Debating Resources for the World since 1994
A Select Bibliography on Debate Theory
Steve Hunt, Lewis & Clark College, May, l997
I. Overview of Key Debate Theory Resources
Top Ten Sources for Debate Theory
It is very difficult to get a comprehensive vision of debate theory because the sources are difficult to find. There are a wide variety of forensics organizations separately publishing debate materials. Most debate materials are not well indexed or indexed at all.
#l Argument and Advocacy formerly Journal of the American Forensic Association
#2 Books on argumentation and debate
#3 Contemporary Argumentation & Debate: The Journal of the Cross Examination Debate Association formerly CEDA Yearbook
#4 Thomas, David A. and Hart, eds. Advanced Debate: Readings in Theory , Practice, and Teaching. 4th ed. Lincolnwood, IL.: National Textbook Co.,
#5 National Federation of State High School Associations 11724 NW Plaza Circle Kansas City, MO 64l95
a. Pamphlets on debate theory
b. Forensic Educator
c. Other debate materials
#6 The Forensic of PKD
#7 Speaker and Gavel of DSR-TKA
#8 SCA/AFA Conferences on Argumentation There have been 9 conferences every 2 years starting in l979.
#9 National Forensic Journal of NFA
#10 Debaters Research Guide a handbook published annually by Wake Forest University. Usually the first thirty or so pages are devoted to theoretical issues in debate.
Important Other Sources
Championship Debate Enterprises PO Box Z Taos, New Mexico. 8757l. Publishes books on high school debate.
National Textbook Corporation 4255 West Touhy Ave. Lincolnwood, Illinois.60646. Probably the biggest publisher of high school debate materials.
Griffin Research Berkeley, CA. Used to publish debate theory booklets.
American Forensics Association Executive Secretary James W Pratt Box 256 River Falls, WI 54033. ChampionshipDebates and Speeches annual national final transcripts of final rounds NDT, CEDA, etc. This is the parent organization for Argument and Advocacy.
National Forensics League PO Box 38 James Copeland Executive Secretary Ripon , WI 5497l. publishes The Rostrum and NFL Journal
Debate Issues. This publication used to have articles on debate theory for high school folks.
The Southern Journal of Forensics Jack E Rogers The University of Texas at Tyler
Philosophy and Rhetoric
II. Bibliographies
Bartanen, Michael."Works Cited."Teaching and DirectingForensics. Scottsdale, AZ.: Gorsuch Scarisbrick Publishers, l994. Pp. l79-l84.
______ and David Frank."Select Bibliography: Scholarly Materials on Value Theory and Value Argument."NonpolicyDebate, 2nd ed. Scottsdale, AZ.: Gorsuch Scarisbrick Publishers, l994. Pp. 5l-53.
Berube, David . Non-Policy Debating. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America Inc., l994. Pp 35l-370.
Brownlee, Don, Johnson, Julia, and Buckley, Mike."
A Bibliometric Analysis of the CEDA Yearbook. CEDAYearbook (l99l): l08-20.
Brownlee, Don. Coaching Debate and Forensics( annotated bibliography).. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l988.
Church, Russell T"A bibliography for argumentation and debate for 75-76, 77-78, and 79 in various editions JAFA.
______ and David C Buckley."Argumentation and Debating Propositions of Value: A Bibliography."JAFA l9 (Spring, l983): 239-250.
Conklin, Forrest. A bibliography for argumentation and debate annually JAFA l968-l973.
Cureton, Robert D"A bibliography for argumentation and debate annually JAFA l972-l974.
Dean, Kevin."Index of Titles National Forensic Journal: l983-l992."National Forensic Journal X #2 (Fall, l992): l55-l64.
Hansen, Hans V."An Informal Logic Bibliography."Informal Logic XII #3 (Fall, l990): l55-l83.
Hunt, Steven B."A Select Partially Annotated Bibliography for Directing Forensics: Teaching , Coaching, and Judging Debate and Individual Events."8l #2 The Forensic (Winter, l996): l-40.
Jensen, J. Vernon."Bibliography on Argumentation."Rhetoric Society Quarterly l9 (l989): 7l-8l.
Johnson, Ralph H. and J. Anthony Blair."A bibliography of recent work in informal logic."Informal Logic: The First International Symposium. Eds. J. Anthony Blair and Ralph H. Johnson. Inverness, CA.: Edgepress, l980. Pp. l63-l72.
Kay, Jack and Walter Ulrich. A Bibliography on Debate Theory and Individual Events , Vol. I. Kansas City, MO.: National Federation of State High School Associations, l985.
Kruger, Arthur N. Argumentation and Debate: A ClassifiedBibliography, 2nd ed. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, Inc., l975. If you want to find materials on debate theory from the 40's, 50's, 60's , to the early 70's , THIS IS YOUR SOURCE.
Madsen, Arnie, DeVore Celesete, and Bruce Wickelgren. A Bibliography on Debate Theory and Individual Events, Vol. II. Kansas City, MO.: National Federation of State High School Associations, l995.
Pfau, Michael, David Thomas, and Walter Ulrich. Debate and Argument: A Systems Approach to Advocacy. Glenview, IL.: Scott, Foresman and Company, l987. Pp. 3l3-323.
Sproule, J. Michael."The roots of American argumentation theory: A review of landmark works, l878-l932."JAFA 23 (Fall, l986): ll0-ll5.
Steadman, Clarence."An Index to The Forensic l9l5-l990 The Forensic 75 #4 (Summer, l990): l-30.
Towne, Ralph, Robert M Smith, and Thomas Harris."Recommended Debate Texts and Handbooks: A Survey"XI #3 Speaker and Gavel (Jan. l974): 52-54.
Trapp, Robert and Janice Schuetz, eds."Bibliography"Perspectives on Argumentation: Essays in Honor of Wayne Brockriede. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, l990. Pp. 3l5-338.
Ulrich, Walter, Jack Kay, and Joyce Carey. A Bibliography on Debate Theory and Individual Events. Kansas City, MO: National Federation of State High School Associations, l988.
Wood, Roy V. and Lynn Goodnight."Bibliography."StrategicDebate, 4th ed. Lincolnwood, IL.: National Textbook Corporation, l99l. Pp. 311-313.
III. Values of Debate
Aden, Roger."Reconsidering the Laboratory Metaphor: Forensics as a Liberal Art."National Forensic Journal IX (Fall, l991): 97-108.
Bartanen, Michael."The Educational Benefits of Forensics"In Teaching and Directing Forensics. Scottsdale, AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick, l994. Pp. 3-5.
Bennett, William H."The Role of Debate in Speech Communication." Communication Education (Nov., l972): 281-288.
Bradley, Bert E., Jr."Debate: A Practical Training for Gifted Students."The Speech Teacher VII (March, l959): l34-l38.
Brockriede, Wayne."College Debate and the Reality Gap."Speaker and Gavel VII #3 (March, l970): 71-76.
______."The Contemporary Renaissance in the Study of Argument."Argument in Transition: Proceedings of the Third Summer Conference on Argumentation. Eds David Zarefsky, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Jack Rhodes. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l983. PP. l7-26.
Chandler, Robert C. and Jeffrey Hobbs."The Benefits of Intercollegiate Policy Debate Training to Various Professions."Argument in Controversy: Proceedings of the Seventh SCA/AFA Çonference on Argumentation. Ed Donn Parson. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l99l. Pp. 388-390.
Clark, Ruth Anne and Jesse G. Delia."Topoi"and rhetorical competence."Quarterly Journal of Speech 65 #2 (April l979): 187-206.
Clevenger, Theodore."Toward a Point of View for Contest Debate."Central States Speech Journal (Autumn l960): 21-26.
Colbert, Kent."The Effects of Debate Participation on Argumentativeness and Verbal Aggression."CommunicationEducation 42 #3 (July l993): 206-214.
______"Replicating the Effects of Debate Participation on Argumentativenss and Verbal Aggression."The Forensic 79 #3 (Spring l994): l-l3.
______ and Thompson Biggers."Why Should We Support Debate."JAFA 2l #3 (Spring l985): 237-240.
DeLancey, Charles A."The Values of Forensics Activities to Speech Communication Programs in Liberal Arts Colleges."Association for Communication Administration Bulletin (Jan l984): 56-57.
Douglas, Donald."Toward a Philosophy of Forensic Education."JAFA 8 (Summer, l97l): 36-4l.
Dowling, Ralph."Arguers as Lovers: Implications for Forensics."Communication Education 32 (April l983): 237-24l.
Farrell, Thomas B."The tradition of rhetoric and the Philosophy of Communication."Communication 7 #2 (l983): l5l-l80.
Freeley, Austin J."An Anthology of Commentary on Debate."The Speech Teacher l0 (Jan l96l): 44-47.
Goodnight, G. Thomas."The Re-Union of Argumentation and Debate Theory."Dimensions of Argument: Proceedings of the Second Summer Conference on Argumentation. Ed. George Ziegelmueller and Jack Rhodes. Annandale, VA: SCA, l98l. Pp. 4l5-432.
Heymann, Philip and Jody Heymann."The fate of public debate in the U.S."Harvard Journal of Legislation 33 (Summer, l996): 511-526.
Hill, Bill."Intercollegiate Debate: Why Do Students Bother?"Southern Speech Communication Journal 48 (Fall l982): 77-88.
Hobbs, Jeffrey Dale and Robert C. Chandler."The Perceived Benefits of Policy Debate Training in Various Professions."Speaker and Gavel 28 ( 1991 ): 4-6.
Hollihan, Thomas and Patricia Riley."Academic Debate and Democracy: A Clash of Ideologies."Argument and Critical Practices: Proceedings of the Fifth SCA/AFA Conference onArgumentation. Ed J. W. Wenzel. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l987. Pp. 399-404.
Hunt, Steven B."The Values of Forensics Participation."Intercollegiate Forensics. Ed. T.C. Winebrenner. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt, l994. Pp. l-l9.
Jones, Kevin T."Cerebral Gymnastics l0l: Why Do Debaters Debate."CEDA Yearbook l5 (l994): 65-75.
Kay, Jack."Rapprochement of World 1 and World 2: Discovering the Ties Between Practical Discourse and Forensics."Argument in Transition: Proceedings of the Third Summer Conference on Argumentation. Eds. David Zarefsky, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Jack Rhodes. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l983. Pp. 927-937.
Kruger, Arthur."Debate and Speech Communication."Southern Communication Journal (Spring, l974): 233-240.
Kully, Robert D."Forensics and the Speech Communication Discipline: Analysis of an Estrangement."JAFA 8 (Spring, l972): 192-199.
Leeper, Karla and Dale Herbeck."Policy debate as a laboratory for teaching argument skills."Forensic Educator 6 (l99l/92): 23-28.
Littlefield, Robert S."An Assessment of University Administrators: Do They Value Competitive Debate and I.E. Programs."National Forensic Journal 9 #2 (Fall, l99l): 87-96.
Matlon, Ron and Lucy M. Keele."A Survey of Participants in the National Debate Tournament, l947-l980."JAFA XX (Spring, l984): l94-205.
McBath, James."Rationale for Forensics." American Forensics in Perspective: Papers from the Second National Conference on Forensics. Ed Donn Parson. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l984. Pp. 5-ll.
McCough, M."Pull It Across Your Flow."The New Republic (Oct. l0, l988): l7-l9.
McGlone, Edward L."The Behavioral Effects of Forensics Participation."JAFA l0 (Winter, l974): 140-146.
McGuckin, Henry E., Jr."Forensics in the Liberal Education."
Western Journal of Speech Communication (Spring, l970): 133-138.
Morello, John T."Intercollegiate Debate: Proposals for a Struggling Activity."Speaker and Gavel l7 #2 (Winter, l980): 103-107.
National Forensics League. Golden Anniversary TournamentBooklet. Ripon, WI: National Forensics League, l980. Great comments on values of debate from former NFL participants.
Nobles, W. Scott."Tournament debating and rhetoric."Western Journal of Speech Communication 22(Fall, l958): 206-2l0.
Norton, Larry."Nature and Benefits of Academic Debate."Introduction to Debate. Eds. Carolyn Keefe, Thomas B. Harte, and Larry E. Norton. N.Y.: Macmillan, l982. Pp. 24-40.
Pearce, W. Barnett."Forensics and Speech Communication."Association for Communication Administration Bulletin (April, l974): 26-32.
Rieke, Richard D."A Philosophy of Forensics."In Directing Forensics: Debate and Contest Speaking. Ed. Don F. Faules and Richard Rieke. Scranton, PA.: International Textbook Co., l968. Pp. 33-78. ** Excellent statement on values of forensics with proper pedagogy. **
Ritter, Kurt."Debate and a Liberal Arts Education: The Forensics Program at the U. of Illinois."Speaker and Gavel l4 #4 (Summer, l977): 72-84.
______"Debate as an Instrument for Democracy"Speakerand Gavel 8#3 (Spring, l976): 41-43.
Rohrer, Dan M."Debate as a Liberal Art."Advanced Debate: Readings in Theory, Practice, and Teaching, 3rd edition. Eds. David A. Thomas and Jack Hart. Lincolnwood, IL.: National Textbook Co., l987. Pp. 7-14.
Rowland, Robert and Scott Deatherage."The Crisis in Policy Debate."JAFA 24 (Spring, l988): 246-250.
______"A Defense of Rational Argument."Philosophy andRhetoric 28 #4 (l995): 350-364.
______."The Practical Pedagogical Function of Academic Debate."Contemporary Argumentation and Debate l6 (l995): 98-108.
_______ and John E. Fritch."The Relationship Between Debate and Argumentation Theory."Spheres of Argument: Proceedings of the Sixth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Bruce E Gronbeck, ed. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l989. Pp. 457-463
Sellnow, Deanna."Justifying Forensics Programs to Administrators."National Forensic Journal XI (Winter, l994): l-l4.
Semlack, William and Donald C. Shields."The effects of debate training on students participating in the Bicentennial Youth Debates."JAFA 13 (Spring, l977): 192-196.
Thomas, David A."Forensics Shock: Making forensics relevant to tomorrow's higher education."Speech Teacher XIII (Sept., l974): 235-24l.
Trapp, Robert."The Need for an Argumentative Perspective in Academic Debate."CEDA Yearbook l4 (l993): 23-33.
Treadaway, Glenda."A Pedagogical Rationale for Re-Establishing Complementary Debate and Individual Events Programs."Proceedings from the Pi Kappa Delta Development Conference: Re-Formulating Forensics for the New Century. Ed. Scott Jensen. Lake Charles, LA.: McNeese State University, l995. Pp. 17-24.
Windes, R.R., Jr."Competitive Debating, The Speech Program, The Individual, and Society."Speech Teacher IX (March. l960): 99-l08.
Winebrenner, T.C ."Reaffirming the Role of Argumentation Theory in Academic Debate."The Forensic 79 #2 (Winter, l994): l-9.
Zarefsky, David."Keynote Address."Dialogue in the Forensic Community: Proceedings of the Conference on ForensicEducation. Eds. Jack Kay and Julie Lee. Kansas City, MO: National Federation of State High School Associations, l990.
IV. Debate and Critical Thinking
Beckman , V. An investigation of their contributions to critical thinking made by courses in argumentation and discussion in selected colleges. Unpublished PH.D. dissertation. University of Minnesota, l955.
Blair, J. Anthony"Teaching argument in critical thinking."The Community College Humanities Review 5 (l984): 19-30.
Brembeck, W. The effects of a course in argumentation on critical thinking. Speech Monographs l6 (l949): l72-l89.
Colbert, Kent."Enhancing critical thinking ability through academic debate."Contemporary Argumentation and Debate l6( l995): 52-72.
______."The Effects of CEDA and NDT Debate Training on Critical Thinking Ability."JAFA 23 #4 (Spring, l987): 194-20l.
______."The Debate Critical Thinking Relationship: Isolating the Effects of Self-Selection"Paper SCA l996.
Cross, G. The effects of belief systems and the amount of debate experience on the acquisition of critical thinking. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Utah, l97l.
Follert, V. and Kent Colbert. An analysis of the research concerning debate training and critical thinking improvements. ERIC Document Reproduction Service # ED 238 058, l983.
Frank, D. Teaching high school speech to improve critical thinking. The Speech Teacher l8 (l969): 296-302.
Greenstreet, Robert."Academic debating and critical thinking: A Look at the evidence."National Forensic Journal ll (l993): 13-28.
Gruner, Charles, Richard Huseman, and James Luck."Debating Ability, Critical Thinking Ability, and Authoritarianism."Speaker and Gavel 8#3 (March, l97l): 63-65.
Hill, Bill."The value of competitive debate as a vehicle for promoting development of critical thinking ability."CEDAYearbook l4 (l993): 1-22.
Huseman, Richard, Glenn Ware, and Charles Gruner."Critical thinking, reflective thinking, and the ability to organize ideas: A multi-variate approach."JAFA 9 (Summer, l972): 261-265.
Jackson, Ted. The effects of intercollegiate debating on critical thinking. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, U of Wisconsin, l96l.
Katula, R and C. Martin. Teaching critical thinking in the speech communication classroom."Communication Education 33 (l984): l60-l67.
Perella, Jack The Debate Method of Critical Thinking. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt, l983.
Powell, Robert G."Critical thinking and speech communication: Our critical strategies are warranted NOT!."Journal of Applied Communication Research 20 #3 (August, l992): 342-347.
Sanders, Judith, Richard Wiseman, and Robert Gass."Does teaching argumentation facilitate students' critical thinking?"Communication Reports 7 #l (Winter, l994): 27-35.
Whalen, Shawn. Intercollegiate debate as a co-curricular activity: Effects on critical thinking skills Arguments in Controversy: Proceedings of the Seventh SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Donn Parson, ed. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l99l. Pp. 391-397.
V. Books on Argumentation and Debate
Adler, Mortimer. Dialectic. N.Y .: Harcourt, Brace & Co., l929.
Anderson, Jerry M. and Paul J. Dovre, eds. Readings in Argumentation. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, l968.
Bartanen, Michael and David Frank. Nonpolicy Debate, 2nd ed. Scottsdale, AZ.: Gorsuch Scarisbrick, l994.
______.Teaching and Directing Forensics. Scottsdale, AZ.: Gorsuch Scarisbrick, l994.
Bennett, William. Beginning Debate. Taos, N.M.: Championship Debate Enterprises.
______. Debate Judging. Taos, N.M.: Championship Debate Enterprises.
______. Pragmatic Debate. 4th ed. Taos, N.M.: Championship Debate Enterprises.
Benoit, William, Dale Hample, and Pam Benoit, eds. Readings in Argumentation. N.Y.: Foris Publishing, l992.
Berube, David. Nonpolicy Debating. University Press of America, l993.
Branham, Robert James. Debate and Critical Analysis.:The Harmony of Conflict. Hillsdale, N.Y.: Lawrence Erlbaum, l99l.
______. The New Debate: Readings in Contemporary Debate Theory. Washington, D.C.: l975.
Campbell, Cole. Competitive Debate. Chapel Hill, N.C.: Information Research Associates, l974.
Capp, Glenn R. and Thelma Capp. Principles ofArgumentation and Debate. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, l965.
Corcoran, Joseph. An Introduction to Non-Policy Debating. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing Co., l988.
Cox, J. Robert, Malcolm O Sillars, and Gregg B. Walkers, eds. Argument and Social Practice: Proceedings of the Fourth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l985.
Ehninger, Douglas and Wayne Brockriede. Decision by Debate, 2nd ed. N.Y.: Harper & Row, l978.
Ericson, J.M. and J.J. Murphy. with Bud Zeuschner. The Debater's Guide, revised ed. Carbondale, IL.: Southern Illinois Press, l987.
Fadely, Dean. Advocacy: The Essentials of Argumentationand Debate. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt, l994.
Faules, Don F. , Richard Rieke, and Jack Rhodes. Directing Forensics: Contest and Debate Speaking, 2nd ed. Denver, Co.: Morton Publishing Company, l976. This is by far the best book on directing forensics but is unfortunately out of print.
Foster, William T. Argumentation and Debating. Boston: Houghton Mifflin , l932 reprint of original l908 classic.
Freeley, Austin J. Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making., 9th ed. Belmont, Ca.: Wadsworth Publishing, l996. Probably used in more college debate classes than any other text from l970's to today.
Goodnight, Lynn. Getting Started in Debate. Lincolnwood, IL.: National Textbook Co., l987.
Gronbeck, Bruce E. ed. Spheres of Argument: Proceedings of the Sixth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l989.
Hanson, Jim. NTC's Dictionary of Debate. Lincolnwood, IL.: National Textbook Co., l990. It now needs updating but still the best place to find basic debate terminology.
Hensley, Dana and Diana Prentice. Mastering CompetitiveDebate, 4th ed. Caldwell, ID.: Clark Publishing Co., l994. The best book for high school beginners along with Lynn Goodnight's Getting Started in Debate.
Hollihan, Thomas A. and Kevin Baaske. Arguments and Arguing: The Products and Process of Human DecisionMaking. N.Y.: St Martin's Press, l994.
Jackson, Sally, ed. Argumentation and Values: Proceedings of the Ninth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l995.
Kahane, Howard. Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric, 5th ed. Belmont, CA.: Wadsworth, l988.
Kay, Jack, ed. Dialogue in the Forensics Community: Proceedings of the Conference on Forensic Education, Dec., l989. Kansas City, MO.: National Federation of State High School Associations, l990.
Kemp, Robert L. Assignment: Directing the School's Forensic Program. Clayton, MO.: The Alan Co., l985.
Kleinau, Marvin D and Richard Hunsaker. A Guide to Coaching and Judging Contemporary Debate. St. Louis, Mo: Springboards, Inc., l98l.
Klopf, Donald. W. Coaching and Directing Forensics. Skokie, IL: National Textbook Co., l982.
McBath, James. ed. Forensics as Communication: The Argumentative Perspective. Skokie, IL.: National Textbook Co., l975.*** This is the first and best forensics development conference. This text is critical to developing a sound debate coaching philosophy. ***
Makau, Josina M. Reasoning and Communication: Thinking Critically about Arguments. Belmont, CA.: Wadsworth, l990.
McKerrow, Ramie, ed. Argument and the Postmodern Challenge: Proceedings of the Eighth SCA/AFA Conferenceon Argumentation. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l993.
McPeak, J. Teaching Critical Thinking: Dialogue andDialectic. N.Y.: Routledge, l990.
MacRae, Duncan. Policy Indicators: Links Between Social Science and Public Debate. Winston-Salem, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, l985.
Parella, Jack. The Debate Method of Critical Thinking. Dubuque, Iowa: Randall Hunt, l986.
Parson, Donn, ed. American Forensics in Perspective: Papers form the Second National Conference on Forensics. Annandale, VA. SCA, l984.
______, ed. Argument in Controversy: Proceedings of the Seventh SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l991.
Paterno, Jim. Building Cathedrals: A Debate Coaches Resource. Taos, N.M.: Championship Debate Enterprises.
Patterson, J.W. and David Zarefsky. Contemporary Debate. Boston, MA.: Houghton Mifflin, l98l.
Perelman, Chaim and L Obrechts-Tyteca. The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argumentation. Translated by John Wilkinson and Purcell Weaver. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, l969. ***This and Toulmin's Uses of Argument should be familiar to all debate coaches.***
Pfau, Michael, David A. Thomas, and Walter Ulrich. Debate and Argument: A Systems Approach to Advocacy. Glenview, IL.: Scott, Foresman, & Co., l987.
Reinard, John. Foundations of Argument: Effective Communication for Critical Thinking. Dubuque, Iowa: Brown and Benchmark, l99l.
Rhodes, Jack and Sara Newell, eds. Proceedings of the Summer Conference on Argumentation. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l980.
Rieke, Richard D. and Malcolm O. Sillars. Argumentation and the Decision Making Process, 4th ed. Addison Wesley, l996.
Roden, Sally, ed. Commitment to Forensic Education: The Challenge to the Twenty-First Century: Proceedings of the l99l PKD Professional Development Conference. University of Central Arkansas, l99l.
Summers, Whan, and Rousse. How to Debate. NY: H.W. Wilson Co.
Thomas, David. and John Hart. Advanced Debate: Readings in Theory, Practice, and Teaching, 4th ed. Lincolnwood, IL.: National Textbook Co., l992.
_____, and Stephen Wood, eds. CEDA Twentieth Anniversary Assessment Conference Proceedings. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt, l993.
Thompson, Wayne. Modern Argumentation and Debate: Principles and Practices. N.Y.: Harper and Row, l97l.
Toulmin, Stephen. The Uses of Argument. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, l958.
Ulrich, Walter. Judging Academic Debate. Lincolnwood, IL>: National Textbook Co., l986.
Warnick, Barbara and Edward S. Inch. Critical Thinking and Communication: The Use of Reason in Argument, 2nd ed. N.Y.: Macmillan Publishing Co., l994.
Weiss, Robert O. Public Argument. N.Y.: University Press of America, l994.
Wenzel, Joseph, ed. Argument and Critical Practices: Proceedings of the Fifth SCA/AFA Conference onArgumentation. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l987.
Williams, David and Michael Hazen, eds. Argumentation Theory and the Rhetoric of Assent. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University Press, l990.
Winebrenner, T.C., ed. Intercollegiate Forensics. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt, l994.
Winkler, Carol, William Newman, and David Birdsell. Lines of Argument: Core Volume. Lines of Argument: Policy Argument and Lines of Argument: Values Argument. Dubuque, Iowa: Brown and Benchmark, l993.
Wood, Roy V. and Lynn Goodnight. Strategic Debate, 5th ed. Lincolnwood, IL.: National Textbook, 1994.
Young, Marilyn. Coaching Debate. Clayton, MO.: Alan Co., l975.
Young, Richard. Debate Coaches Handbook. Portland, Maine: J. Weston Walsh, Publisher, l973.
______Debate Coaches Guide. Hutchinson, KS: Hutchinson Research Association PO Box 2639, Hutchinson, KS 67504. l990.
Zarefsky, David, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Jack Rhodes, eds. Argument in Transition: Proceedings of the Third Summer Conference on Argumentation. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l983.
Ziegelmueller, George and Jack Rhodes, eds. Dimensions of Argument: Proceedings of the Second Summer Conferenceon Argumentation. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l98l.
______ and Jack Kay. Argumentation: Inquiry and Advocacy, 3rd ed. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, l997.
VI. Argumentation and Debate Courses
Benoit, William L and Vincent F Follert."Graduate Courses in Argumentation Theory." Communication Education 35 (Jan., l986): 61-66.
Dovre, Paul J."The Basic Course in Argumentation: A Prospectus."Central States Speech Journal 22 (Winter, l97l): 236-24l.
Makau, Josina."Adapting the Judicial Model of Reasoning to the Basic Argumentation and Debate Course."Communication Education 34 (July, l985): 227-234.
______"Revisioning the Argumentation Course."Women'sStudies in Communication l5 (Fall, l992): 79-92.
McLain, Thomas B."Secondary School Debate Pedagogy."JAFA 25 (Spring, l989): 203-204.
"Teaching Argumentation."In Argument and Social Practice: Proceedings of the Fourth SCA/AFA Conference onArgumentation. Eds J. Robert Cox, Malcolm O Sillars, and Gregg B. Walker. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l985 Pp. 862-885.
Warnick, Barbara."The Argumentation and Debate Course in the l980's."Speaker and Gavel l7 #4 (Summer, l980): l55-l6l.
VII. Prima Facie Cases and Stock Issues
Giffin, Kim and Kenneth Magill."Stock Issues in Tournament Debates."Central States Speech Journal (Autumn, l960): 27-32.
Herlitz, Georg Nils."The meaning of the term"prima facie."Louisiana Law Review 55 #2 (Nov., l994): 391-408.
McCroskey, James and Leon R. Camp."A Study of Stock Issues Judging Criteria and Decisions in Debate."Southern States Communication Journal (Winter, l964): l58-l68.
Scott, Robert."On the Meaning of the Term"Prima Facie"in Argumentation."Central States Speech Journal (Autumn, l960): 33-37.
Tuman, Joseph S."Getting to First Base: Prima Facie Arguments for Propositions of Value."JAFA 24 #2 (FAll, l987): 84-94.
Young, Gregory and Paul Gaske."On Prima facie Value Argumentation: The Policy Implications Affirmative."CEDAYearbook (l984): 24-30.
VIII. Presumption and the Burden of Proof
Brydon, Steven R."Presumption in Non-Policy Debate: In search of a paradigm."JAFA 23 #2 (Summer, l986): l5-22.
Burnett, Nicholas."Archbishop Whately and the Concept of Presumption: Lessons for Non-Policy Debate."CEDAYearbook 12 (l992): 37-43.
Cronkhite, Gary."The Locus of Presumption."Central StatesSpeech Journal l7 (Nov., l966): 270-276.
Hill, Bill."An Evolving Model of Presumption for Non-Policy Debate."CEDA Yearbook l5 (l994): 43-64.
______"Toward a Holistic Model of Presumption in Non-Policy Debate."CEDA Yearbook 10 (l990): 22-32.
Lichtman, Allan and Daniel Rohrer."Critique of Zarefsky on Presumption."Proceedings National Conference on Argumentation. Ed. James Luck, l973 Pp 38-45.
Podgurski, Dwight."Presumption in the Value Proposition Realm."CEDA Yearbook (l983): 34-39.
Rowland, Robert C."The Function of Presumption in Academic Debate."CEDA Yearbook l3 (l992): 20-24.
Sproule, J. Michael."The psychological burden of proof: On the evolutionary development of Richard Whately's theory of presumption. Speech Monographs 43 #2 (June, l976): ll5-129.
Thomas, David ."Presumption in Nonpolicy Debate: A Case for Natural Presumption Based on Current Nonpolicy Paradigms."Advanced Debate: Readings in Theory, Practice, and Teaching, 4th ed. David Thomas and John Hart, eds. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Co., l992. Pp. 220-242.
Vasilius, Jan."Presumption, Presumption, Wherefore Art Thou Presumption. CEDA Yearbook (l980): 33-42.
IX. Research
Adams, Tyrone and Andrew Wood."The Emerging Role of the World-Wide-Web in Forensics: Computer Mediated Research and Community Development. The Forensic 8l #4 (Summer, l996): 21-35.
Bart, John."Is There an Exit from the Information Superhighway?"The Dangers of Electronic Research."Forensic Educator 9 #l (l994/95): 28-31.
Bennett, William. The How To's of Library Research. Taos, N.M.: Championship Debate Enterprises.
Harris, Scott."Databases in the Marketplace of Academic Debate: A Response to Tucker."Argument and Advocacy 32 #l (Summer, l995): 41-45.
Herbeck, Dale, ed."Computer Mediated Research"ForensicEducator 9 #l (l994/95)
Pitt, Carl Allen"Upgrading the Debater's Research Methods."Speaker and Gavel 7 #2 (Jan. l970): 44-46.
Rhodes, Jack and Glenda Rhodes."Guidelines for Library Services to College and High School Debaters."Reference Quarterly (Fall, l987): 87-94.
Scheckles, T.F."Applications of Computer Technology in Intercollegiate Debate."Speaker and Gavel 23 (l986): 52-6l.
Stafford, Shane and Brian Lain."Hitchhiking on the Information Superhighway: Research on the Net."DebatersResearch Guide. Wake Forest University, l994. Pp. A10-A15.
Tucker, Robert."Argument, Ideology, and Databases: On the Corporatization of Academic Debate."Argument and Advocacy 32 #1 (Summer, l995): 30-40.
Wood, Stephen C."Threads: An Introduction to Forensic E-Mail."The Forensic 80 #2 (Winter, l995): 18-29.
X. Argumentation Theory, Dialectics, Logic and Reasoning, and Proof Standards as Applied to Debate
Aden, Roger."The Enthymeme as Postmodern Argument Form: Condensed, Mediated Argument Then and Now."Argument and Advocacy 31 #2 (Fall, l994): 54-63.
Adler, Mortimer. Dialectic. N.Y.: Harcourt, Brace, & Co., l929.
Anderson, Ray Lynn and C. David Mortenson."The limits of Logic."JAFA 7 (Spring, l970): 71-78.
______"Logic and Marketplace Argumentation."Quarterly Journal of Speech 53 (April, l967): l43-l5l.
Aristotle. The Rhetoric of Aristotle. Translated by Lane Cooper. N.Y.: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., l932.
Bator, Paul G."The good reasons movement: A confounding of dialectic and rhetoric."Philosophy and Rhetoric 2l #1 (l988): 38-47.
Benoit, William."Aristotle's Example: The Rhetorical Induction."Quarterly Journal of Speech 66 (April, l980): 182-192.
______"On Aristotle's Example."Philosophy and Rhetoric 20#4 (l987): 261-267.
Billig, Michael. Arguing and Thinking: A Rhetorical Approach to Social Psychology. Cambridge, MA.: Cambridge University Press, l987.
Blair, J. Anthony and Ralph H. Johnson."Argument as Dialectical. Argumentation l (l987): 41-56.
Brockriede, Wayne."A Standard for Judging Applied Logic in Debate."The AFA Register (Spring, l962): l0-l4.
_____"Arguers as Lovers." Philosophy and Rhetoric 5 (Winter, l972): l-11.
______."The Contemporary Renaissance in the Study of Argument."Argument in Transition: Proceedings of the Third Summer Conference on Argumentation. David Zarefsky, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Jack Rhodes, eds. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l983. Pp. 17-26.
_____and Douglas Ehninger."Toulmin on Argument: An Examination and Application."Quarterly Journal of Speech 46 (Feb., l960): 44-53.
Brooks, Richard O."Legal studies and liberal arts: outline of curriculum based upon the practical syllogism."The LegalStudies Forum l0 #l (Winter, l986): 97-120.
Clarke, Ruth Anne and Jesse G. Delia.""Topoi"and Rhetorical Competence."Quarterly Journal of Speech 65 #2 (April, l979): 187-206.
Conley, Thomas M."The Enthymeme in Perspective."Quarterly Journal of Speech 70 (May, l984): l68-l87.
Consigny, Scott."Dialectical, Rhetorical, and Aristotelian Rhetoric."Philosophy and Rhetoric 22 #4 (l989): 281-287.
Copi, Irving. Informal Logic. N.Y.: Macmillan, l986.
Delia, Jesse G."The Logic Fallacy, Cognitive Theory, and the Enthymeme: A Search for the Foundations of Reasoned Discourse."Quarterly Journal of Speech 56 (April, l970): l40-l48.
Douglas, Rodney B and Carroll Arnold."On Analysis of Logos: A Methodological Inquiry."Quarterly Journal of Speech 55 (Feb., l970): 22-32.
Ehninger, Douglas."Argument as Method: Its Nature, Its Limitations, and Its Uses."Communication Studies 37 (l970): 101-110.
Epstein, William."The classical tradition of dialectics and American legal education."Journal of Legal Education 3l #3-5 (Summer Fall, l982): 399-423.
Fisher, Walter R."Rationality and the Logic of Good Reasons."Philosophy and Rhetoric 13 #2 (Spring, l980): 121-130.
Golden, J. L. and Pillotta, JJ , eds. Practical Reasoning in Human Affairs. Dordrecht, Holland: D Riedel, l986.
Goodnight, G. Thomas."The Re-Union of Argumentation and Debate Theory."Dimensions of Argument: Proceedings of the Second Summer Conference on Argumentation . Eds George Ziegelmueller and Jack Rhodes. Annandale, VA: SCA, l98l. Pp 415-432.
Gottlieb, Gordon. The Logic of Choice. N.Y.: The Macmillan Co., l968.
Hamer, David"The civil standard of proof-uncertainty: probability, belief, and justice."Sydney Law Review 16 #4 (Dec., l994): 506-536.
Hample, Dale."Argument: Public, Private, Social and Cognitive."JAFA 25 (Summer, l988): 13-19.
_____"Teaching the Cognitive Context of Argument."Communication Education 34 (July, l985): 196-204.
Hollihan, Thomas A and Pat Riley."Academic debate and democracy: A clash of ideologies."Argument and Critical Practices: Proceedings of the Fifth SCA/AFA Conference onArgumentation. Ed. J.W. Wenzel. Annandale, VA: SCA, l987. Pp. 399-404.
Hunt, Everett."Dialectics: A Neglected Method of Argument." Quarterly Journal of Speech (June, l92l): 221-232.
Hunt, Steve."Reasoning in Debate: Directions and Goals" NFL Journal 3 (l993): 2-9.
Iseminger, Gary."Successful Argument and Rational Belief.: Philosophy and Rhetoric 7 (l974): 47-57.
Jamieson, Kathleen Hall. Eloquence in an Electronic Age. N.Y.: Oxford University Press, l988.
Kennedy, George. ed translator. Aristotle on Rhetoric : A Theory of Civic Discourse." NY:Oxford University Press, 1991.
Klumpp, James."Keeping Our Traditions Straight: Working with the Intellectual Modes of Argumentative Studies."Argument in Controversy: Proceedings of the Seventh SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Donn Parson, ed. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l99l. Pp. 33-38.
Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson. Metaphors We Live By. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.
Lichtman, Allan J. and Daniel M Rohrer."The logic of policy dispute."JAFA l6 (Spring, l980): 236-247.
Miller, Gerald R."Some Factors Influencing Judgments of the Logical Validity of Arguments: A Research Review."Quarterly Journal of Speech 55 (Oct l969): 276-286.
Mills, Glen E. and Hugh Petrie."The Role of Logic in Rhetoric."Quarterly Journal of Speech 54 (Oct l968): 260-267.
Mortenson, C. David and Ray L Anderson."The Limits of Logic."JAFA 7 (Spring, l970): 7l-78.
Nelson, William F."Topoi: Evidence of Human Conceptual
Behavior."Philosophy and Rhetoric 2 (Winter, l969): 1-11.
Newman, Robert P."Analysis and Issues--A Study of Doctrine Readings in Argumentation. Eds Jerry M Anderson and Paul J Dovre. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, l968. Pp l66-180.
Nothstine, William L."Topics"as Ontological Metaphor in Contemporary Rhetorical Theory and Criticism"Quarterly Journal of Speech 74 (May, l988): 151-163.
Perelman, Chaim and L. Olbrechts Tyteca. The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argumentation. Translated by John Wilkinson and Purcell Weaver. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, l969.
Petrie, Hugh."Does Logic Have any Relevance to Argumentation."JAFA 6 (Spring, l969): 55-60.
Pierce, Donald C."The History of the Concept of Stasis."TheForensic 72 (l987): 75-8l.
Pinto, Robert C. and John Anthony Blair. Reasoning: A Practical Guide. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, l993.
Powers, John M"On the Intellectual Structure of the Human Communication Discipline."Communication Education 44 #3 (July, l995): 191-222.
Pruett, Robert."Dialectic: A Starting Point for Argument."Ohio Speech Journal (l970): 42-47.
Rescher, Nicholas. Dialectics: A Controversy Oriented Approach to the Theory of Knowledge. State University of NY Press, l977.
______Rationality: A Philosophical Inquiry into the Nature and the Rationale of Reason. NY: Oxford University Press, l988.
Rowland, Robert C."Argument Fields."Dimensions of Argument: Proceedings of the Second Summer Conference on Argumentation. Eds George Ziegelmueller, and Jack Rhodes. Annandale, VA: SCA, l98l. Pp. 56-79.
______"On Defining Argument."Philosophy and Rhetoric 20 (l987): 140-159.
_____and John E Fritch."The Relationship Between Debate and Argumentation Theory,"Spheres of Argument: Proceedings of the Sixth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Bruce E Gronbeck, ed. Annandale, VA: SCA, l989. PP. 457-463.
Self, Lois"Rhetoric and Phronesis: The Aristotelian Ideal."Philosophy and Rhetoric 12 (Spring, l979): 130-145.
Sunstein, Cass."On analogical reasoning."Harvard Law Review l06 #3 (Jan l993): 741-793.
Shiffrin, Steven."Forensics, Dialectic, and Speech Communication."JAFA 8 (Spring, l972): l89-19l.
Toulmin, Stephen. The Uses of Argument. Cambridge University Press, l958.
_____Richard Rieke, and Allan Janik. An Introduction to Reasoning. NY: Macmillan Publishing Co., l979.
Trapp, Robert ."The Need for an Argumentative Perspective for Academic Debate."CEDA Yearbook l4 (l993): 23-33.
Warnick, Barbara."Judgment, Probability and Aristotle's Rhetoric."Quarterly Journal of Speech 85 (August, l989):
Zarefsky, David."The Role of Causal Argument in Policy Controversies."JAFA 8 (Spring, l977): 179-191.
XI. Evidence
Benson, James A."The Use of Evidence in Intercollegiate Debate."JAFA 7 (Spring, l97l): 260-270.
Dresser, William R."The Impact of Evidence on Decision Making."JAFA 3 #2 (May, l966): 43-47.
______"Studies of the Effects of Evidence: Implications for Forensics."The AFA Register (Fall, l962) l4-l9.
Gregg, R.B."The Rhetoric of Evidence."Western Speech 3l ( Summer, l967): l80-l89.
Herbeck, Dale. Effective Use of Evidence in Debate. Kansas City, MO: National Federation of State High School Associations, l992.
Hobbs, Jeffrey."Surrendering Decision Authority from the Public to the Technical Sphere of Argument: The Use of Evidence in Contemporary Intercollegiate Debate."The Forensic 80 #l (Fall, l994): l-6.
Huff, Darrell."How to Lie With Statistics."Harper's Magazine Aug, l950 97-l0l.
Insalata, S. John."The Persuasive Use of Evidence in Formal Argument."The Forensic (March, l960): 9-11.
Kazoleas, Dean C."A Comparison of the persuasive effectiveness of qualitative versus quantitative evidence."Communication Quarterly 4l #l (Winter, l993): 40-5l.
Kellermann, Kathy and Allan Louden."Coping with Statistics in Debate. Debaters Research Guide. Wake Forest University, l979. Pp. 12-2l.
______"The Concept of Evidence: A Critical Review."JAFA l6 (Winter, l980): 159-172.
Luchok, Joseph and James C. McCroskey."The effect of quality of evidence on attitude change and source credibility."Southern Speech Communication Journal 43 #4 (Summer, l978): 371-383.
McCroskey, James."A Summary of Experimental Research on the Effects of Evidence on Persuasive Communication."Quarterly Journal of Speech 55 (April, l969): 169-l76.
Newman, Robert P. and Dale R. Newman. Evidence. N.Y.: Houghton Mifflin, l969.
______and Keith R. Sanders."A study in the integrity of evidence."JAFA 2 #l (Jan, l965): 7-l3.
Reinard, John C."The empirical study of the persuasive effects of evidence: The status after fifty years of research."Human Communication Research l5 #l (Fall, l988): 3-59.
Sanders, Keith."Toward a solution to the misuse of evidence."JAFA 3 #l (Jan l966): 6-10.
Sanders, Gerald H."Misuse of Evidence in Academic Debate."Advanced Debate. David A Thomas, ed. Skokie, IL: National Textbook, l975. Pp 220-227.
Scott, Robert L."Evidence in communication: We are such stuff."Western Journal of Speech Communication 42 #l (Winter, l978): 29-36.
Spiker, Barry K. , Tom Daniels, and Lawrence Bernabo."The Quantitative Quandry in Forensics: The Use and Misuse of Statistical Evidence."JAFA l9 (Fall, l982): 87-96.
Ulrich, Walter."The Use and Misuse of Evidence in Academic Debate."Debate Issues l6 (Jan, l983): 10-16.
Winebrenner, T.C."Authority as Argument in Academic Debate."Contemporary Argumentation and Debate l6 (1995): 14-29.
Part II A Select Bibliography on Debate Theory
XII. The Affirmative, Comparative Advantage, & Criteria Cases
Brock, Bernard"The Comparative Advantages Case."SpeechTeacher (March, l967): 118-123.
Chesebro, James W."The Comparative Advantage Case."JAFA V #2 (Spring, l968): 57-63.
______"Beyond the Orthodox: The Criteria Case."JAFA VII (Winter, l97l): 208-215.
Fadely, L. Dean."The Validity of the Comparative Advantage Case."JAFA IV #1 (Winter, l967): 28-35.
Flaningam, Carl. D."Concomitant vs Comparative Advantages: Sufficient vs Necessary Conditions."JAFA l8 #l (Summer, l98l): l-8.
Lewinski, John, Metzler, Bruce, and Settle, Peter L."The Goal Case Affirmative: A Alternative Approach to Academic Debate."JAFA IX (Spring, l973): 458-463.
Lichtman, Alan, Garvin, Charles, and Corsi, Jerry."The Alternative Justification Affirmative: A New Case Form."JAFA X (Fall, l973): 59-69.
Ware, B.L. , Jr. and English, William B."A Comparison of the Need Plan and the Comparative Advantage Approach: There is a Difference."Kansas Speech Journal (Spring, l973): 4-ll.
Zarefsky, David."The Traditional Case Comparative Advantage Case Dichotomy: Another Look."JAFA 6#l (Winter, l969): 12-20.
XIII. Negative Approaches to Debate
Brewster, B."Analysis of Disadvantages: Scenarios and Intrinsicness."Debaters Research Guide. Winston Salem, N.C.: Wake Forest University, l984. Pp. l4-l6.
Cragan, John and Shields, Donald."The Comparative Advantage Negative."JAFA 7 #2 (Spring, l970): 85-91.
Hemmer, Joseph J., Jr."The Comparative Advantage Negative: An Integrated Approach."Speaker and Gavel l3 (Winter, l976): 27-30.
Hemphill, Dwaine R."First Negative Strategies: A Reevaluation of Negative Division of Duties."Argument in Transition: Proceedings of the Third Summer Conference on Argumentation. Eds David Zarefsky, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Jack Rhodes. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l983. Pp. 883-892.
Patterson, J.W."The Obligations of the Negative in a Policy Debate."The Speech Teacher (September, l962): 208-213.
Solt, Roger."Negative Fiat: Resolving the Ambiguities of Should."Argumentation and Advocacy 25 (Winter, l989): l2l-139,.
Thomas, David and Anderson Jerry M."Negative Approaches to the Comparative Advantages Case."Speaker and Gavel (May, l968): 148-157.
______"Response to Cragan and Shields: Alternative Formats for Negative Approaches to Comparative Advantage Cases."JAFA VIII (Spring, l972): 200-206.
Ulrich, Walter."Debating Generic Disadvantages."Debate Issues (Feb., l985): 14-16.
______. Developing and Defending Disadvantages. Kansas City, MO.: National Federation of State High School Associations, l993.
XIV. Criteria
Broda-Bahm, Ken."Community Concepts of Argumentative Legitimacy: Challenging Norms in National-Circuit CEDA Debate."The Forensic 79 #3 (Spring, l994): 26-35.
Brownlee, Don."Approaches to Support and Refutation of Criteria."CEDA Yearbook l987. Pp. 59-63.
Berube, David."Parameters for Criteria Debating."CEDA Yearbook, l990. Pp. 9-25.
Cole, Mark, Boggs, Ronald, and Twohy, Kevin."The Functions of Criteria in Nonpolicy Argumentation: Burdens and Approaches."CEDA Yearbook 7 , l986.
XV. Kritiks/Critiques
Bennett, William."An Introduction to the Kritik."The Rostrum (April, l996): l9-26.
Broda Bahm, Ken."Meaning as Language Use: The Case of the Language-Linked Value Objection."CEDA Yearbook l2 , l99l . Pp. 67-78.
______ and Murphy, Thomas L."A Defense of Critique Arguments: Beyond the Resolutional Question."CEDA Yearbook l5, l994. Pp. 20-32.
Moris, Eric and Katsulas, John."Pro and Con: The Relevance Irrelevance of the Critique to Policy Debate."Forensic Educator ll #l (l996-97)
Roskoski, Matt and Peabody, Joe."A Linguistic and Philosophic Critique of Language Arguments."Paper presented at the SCA Convention Chicago, IL. Nov l, l992.
Shanahan, William."Kritik of Thinking."Debaters ResearchGuide Winston Salem, N.C.: Wake Forest University, l993. Pp. A3-A8.
Shors, Matthew and Mancuso, Steve."The Critique: Skreaming Without Raising its Voice."Debaters Research Guide Winston Salem, N.C.: Wake Forest University, l993. Pp. A14-A18.
Solt, Roger. The Anti-Kritik Handbook. Denton, TX.: Paradigm Research, l995.
______"Demystifying the Critique."Debaters Research Guide, Winston Salem, N.C.: Wake Forest University, l993. Pp. A8-A12.
XVI. Topicality
Adams, N. and Wilkins, T."The Role of Justification in Topic Analysis."CEDA Yearbook 7 l987 Pp. 21-26.
Allen, Mike and Burrell, Nancy."A Pragmatic Theory of Topicality."Argument and Social Practice: Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Argumentation. Eds. Robert J. Cox, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Gregg Walker. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l985. Pp. 854-86l.
Berube, David."Debating Hasty Generalization."In Advanced Debate: Readings in Theory, Practice andTeaching, 3rd ed. Ed. David Thomas and Jack Hart. Lincolnwood, IL.: National Textbook Co., l987. Pp. 483-489.
______."Parametric Topicality: An Analysis and a Rebuttal."CEDA Yearbook l2 (l99l): l2-26.
______"Parametrical Interpretation: Issues and Answers."Contemporary Argumentation and Debate l6 (l995) : 30-5l.
______"What Killed Schrodinger's Cat?: Parametric Topicality, That's What"CEDA Yearbook l2 (l99l): 12-26.
Bile, Jeffrey"When the Whole is Greater than the Sum of the Parts: The Implications of Holistic Resolutional Focus."CEDA Yearbook 8 (l987) : 8-l5.
______"Propositional Justification: Another View."CEDA Yearbook 9 (l988) 54-62.
Cross, Frank. Debating Topicality. San Francisco, CA: Griffin Research, l987.
Deatherage, Loral and Pfau, Michael. Arguing Topicality: Perspectives and Techniques. Kansas City, MO.: National Federation of State High School Associations, l985.
Dudczak, Craig."Topicality: An Equal Ground Standard."CEDA Yearbook l0 (1989): 12-21.
Hastings, Arthur."On the Meaning of Should"Speaker and Gavel 4 #l (Nov., l966): 8-10.
Herbeck, Dale A and Katsulas, John P."The Affirmative Topicality Burden: Any Reasonable Example of the Resolution."JAFA 2l (Winter, l985): 133-145.
______"The Case Against the Problem Area: A Response to Ulrich."Forensic Educator 4 (l989/90): 8-11.
Hingstman, David."Topicality and Division of Ground."Framing Policy Dialectic in Argument and Social Practice: Proceedings of the Fourth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Ed J. Robert Cox, Malcolm O Sillars, and Gregg Walker. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l985. Pp. 841-853.
Hynes, Thomas J. and Ulrich, Walter."The Role of Propositions in Forensic Argument."Argument and Social Practice: Proceedings of the Fourth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Ed J. Robert Cox, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Gregg Walker. Annandale, VA: SCA, l985. Pp. 827-840.
Madsen, Arnie and Louden, Al."Jurisdiction and the Evaluation of Topicality."JAFA 24 #2 (Fall, l987): 73-83.
______"The Jurisdiction/Topicality Analogy."Argumentation and Advocacy 26 #4 (Spring, l990): 141-154.
______and Chandler, Robert C."Further Examination 0f Resolutional Focus."Spheres of Argument: Proceedings of the Sixth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation.
Annandale, VA.: SCA, l989. Pp. 411-416.
______"When the Whole Becomes a Black Hole: Implications of the Holistic Perspective."CEDA Yearbook 9 (l988) 30-37.
McBath, James and Aurbach, Joseph."Origins of the National Debate Resolution."JAFA 4 #3 (Fall, l967): 96-103.
Murphy, Thomas L."Assessing the Jurisdictional Model of Topicality." Argumentation and Advocacy 26 (Spring, l990) 145-150.
Parson, Donn W"On Being Reasonable: The Last Refuge of Scoundrels."Dimensions of Argument: Proceedings of the Second Summer Conference on Argumentation. Eds George Ziegelmueller and Jack Rhodes. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l98l. Pp. 532-543.
______and Bart, John."On Being Reasonable: The Last Refuge of Scoundrels Part II: The Scoundrels Strike Back."Advanced Debate: Readings in Theory, Practice, and Teaching. Eds. David Thomas and Jack Hart. Lincolnwood, IL.: National Textbook Co., l989. Pp. 130-138.
Pfau, Michael. Arguing Topicality: Perspectives and Techniques. Kansas City, MO.: National Federation of State High School Associations, l985.
Rhodes, Jack and Pfau, Michael."Resolution of Example: A Reply to Herbeck and Katsulas."JAFA XXI (Winter, l985): 146-149.
Sherwood, Ken."Claim Without Warrant: The Lack of Logical Support for Parametric Topicality."CEDA Yearbook l5 (l994): l0-19.
Unger, James."Topicality: Why not the Best?"The Rostrum 56 (Oct, l98l): 5-9.
Ulrich, Walter."The Nature of the Problem Area"ForensicEducator 4 (l989/90): 5-7.
______"The Nature of the Topic in Value Debate."CEDA Yearbook 5 (l984): 1-6.
XVII. Counterplans
Branham, Robert J."Roads Not Taken: Counterplans and Opportunity Costs."Argumentation and Advocacy 25 (Spring, l989): 246-255.
______ Ed. Special Issue JAFA The State of the Counterplan JAFA 25 (Winter, l989): 117-191.****** This edition is key to modern counterplan theory.***
Dempsey, Richard H and Hartmann, David N."Mirror State Counterplans: Illegitimate, Topical, or Magical?"JAFA 22 (Winter, l985): 161-166.
Fadley, Dean."Fiat Power and the Mirror State Counterplan."Speaker and Gavel 24 (Winter, l987): 69-76.
Gossett. John."Counterplan Competitiveness in the Stock Issues Paradigm." Dimensions of Argument: Proceedings of the Second Summer Conference on Argumentation. Edited George Ziegelmueller and Jack Rhodes. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l98l. Pp. 568-578.
Herbeck, Dale, Katsulas, John, and Leeper, Karla."The Locus of Debate Controversy Re-Examined: Implications for Counterplan Theory."Argumentation and Advocacy 25 (Winter, l989): 150-164.
______"A Permutation Standard of Competitiveness."JAFA 22 (Summer, l985): 12-19.
______ and Katsulas, John."Point of Theory: Counterplan Competitiveness."The Forensic Quarterly (Fall, l985): 46-48.
Hill, Bill."Counterplans: Requirements, Presumption and Study."Debaters Research Guide. Winston Salem, N.C.: Wake Forest University, l980. Pp. 2-7.
Hynes, Thomas J. Jr."The Counterplan: An Historical and Descriptive Study."Unpublished M.A. thesis, U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, l972.
______ Debating Counterplans. San Francisco, CA.: Griffin Research, l987.
______."The Studies Counterplan: Still Hoping- A Reply to Shelton."JAFA (Winter, l985): 156-160.
Kaplow, Louis."Rethinking Counterplans: A Reconciliation with Debate Theory."JAFA l7 #4 (Spring, l98l): 215-226.
Katsulas, John, Herbeck, Dale, and Panetta, Edward M."Fiating Utopia: A Negative View of the Emergence of World Order Counterplans and Futures Gaming in Policy Debate."Argumentation and Advocacy 24 (Fall, l987): 95-111.
______"Fiating Utopia Part Two: A Rejoinder to Edwards and Snider."Argumentation and Advocacy 24 (Fall, l987): l30-136.
Lane, Gina."The Justification of Counterplans in Nonpolicy Debate: A Skeptical View."CEDA Yearbook l5 (l994) 33-42.
Lichtman, Allan J and Rohrer, Daniel M."A General Theory of the Counterplan."JAFA l2 (Fall, l975): 70-79. Classic early article on counterplan theory.
Madsen, Arnie."General Systems Theory and Counterplan Competition."Argumentation and Advocacy 26 (Fall, l989): 71-82.
Mayer, Michael."Epistemological Considerations of the Studies Counterplan."JAFA l9 (Spring, l983): 261-266.
______ and Hale, J."Evaluating the Studies Counterplan: Topicality and Competitiveness."Speaker and Gavel l6 (Summer, l979): 67-72.
Nebergall, Roger E."The Negative Counterplan."SpeechTeacher 6 (Sept., l957): 217-220.
Panetta, Edward M. and Dolley, Steven."The Topical Counterplan: A Competitive Policy Option."Argumentation and Advocacy 25 (Winter, l989): 165-177.
Perkins, Dallas."Counterplans and Paradigms."Argumentation and Advocacy 25 #3 (Winter, l989): 140-149.
Shelton, Michael W."In Defense of the Study Counterplan."JAFA 2l (Winter, l985): 150-155.
Solt, Roger."Counterplan Competition: Permutations and Beyond."Debaters Research Guide, Winston Salem, N.C.: Wake Forest University, l985. Pp. 18-23.
Thompson, Wayne N."The Effect of the Counterplan Upon the Burden of Proof."Central States Speech Journal l3 (Autumn, l962): 247-252.
Ulrich, Walter."The Legitimacy of the Counter Procedure Counterplan."JAFA 23 (Winter, l987): 166-169.
______Understanding the Counterplan. Kansas City, MO.: National Federation of State High School Associations, l986.
Unger, James."Investigating the Investigators: A Study of the Study Counterplan."Debate Issues l2 (Feb., l979): 1-8.
Walker, Gregg B."The Counterplan as Argument in Non-Policy Debate."Argumentation and Advocacy 25 (Winter, l989): 178-191.
XVIII. Counterwarrants
Ganer, Patricia."Counterwarrants: An Idea Whose Time Has Not Come."Dimensions of Argument: Proceedings of the Second Summer Conference on Argumentation. Ed. George Ziegelmueller and Jack Rhodes. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l98l. Pp. 478-484.
Hunt, Steven B., and Tolbert, Greg."Counter-Warrants: A Method for Testing Topical Justification in CEDA Debate."CEDA Yearbook (l985): 21-28.
Keeshan, Marjorie, and Ulrich, Walter."Critique of the Counter-Warrant as a Negative Strategy."JAFA l6 #3 (Winter, l980): 199-203.
Mayer, Michael."Extending Counter-Warrants : The Counter Resolutional Counterplan."JAFA l9 (Fall, l982): 122-127.
Paulsen, James W. and Rhodes, Jack."The Counter-Warrant as a Negative Strategy: A Modest Proposal."JAFA l5 (Spring, l979): 205-210. This is the article that started counterwarrant theory.
Rhodes, Jack."A Defense of the Counter-Warrant as Negative Argument."Dimensions of Argument: Proceedings of the Second Summer Conference on Argumentation. Eds. George Ziegelmueller and Jack Rhodes. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l98l. Pp. 485-493.
______"Counter-Warrants After Ten Years."Spheres of Argument: Proceedings of the Sixth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Ed. Bruce Gronbeck. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l989. Pp. 406-410.
XIX. Inherency
Benoit, William L."The Nature and Function of Inherency in Policy Argumentation."Speaker and Gavel l9 (Spring, l982): 55-63.
Cherwitz, Richard A. and Hikins, James W."Inherency as a Multidimensional Construct: A Rhetorical Approach to the Proof of Causation."JAFA l4 #2 (Fall, l977): 82-90.
Cox, J. Robert."Attitudinal Inherency: Implications for Policy Debate."Southern Speech Communication Journal 40 (Winter, l975): 158-168.
Dudczak, Craig."Inherency in Non-Policy Propositions: Rediscovering the Lost Issue."Argument and Critical Practices: Proceedings of the Fifth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Ed. Joseph Wenzel. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l987. Pp. 371-378.
______."Inherency as a Stock Issue in Non-Policy Propositions."CEDA Yearbook 9 (l988): 15-22.
Flaningam, Carl. D."Inherency and Incremental Change: A Response to Morello."JAFA 20 (Spring, l984): 231-236.
Goodnight, Tom, Balthrop, Bill, and Parson, Donn W."The Problem of Inherency: Strategy and Substance."JAFA l0 (Spring, l974): 229-240.
Ling, David and Seltzer, Robert V."The Role of Attitudinal Inherency in Contemporary Debate."JAFA 7 (Spring, l97l): 278-283.
Morello, John T."Defending the Present System's Capacity for Incremental Changes."JAFA l9 (Fall, l982): 115-121.
Parson, Donn W."Response to A Critique of The problem of Inherency."JAFA l2 #l (Summer, l975): 46-58.
Pfau, Michael."The Present System Revisited: Part One: Incremental Change."JAFA l7 (Fall, l980): 80-84.
_____Part Two: Policy Interrelationships."JAFA l7 (Winter, l98l): l46-154.
Schunk, John."Affirmative Fiat, Plan Circumvention, and the Process Disadvantage: The Further Ramifications of Psuedo-Inherency,."Speaker and Gavel l8 #3 (Spring, l98l): 83-87.
______"Farewell to Structural Change: The Cure for Psuedo-Inherency."JAFA l4 #3 (Winter, l978): 144-149.
XX. Cross Examination
Beard, Raymond. S."Legal Cross-Examination and Academic Debate."JAFA 6 (Spring, l969): 61-66.
Cirlin, Alan."Evaluating Cross Examination in CEDA Debate: On Getting Our Act Together."CEDA Yearbook 7 (l986): 43-50.
______The Strategy and Tactics of Cross-Examination. Pecan Grove, l989.
Clevenger, Kenneth."Cross-Examination for Trial Defense Counsel."Army Lawyer (Jan, l992): 9-10.
Copeland, James M. Cross-Examination in Debate. Lincolnwood, IL.: National Textbook Co., l981.
Coverstone, Alan."Rediscovering the Lost Art of Cross-Examination."Debaters Research Guide. Winston Salem, N.C.: Wake Forest University, l992. Pp A3-A6.
Durst, John E., Jr."Cross-Examination."Trial Lawyers Quarterly l9 #3 (Fall, l988): 29-42.
Fuge, Lloyd and Newman, Robert P."Cross Examination in Academic Debating."The Speech Teacher 5 (Jan. , l956): 66-70.
Hartje, Jeffrey H."Cross-Examination: A Primer for Trial Advocates."American Journal of Trial Advocacy Annual 10 l987 : l35-l79.
Henderson, Bill."A System of Teaching Cross-Examination Techniques."Communication Education 27 (March, l978): 112-118.
Larson, Suzanne."Cross Examination in CEDA Debate: A Survey of Coaches."CEDA Yearbook 8 (l987): 33-4l.
Lewis, David L."Cross-Examination."Mercer Law Review 42 #2 (Winter, l99l): 627-642.
Lisnek, Paul."Direct and Cross-Examination: The Keys to Success."Trial Diplomacy Journal l8 #5 (Sept. Oct., l995): 263-269.
Miller, Thomas and Caminker, E."The Art of Cross-Examination"CEDA Yearbook 3: 4-l5.
Ulrich, Walter."Vitalizing Cross-Examination Debate: A Proposal."JAFA l8 (Spring, l982): 265-266.
Younger, Irving."A Letter in Which Cicero Lays Down the Ten Commandments of Cross-Examination." Law InstituteJournal 6l #8 (August, l987): 804-806. See also excellent video tape of Irving Younger on ten commandments of cross-examination.
Ziegelmueller, George."Cross Examination Reexamined."Advanced Debate: Readings in Theory, Practice and Teaching. Eds. David Thomas and Jack Hart. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook, l987. Pp. 66-74. also in Argument in Transition: Proceedings of the Third Summer Conference on Argument. Edited David Zarefsky, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Jack Rhodes. Annandale, VA.: SCA, l983. Pp. 904-917.
XXI. Flowsheeting
Branham, Robert. The Debate Flowsheet. Kansas City, MO.: National Federation of State High School Associations, l990.
Bennett, William H. Techniques of Flowsheeting, 3rd ed. Taos, N.M: Championship Debate Enterprises.
XXII. Rhetoric and Persuasion in Debate: Public Debates, Style, and Speaking Rates (See also public forums , international debates, radio and television debates)
Bartanen, Kristine and Hanson, Jim."Advocating Humane Discourse."The Forensic 80 #l (Fall, l994): 16-2l.
Carpenter, Ronald H."Style and Emphasis in Debate."JAFA 6 #l (Winter , l969): 27-3l.
Cathcart, Robert."Adopting Debate to an Audience."Speech Teacher (March, l956): 113-116.
Christopherson, Merrill G."The Necessity for Style in Argument."Speech Teacher (March, l960): 116-120.
Colbert, Kent."A Study of CEDA and NDT Finalists Speaking Rates."CEDA Yearbook l2 (l99l): 88-94.
______"A Quantitative Analysis of CEDA Speaking Rates."National Forensic Journal 6 (Fall, l988): 113-120.
______"Speaking Rates of NDT Finalists from l968-1980."JAFA l8 (Summer, l98l): 73-76.
Cox, E. Sam and Adams, W. Clifton."The Need to Return Tournament Debating to the Public Arena."Proceedings of the Pi Kappa Delta Developmental Conference March l7, l993. Ed. Ed Inch. Fargo, ND: PKD, l994. Pp. 37-43.
______ and Jensen, Scott."Redeeming Part of Debate's Education Mission via Public Formats."Spheres of Argument: Proceedings of the Sixth SCA/AFA Conference onArgumentation. Ed Bruce E Gronbeck. Annandale, VA: SCA, l989. Pp. 440-445.
______ and Adams, W . Clifton."Valuing of Tournament Debate: Factors from Practitioners and Administrators."TheForensic 80 #4 (Summer, l995): 7-l2.
Cronen, Vernon E."The Functions of the Debater: Orator, Critic, Pedagogue."Central States Speech Journal 20 (Winter, l969): 26l-268.
Dean, Richard."Tournament Debating: A Case for Guerrilla Warfare."Speaker and Gavel 8 #l (Nov, l970): 17-19.
DeLancey, Charles, and Ryan, Halford."Intercollegiate Audience Style Debating: Quo Vadis?"Argumentation and Advocacy 27 (Fall, l990): 48-57.
Friedman, Robert P."Why Not Debate Persuasively?"Today's Speech 5 (l957): 32-34.
Giffin, Kim and Warner, D.A."A Study of the Influence of an Audience on the Rate of Speech in Tournament Debates."The Speaker (l962).
Hill, Bill."Improving the Quality of CEDA Debate."National Forensic Journal 4 (Fall, l986): 105-121.
McBath, James H. and Cripe, Nicholas M."Delivery: Rhetoric's Rusty Canon."JAFA 2 #1 (January, l965): 1-6.
McGough, M."Pull It Across the Flow."New Republic Oct l988 17-19.
Murrish, Walter."Training the Debate in Persuasion."JAFA 1 #1 (Jan., l964): 7-12.
Olson, Donald O."A Survey of Attitudes on the Spread."Speaker and Gavel 8 #3 (March, l97l): 66-69.
Peterson, Owen."Forum Debating: l50 Debates Later."Southern Speech Communication Journal 47 #4 (Summer, l982) 435-443.
"Public Debates at West Virginia University."Speaker and Gavel 4 #2 (Jan., l967): 5l.
Ritter, Kurt."Recapturing the Rhetorical Dimension: Debating ion Campus Forums."Speaker and Gavel 7 #l (Fall, l974): 1-3.
Ryan, Halford Ross."The Audience Style Debate: An Alternative Forensic Activity."Speaker and Gavel 23 #l (Fall, l985): 29-34.
Stelzner, Hermann G."Tournament Debate: Emasculated Rhetoric."Southern Speech Communication Journal 27 (Fall, l96l): 34-42.
Swinney, James P."The Relative Comprehension of Contemporary Tournament Debate Speeches."JAFA 5 #l (Winter, l968): 16-20.
Thorpe, Judy Mosier."A Survey on Audience Centered Debate: How Prevalent is It and What are Its Perceived Values?"JAFA 2l #3 (Winter, l985): 179-181.
Voor, John B. and Miller, Joseph M."The Effect of Practice upon the Comprehension of Time-Compressed Speech."Speech Monographs 32 (l965): 452-454.
Vasilius, Janet M and DeStephen, Dan."An Investigation of the Relationship Between Debate Tournament Success and Rate, Evidence, and Jargon."JAFA l5 (Spring, l979): 197-204.
Weiss, Robert O."The Public Presence of Forensics."Speaker and Gavel 23 #l (Fall, l985): 23-28.
XXIII. Debating Judging and Debate Paradigms
Allen, Mike and Kellermann, Kathy."Using the Subjective Probability Model to Evaluate Academic Debate Arguments."Argumentation and Advocacy 25 (Fall, l988): 93-107.
Balthrop, William V."Argumentation and The Critical Stance: A Methodological Approach."Advances in Argumentation Research. Ed. J. Robert Cox and Charles Willard. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, l982. Pp. 238-258.
______"Citizen, Legislator, and Bureaucrat as Evaluators of Competing Policy Systems." Advanced Debate: Readings in Theory, Practice, and Teaching. 2nd ed. Ed. David Thomas. Skokie, Il: National Textbook Co., l979. Pp. 402-418.
______."The Debate Judge as Critic of Argument."JAFA 20 (Summer, l983): 1-15.
Bartanen, Michael."The Case for Using Nontraditional Judges in Forensics Contests."Argumentation and Advocacy 30 #4 (Spring, l994): 248-254.
Benoit, William , Wilson, S.R., and Follert, V.F."Decision Rules for the Policy Metaphor."JAFA 22 (Winter, l986): 135-146.
Boileau, Don M. Fitzgerald, Jon, Ling, David, and Millar Dan P."A Debate Judge Certification Test: Development and Operation on a State-Wide Scale."Communication Education 30 #4 (Oct., l98l): 414-420.
Branham, Robert J. and Isaacson, Thomas."The Ascent of Policy Making: Academic Debate from l970 to l980."Speaker and Gavel l7 (Fall, l979): 5-l0.
Brey, James."A Descriptive Analysis of CEDA Judging Philosophies Part I: Definitive Acceptance or Rejection of Certain Tactics and Arguments."CEDA Yearbook l0 (l989): 67-77.
______."An Analysis of CEDA Judging Philosophies: Part II: Accepting Certain Tactics and Arguments with Reservations."CEDA Yearbook 11 (l990): 72-79.
Brydon, Steven."Judging CEDA Debate: A Systems Perspective."CEDA Yearbook 5 (l984): 85-88.
Buckley, David C."A Comparison of Judging Paradigms"Argument in Transition: Proceedings of the Third Summer Conference on Argumentation. Eds. David Zarefsky, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Jack Rhodes. Annandale, VA: SCA, l983. Pp. 858-870.
Cirlin, Alan."Judging, Evaluation, and the Quality of CEDA Debate."National Forensic Journal (Fall, l986): 81-90.
Clevenger, Theodore, Jr."Toward a Point of View for Contest Debate."Central States Speech Journal 12 (Autumn, l960): 21-26.
Corsi, Jerome R."Zarefsky's Theory of Debate as Hypothesis Testing: A Critical Re-Examination."JAFA 19 (Winter, l983): l58-170.
Cox, J. Robert."A Study of Judging Philosophies of the Participants of the National Debate Tournament."JAFA ll (Fall, l974): 61-71.
______and Wood, Julia T."The Effects of Consultation on Judges/ Decisions."The Speech Teacher 24 (March, l975): 118-126.
Crawford, C.B. and Watt, Willis M"Argument Supporting the Requirement for Debate Judging Philosophy Statements at the PKD National Tournament."The Forensic 80 #2 (Winter, l995): 1-10.
Cross, John D. and Matlon, Ronald J."An Analysis of Judging Philosophies in Academic Debate."JAFA l5 (Fall, l978): 110-123.
"Debate Paradigms"JAFA l8 (Winter, l982) Special Forum Pp l33-l60.
Dempsey, Richard H and Hartmann, David J."Emergent Voting Criteria and the Judicial Impotence of Critics."Argumentation and Advocacy 22 #3 (Winter, l986): l67-175.
Faules, Don F."Judging Forensic Events"in Directing Forensics: Debate and Contest Speaking. Eds. Don F Faules and Richard D Rieke. Scranton, PA: International Textbook Co., Pp. 259-282.
Fisher, Walter R."The Narrative Paradigm: In the Beginning."Journal of Communication 35 #4 (Autumn, l985): 74-89.
Freeley, Austin J."Judging Paradigms: the Impact of the Critic on Argument."In Dimensions of Argument: Proceedings of the Second Summer Conference on Argumentation. Eds. George Ziegelmueller and jack Rhodes. Annandale, VA: SCA, l98l. Pp. 433-447.
Gass, Robert H., Jr."The Narrative Perspective in Academic Debate: A Critique."Argumentation and Advocacy 25 (Fall, l988): 78-92.
Giffin, Kim."A Study of the Criteria Employed by Tournament Debate Judges."Speech Monographs (March, l959): 69-7l.
Gill, Mary."Knowing the Judge: The Key to Successful Debate."CEDA Yearbook 9 (l988): 96-101.
Hanson, C.T."What are the Options? The Philosophy of Using Ballots."The Forensic 73 #3 (May, l988): l-5.
Henderson, Bill and Boman, David L."A Study to Determine if Debate Judges' Judging Philosophy Statements are Consistent with Their Later Related Ballot Statements."JAFA l9 (Winter, l983): 191-198.
Herbeck, Dale and Katsulas, John. Paradigms of Debate. Kansas City, MO: National Federation of State High School Associations, l988.
Hollihan, Thomas A."Conditional Arguments and the Hypothesis Testing Paradigm: A Negative View."JAFA l9 (Winter, l983): 171-178.
______ Baaske, Kevin T. and Riley, Patricia."Debaters as Storytellers: The Narrative Perspective in Academic Debate."JAFA 23 (Spring, l987): 184-193.
Hufford, Roger."Toward Improved Tournament Judging."JAFA 2 #3 (Sept., l965): 120-125.
Hypothesis Testing JAFA l9 (Winter, l983) l58-l90.
Klopf, Donald et al."Comparative Studies of Students, Laymen, and Faculty Members as Judges of Speech Contests."The Speech Teacher (Nov., l965): 314-318.
Klump, James F. Brock, Bernard L, Chesebro, James W. and Cragan, John F."Implications of A Systems Model of Analysis on Argumentation Theory."JAFA ll (Summer, l974): 1-7.
Lawson, Harold."The Lay Judge Approach to Returning Debate to the Public Arena."Proceedings of the Pi Kappa Delta Development Conference March l7, l993. Ed. Ed Inch. Fargo, N.D.: PKD, l994. Pp. 48-62.
Lichtman, Alan, Rohrer, Daniel M. and Hart, Jack."Policy Systems Revisited."In Advanced Debate: Readings in Practice and Teaching. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Co., l987. Pp. 231-240.
McAdoo, Joe. ed. Judging Debates. Springfield, MO: Mid-America Research, l975.
Miller, Gregory R."The Forensics Critic as an Ideologue Critic: An Argument for Ideology as a New Paradigm for Academic Debate."CEDA Yearbook 9 (l989): 7l-80.
______Gates, John, and Gaske, Paul."Resolving Paradigmatic Disputes as a Pre-Debate Issue: A Modest Proposal."Speaker and Gavel 26 37-43.
Parson, Donn W."Root Metaphors and Terministic Screens: Another Look at Paradigms."In Argument in Transition: Proceedings of the Third Summer Conference on Argumentation. Eds. David Zarefsky, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Jack Rhodes. Annandale, VA: SCA, l983. Pp. 792-799.
Rowland, Robert C."The Debate Judge as Debate Judge: A Functional Paradigm for Evaluating Debates."JAFA 20 (Spring, l984): l83-193.
______."Debate Paradigms: A Critical Examination."In Dimensions of Argument: Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on Argumentation.Eds.. George Ziegelmueller and Jack Rhodes. Annandale, VA: SCA, l98l. Pp. 448-475.
______"A Defense of Rational Argument."Philosophy and Rhetoric 28 #4 (l995): 350-364.
______."On Argument Evaluation."JAFA 2l (Winter, l985): 123-132.
______."Standards for Paradigm Evaluation."JAFA l8 (Winter, l982): 133-140.
______."Tabula Rasa: The Relevance of Debate to Argumentation Theory."JAFA 2l (Fall, l984): 76-88.
Smith, Mark."To Disclose or Not to Disclose."CEDA Yearbook ll (l990): 88-94.
Snider, Alfred C."Games Without Frontiers: A Design for Communication Scholars and Forensics Educators."JAFA 20 (Winter, l984): 162-170.
Thomas, David A, ed."Forum on Policy Systems Analysis."JAFA 22 (Winter, l986) l23-175.
Ulrich, Walter."An Ad Hominem Examination of Hypothesis Testing as a Paradigm for Evaluation of Argument."JAFA 2l (Summer, l984): l-8.
______"Debate as Dialectic: A Defense of the Tabula Rasa Approach to Judging."JAFA 2l #2 (Fall, l984): 89-93.
______. Guidelines for the Debate Judge. Kansas City, MO: National Federation of State High School Associations, l986.
______.. Judging Academic Debate. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Co., l986. Best single book on debate judging. ****
Wright, Tim et al."What are the Characteristics of the Ideal Debate Judge?"Speaker and Gavel 7 #4 (May, l970): 143-145.
Zarefsky, David and Henderson, Bill."Hypothesis Testing in Theory and Practice."JAFA l9 (Winter, l983): 179-185.
______"Reflections on Hypothesis Testing: A Response to Ulrich."JAFA 2l (Summer, l984): 9-13.
XXIV. Ethics
See AFA and CEDA ethics codes. ****
Church, Russell."The AFA Code: Work Left Undone."JAFA 9 (Winter, l973): 378-379.
Day, Dennis."The Ethics of Democratic Debate."Central States Speech Journal l7 (Feb., l966): 5-14.
Duffy, Bernard."The Ethics of Argumentation in Intercollegiate Debate: A Conservative Appraisal."National Forensic Journal l (Spring, l983): 65-7l.
Fisher, Daryl."Should a Coach Research and Develop Arguments for Debaters?"Forensic Educator 1 (l987): 15-16.
Inch, Edward. S."Forensics, Ethics, and the Need for Vision."in PKD Proceedings of the l991 Professional Development Conference: Commitment to Forensic Education: The Challenge to the Twenty First Century. Ed Sally Roden University of Central Arkansas, l99l. Pp. 47-57.
Klopf, Donald and McCroskey, James."Ethical Practices in Debate."JAFA 1 (Jan., l964): 13-16.
Muir, Star."A Defense of the Ethics of Contemporary Debate."Philosophy and Rhetoric 26 #4 (l993): 277-295.
Murphy, Richard ."The Ethics of Debating Both Sides."Speech Teacher (Jan., l957): 1-9.
Newman, Robert P and Sanders, Keith R."A Study in the Integrity of Evidence."JAFA 2 (Jan, l965): 7-13.
Rieke, Richard D. and Smith , David H."The Dilemma of Ethics and Advocacy in the Use of Evidence."Western Journal of Speech Communication 32 (Fall, l968): 223-233.
Sanders, Keith R."Toward a Solution to the Misuse of Evidence."JAFA 3 (Jan, l966): 6-10.
Snider, Alfred C."Ethics in Academic Debate: A Gaming Perspective."National Forensic Journal 2 (Fall, l984): 119-134.
Thomas, David A."The Ethics of Proof in Speech Events: A Survey of Standards Used by Contestants and Judges."National Forensic Journal 1 (Spring, l983): 1-17.
______and Hart, Jack."Ethics in Speech Events: A Replication and Extension."National Forensic Journal (Fall, l983): 74-95.
Ulrich, Walter."The Ethics of Forensics: An Overview."in American Forensics in Perspective. Don Parson, ed. Annandale, VA: SCA, l984. Pp. 13-22.
Watkins, Lloyd, ed."Ethical Problems in Debating: A Symposium."Speech Teacher 8 (March, l959): 150-156.
XXV. Values Debate
See materials on values debating and CEDA Esp. see CEDA Yearbooks l980 to present. See also materials on non-policy debate and L-D values debate. See Aristotle's enthymeme, materials on Toulmin and Perelman and informal logic.
Allen, Mike and Dowdy, Lisa."An Analysis of CEDA and NDT Judging Philosophies."CEDA Yearbook (l984): 74-79.
Bartanen, Michael."Application of the Issues Agenda Paradigm to Speaker Duties in Value Debates."CEDA Yearbook (l987): 42-5l.
______and Frank, David."Creating Procedural Distinctions Between Values and Policy Debate: The Issues Agenda Model."The Forensic (l983): 1-9.
______and Frank, David. Debating Values Scottsdale, AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick, l99l.
______"The Role of Values in Policy Controversies."CEDA Yearbook (l982): 19-24.
Boggs, Ronald."Comparing Values: A Review of Analytical Value Hierarchies." CEDA Yearbook (l987): 27-32.
Church, Russell and Buckley, David."Argumentation and Debating Propositions of Value: A Bibliography."JAFA 19 (Spring, l983): 239-250. An excellent values debate bibliography.
______and Wilbanks, Charles. Values and Policies in Controversy: An Introduction to Argumentation and Debate. Scottsdale, AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick, l986.
Cirlin, Alan."On Negative Strategy in Value Debate."CEDA Yearbook (l984): 31-39.
Cole, Mark, Boggs, Ronald, and Twohy, Kevin."The Function of Criteria in Non-Policy Argumentation: Burdens and Approaches."CEDA Yearbook (l986): 36-42.
Corcoran, Joseph. An Introduction to Non-Policy Debating. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing Co., l988.
Dobkin, Milton."Social Values and Public Address: Some Implications for Pedagogy."Western Speech Communication Journal (Summer, l962): 140-145.
Fisher, Walter."Debating Value Propositions: A Game for Dialecticians."In Dimensions of Argument: Proceedings of the Second Summer Conference on Argumentation. Ed George Ziegelmueller et al. Annandale, VA: SCA, l98l. Pp. 1014-1030.
_______."Rationality and the Logic of Good Reasons."Philosophy and Rhetoric (Spring, l980): 121-130.
______"Toward a Logic of Good Reasons."Quarterly Journal of Speech (Dec., l978): 376-384.
Flaningam, Carl."Value Centered Argument and the Development of Decision Rules."JAFA (Fall, l982): 107-115.
Gaske, Paul, Kugler, Drew, and Theobold, John."Judging Attitudes and Paradigmatic Preferences in CEDA Debate: A Cumulative and Construct Validity Investigation."CEDA Yearbook (l985): 57-66.
Gronbeck, Bruce."From Is to Ought: Alternative Strategies."Central States Speech Journal (Spring, l968): 31-39.
Hample, Dale"Testing a Model of Value Argument and Evidence."Communication Monographs 44 #2 (June, l977): 106-120.
Henderson, Bill."Theoretical Implications of Debating Non-Policy Propositions."CEDA Yearbook (l980): 1-8.
Hill, Bill."and Leeman, Richard W."Developing Fields Dependent Criteria in Non-Policy Debate."The Forensic 79 #3 (Spring, l994): 14-25.
Hollihan, Thomas."An Analysis of Value Argumentation in Contemporary Debate."Debate Issues 14 (Nov., l980): 7-10.
______ Riley, Patricia and Austin, Curtis C."A Content Analysis of Selected CEDA and NDT Judges Ballots"in Argument in Transition: Proceedings of the Third Summer Conference on Argumentation. David Zarefsky, Malcolm O. Sillars and Jack Rhodes, eds. Annandale, VA: SCA, l983. Pp. 871-882.
Howe, Jack."CEDA's Objectives: Lest We Forget."CEDA Yearbook 2( l98l): 1-3.
______ and Brownlee, Don."The Founding Principles of CEDA."In Twentieth Anniversary Assessment Conference Proceedings, l993 Eds. David Thomas and Stephen Wood. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt, l993. . Pp. 249-262.
Kennedy, George. Aristotle on Rhetoric: A Theory of Civic Discourse. N.Y.and Oxford: Oxford University Press, l99l.
Kluckhorn, Clyde."The Evolution of Contemporary American Values."Daedalus (Spring, l958): 78-109.
Louden, Allan and Austin, Curtis."CEDA vs NDT: A Dysfunctional Myth." CEDA Yearbook (l983): 6-12.
Matlon, Ronald J."Analyzing and Debating Propositions of Value in Academic Forensics."Journal of Communication Association of the Pacific 6 (July, l977): 52-67.
______."Debating Propositions of Value."JAFA l4 (Spring, l978): 194-204.
______."Debating Propositions of Value: An Idea Revisited."CEDA Yearbook 9 (1988): 1-14.
______."Propositions of Value: An Inquiry into Issue Analysis and Locus of Presumption."in Dimensions of Argument: Proceedings of the Second Summer Conferenceon Argumentation. George Ziegelmueller and Jack Rhodes, eds. Annandale, VA: SCA, l98l. Pp. 494-512.
Micken, Kathleen and Micken, Patrick."Debating Values: An Idea Revitalized."CEDA Yearbook l4 (l993): 54-7l.
Miller, Gerald."Questions of Fact and Value: Another Look."Southern States Speech Journal (Winter, l962): 116-122.
Perelman, Chaim."How Do We Apply Reason to Values?"The Journal of Philosophy (Dec. 22, l955): 797-802.
______The Idea of Justice and the Problem of Argument. N.Y: Humanities Press, l963.
______ and Olbrechts-Tyteca. The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argumentation. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, l969.
______."Value Judgments, Justifications, and Argumentation."Philosophy Today (Spring, l962): 45-50.
Rescher, Nicholas. Introduction to Value Inquiry. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, l969.
Rokeach, Milton. Beliefs, Attitudes, and Values. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass, l976.
______. Understanding Human Values. London: Free Press, l979.
Rowland, Robert C."The Philosophical Presuppositions of Value Debate."In Argument in Transition: Proceedings of the Third Summer Conference on Argumentation. Ed. David Zarefsky, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Jack Rhodes. Annandale, VA: SCA, l983. Pp. 822-836.
Self, Lois."Rhetoric and Phronesis: The Aristotelian Ideal."Philosophy and Rhetoric (l979): 130-136.
Sillars, Malcolm O."Audiences, Social Values, and the Analysis of Argument."Communication Education (Nov., l973): 291-303.
______and Ganer, Patricia."Values and Beliefs: A Systematic Basis for Argumentation."in Advances in Argumentation Theory and Research eds. J. Robert Cox and Charles A Willard. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, l982.
Steele, Edward and Redding, Charles."The American Values System: Premises for Persuasion." Western Speech Communications Journal 26 (Spring, l962): 83-9l.
______"Social Values in Public Address."Western Journal Speech Communication (Winter, l978): 37-42.
Stevenson, Charles L. Facts and Values. New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press, l963.
Sumner, L. W."Value Judgments and Action."Mind (July, l968): 383-399.
Toulmin, Stephen. An Examination of the Place of Reason in Ethics. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, l950.
Tuman, Joseph."Getting to First Base: Prima Facie Arguments for Propositions of Value."JAFA 24 #2 (Fall, l987): 84-94.
Ulrich, Walter. Debating Value Resolutions. Berkeley, CA: Griffin Research, l988.
Wallace, Karl."Substance of Rhetoric: Good Reasons."Quarterly Journal of Speech (Oct., l963): 239-249.
Warnick, Barbara."Arguing Value Propositions."JAFA l8 #2 (Fall, l981): 109-119.
Wentzel, Joseph."Toward a Rationale for Value Centered Argument."JAFA 13 (Winter, l977): 150-158.
Werkmeister, W.H. Historical Spectrum of Value Theories. Lincoln, Nebraska: Johnsen Publications, l973.
______Man and His Values. Lincoln, Neb: U of Nebraska Press, l967.
Williams, Robin M."Values in American Society."in his book American Society: A Sociological Interpretation 3rd ed N.Y.: Knopf, l970. Pp. 438-504.
Wood, Stephen and Midgley, John. Prima Facie: A Guide to Value Debate. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt, l989.
Zarefsky, David."Criteria for Evaluating Non-Policy Argument."CEDA Yearbook l980 9-l6.
XXVI. Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Bartanen, Michael and Frank, David. Lincoln Douglas Debate: Preparing for Value Argumentation. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Co., l994.
Bennett, William. Lincoln Douglas Debate. Taos, NM: Championship Debate Enterprise.
Foster, David."In Defense of Lincoln Douglas Debate at Individual Events Tournaments."The Forensic 78 #l (Fall, l992): 14-20.
Grice, George L and Knaak, Edwin W. Lincoln Douglas for Novices. San Antonio, TX: The Texas Group, l985.
Hunsacker, Richard. Lincoln Douglas Debate: Defining and Judging Value Debate. Kansas City, MO: National Federation of State High School Associations, l988.
Kemp, Robert. Lincoln-Douglas Debating. Clayton, MO: The Alan Company, l984.
Lincoln Douglas Debate. Special Issue National Forensic Journal 14 #2 (Fall, l996): 1-68. Concerns LD at NFA tournies.
Luong, Minh"Defining the Role of Presumption in Lincoln Douglas Debate."NFL Journal 2 (l992): 1-16.
______":Examining Negative Strategies in LD Debate."The Rostrum (Dec., l990): 6-10.
Minch, Kevin and Borchers, Timothy."A Philosophy for Judging NFA Lincoln Douglas Debate."National Forensic Journal l4 #2 (Fall, l996): 19-36.
Morris, Charles E III and Herbeck, Dale."Lincoln Douglas: An Educational Exercise."National Forensic Journal l4 #2 (Fall, l996): 1-17.
Paterno, J. The Lincoln Douglas Dictionary. Taos, NM: CDE.
Polk, Lee Lincoln Douglas Debate: A System for Analyzing Value Propositions. in The Value Debate Handbook Waco, TX: BAylor Briefs, l985.
Pollard, Tom and Prentice, Diana, eds. Lincoln Douglas Debate: Theory and Practice. Lawrence, KS: U of Kansas, l98l.
Thomas, David A. Lincoln Douglas Debate. Kansas City, MO: National Federation of State High School Associations, l98l.
Williams, David E."Educational Criteria in Forensics: An Argument for Lincoln Douglas Debate."National Forensic Journal l4 #1 (Spring, l996): 60-70.
XXVII. Parliamentary Debate
See new annual Parliamentary Debate and articles on parliamentary debate Robert Trapp and Steve Johnson
Bailey, R.J."Adding Communication to Debate: A Look at Parliamentary Debate as a Complement to Cross-Examination Debate in Intercollegiate Debate."Parliamentary Debate l (l992): 25-37.
Bingle, Donald."Parliamentary Debate is More Serious Than You Think: Forensics at the University of Chicago."Speaker and Gavel l5 #2 (Winter, l978): 36-42.
Combs, Steve."How to Create and Sustain an Intercollegiate Parliamentary Debate Program. Parliamentary Debate l (l992): 61-80.
Epstein, SB"What Parliamentary Debate Can Offer Small Programs: An Observation."Parliamentary Debate l (l992): 51-60.
______"What About Research?: How to be Well Read"Parliamentary Debate 4 (l996): 3-13.
Johnson, Tom."Full of Sound and Fury? The Role of Speech in Parliamentary Debate."Speaker and Gavel l #3 (March, l964): 88-92.
O'Neill, Daniel."Recollections of University Parliamentary Debater: Irish Style."The Forensic 7l #3 (Spring, l986): 66-69.
Sheckels, Theodore, Jr and Warfield, Annette."Parliamentary Debate: A Description and a Justification."Argumentation and Advocacy 27 (Fall, l990): 86-96.
Trapp, Robert."Parliamentary Debate as Public Debate."Argumentation and Advocacy 32 #2 (Fall, l996): 85.
Williams, David E, Hagy, J Brent, and McLane-Hagy, Ali."Introducing Parliamentary Debate in the Argumentation and Debate Course."The Forensic 82 #1 (Fall, l996): l6-2l.
XXVIII. Tournament Management
Branham, Robert. Debate Tournament Administration. Kansas City, MO: National Federation of State High School Associations, l990.
Brown, Wayne, and Swisher, Penny. Directing Successful Speech Tournaments. Grandview, MO: Dale Publishing Co., l980.
Decker, Warren and Morello, John T."Some Educational Difficulties Associated with Mutual Preference Debate Judging Systems."JAFA 20 #3 (Winter, l984): 154-161.
Edwards, Rich E."Computerized Forensic Tournament Management: The TRM Approach."Forensic Educator 9 #2 (l994/l995)
Fritch, John A."A Pedagogical Defense of Preferential Judging."The Southern Journal of Forensics (Winter, l997): 245-260.
Goodnight, G. Thomas and Zarefsky, David. Forensic Tournaments: Planning and Administration. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Co., l980.
Hanson, Colan T."Competing in Host School Tournaments."The Forensic 7l #3 (Spring, l986): 61-65.
______."Seeding as a Tournament Practice: Scheduling Elimination Rounds."JAFA 23 #4 (Spring, l987): 206-209.
Hunsinger, Paul. and Wood, Roy. Managing Forensic Tournaments. Skokie, IL: National Textbook Co., l967.
Kemp, Robert"The More the Merrier: A Rationale for the 8 round Tournament."JAFA l0 (Summer, l973): 11-15.
Madsen, Arnie."Judge Assignment Procedures."The Forensic Educator ll #l (l996/97).
Paterno, Jim. Directing Debate Tournaments. Taos, NM: Championship Debate Enterprises.
Pettus, Ann Burnett and Dittus, Jim."Debate Tournament Administrator."National Forensic Journal 7 (Fall, l989): l45-149.
Scheckels, Theodore F., Jr."Application of Computer Technology in Intercollegiate Debate."Speaker and Gavel 23 #2 (Winter, l986): 52-61.
Winebrenner, T.C."Gary Larson's The Smart Tournament Administrator."The Forensic (Spring, l995): 35-39.
Ziegelmueller, George."Forensic Tournaments."In Directing Forensics: Debate and Contest Speaking. Eds. Don Faules and Richard Rieke. Scranton, PA: International Textbook Co, l968. Pp. 283-325.
XXIX. Debate Workshops and Handbooks
Balthrup, William."Enhancing Summer Educational Opportunities."In American Forensics in Perspective. Ed. Donn Parson. Annandale, VA: SCA, l984. Pp. 59-64.
Bennett, Cat Horner."NFL Conference on State of Debate: Are Debate Handbooks Proper Educational Materials for High School Debaters?"The Forensic 71 #1 (Fall, l985): 13-18.
Chandler, Robert C."Achieving Pedagogic Objectives in Large Forensics Workshops: Pragmatic and Philosophic Concerns."Journal of the Illinois Speech and Theatre Association 39 (l987): 47-55.
Edwards, Rich."The Role and Function of the Debate Workshop."The Forensic Educator 5 (l990/9l): 23-25.
Hinck, Edward."The Need for a Core Curriculum in High School Debate Institutes."The Forensic Educator 8 #2 (l993/94): 9-ll.
______and Schaefer, Shelly L."Perceptions of High School Instructors Regarding Practices and Effects of High School Debate Workshops."In American Forensics in Perspective: Papers from the Second National Conference on Forensics. Ed. Donn Parson. Annandale, VA: SCA, l984. Pp. 68-85.
______ and Hinck, Shelly."A Survey of Accreditation and Evaluation Issues for Summer Debate Institutes."In Dialogue in the Forensic Community: Proceedings of the Conference on Forensic Education. Ed Jack Kay. Kansas City, MO: National Federation of State High School Associations, l990. Pp. 65-88.
Hunt, Steve."An Educational Justification for the High School Summer Forensics Institute." Oregon Speech Communication Association Journal (l975): l8-2l.
Kalmon, Steven."Recommendations Regarding Summer Debate Institutes."The Forensic Educator l (l986/87): 20-2l.
Madsen, Arnie and Chandler, Robert."Institutes Without Tournaments: Fostering the Educational Mission of Institutes."The Forensic 80 #l (Fall, l994): 7-15.
Matlon, Ronald and Shoen, Richard."Administration of Summer High School Debate Workshops: A National Poll."JAFA l0 #4 (Spring, l974): 217-228.
______"A Survey of Content and Teaching Methods in High School Summer Debate Workshops."Speech Teacher 23 (Jan., l974): 40-50.
Sayer, James E."Debate Handbooks: Needed Assets to High School Workshops."JAFA ll #4 (Spring, l975): 218-219.
Ulrich, Walter."Selecting a Summer Forensic Institute."Forensic Educator 5 (l990/9l): 17-19.
______Selecting and Attending a Forensic Institute. Kansas City, MO: National Federation of State High School Associations, l99l.
Walker, Gregg."The Utility of Research Handbooks."Forensic Educator 7 (l992/93): 5-l0.
Section V: Directing or Managing Forensics
The old paper and pad or paper and cards methods of managing tournaments are now largely replaced by computers and tournament management software.
Debate computer programs: Gary Larson Wheaton College IBM and Rich Edwards Baylor MacIntosh I.E. computer programs: Ed Inch, Pacific Lutheran University IBM, Virginia Fish, Northwest College, IBM, Richard Edwards Baylor Macintosh.
Branham, Robert. Debate Tournament Administration. Kansas City, Missouri: National Federation of State High School Associations, 1990. 28 pages.
Brown, W. and Swisher, P. Directing Successful Speech Tournaments. Grandview, MO: Dale Publishing Co., 1980.
Goodnight, G. Thomas and Zarefsky, David. Forensic Tournaments: Planning andAdministration. Lincolnwood, IL.: National Textbook Co., 1980.
Paterno, Jim. Directing Debate Tournaments. Taos, NM: CDE.
Benson, James A."How Should Finalists be Chosen in Individual Events?"Speaker andGavel. 9 #1 (Nov., 1971): 14-16.
Decker, Warren and Morello, John T."Some Education Difficulties Associated with Mutual Preference Debate Judging Systems."JAFA 20 (Winter, 1984): 154-161.
Fish, Virginia."Forensic Tournament Management Via Computer Program."Perspectives on Individual Events: Proceedings of the First Developmental Conference on Individual Events. Larry Schnnor and Vicki Karns, eds. Mankato State University, 1989. Pp. 22-26.
Hanson, C.T."Competing in Host School Tournaments."The Forensic 71 #3 (Spring, 1986): 61-65.
___ _."Seeding as a Tournament Practice: Scheduling Elimination Rounds."JAFA 23 #4 (Spring, 1987): 206-209.
Inch, Edward S."Managing Individual Events Tournaments"The Forensic 79 #4 (Summer, 1994): 7-33.
Lawson, Harold L, and Skaggs, Edward C."Some Thoughts Pertinent to the Presentation of Sweepstakes Awards in Forensics Tournaments."The Forensic 79 #4 (Summer, 1994): 1-6.
Littlefield, Robert S."An Analysis of Tabulation Procedures Used to Produce Contestants for Elimination Rounds at National Individual Events Tournaments."Argumentation and Advocacy 23 (Spring, 1987): 202-205.
______."A Comparison of Tabulation Methods Used by Two 1985 National Forensic Tournaments." National Forensic Journal IV (Spring, 1986): 35-43.
Winebrenner, T.C."Gary Larson's The Smart Tournament Administrator."The Forensic (Spring, 1995): 35-39.
Ziegelmueller, George."Forensic Tournaments."Directing Forensics: Debate andContest Speaking. Don F Faules and Richard Rieke, eds. Scranton, PA: International Textbook Co., 1968. Pp. 283-325.
VI. Judging Debate and Individual Events
Bennett, William H. Techniques of Flowsheeting. 3rd ed. Taos, NM: CDE.
Branham, Roger. The Debate Flowsheet. KC., MO: National Federation of State High School Associations, 1987.
Herbeck, Dale and Katsulas, John. Paradigms of Debate KC., MO.: National Association of State High School Associations, 1988.
Littlefield, Robert. Judging Oral Interpretation Events. K.C., MO: National Federation of State High School Associations, 1987.
McAdoo, Joe, ed. Judging Debates. Springfield, MO: MidAmerica Research, 1975.
Ulrich. Walter. Guidelines for the Debate Judge. K.C., MO.: National Federation of State High School Associations, 1985. 14 pages.
Ulrich, Walter. Judging Academic Debate. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Co., 1986. ****The best single book on debate judging paradigms.****
Balthrup, William V."Argumentation and the Critical Stance: A Methodological Approach."Advances in Argumentation Research, J.R. Cox and Charles Willard, eds. Carbondale, IL.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1982. Pp. 238-258.
_ ____"Citizen, Legislator, and Bureacrat as Evaluators of Competing Policy Systems."Advanced Debate: Readings in Theory, Practice, and Teaching 2nd ed David Thomas ed. Skokie, IL: National Textbook Co., 1979. Pp. 402-418.
______"The Debate Judge as Critic of Argument."JAFA 20 (Summer, 1983): 1-15.
Barker, Larry."An Investigation of Judging Practices in Debate."JAFA II #1 (Nov, 1964): 22-23.
Bartanen, Kris."Colloquim on Ballot Criteria: The use of Criteria Referenced Ballots for Individual Events."National Forensic Journal 8 (Fall, 1990): 133-144.
Bartanen, Michael."The Case for Using Nontraditional Judges in Forensics Contests."Argumentation and Advocacy 30 #4 (Spring, 1994) 248-254.
Benoit, William, Wilson, S.R. and Follert, V.F"Decision rules for the Policy Metaphor."JAFA 22 (Winter, 1986): 135-146.
Boileau, Don."A debate judge Certification Test: Development and Operation on a State Wide Scale."Communication Education 30 #4 (Oct. 1981): 414-420.
Branham, Robert J and Isaacson, Thomas."The Ascent of Policy Making: Academic Debate from 1970 to 1980."Speaker and Gavel 17 (Fall, 1979): 5-10.
Brey, James."A Descriptive Analysis of CEDA Judging Philosophies Part I: Definitive Acceptance or Rejection of Certain Tactics and Arguments."CEDA Yearbook 10 (1989) 67-77.
______."An Analysis of CEDA Judging Philosophies Part II: Accepting Certain Tactics and Arguments with Reservations."CEDA Yearbook 11 (1990): 72-79.
Brydon, Steven."Judging CEDA Debate: A Systems Perspective."CEDA Yearbook 5 (1984): 85-88.
______."Presumption in Non-Policy Debate: In Search of a Paradigm."JAFA 23 #2 (Summer, 1986): 15-22.
Buckley, David C."A Comparison of Judging Paradigms"Argument in Transition: Proceedings of the Third Summer Conference on Argumentation. David Zarefsky, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Jack Rhodes, eds. Annandale, VA.: SCA, 1983. Pp. 858-870.
Cirlin, Alan."Evaluating Cross Examination in CEDA Debate: On Getting Our Act Together."CEDA Yearbook 7 (1986):L 43-50.
Clevenger, Theodore, Jr."Toward a Point of View for Contest Debate."Central States Speech Journal. 12 (1960): 21-26.
Cole, Mark, Boggs, Ronald, and Twohy, Kevin."The Functions of Criteria in NonPolicy Argumentation. Burdens and Approaches."CEDA Yearbook 7 (1986)
Cox, J. Robert and Wood, Julia T."The Effects of Consultation on Judges' Decisions."The Speech Teacher 24 (March, 1975): 118-126.
___ _."A Study of Judging Philosophies of the Participants of the National Debate Tournament."JAFA 11 (Fall, 1974): 61-71.
Crawford, C.B. and Watt, Willis M."Argument Supporting the Requirement for Debate Judging Philosophy Statements at the PKD National Tournament."The Forensic 80 #2 (Winter, 1995): 1-10.
Cross, John D. and Matlon, Ronald J."An Analysis of Judging Philosophies in Academic Debate."JAFA l5 (Fall, 1978): 1 10-123.
Debate Paradigms JAFA 18 (Winter, 1982) 133-160.*** Five articles on various debate paradigms. ***
Faules, Don F."Judging Forensic Events." Directing Forensics: Debate and ContestSpeaking. Don F. Faules and Richard D. Rieke, eds. Scranton, PA: International Textbook Co., Pp. 259-282.
Frank, Robert L."The Abuse of Evidence in Persuasive Speaking."National ForensicJournal 1 (Fall, 1983): 97-107.
Freeley, Austin J."Judging Paradigms: The Impact of the Critic of Argument"Dimensions of Argument: Proceedings of the Second Summer Conference on Argumentation George Ziegelmueller and Jack Rhodes, eds. Annandale, VA. :SCA, 1981. Pp. 433-447.
Friedley, Sheryl A."Ethics and Evidence Usage: Current"Codes"in Individual Events."National Forensic Journal (Fall, 1983): 109-117.
Gass, Robert H.Jr."The Narrative Perspective in Academic Debate: A Critique."Argumentation and Advocacy 25 (Fall, 1988): 78-92.
Hanson, C.T."What are the Options: The Philosophy of Using Ballots."The Forensic 73 #3 (May, 1988): 1-5.
Henderson, Bill and Boman, David L."A Study to Determine if Debate Judges Judging Philosophy Statements are Consistent with their Later Related Ballot Statements."JAFA 19 (Winter, 1983): 191-198.
Herbeck, Dale and Katsulas, John."The Affirmative Topicality Burden: Any Reasonable Example of the Resolution."JAFA 21 (Winter, 1985): 133-145.
___ and Leeper, Karla K."The Locus of Debate Controversy Re-Examined: Implications for Counterplan Theory."Argumentation and Advocacy 25 (Winter, 1989); 150-164.
Hollihan, Thomas A."Conditional Arguments and the Hypothesis Testing Paradigm: A Negative View."JAFA 19 (Winter, 1983 ): 171-178.
______Baaske, Kevin, and Riley, Patricia."Debaters as Storytellers: The Narrative Perspective in Academic Debate."JAFA 23 (Spring, 1987): 184-198.
Hufford, Roger."Toward Improved Tournament Judging."JAFA 2 #3 (Sept., 1965): 120-125.
The Hypothesis Testing Paradigm JAFA 19 (Winter, 1983): 158-190. *** 4 articles on hypothesis testing.***
Hypothesis Testing JAFA 21 (Summer, 1984): 1-15. *** 3 short articles on hypothesis testing.***
Klopf, Donald et al"Comparative Studies of Students, Laymen, and Faculty Members as Judges of Speech Contests." Communication Education (Nov., 1965): 314-318.
Lawson, Harold."The"Lay"Judge Approach to Returning Debate to the Public Arena"Proceedings of the Pi Kappa Delta Developmental Conference March 17. 1993. Ed Inch, ed. Fargo, ND: PKD, 1994. Pp. 48-62.
Madsen, Arnie and Louden, Allan"Jurisdiction and the Evaluation of Topicality."JAFA 24 #2 (Fall, 1987): 73-83.
______"The Jurisdiction to Topicality Analogy"Argumentation and Advocacy 26 #4 (Spring, 1990): 151-154.
Miller, Gregory R."The Forensic Critic as an Ideologue Critic: An Argument for Ideology as a New Paradigm for Academic Debate"CEDA Yearbook 9 (l989): 71-80.
Mills, Daniel D."Interpreting the Oral Interpretation Judge: Content Analysis of Oral Interpretation Ballots."National Forensic Journal (Spring, 1991): 31-40.
Mills, Norbert H."Judging Standards in Forensics: Toward a Uniform Code in the l980's"National Forensic Journal 1 (Spring, 1983): 19-31.
Olson, Clark."Who Needs Reasons for Decision on Individual Events Ballots?"TheForensic (Winter 1992): 1-4.
Olson, Donald O."A Survey of Attitudes on the Spread." Speaker and Gavel 8 #3 (March, 1971): 66-69.
Parson, Donn"Root Metaphors and Terministic Screens: Another Look at Paradigms."Argument in Transition: Proceedings of the Third Summer Conference on Argumentation. David Zarefsky, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Jack Rhodes, eds. Annandale, VA.: SCA, 1983. Pp. 792-799.
Robert C. Rowland."The Debate Judge as Debate Judge: A Functional Paradigm for Evaluating Debates."JAFA 20 (Spring, 1984): 183-193.
______."Debate Paradigms: A Critical Evaluation ."Dimensions of Argument: Proceedings of the Second Summer Conference on Argumentation. Annandale, VA.: SCA, 1981. Pp. 448-475.
____ ."The Functions of Presumption in Academic Debate."CEDA Yearbook 13 (1992): 20-24.
______."Standards for Paradigm Evaluation."JAFA 18 (Winter, 1982): 133-140.
Smith, Mark."To Disclose or Not to Disclose"CEDA Yearbook ll (1990): 88-94.
Snider, Alfred C."Games Without Frontiers: A Design for Communication Scholars and Forensics Educators."JAFA 20 (Winter, 1984): 162-170.
Taylor, Vancil."How to Evaluate Dramatic Interpretation."The Forensic (Spring, 1985 ): 75-79.
Thomas, David."The Ethics of Proof in Speech Events: A Survey of Standards Used by Contestants and Judges."National Forensic Journal I (Spring, 1983): 1-17.
______ed."Forum on Policy Systems Analysis"JAFA 22 (Winter, 1986): 123-166. ****Several articles on systems analysis and debate.****
Trimble, Frank P."Critiquing the Critic: Toward Improving Oral Interpretation Ballots."The Forensic (Winter. 1994): 10-15.
Tuman, Joseph."Getting to First Base: Prima Facie Arguments for Propositions of Value."Argumentation and Advocacy 24 #2 (Fall, 1987): 84-94.
Ulrich, Walter."Debate as Dialectic: A Defense of the"Tabula Rasa"Approach to Judging."JAFA 21 #2 (Fall, 1984): 89-93 .
Wood, Stephen."Normative Expectations and Codified rules: Problems in Judging Academic/Competitive Debate."CEDA Yearbook 13 (1992): 70-82.
Wright, Tim. et al"What are the Characteristics of the Ideal Debate Judge?"Speaker and Gavel 7 #4 (May, 1970): 143145.
VII. Research in Forensics
****The following studies represent only a small percentage of research in forensics. For more information see MA and PHD theses and dissertations, ERIC, papers from SCA and regional speech communication conventions, etc. ***** Names in forensics associated with quantitative research are fairly few in number but would include:Mike Allen, Kenneth Andersen, Kent Colbert, Paul Dovre, Don Faules, Kim Giffin, C.T. Hanson, Bill Hill, Ed Hinck, Brenda Logue, Mike Mayer, John Reinard, and Wayne Thompson.
Anderson, Kenneth"A Critical Review of the Behavioral Research in Argumentation and Forensics"JAFA 10 (Winter, 1974): 147-lS5.
Bartanen, Michael."The Forensic Outcomes Assessment Project: Can we Measure the Benefits of Forensics to Students?"The Forensic 79 #2 (Winter, 1994): 26-27.
Bennett, William B. The How To's of Library Research. Taos, NM: CDE.
Colbert, Kent."The Effects of Debate Participation on Argumentativeness and Verbal Aggression."Communication Education 42 #3 (July, 1993): 206-214.
."The Effects of CEDA and NDT Debate Training on Critical Thinking Ability."JAFA 12 (Spring, 1987): 194-201.
______."Enhancing Critical Thinking Ability through Academic Debate."ContemporaryArgumentation and Debate: The Journal of the Cross Examination Debate Association 16 (1995): 52-72.
______."A Quantitative Analysis of CEDA Speaking Rates."National Forensic Journal 6 (Fall, 1988): 113-120.
___."Replicating the Effects of Debate Participation on Argumentativeness and Verbal Aggression."The Forensic 79 #3 (Spring, 1994): 1-13.
______."Speaking Rates of N.D.T. Finalists from 1968-1980."JAFA 18 (Summer, 1981): 73-76.
Douglas, Donald G."A Need for Review: Forensic Studies in Contemporary Speech Education."JAFA 8 (Spring, 1972): 178- 1 81.
____ ."The Status of Historical Research in Argumentation."JAFA 10 (Winter, 1974): 156-174.
Dovre, Paul and Wenburg, John."Experimental Research in Forensics: New Resources."JAFA 8 (Summer, 1971): 47-51.
_____"Historical-Critical Research in Debate."JAFA 2 (May, 1965 ): 72-79.
Faules, Don, Littlejohn, Steve, and Ayres, Joe."An Experimental Study of the Comparative Effects of Three Instructional Methods on Speaking Effectiveness."Speech Teacher 21 (Jan., 1972): 46-52.
______."Measuring Refutation Skills: An Exploratory Study."JAFA 4 (Spring, 1967): 47-52.
"Forensics as a Laboratory in Communication Studies."National Forensic Journal 10 (Spring, 1992): 49-82***special issue***
"Forensics Research."National Forensic Journal 8 (Spring 1990): 1-103 ****This is probably the best recent whole journal dedicated to forensic research******
Giffin, Kim and Warner, D.A."A Study of the Influence of an Audience on the Rate of Speech in Tournament Debates."The Speaker 1962.
Gill, Mary."Why Forensics Coaches Quit: A Replication and Extension."National Forensic Journal 8 (Fall, 1990): 179-188.
Gruner, Charles, Huseman, Richard, and Luck, James L."Debating Ability, Critical Thinking Ability, and Authoritarianism."Speaker and Gavel 8 #3 (March, 1971): 63-65 .
Harris, Edward, Kropp, Richard, and Rosenthal, Robert."The Tournament as Laboratory: Implications for Forensic Research."National Forensic Journal (Spring, 1986): 13-22.
Hunt, Steven B. and Inch, Edward S."The Top Fifty Forensics Programs in the U.S.: A Twenty Year Retrospective."Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western States Comm Association Albuquerque, NM Feb 12 -16, 1993.**** This study is also listed on and available from ERIC.****
Huseman, Richard, Ware, Glenn, and Gruner; Charles."Critical thinking, Reflective thinking, and the Ability to Organize Ideas: A Multivariate Approach."JAFA 9 (Summer, 1972): 261-265.
Jensen, Scott"A Survey Analysis of Regional and National Programs and Competitive Trends in Collegiate Forensics."The Forensic 78#4 (Summer, 1993): 1-10.
Klumpp, James F."Wading into the Stream of Forensics Research: The View from the Editorial Office."National Forensic Journal 8 (Spring, 1990): 77-86.
Logue, Brenda, and Shea, B. Christine."An Examination and Criticism of Forensic Research: The Last Five Years 1984-1988"Spheres of Argument: Proceedings of the 6thSCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Bruce Gronbeck, ed. Annandale, VA.: SCA, 1989. Pp. 449-456.
______."Individual Events Research: A Review and Criticism."National Forensic Journal 8 (Spring, 1990): 17-27.
Mayer, Mike and Meldrum, Vince."The Effects of Various Time Limits on the Quality of Rebuttals."JAFA 23 (Winter, 1987): 158-165.
McBath, James, Bartanen, Michael, and Gossett."Research in Forensics."ACA Bulletin (April, 1979): 5-9.
McGlone, Edward L."The Behavioral Effects of Forensics Participation."JAFA (Winter, 1974): 140-146.
McKerrow, Raymie E."Evaluating Research in Forensics: Considerations of the Tenure and Promotion Process."National Forensic Journal 8 (Spring 1990): 73-76.
McMillan, Janet Kay and Todd-Mancilas, Will."An Assessment of the Value of Individual Events in Forensics Competition from Students' Perspectives."National Forensic Journal 9 (Spring, 1991): 1-17.
Paine, R.E."Variables Influencing Success or Lack of Success in Forensic Competition."MA Thesis Western Kentucky University, 1979.
Pitt, Carl Allen."Upgrading the Debater's Research Methods."Speaker and Gavel 7 #2 (Jan., 1970): 44-46.
Porter, Sharon."Forensics Research: A Call for Action."National Forensic Journal 8 (Spring, 1990): 95-103.
Rhodes, Jack."On the Current State of Scholarship in Individual Events."Speaker and Gavel 16 #1 (Fall, 1978): 13-18.
Semlack, William D. and Shields, Donald C."The Effect of Debate Training on Students Participating in the Bicentennial Youth Debates."JAFA 13 (Spring, 1977): 192-196.
Stepp, Pamela and Thompson, Ralph B."A Survey of Forensics Activity at Selected Colleges and Universities in the United States, 1987."National Forensic Journal 6 (Fall, 1988): 121-136.
Walwik, Theodore J."Research in Forensics: An Overview."JAFA 6 (Spring, 1969): 43-48.
VIII. Women and Minorities in Forensics
Bartanen, Kristine."Developing Student Voices in Academic Debate Through a Feminist Perspective of Learning, Knowing, and Arguing."Contemporary Argumentation and Debate 16 (1995): 1-13.
Bruschke, Jon and Johnson, Ann."An Analysis of Differences in Success Rates of Male and Female Debaters."Argumentation and Advocacy 30 #3 (Winter, 1994): 162-173.
Crenshaw, Carrie."Dominant Form and Marginalized Voices: Argumentation about Feminism(s) CEDA Yearbook 14 (1993): 72-79.
Friedley, Sheryl. and Manchester, Bruce."An Analysis of Male/Female Participation at Select National Championships."National Forensic Journal 3 (1985): 3-12.
______."An Examination of Male/Female Judging Decision in Individual Events."National Forensic Journal 5 (Spring, 1987): 11-20.
Hayes, Michael T. and McAdoo, Joe."Debate Performance: Differences Between Male and Female Rankings."JAFA 8 (Winter, 1972): 127-131.
Johnson, Ann and Bruschke, Jon."A Research Agenda for the Study of Women in Debate: A Framework and Preliminary Analysis." Argument and the PostmodernChallenge: Proceedings of the 8th SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Raymie McKerrow, ed. Annandale, VA.: SCA, 1993. Pp. 55-60.
Loge, Peter."Black Participation in CEDA Debate: A Quantification and Analysis."CEDA Yearbook 12 (l991): 79-87.
Logue, Brenda"CEDA Male/Female Participation Levels: A Research Report."CEDA Yearbook 7 (1986): 64-75.
Murphy, John M."Separate and Unequal: Women in the Public Address Events."National Forensic Journal 7 (Fall, 1989): 115-125.
Nadler, Marjorie Keeshan."The Gender Factor in Selecting Extra-Curricular Activities."National Forensic Journal 3 (Spring, 1985): 29-36.
Pettus, Ann Burnett and Daniels, Mary Ann."Coaching Intercollegiate Debate and Raising a Family: An Analysis of Perspective from Women in the Trenches."National Forensic Journal 11 (Winter, 1994): 47-53.
Rogers, Jack."Interrogating the Myth of Multiculturalism: Toward Significant Membership and Participation of African Americans in Forensics."The Forensic 80 #4 (Summer, 1995 ): 21-30.
Simerly, Greg, Bites, Ro and Scott, L."Strategies to Achieve Cultural Diversity in Intercollegiate Debate."Speech and Theatre Association of Missouri journal 22 (1992): 28-34.
Stepp, Pam, Simerly, Greg, and Logue, Brenda."Sexual Harassment in CEDA Debate."Argumentation and Advocacy 31 (1994): 36-40.
Szwapa, C."Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination in NDT Debate."Argumentation and Advocacy 31 (1994): 41-44.
IX. Summer Institutes and Forensics Workshops
Balthrup, William V."Enhancing Summer Educational Opportunities."AmericanForensics in Perspective. Donn Parson, ed. Annandale, VA.: SCA, 1984. Pp. 59-64.
Bennett, Cat Horner."NFL Conference on State of Debate: Are Debate Handbooks Proper Educational Materials for High School Debaters?"The Forensic 71 #l (Fall, 1985): 13-18.
Edwards, Rich."The Role and Function of the Debate Workshop."The ForensicEducator #5 (1990/91): 23-25.
Hinck, Edward A and Schaefer, Shelly L."Perceptions of High School Instructors Regarding Practices and Effects of High School Debate Workshops."American Forensicsin Perspective: Papers from the Second National Conference on Forensics. Donn Parson, ed. Annandale, VA.: SCA, 1984. Pp. 68-85 .
Hinck, Edward A. and Hinck, Shelly S."A Survey of Accreditation and Evaluation Issues for Summer Debate Institutes." Dialogue in the Forensic Communitv: Proceedings of theConference on Forensic Education. Jack Kay, ed. Kansas City, MO: National Federation of State High School Associations, 1990. Pp. 65-88.
Madsen, Arnie and Chandler, Robert C."Institutes Without Tournaments: Fostering the Educational Mission of Institutes."The Forensic 80 #1 (Fall, 1994): 7-15.
Matlon, Ronald J. And Shoen, Richard L."Administration of Summer High School Debate Workshops: A National Poll."JAFA 10 (Spring, 1974): 217-228.
___ _."A Survey of Content and Teaching Methods in High School Summer Debate Workshops."Speech Teacher 23 (Jan., 1974): 40-50.
Olson, Clark."Some Answers to Popular Questions about the Use of Workshops for Training Individual Events Coaches and Judges."Perspectives on Individual Events: Proceedings of the First Developmental Conference on Individual Events. Larry Schnoor and Vicki Karns, eds. Mankato, MN.: Mankato St. University 1989. Pp. 15-18.
X. Evidence and Ethics in Forensics
Bart, John."Is There an Exit from the Information Superhighway?: The Dangers of Electronic Research."Forensic Educator 9 #l (1994/95): 28-31.
Benson, James A."The Use of Evidence in Intercollegiate Debate."JAFA 7 (Spring, 1971): 260-270.
Cole, Terry."Toward a Pedagogical Ethic of Individual Events."The Forensic (Winter, 1984): 9-13.
Church, Russell."The AFA Code: Work Left Undone"JAFA 9 (Winter, 1973): 378-379.
Duffy, Bernard K."The Ethics of Argumentation in Intercollegiate Debate: A Conservative Appraisal."National Forensic Journal 1 (Spring, 1983): 65-71.
Fisher, Daryl."Should a Coach Research and Develop Arguments for Debaters?"Forensic Educator 1 (1987): 15-16.
Frank, Robert L."The Abuse of Evidence in Persuasive Speaking."National Forensic Journal 1 (Fall, 1983): 97-107.
Friedley, Sheryl A."Ethics and Evidence Usage: Current Codes in Individual Events."National Forensic Journal l (Fall, 1983): 109-117.
Inch, Edward S."Forensics, Ethics, and the Need for Vision."PKD Proceedings to the 1991 Professional Development Conference: Commitment to Forensic Education the Challenge to the 21st Centurv. Salley Roden, ed. U of Central Arkansas, 1991. Pp 47-5 7.
Kellerman, Kathy."The Concept of Evidence: A Critical Review."JAFA XVI (Winter, 1980): 159-172.
Klopf, Donald and McCroskey, James."Ethical Practices in Debate."JAFA 1 (Jan., 1964): 13-16.
McCroskey, James."A Summary of Experimental Research on the Effects of Evidence in Persuasive Communication."QJS 55 (l969): 169-176.
Newman, Robert P. and Sanders, Keith R."A Study in the Integrity of Evidence."JAFA 2 (Jan., 1965): 7-13.
__ and Newman, Dale R. Evidence. N.Y.: Houghton Mifflin, 1969.
Reinard, John C."The Empirical Study of the Persuasive Effects of Evidence: The Status after Fifty Years of Research."Human Communication Research 15 #1 (Fall, 1988): 3-59.
Rieke, Richard and Smith, David H."The Dilemma of Ethics and Advocacy in the Use of Evidence."Western Journal of Speech Communication 32 (Fall. 1968): 223-233.
Sanders, Keith R."Toward a Solution to the Misuse of Evidence."JAFA 3 (Jan., 1966): 6-10.
Snyder, Alfred C."Ethics in Academic Debate: A Gaming Perspective."Advanced Debate: Readings in Theory, Practice, and Teachings. David A. Thomas and Jack P Hart, eds. Skokie, IL.: National Textbook Co., 1992. Pp. 15-29.
Spiker, Barry K, Daniels, Tom D., and Bernabo, Lawrence M."The Quantitive Quandry in Forensics: The Use and Abuse of Statistical Evidence."JAFA 19 (Fall, 1982): 87-96.
Thomas, David A."The Ethics of Proof in Speech Events: A Survey of Standards Used by Contestants and Judges."National Forensic Journal 1 (Spring, 1983): 1-17.
__ __. and Hart, Jack."Ethics in Speech Events: A Replication and Extension."National Forensic Journal ( Fall, 1983 ): 74-95.
Ulrlch. Walter."The Ethics of Forensics: An Overview."American Forensics in Perspective. Don Parson, ed. Annandale, VA.: SCA, 1984. Pp. 13-22.
Watkins, Lloyd, ed."Ethical Problems in Debating: A Symposium."Communication Education 8 (March, l959): 150-156.
Wood, Stephen C."Threads: An Introduction to Forensic EMail."The Forensic 80 #2 (Winter, 1995): 18-29.