Images A-F

          Click on thumbnails for larger images and more information


                A Blossomy Way.jpg (104401 bytes)                                           A Desert Vista.jpg (84942 bytes)                         A Shrine to Pan.jpg (70446 bytes)               

             A Blossomy Way                  A Corridor South                A Desert Vista                    A Shrine to Pan
                                                                                                              (Desert Vista)


              A Sierra Spur.jpg (53380 bytes)                          A Tatoosh Vista.jpg (67882 bytes)                                        Above the Trail.jpg (60094 bytes)                                 

                A Sierra Spur                        A Tatoosh Vista               Above the Sea                      Above the Trail              


               After the First Rains.jpg (102272 bytes)                          After the Rain.jpg (77120 bytes)                     Aloof.jpg (59412 bytes)                     Among the Hills.jpg (89602 bytes)                      

            After the First Rains                 After the Rain                          Aloof                            Among the Hills                


                                                             And Now the Moon Two.jpg (243283 bytes)                       April.jpg (105283 bytes)                                      

          An Abyss Between                 And Now the Moon       And Now the Moon Two               April 
                                             (Crescent Moon; Autumn Sycamores)                                              



              At the Fountain.jpg (78043 bytes)                                         Austerity.jpg (77389 bytes)                                                                        

         At the Fountain Head           August Hill Slopes                      Austerity                    Autumn Brocade                       
                                                                                                                                                    (Glimpse of Big Bear Lake)


        Autumn Crowned.jpg (80457 bytes)                                                                                                                                 

            Autumn Crowned                 Autumn Sycamore            Away and Beyond                Bank of Oats                                                 


                                                           Between Showers.jpg (57364 bytes)                                                                                                                       

           Behold the Day                     Below the Bridge                   Between Showers                 Boat Landing,                             
                                                                                                                                                                   (Morro Bay)                    


                                                              Chill December.jpg (94499 bytes)                                                                                                                                                   
         Bridge at Big Sur                      Canyon Head                         Chill December                      Cinerarias                                
     (Oceanside, Coastwise)          (At the Canyon Head)   


                                                                 Coast Line.jpg (74302 bytes)                                                                       

               Clearing                             Cliffs of Klamath                          Coastline                            Columbia Crag                                                                                                        

             Crestline.jpg (72288 bytes)                        Cumulus Clouds.jpg (56265 bytes)                                                 Day Departs.jpg (71492 bytes)                                                                         

              Crestline                             Cumulus Clouds                      Cuyama Country                     Day Departs                                                                                                                                 


               Desert Barrier.jpg (68259 bytes)                                                Easter in San Juaquin.jpg (72132 bytes)                                                                                

               Desert Barrier                              East Fork                      Easter in San Joaquin                  Eucalyptus                                                                                                                                                                            


                 Evening.jpg (148824 bytes)                                                  Fall.jpg (78702 bytes)                                                                      

                   Evening                                 Fair Weather                                Fall                                     Fall Patterns                                          


                                                            Flying Clouds.jpg (67752 bytes) 

           Fisherman's Cove                          Fish Market                      Flying Clouds