Internship and Job Opportunities


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Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant Opportunities:


Teaching Assistant.  Some courses offer teaching assistant positions to experienced undergraduates.  This may be done as work-study employment, for independent study course credit, or as a volunteer experience.  Check listings at Career Services, ask at Department Offices, and email professors to ask about opportunities before the start of the semester.


Research Assistant.  Some professors offer research assistant opportunities to undergraduates.  Consult professors whose research interests appeal to you and check listings at Career Services and Department Offices. 


If interested in being a teaching assistant in one of my courses or doing research assistant work with me, please see the teaching and research sections of my web page and send/email a letter of interest, resume, academic transcript, and the contact information of three references to the following address:




Professor Jeanne L. Shea

Anthropology Department

515 Williams Hall

72 University Place

University of Vermont

Burlington, Vermont 05405

Phone: (802)656-3181



For more information on internships, jobs, and careers at UVM and beyond, see the advising section of my webpage.