BUS 2800
Financial Management

Grossman School of Business
Kevin C.H. Chiang, Ph.D.


Course Objective

The main theme of the course is capital budgeting. Thus, the course is developed based on the notion of the time value of money. Through this development, the course is also a survey of some of the major areas of modern finance: the role of a firm; the role of a manager (agent); the view of a firm being a stream of after-tax cash flows; asset valuation; cash flow estimation; financing methods; costs of capital being a function of systematic risk; and, the estimation of systematic risk in equilibrium.

Office Hours

I have an open-door policy. If you prefer to schedule an appointment or find it inconvenient to come by my office, I invite you to send me an e-mail.

  • Syllabus

  • Electronic Notes

    Topic 1. Introduction

    Topic 2: Discounted Cash Flow Valuation

    Topic 3. Valuation: Bonds and Stocks

    Topic 4: Net Present Value and Other Investment Rules

    Topic 5: Risk and Return

    Topic 6: The CAPM

    Topic 7: Risk, Cost of Capital, and Capital Budgeting

    Topic 8: Financial Statement Analysis and Financial Models

    Topic 9: Making Capital Investment Decisions

    Answer Keys #1

    Answer Keys #2

    Old Exam Sample

    Another Old Exam Sample

    VTBeer Pro Forma

    VTBeer Pro Forma_Before