The following three pictures are of the partially completed display area.
Note the angled microscope tables from the late 1800's. These tables, and the bank of drawers, were probably new to the Williams Science Hall when it was built in 1895. Click here for a interior shot of that building during the late 1890's.
Dr. Robert Arns, Dr. John Brown, Dr. Thomas Greenslade.
Hope Green, Michael Book, Melissa Fontaine, Ken Fontaine, Matt Palubinskas, Jason Pepe, Dr. Hans Ohanian, Hua Zhou, R. Padriac Springuel, Carrie Black, Dr. Jun-ru Wu, Dr. John Brown, Dr. Henry Steffens, Dr. Roger Cook, Dr. Robert Arns.
Dave Hammond, Don Manley, Abu Rizvi, Marilyn Eldred, Hope Green, Jim Averill, Melissa Fontaine, Dr. David Smith, Jason Pepe, Dr. Hans Ohanian, Hua Zhou, R. Padriac Springuel, Carrie Black, look on as Dr. Arns introduces the collection.
Dr. William Karstens gives the Wimshurst machine a crank as Dr. Dave Pantalony (foreground,Dartmouth), Dr. Kevos Spartalian, Dr. Richard Kremer (Dartmouth) observe. A Channel 5 cameraman films the event. 
Dave Hammond points out one of the "newer" items on display - a 1k magnetic core memory from the 60's.
The Helmholtz double siren and Duboscq spectroscope are in the foreground as visitors listen to a description of the mercury compensated pendulum on the Stokell astronomical clock.
Tom Warnock, Leland Kinsey, Dr. Greenslade. The  9" clark objective and the Daniel Davis separable helices are on the table behind Dr. Greenslade.
Dave Pantalony in the foreground, Dr. Greenslade is seated, standing next to him is his wife, Sonia.
Tom Warnock and Leland Kinsey. 
Dr. Ohanian looks at the Clark as Sharon Provost observes a guy with a camera.
