National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA)


In 2013, a Mortar Board Akraia Chapter member brought a NEDA Walk to Burlington for the very first time.  Two years later, in 2015, the Akraia Chapter will again be taking part in the NEDA Walk and one of the member's this year is the walk coordinator.  We are lucky to be working with the service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega, as well as other groups on campus committed to social justice.

The National Eating Disorder Association is the leading non-profit organization in the United States advocating on behalfof and supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders.  NEDA serves millions of people each year and some of the things they work for include: prevention of eating disorders, access to quality treatment, and increased research funding to better treat and understand eating disorders. 

In the United States, 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some time in their lives, and there has been a rise in incidence among college-aged women.  NEDA Walks provide opportunities to raise funds for NEDA as well as awareness; working to eliminate the stigma around eating disorders, and mental illnesses in general.  Last year, at the 2015 Burlington NEDA Walk, we raised $9,918.  Our goal for this year's walk is $16,000. 

Learn more about NEDA here