Frank M. Bryan

Department of Political Science

540 The Old Mill, PO Box 54110

University of Vermont

Burlington, VT 05405-4110   




      The University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut ‑ Ph.D., 1970

      The University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont ‑ M.A., 1965

      St. Michael's College, Winooski, Vermont ‑ B.A., 1963

      Newbury Graded and High School, Newbury, Vermont

Present Position

       Professor, Department of Political Science, The University of Vermont



Teaching Fields

       American Government and Politics
       State and Local Politics and Policy

       Public Administration

       Research Methods and Methodology


Other Appointments

       Political Science Curriculum Committee, 2004-

       Curriculum Subcommittee, Center for Research on Vermont 2002-

       Executive Committee, Center for Research on Vermont 2001 -

       Commentator, Vermont Public Radio 2000 –

       Advisory Board, “Annual Editions,” McGraw-Hill/Dushkin Publishing Company 1996-

       Admissions Committee, The Masters of Public Administration Program 1995-

       Various Department committees



        The American Political Science Association

The Vermont Historical Society

The Vermont Folklore Society

Pi Alpha Alpha

Pi Sigma Alpha

The Center for Research on Vermont





                                                                      BOOKS (Academic)


Frank M. Bryan, Real Democracy: The New England Town Meeting and How It Works (University of Chicago Press:  2004)


____, (editor) Readings in American Government (Minneapolis:  West Publishing Co., 1991).


____, with John McClaughry, The Vermont Papers:  Recreating Democracy on a Human Scale, (Chelsea, Vermont:  The Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 1989).


____, Politics in the Rural States:  People, Parties and Processes (Boulder, Colorado:  Westview Press, 1981).


____, Yankee Politics in Rural Vermont (Hanover, New Hampshire:  The University Press of New England, 1974).


                                                                  CHAPTERS IN BOOKS


____, "Town Meeting," and "Orville Gibson" in John J. Duffy, Samuel B. Hand, and Ralph H. Orth (eds.) The Vermont Encyclopedia (Hanover: University Press of New England, 2003).


____,  “Direct Democracy and Civic Competence:  The Case of Town Meeting,” in Stephen L. Elkin and Karol E. Sulton (eds.) Democracy and Citizen Competence (University Park, Pennsylvania:  The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998).


____,  “Interest Groups,” in Michael Sherman (ed.) Vermont State Government and Administration 1965-1995 (Burlington, Vermont:  The Center for Research on Vermont and the Snelling Center for Public Policy, the University of Vermont, 1998).


____,  “Vermont:  Interest Groups in a Rural Technopolity,” with Ann Hallowell in Ron Hrebenar and Clive Thomas (eds.) Interest Group Politics in the Northeast (University Park, Pennsylvania:  The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993).


____,  “Vermont:  Of Land, People and Democracy,” in C. L. Gilbert (ed.) Vermont Odysseys (Brattleboro, Vermont:  The Stephen Greene Press, 1991).


____,  “Defining Rural:  Returning to Our Roots,” in James Seroka (ed.) Public Administration in Rural America (Greenwich, Connecticut:  The Greenwood Press, 1986).


____,  “The Rural Technopolity,” in Nicholas Muller III and Sam Hand (eds.) In a State of Nature:  Readings in Vermont History (Montpelier, Vermont:  The Vermont Historical Society, 1982).


____,  “The New England Governors” in Josephine Milburn and Victoria Schuck (eds.) New England Politics (Boston:  Schenkman Publishing Co., 1981).


____,  “Legislative Apportionment in Vermont,” in Alan Heslop (ed.), Redistricting in the 1980's (Claremont, California:  The Rose Institute of State and Local Government, 1981).



                                                      ARTICLES, ESSAYS AND REVIEWS


____, “The New England Town Meeting in Action” (Review) The American Political Science Review (June, 2001) pp.489-490.


____, “Town Meeting:  Keeper of the Sacred Flame,” (Essay accompanying Vermont’s Contribution to the Smithsonian’s 20th Century Collections, Washington, DC, 2000).


____,  “Direct Democracy and Civic Competence,” The Good Society 5 (Fall, 1995).


____,  “Turtle on its Back,” PEGS Newsletter (December, 1993).


____,  “Rearranging the Deck Chairs,” reprinted in The Yankee Planner 13 (Winter, 1993).


____,  “Rearranging the Deck Chairs,” Planning Commissioners Journal (November/December, 1992).


____,  “The Future Is Not What It Was Supposed to Be,” The Constituent (December, 1992).


____,  “Going it Alone,” Chronicles (May/June, 1991).


____,  with Clark Bensen, “Strengthening Democratic Control:  Vermont's 1986 Election in Historical Perspective,” Vermont History (Fall, 1988).


____,  “Town Meeting,” The Sovereign Citizen (Fall, 1988).


____,  “Hill Farm with Computer,” North by Northeast (June, 1988).


____,  “A Habit of the Heart,” Upper Valley (March/April, 1988).


____,  “Pivot Point for Democracy,” Window  of Vermont 3 (February, 1987).


____,  “Town Meeting Debate,” Vermont Life 40 (Spring, 1986).


____,  with Clark Bensen, “The 1984 Election in Vermont,” Vermont History (Fall, 1985).


____,  “Trouble in the Vermont Hills,” Newsweek (March 13, 1984).


____,  with Clark Bensen, “The 1982 Election in Vermont,” Vermont History (Fall, 1983).


____,  “Learning Through Conflict,” Teaching Political Science (Winter, 1983).


____,  “The Lonely Villagers:  Vermont in the Post Modern World,” Vermont (Fall, 1982).


____,  “Rural Renaissance:  Is America on the Move Again?” Public Opinion 5 (June/July, 1982), pp. 16‑21.


____,  “Hands Off Town Meeting,” New York Times (April 3, 1982).


____,  with David Rosenbloom, “Public Bureaucracies Within States,” State and Local Government Review (September, 1981).


____,  with Sam Hand, “The 1980 Elections in New England,” State Government (Spring, 1981).


____,  “Charting the Republican Erosion,” Vermont History (Winter, 1981).


____,  “Town Meeting:  A Rural Option for Urban America?” National Civic Review (December, 1978).


____,  “Town Meeting–Pure Democracy in Action,” in What This Community Needs . . . An  Anthology of Advocates Views (Helena, Montana:  State Commission on Local Government, January, 1976).


____,  “Opening the Time Lock of the Vermont Constitution:  A Statistical Analysis of the 1974 Referendum,” Vermont History (Spring, 1976).


____,  “Self‑Government Powers and Responsive Government,” Citizen's Guide to Self‑Government Powers (Bureau of Government Research, University of Montana, 1975).


____,  and Kenneth Bruno, “Asphalt in the Wilderness:  The Politics of the Green Mountain Parkway Controversy,” Vermont History (Fall, 1973).


____,  “Town Meeting Support in Vermont,” National Civic Review (July, 1972).  


____,  “People and Politics,” Chittenden (January, 1972).


____,  “Catholic Education Aid‑‑Yankee Style,” America (September, 1971).


____,  “The Politics of Town Meeting ‑ Another View,” Chittenden (February, 1970).


____,  “The Metamorphosis of a Rural Legislature,” Polity (December, 1968).


____,  “The Encounter,” The New England Guide (Summer, 1968).


____,  “Who is Legislating?” National Civic Review (December, 1967).


____,  “Politics and Poetry,” Vermonter (August, 1967).


____,  and Frederick J. Matkin, “Shadowboxing with Poverty,” Rally (October, 1966).


____,  “The State That Might Have Been,” Vermonter (October, 1966).


____,  “Town Meetings or Regional Government?” Vermonter (August, 1966).


____,  “Viewing the Charter,” Rural Vermonter, (May, 1966).


____,  “Reapportionment and the Vermont Town,” Rural Vermonter (Spring, 1964).






Readings in American Government (Dubuque, Iowa: W.C. Brown Publisher, 1992) excerpts from The Vermont Papers.


Rereading America:  Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing 2nd. ed., Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle eds., (Boston:  St. Martin's Press, 1992), excerpts from The Vermont Papers.


Putting Power in its Place, Judith and Christopher Plant, eds., (Philadelphia:  New Society Publishers, 1992), excerpts from The Vermont Papers.


Utne Reader (Jan/Feb 1991) excerpts from The Vermont Papers.


New Options (April 28, 1989) excerpts from The Vermont Papers.







“Social Science and Writing for Popular Audiences: Is It Possible?” Presented before the League of Vermont Writers, Manchester, Vermont, July 2000.


“Politics and Land Use Planning in Vermont” Presented Before the Vermont Wildlife Conference, Basin Harbor Club, Vergennes, Vermont, September, 2000.


“Technology, Politics, and the Future of Local Government” Presented Before the Vermont League of Cities and Towns, Killington, Vermont, September, 2000.


“Three Chords and the Truth: Town Meeting Technology, and Democracy” Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta Georgia, September, 1999.


“Diversity and the Search for Democracy: From Aristotle to Putnam” Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vermont Council for the Humanities South Burlington, Vermont November, 1999.


“Town Meeting and the Story of Democracy,” Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vermont Alliance for Social Studies, Killington, Vermont December, 1999.


How Does Town Meeting Treat WomenPaper Presented at the Research in Progress Seminar sponsored by the Center For Research on Vermont Burlington, Vermont February 1999.


“Decentralized Polities on a Planetary Scale:  The Case for the Small Commonwealth (Vermont) in the World of Nations”  Paper presented at the Eighteenth Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures, Salisbury, Connecticut, October 1998.


“‘Old Age Ain’t for Sissies; Huntington House and the Issue of Regulating Senior Citizens’ Care in Vermont”  Paper presented at the  Research in Progress Seminar sponsored by the Center for  Research on Vermont, Burlington, Vermont,  February, 1998.


“Technology and Democracy: The Potential for Popular Governance in the 21st Century”  Paper Presented as Part of the Distinguished Lecture Series, The Department of Political Science, The University of North Carolina at Ashville, November, 1997.


“Does Town Meeting Promote Citizen Competence?”  Paper presented at the Conference on Citizen Competence sponsored by the Society for the Political Efficacy of the Good Society (PEGS), Washington, DC, March 1995.


“Direct Democracy:  Dead or Alive--New Findings on Town Meeting”  Paper presented at the Research In Progress Seminar sponsored by the Center for Research on Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, February 1995.


“The Case for Decentralism in the Criminal Justice System”  Paper delivered as part of the 1993 Colloquium Series, Department of Criminal Justice, the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, February, 1993.


“Democracy and Administration:  Three Paradigms Explored”  Paper delivered at Mississippi Political Science Association Meeting, Jackson, Mississippi, January 26, 1993.


“Is Democracy Possible:  Technology and the Hope for Human Scale”  Essay delivered as part of the Political Science Department's Guest Lecture Series, Providence College, Providence, Rhode Island, February 27, 1991.


“Town Meeting in the New England Tradition”  Delivered at the Nichols College Symposium on New England's Traditions, November, 1986.


“Correlates of Participation in the New England Town Meeting”   Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., August, 1986.


“The Size Variable and Direct Democracy”  Delivered at the Fourth Annual Chautauqua in Mississippi, The School of Architecture and Center for Small Town Research and Design, Mississippi State University, October 12, 1983.


“Agriculture Policy and Rural Affairs:  Insuring the Twain Shall Meet”   Delivered before the National Advisory Council on Rural Development, Washington, DC, USDA, August, 1983.


With Fred Schmidt, “The Nuclear Freeze Vote in Town Meeting”   Delivered at the Research in Progress Seminar of the Center for Research on Vermont, The University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, February, 1983.


“Are We a Nation Neither of Laws Nor Men But of Numbers?”   Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Public Administration (Regions 1 and 2), Hartford, Connecticut, December, 1981).


“Learning Through Conflict:  The Mock Trial Experience”  Delivered at the Annual New England Conference on Teaching Students to Think, Amherst, Massachusetts, November, 1981.


“The Decline of the Party System:  The Case of Vermont”  Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the New England Political Science Association, Durham, New Hampshire, April, 1981.


“The Tyranny of Information Systems”  Delivered at VTASPA Seminar on Information Systems in the Public Sector, The University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, March, 1981.


“Saying it with Numbers”  Delivered at the Research in Progress Seminar of the Center for Research on Vermont, Brattleboro, Vermont, May, 1980.


“Should We Become Again 'A Nation of Laws and Not of Men' (or Groups)? The Case for Administrative Rationalism”  Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Public Administration (Regions 1 and 2), Portland, Maine, October 3‑5, 1979).


With David Rosenbloom, “The Size of State Bureaucracies:  An Exploratory Analysis”  Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, March, 1979.


“Town Meeting:  Is There a Role in Technological Society?”  Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the New England Political Science Association, Durham, New Hampshire, April, 1979.


“Toward a Theory of Rural Politics”  Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New York City, September, 1978.


“Policy‑Making in the Open Forum:  Town Meeting in the Rural Technopolity”  Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, Georgia, Nov., 1976.


“Manager Government in Montana:  A View from Two Cities”   Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Montana Academy of Sciences, Havre, Montana, May, 1976.


“Ecological Causation and Partisan Breakthrough, Vermont‑‑A Case Study”  Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Political Science Association, New Brunswick, New Jersey, Fall, 1975.


“Correlates of Feminine Participation in Town Meetings”   Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociology Society, San Francisco, California, August, 1975.


“Voting Behavior in a Two Party Rural Legislature:  An Application of Cluster‑Bloc Analysis” Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Western Social Sciences Association, Denver, Colorado, Spring, 1975.


“Legislators, Constituencies, and Policy in the Montana Legislature”  Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Montana Academy of Science, Billings, Montana, Spring, 1975.


Comparative Town Meetings‑‑A Search for Correlates of Citizen Involvement in Politics”  Delivered at the New England Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Northeastern University, Spring, 1973.





_____, “Town Meeting:  Keeper of the Sacred Flame,” (Essay accompanying Vermont’s Contribution to the Smithsonian’s 20th Century Collections, Washington, DC, 2000).


_____, “Preserving Vermont's Political Heritage:  Cosmetics or Culture,” in Marshall True, Mary Woodruff and Kristin Peterson‑Ishaq (eds.) Teaching Vermont's Heritage (Burlington, Vermont, The University of Vermont, 1984).


_____,  with Robert E. Eagle, “Teacher's Manual for Local Government Review in Montana:  Power to the People,” (Bureau of Government Research, The University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, 1976).



BOOKS (Humor and General Interest)


____, with Melissa Lee Bryan, The Very Latest Vermont Quiz Book (Shelburne, VT: The New England Press, 2001).


____,  with Bill Mares, The Vermont Owner’s Manual (Shelburne, Vermont: The New England Press, 2000).


____,  with Bill Mares, Out of Order (Shelburne, Vermont:  The New England Press, 1991).


____,  with Bill Mares,  Out! The Vermont Secession Book (Shelburne, Vermont:  The New England Press, 1987).


____,  with Melissa Lee Bryan, The Vermont Quiz Book (Shelburne, Vermont:  The New England Press, 1986).


____,  with Bill Mares, Real Vermonters Don't Milk Goats (Shelburne, Vermont:  The New England Press, 1983).


____, with Bill Mares, The Real Vermonter's Address Book, (Shelburne, Vermont:  The New England Press, 1984).





(Articles and Op. Ed. Pieces)


        ____,  “A Christmas Card for Mom,” (Op. Ed.) Burlington Free Press (December 28, 2001).


        ____, “Thinking About Civil Unions” (Op. Ed.) Rutland Herald (September 12, 2000).


        ____, “Font of Wisdom” Computer User Vermont (October 1997).


        ____, “Townscape Newbury" Vermont Magazine (November/December, 1989).


        ____, “Jade” Vermont Life (Spring, 1988).


        ____, “The Politics of the Growth Bill” (Op. Ed.) Burlington Free Press (April 12, 1988).


        ____, “A Peasant of West Brattleboro” (Review) Vermont Life (Summer, 1988).


        ____, “Education or Else” Window of Vermont (February, 1987).


        ____, “Notes On the Four Year Term” Window of Vermont (April, 1987).


        ____, “Who Are The Great Vermonters?” Vermont Sunday Magazine (September 27, 1987).


        ____,  “Town Meeting at Wounded KneeWindow of Vermont (March, 1986).


        ____, “Only Jackasses Don’t Buckle Up” Window of Vermont (June, 1986).


        ____, “Lilacs and Homeland” Window of Vermont (August, 1986).


        ____, “The Vermont Character” Vermont Sunday Magazine (September 21, 1986).


        ____, “The Kiss of Death Poll” Window of Vermont (October, 1986).


        ____, “Knowing VermontWindow of Vermont (December, 1986).


        ____, “Real Vermonters and Real Democracy” Window of Vermont (Spring, 1985).


        ____,  “Corn? Fiddlesticks!” Window of Vermont (Summer, 1985).


        ____, “Vermont’s Political Soap Opera” (Op. Ed.) Burlington Free Press (January 31,1984).







Designate:             Delivered the First Annual "Last Lecture" at the 1996 Convocation Ceremony of the University of Vermont.


Recipient:              Dean's Lecture Award.  Given by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Vermont, 1996.


Recipient:              Andrew E. Nuquist Town Government Award.  Given by the Vermont League of Cities and Towns, 1986.


Recipient:              The 1986 Annual New England Local Hero Award.  Given by the New England Monthly for service on behalf of the defense of town meeting.


Recipient:              Recognition of Service Award National Advisory Council on Rural   Development, 1986-1988 United States Department of Agriculture, 1988.


Recipient:              Certificate of Service The American Society for Public Administration 1983-1985.





Pi Sigma Alpha Award American Political Science Association, Chicago (September 2004).


George V. Kidder Outstanding Faculty Award, University of Vermont Alumni Association, (May 2004).


Kroepsch-Maurice Award for  Excellence in Teaching University of Vermont, (October 1999).


Pi Sigma Alpha Award American Political Science Association Atlanta Georgia, (September 1999).


Senior Class Council Award for Contributions to the Students of the University of Vermont (Spring, 1991).


Faculty Development Grant for Teaching Public Administration, Johnson State College, Johnson, Vermont, 1979.


The 1974 St. Michael's College Community Service Award.


Co‑Recipient of the dedication of the 1974 Shield (The St. Michael's Yearbook).


The Reverend Gerald E. Dupont Award, 1974, given by the Student Senate of St. Michael's College.


Senior Appreciation Award for Superior Teaching, St. Michael's College, (May 1973).


Senior Appreciation Award for Superior Teaching, St. Michael's College, (May 1972).





“Interview with Professor Bryan,” Vermont Quarterly The publication of the University of Vermont (Autumn, 2003).


“Frankly Speaking: An Interview with UVM Professor Frank Bryan,” Vermont Magazine  (Nov/Dec 2001)


“The Bull Will Kill You,” Vermont Quarterly The publication of the University of Vermont (Autumn, 1996).


“Keeper of the Vermont Character” feature article Yankee Magazine by Jay Stevens (March, 1992).


One of  “13 People Changing the Face of VermontVermont Magazine” (January/February 1990).


“Growing Up in Newbury,” Vermont Magazine (November/December 1989).


 “Frank Bryan’s Two Worlds” feature article in The Valley Voice by Tom Hill (November, 1988).


One the 20th Century Writers “Who Capture Vermont’s Unique Character” Vermont Life (Winter, 1989).


One of “New England Leading Humorists” Yankee Magazine (September, 1987).


Featured in: Kathleen Thompson, Portrait of America: Vermont (Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Roundtree  Publishers, A Turner Book and Video, 1987).


“An Interview with Frank Bryan: Real Vermonters and Real Democracy,” Window of Vermont (Winter/Spring 1984-85).



Other Positions (Past)

Faculty Senate, University of Vermont, 2002-2004.

          Advisory Editor Current Editions (State and Local Government) 1993-1997.

Visiting Professor and Director of MPA Program, Mississippi State University, 1992-93.

Graduate Officer, Political Science Department, 1990-1992.

Curriculum Committee, Department of Political Science, the University of Vermont, 1990-1993.

Faculty Bicentennial Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 1990-92.

Advisory Committee, College of Arts and Sciences Newsletter, 1990-93.

Senior Editor, Window of Vermont, 1985‑87.

Contributing Editor, Window of Vermont, 1984‑85.

Scholar in Residence, Republican National Committee, Washington, D.C., January 2 ‑ April 30, 1986.

Director, Master of Public Administration Program, the University of Vermont, 1983‑85.

Member, National Rural Development Commission, Washington, D.C., 1982-85.

President,  Vermont Chapter of the American Association for Public Administration 1982-1984.

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, The University of Vermont, 1977‑83.

Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science, Middlebury College, 1977‑78.

Adjunct Professor, Johnson State College, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1984.

Administrative Director, Inter‑University MPA Program, Montana State University ‑ The University of Montana, 1976.

Director, Summer Institute in Teacher Training for Local Government Review (Funded under Title I of the Higher Education Act of 1965), Montana State University, Summer, 1975.

Head, Department of Political Science, Montana State University, 1975‑76.

Chairman of Government and Associate Professor, Montana State University, 1974‑75.

Associate Professor of Political Science, St. Michael's College, 1973‑74.

Associate Editor, The Vermont Freeman, 1969‑70.

Assistant Professor of Political Science, St. Michael's College, 1970‑73.

Instructor of Political Science, St. Michael's College, 1968‑70.

Research Assistant, The Eagleton Institute of Politics, 1968.

N.D.E.A. Research Fellow, The University of Connecticut, 1967‑68.

Graduate Teaching Assistant, The University of Connecticut, 1965‑67.

Social Studies Teacher, Orleans High School, Orleans, Vermont, 1964‑65.

Assistant Director of Financial Aid, The University of Vermont, 1964.