BWV 211 Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht (Kaffeekantate)
Specific occasion unknown, probably in Zimmermann's Coffee House. Christian Friedrich Henrici (Picander), Ernst-Schertzhaffte und Satyrische Gedichte, Teil III (Leipzig, 1732); Facs: Neumann T, p. 348 (the last two movements are not in the PT). Late 1734 or early 1735, Leipzig. BG 29; NBA I/40. Coffee Cantata Liesgen (S), Narrator (T), Schlendrian (1)(B)
1. Recit. (T) Narrator Be quiet, chatter not, 2. Aria (B) Schlendrian Don't we have with our own children
To my daughter Liesgen praying, Passeth fruitless on its way. 3. Recit. (B, S) Schlendrian and Liesgen (Schlendrian)Thou naughty child, thou wanton hussy, Ah, when will I achieve my way? For me, off coffee lay! (Liesgen) Dear Father, do not be so strict! For if I may not thrice each day My little cup of coffee drink, I’ll turn indeed to my distress Into a dried-up goat for roasting. 4. Aria (S) Liesgen Ah! How sweet the coffee's taste is,
And if someone wants to treat me, Ah, my cup with coffee fill! 5. Recit. (B, S) Schlendrian, Liesgen (Schlendrian)If thou for me not coffee quit, Thou shalt attend no wedding feast, Nor ever take a stroll. (Liesgen) Agreed! But here to me my coffee leave! (Schlendrian) Here now I’ve got the little monkey! I will most sure a whalebone dress of latest girth refuse thee. (Liesgen) I can with ease learn this to bear. (Schlendrian) Thou shalt not to the window venture And no one see who walks beneath it! (Liesgen) This also; but heed my petition And grant that I my coffee keep! (Schlendrian) Thou shalt as well not from my hand A silver or a golden band Upon thy bonnet gain thee! (Liesgen) Yes, yes! But leave to me my pleasure! (Schlendrian) Thou wanton Liesgen thou, Then dost thou yield me ev’rything? 6. Aria (B) Schlendrian Maidens who are steely-hearted Are not easily persuaded. But just hit the proper spot, Oh, ye’ll have a happy lot. 7. Recit. (B, S) Schlendrian, Liesgen (Schlendrian) Now, follow what thy father bids! (Liesgen) In all things, only coffee not! (Schlendrian) Go on, thou must then be contented To lack as well a husband ever. (Liesgen) O yes! Dear Father, please, a man! (Schlendrian) I swear it, it will never be. (Liesgen) Until from coffee I abstain? Well! Coffee, be forever conquered! Dear Father, mark, I’ll never drink a bit. (Schlendrian) And thou in turn at last shalt get him. 8. Aria (S) Liesgen This day, still,
That at last in coffee's stead, Ere I yet shall go to bed, I a gallant lover find me! 9. Recit. (T) Narrator Old Mister Schlendrian now goes to seek
10. Chorus (S, T, B) A cat its mousing never quits,
The grandmas fondly drank it too, So who would now the daughters censure? 1. This name translates into something like "Stick-in-the-mud" or "Slowpoke." © Copyright Z. Philip Ambrose |