The Burlington/ Puerto Cabezas Sister City Program sponsered a community video project in Bilwi, Nicaragua during the months of February through April 2000. Dan Higgins, Jane Kramer, and Howard Jaentschke worked with 18 students from the regional university URACCAN, providing video cameras, editing equipment, and training in the making of videos concerning life in Nicaragua's northern Autonomous Region.
    The students produced over 40 hours of local video, conducting interviews, promoting the work of local musicians, and documenting ordinary life on the coast. Jaime Ruiz of PuertoVision promoted the videos over local cable television, and the students continue to produce weekly shows examining issues and events important to people living there.
stills from the Bilwi URACCAN Video Project:
        February - April 2000

see a short video from the Bilwi video project

For a more thorough report on the video project

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