Willendorf, Austria, 30,000 BC

Past International Women's Day Events



2010 - Women’s Herstory Month

2009 - Celebrating Women, Families, Community, and Culture

2008 - In Celebration of Women

2007 - 12th Annual International Women's Day Celebration

2006 - Education - Celebration - Action

2005 - Towards Equality: The Global Empowerment of Women

Our theme this year focused specifically on the women of Africa and their activism for empowerment, highlighting work around healthcare, politics and HIV prevention

2004 - Women, Action, Peace

Our theme this year focused particularly on women's activism to end war. Speaker Djurdja Knezevic, a Croatian native who has, for the last twenty years, been prominently active in women's initiatives in the former Yugoslavian states addressed her own efforts with Croatian women to bring about peace in that part of the world and internationally.

2003 - Confronting War and Creating Peace

Our theme this year focused on the 'Comfort Women' of Asia who, during WWII were forced to endure long term sexual and physical abuse. Speaker Indai Sajor, co-communer of the United Nations Tribunal on the Asian 'Comfort Women' was our guest speaker.