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  From the Honors College

Fall is a busy time for the University of Vermont Honors College. Over the past several weeks we've welcomed the Class of 2019 to campus, have had nationally renowned speakers visit our classes, launched a new Peer Mentoring program, and invited our alumni and parents to campus for Homecoming and Reunion Weekend.

This newsletter contains the most recent news and information from the Honors College. We wish you a happy fall, and appreciate your being a part of the HCOL community.

Interim Dean Schnell's Message

There have been many times over the past seven years when, as Associate Dean and now as Interim Dean of the Honors College, I have felt a little, well, redundant. Yet every time it happens, I also feel completely delighted. Because it happens when I'm listening to our students and alums speak to prospective and current students and parents; it happens during Admitted Student Visit days in the spring, when a panel of upper-year students speaks in our First-Year Plenary about doing undergraduate research, or when I witness conversations between HCOL sophomores and first-year students on Tuesdays in the UHN kitchen during Cookies with the Dean, or when I'm listening to the HCOL student representative on our Board of Advisors explain to her fellow Board members what her UVM Honors education means to her, or when I'm listening in some awe and admiration to a panel of seven recent HCOL alums talk about their experiences at UVM and after on our Recent Alumni Panel during Parents Weekend, or when I'm listening to one of our seniors speak to the new crop of Vermont Green and Gold Scholars at a big event in the Davis Center. (I could keep going-it's a very long list!) In every one of these cases, I'm struck by how thoughtful and articulate our students are, how fully they embody the Honors College's mission of excellence, and thus how they can say and demonstrate far better than I what the Honors College is and how it has come to matter so much to our students and to UVM as a whole.


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