Mills & Factories

Manufacturing heritage sites in Burlington and Winooski, Vermont

Burlington's Manufacturing History Researched by UVM Students

Champlain Mill

For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. A timelineof noteworth events relating to this history also has been developed for this research project.

Students conducted research on the following areas:

Lumber Mills and More on the Burlington Waterfront

By Greg Jacobs

For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. More...

Foundries and Fabrics at Winooski Falls

By Ashley Phillips

Champlain MillFor over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. More...

Winooski Mills that Suited America

By Matthew Goguen

Champlain Mill For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. More...

Tulatex Traveled the World

By Karyn Norwood

For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. More...

Chace Mill Made History

By Christopher Witman

Champlain MillFor over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. More...

Burlington Area Mills Mapped

For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. More...

Patent Medicines That Made Burlington Famous

By Egbert Stolk

Champlain MillFor over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. More...

Flynn Avenue Factories: From Film to Chocolate

By Frances Gubler

For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. More...

Lakeside Avenue Industries: Still at Work

By Kyle Obenauer

For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. More...

From Bobbins to Toboggans

By Kate Hovanes

Champlain MillFor over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. More...

Carriages and Sleighs in their Day

By Aidan Pelligrino

For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. More...

Hundreds of Products Produced Locally

Champlain MillFor over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. For over two centuries, mills and factories have supported the local economy of the Burlington, Vermont area. More...