From the 34 Million Friends Webpage

I am proposing that on International Women's Day, March 8, 2005 millions of people here in the US and even around the world give one dollar (or the equivalent of) to UNFPA (here in this country, it would be through the US Committee for UNFPA). UNFPA is the one branch of the UN which has a special mandate for women and girls. This goes along with my long held hope that 34 Million Friends would become a worldwide movement for ordinary people taking a stand and sending a message to their governments that women's and girls' equality, education, rights including reproductive rights, and health should be of absolute paramount importance. It should be one of the world's top priorities. The world is paying a high price for not living up to this ideal. Can you help with this idea?

I am trying to get all colleges involved, the National Council of Women's Organizations with over 6 million members, churches, and on and on. Jane Roberts, cofounder, 34 Million Friends of UNFPA

34 Million Friends is an inspiring grassroots response to the Bush Administration's decision to withhold $34 million of congressionally approved funds for the UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund. This investment would have been used to provide safe motherhood, HIV prevention, and contraceptives for women in the world's poorest countries.

We are trying to find 34 million Americans to each give $1 or more to this cause-and we rely on people like you to help us spread the word. The UNFPA plays a key role in the global fight against HIV/AIDS. By participating in the 34 Million Friends of UNFPA, you can join the fight against AIDS and help stem this global crisis from spreading. Lend a hand - be a friend. To read more about the UNFPA's HIV prevention efforts please visit

The UVM International Women's Day Committee will have donation boxes available throughout IWD which will be donated to this cause.