"Rural Life Conference Address"
Prof. Robert J. Sprague (1913)
Medicine & Public Health:
"Rules for Mental Hygiene"
Vermont Medical Monthly (1913)
"Alcoholism and Eugenics" (1913)
Walter L. Wasson, M.D.
"The Mentally Deficient" (1916)
Dr. F. W. Sears & Dr. F. J. Russell
"The Deficient Child"
Dr. F. J. Russell (1917)
"The Needy Child: From the Viewpoint of the State Board of Health" (1917)
Dr. Charles F. Caverly
"Public Health Service" (1918)
Dr. Charles F. Dalton
"Mental Defect: Its Manifestations, Influence, and Control" (1921)
Dr. Truman J. Allen
"Human Behavior and Its Anomalies"
Prof. John T. Metcalf (1921)
Child Welfare & Poor Relief:
Report of the Home for Destitute Children
Sarah P. Torrey (1897)
"A Militant Program of Child Welfare"
C. C. Carstens (1917)
"Vermont Conditions & Needs"
Prof. K. R. B. Flint (1917)
"The Children of Vermont"
Hon. W. J. Van Patten (1917)
" Needs of the Unfortunate"
John E. Weeks (1918)
"Society for Aid of Vermont Children"
Burlington Free Press (1919)
"The Work of the Board of Charities and Probation" (1919)
W. H. Jeffrey
"The Dependent Child"
W. H. Jeffrey (1919)
"The Unmarried Mother"
Robert W. Kelso (1919)
Vt. Children's Aid Society
"Report of the President" (1920)
Asa R. Gifford
Vt. Children's Aid Society
"Report of the President" (1921)
Asa R. Gifford
"True Stories of Vermont Children"
Harriett E. Abbott (1920)
Vt. Children's Aid Society
"Report of the General Secretary" (1921)
L. Josephine Webster
Vt. Children's Aid Society
"Report of the General Secretary" (1925) L. Josephine Webster