Ecology of Wheat and Barley Sunn Pests in Iran

by Dr. Rajabi

 This publication is printed in Farsi.

The Table of Contents alone is available in English below.

Table of Contents

Title Page
Chapter 1  
Damaging Sunn Pests-Scut eirda Family  
Eurygaster intergiceps Puton  
Identification 1
Distribution area and investigation of cause of difference of pest density in the various regions of the country 5
Host plants of Wheat Sunn Pest 26
Intensity and manner of damage 34
Movement of Wheat Sunn Pest from overwintering sites to cereal fields 38
1- Downward movement of Sunn Pest and its period 38
2- Temporary stopovers of Sunn Pest enroute between overwinter sites and target fields


- Irrigated regions 47
- Irrigated and rainfed regions 48
- Rainfed regions 49
3- Flight direction of Sunn Pest from overwintering sites to fields 50
4- Landing location of Wheat Sunn Pest in target fields 51
5- Sex of fore-runner Sunn Pests in the initial landings in farms 52
Translocations of mother Sunn Pest after initial establishment in different fields 52
Development of Wheat Sunn Pest in fields and its trend 54
1- Nutrition and copulation 54
2- Egg laying 56
3- Egg laying period and its trend in nature 63
4- Nymphal period in Wheat Sunn Pest 66
5- Investigation of displacement of newly arrived Sunn Pest and Nutritional behavior of mature insects of new generation 68
6- Comparison of start and end of activity of Wheat Sunn Pest in the different locations of the country 73
Non-active lifecycle of Wheat Sunn Pest 74
1- Movement of new generation adult Sunn Pest to overwintering sites 74
2- Landing location of adult Sunn Pest of new generation in overwintering sites 77
3- Displacement of Sunn Pest during hibernation period 80
4- Special features of locatiion of settlement of Sunn Pest during the inactive life 82

5- Investigation of reduction in weight of Sunn Pest during inactive life

6- Diapause of Sunn Pest 103

7- Trend of growth of sex organs of Sunn Pest during inactive lifecycle

Sex ratio changes in Sunn Pest 113

Population fluctuation of Sunn Pest and investigation of causal factors
1st - Periodical population dynamics of Sunn Pest in the country and identification of its key factors

Life tables of Sunn Pest during outbreak 120
Discussion and conclusion related to periodical fluctuations of Sunn Pest 138
B- Spread of Sunn Pests in Iran and identification of its key factors 144
1- Host plants of Sunn Pests in natural habitat 149
2- Investigation of possible subsistence of parasitoid in natural habitats of Sunn Pest in the altitudes 162
3- Comparison of reproduction potential of migrant and non-migrant Sunn Pests 165
4- Comparison of size and weight of non-migrant Sunn Pests in altitudes in comparison with migrant Sunn Pests 166
C- Investigation of diverse trends of egg laying in different groups of migrant Sunn Pests 168
D- Investigation of effect of chemical fertilizers on abundance of Wheat Sunn Pest population and its degree of damage 172
E- Investigation of relationship between weeds in wheat and barley fields and abundance of Wheat Sunn Pest 174
F- Investigation of degree of concurrance of Wheat Sunn Pest with plant phenology for population survival 177

G- Hymenopterous parasitoid and its role in changing the population of Wheat Sunn Pest Scelionidae family


- Identification key of parasitoid genera found in Iran belonging to Scelionidae family

- Egg parasitoid of cereal Sunn Pest belonging to Trissolcus genus 183
1- Identification of key of Trissolcus species 184
2- Investigation of comparative importance of Sunn Pest egg parasitoid of Trissolcus genus in Iran 195
3- Investigation of life cycle of important egg porasitoid of Wheat Sunn Pest of Trissolcus genus in Iran 203
4- Investigation of role of Trissolocus in decreasing Wheat Sunn Pest population 220
Egg parasitoid of Cereal Sunn Pests of Telenomus genus in Iran 225
Egg parasitoid of Cereal Sunn Pests of Gryon genus in Iran 226
Euplemidae family 226
Euplemidae family 228
H- Dipterous parasitoid and their role in changing the population of Wheat Sunn Pest 228
1- The identified species of dipterous parasitoid of wheat and barley Sunn Pest in Iran 229
2- Identification key of dipterous parasitoid genera which have been observed in Iran to date 236
- Identification key of the species belonging to genus Clytiomyia R.D. 239
- Identification key of the species Helomyia R.D. 240
- Identification key of the species Alophora R.D. 241
- Identification key of the species Phasia Latr 242
- Identification key of the species Gymnosoma Mg 242
- Identification key of the species Lophosia Mg 244
- Identification key of the species Cylindromyia Mg 244
3- Distribution area and comparative importance of dipterous parasitoid in the various regions of the country 247
4- Host Sunn Pest of dipterous parasitoid in Iran 249
5- Study of life cycle of dipterous parasitoid possessing basic role in regulating the population of Wheat Sunn Pests 252
I - Insect's Predator of Sunn Pest 262
1- Order of Coleoptera 262
- Family Caribidae 263
- Family Staphylinidae 263
2- Order of Neuroptera 263
- Family Chrysopidae 263
J - Other biological factors responsible for reduction of Wheat and Barley Sunn Pest 264
Eurygaster maura L 265
Identification 265

Distribution areas
Host plants 265
Some aspects of bionomics and ecology of Sunn Pest E.maura 268
Eurygaster testudinaria Geoff 273
Chapter 2  
Noxious Sunn Pests of Family Pentatomidae  
Dolycoris baccarum L 275
Identification 275
Distribution area and ecological causes of population changes 277
Bionomics of D. baccarum and its ecologic aspects 278
a- Bionomics in its natuural habitat and its ecologic aspects 279
b- Bionomics in fields and its ecologic aspects 282
c- Living agents responsible for reduction Sunn Pest population D. baccarum 286
Dolycoris penicillatus Horvat 288
Carpocoris fuscispinus (Boh) 289
Identification 289
Distribution area 290
Some ecologic features C.fuscispinus 290

Aelia furcula Fieb

Identification 293
Ecologic features of distribution area 293
Host plants 294
Life cycle and its ecologic aspects 294
Investigation of migration and displacements 298
Investigation of overwintering sites of A.furcula 298
Important key factors in the spread of Sunn Pest A.furculs in the country 299
Aelia melanota Fieb 300
Identification 300
Ecologic features of distribution area 300
Host plants 301
Bionomics of A.melanota and its ecologic aspects 301
Investigations of migrations and displacements of A.melanota 303
Investigations of overwintering sites of A.melanota 304
Important key factors in the spread of A.melanota in the country 306
Aelia virgata Klug 307
Identification 307
Ecologic features of distribution area 308
Host plants 308
Bionomics of A.irgata and some of its ecologic aspects 308
Migration and displacements of A.virgata 309
Overwintering sites of A.virgata 309
Key factors in the spread of A.virgata 309
Aelia acuminata L. 310
Identification 310
Ecologic features of distribution area 310
Host plants 310
Bionomics of A.acuminata and its ecologic features 310
Migrations and displacements of A.acuminata 312
Overwintering sites of A.acuminta 313
Key factors in the spread of A.acuminata 314
Identification of effective key factors in the spread of Sunn Pest population of Aelia species in Iran 314
1- Reduction in the population of natural enemies of this pest 314
2- Degradation of natural rangelands and destruction of natural habitats of these pests 317
Other Sunn Pests of Aelia species in Iran 323
Literature cited 324
Table of Contents 331