/presentation
e)date/time the entries...
Wednesday, January 26 CLASS 2
1. Critique of Homework Drawing Exercise
2. Lecture/Discussion on “The Drawing Process” in Chapter 1
3. In Class Drawing exercises based on Chap 1, done in sketchbook.
4. Homework assignments:
a) Read Chapter 2 in Dodson, “The Artist’s Handwriting”....
b) Drawing exercise associated with reading in text (to
be done in sketchbook). Make sure it is dated and signed....
c) Brief journal entry summarizing discussing your reaction
to doing assignment. List of 4 possible topics for your project
presentation. Bring to class and discuss with
instructor at next class.
e) Date/time all journal entries...
Wednesday, February 2 CLASS 3
1. Critique of Homework Drawing Exercise
2. Lecture/Discussion on elements in Chapter 2, The Artist’s Handwriting
3. In Class Drawing exercise based on Chap 2 (see exercise summary binder),
done in sketchbook.
4. Homework assignments:
a) Read Chapter 3 in Dodson, Proportions... taking the
measure of things....
b) Drawing exercise associated with reading in text (to
be done in sketchbook). Make sure it is dated and signed....
c) Brief journal entry summarizing
1) your understanding and reaction
to reading of chapter and homework exercise
2) your project choices... get approval...
(by email or phone)
d) Date/time all journal entries...
Wednesday, February 9 CLASS 4
1. Critique of Homework Drawing Exercise
2. Lecture/Discussion on elements in Chapter 3, proportions, measuring
3. In Class Drawing exercise based on Chap 3 done in sketchbook.
4. Homework assignments:
a) Read Chapter 4 , on The Illusion of light....
b) Drawing exercise associated with reading in text (to
be done in sketchbook). Make sure it is dated and signed....
d) Brief journal entry summarizing
1) your understanding and reaction
to reading and drawing exercises...
2) draft paragraphs describing your
potential project and rough sketches of the subject of
you may be studying,
drawing and writing about.
e) Date/time all journal entries...
f) Xerox your FIVE BEST journal entries to be handed
in at next class
Wednesday, February 16 CLASS 5
1. Hand in your xeroxed five best journal entries.
2. Critique of Homework Drawing Exercise
3. Lecture/Discussion on elements in Chapter 4, The Illusion of Light
4. In Class Drawing exercise based on Chap 4 , done in sketchbook.
5. Homework assignments:
a) Read Chapter 5, The Illusion of Depth...
b) Drawing exercise associated with reading in text (to
be done in sketchbook).Make sure it is dated and signed....
c) Brief journal entry summarizing
1) your understanding and reaction
to reading and drawing exercise...
d) Create first draft of paper (xerox the latter to hand
e) Date/time all journal entries...
Wednesday, February 23 CLASS 6
1. Critique of Homework Drawing Exercise
2. Lecture/Discussion on elements in Chapter 5, The Illusion of Depth, as
well as beginning discussion of projects...
3. In Class Drawing exercise based on Chap 5 done in sketchbook.
4. Homework assignments:
a) Read Chapter 6, The Illusion of Texture...
b) Drawing exercise associated with reading in text (to
be done in sketchbook). Make sure it is dated and signed....
c) Brief journal entry summarizing 1) your understanding
and reaction to reading and drawing exercise... chap 6.
to work on project.
e) Date/time all journal entries......
1. Critique of Homework Drawing Exercise
2. Lecture/Discussion on elements in Chapter 6, the Illusion of texture,
as well as continuing discussion and class work on
3. In Class Drawing exercise based on Chap 6 (see exercise summary binder),
done in sketchbook.
4. Homework assignments:
a) Read Chapter 7, Pattern and design
b) Drawing exercise associated with reading in text (to
be done in sketchbook). Make sure it is dated and signed....
c) Brief journal
entry summarizing 1) your understanding and reaction to reading of
on Chap 7 in text. and continue to
work on your project and paper.
d) Date/time all journal entries......
e) xerox your 10 best drawings to be submitted for review
at next class
Wednesday, March 9 CLASS 8
1. Hand in xerox copies of 10 best drawings for review by instructor
2. Critique of Homework Drawing Exercise
3. Lecture/Discussion on Chap 7 Pattern and Design...
4. In Class Drawing exercise
5. Homework assignments:
a) Work on project paper, drawings, presentation..........
b) Drawing exercise (to be done in sketch book).
Make sure it is dated and signed....
c) Brief journal entry summarizing your understanding
and reaction to reading, prepare 1st draft of project paper and
drawing ideas to be peer read, reviewed
and handed in at next class.
d) Date/time all journal entries......
Wednesday, March 16 CLASS 9
1. Sign up for presentation date
2. Critique of Homework Drawing Exercise
3. Lecture/Discussion to be announced.
4. In Class Drawing exercise -- Insects....
5. Homework assignments:
a) Work on project paper, drawings, presentation..........
b) Drawing exercise (to be done in sketch book).
Make sure it is dated and signed....
c) Brief journal entry summarizing 1) your understanding
and reaction to work of prior week, work on project and
d) Date/time all journal entries......
Wednesday, March 30 CLASS 10
1. Sign up for presentation date
2. Beginning of class presentations
3. Lecture/Discussion to be announced.
4. In Class Drawing exercise..... bones and skulls
5. Homework assignments:
a) Work on project paper, drawings, presentation..........
b) Drawing exercise (to be done in sketch book).
Make sure it is dated and signed.... xerox copy for class critique.
c) finish final
draft of paper and sketches, xerox and hand in next time for review prior
to creating final finished project...
d) Date/time all journal entries......
Wednesday, April 6 CLASS 11
1. Continuation of class presentations
2. Lecture/Discussion to be announced
3. In Class Drawing exercise .....plants., biological specimens
4. Homework assignments:
a) Work on project paper, drawings, presentation..........
Wednesday, April 13 CLASS 12
1. Continuation of class presentations
2. Drawing Exercises.... Drawing Molecules
3. Homework assignments:
Wednesday, April 20 CLASS 13
1. Continuation of class presentations
2. Working with Inks.... Drawing elements, compounds and crystals....
3. In Class Drawing exercise if there is time.
5. Homework assignments:
Wednesday, April 27 CLASS 14
1. Continuation of class presentations
2. Portraits....
3. Working with color ....
4. Portfolio review and critique...
Wednesday, May 4 CLASS 15
Celebratory Ending....
Have a great summer!!!