Online Articles and Publications

For a full list of published articles, see my full CV.

Click on the following listings for links:

Assessing Reflection Assignments for Public Affairs Courses: Implications for Educating Reflective Practitioners (PDF)

Vital Results Through Service-Learning: Linking Students and Community in Vermont Schools

Facilitating Reflection: A Manual for Leaders and Educators

Democracy and Education Schools and Communities Initiative Conceptual Framework and Preliminary Findings

Collaboration, Technical Assistance and Interactive Media: Trends in U.S. Civil Society

"Good Governance" Functions of Civil Society Organizations in the United States

Koliba, C.(Accepted for publication). Integrating Community and the Curriculum: Key Elements for Faculty Professional Development. The Journal of Faculty Development.

Koliba, C. 2007. Engagement, Scholarship, and Faculty Work: Trends and Implications for Public Affairs Education. Journal of Public Affairs Education. 13(2): 303-321.

Farley, J., Baker, D. Batker, D., Koliba, C., Matteson, R., Mills, R. and Pittman, J. 2007. Opening the Policy Window for Paradigm Shifts: Katrina as a Focusing Event. Ecological Economics. 63:2-3, 344-354

Koliba, C. 2007. On Sharpening Knives and Governing Networks. Administrative Theory & Praxis. 29(2). 321-325.

Gajda, R. and Koliba, C. 2007. Evaluating the Imperative of Intra-Organizational Collaboration: A School Improvement Perspective. American Journal of Evaluation. 28(1). 26-44.

Koliba, C. and Lathrop, J. 2007. Inquiry as Intervention: Employing Action Research to Support an Organization’s Capacity to Learn. Administration & Society. 39(1). 51-76.

Koliba, C. 2006. Serving the Public Interest Across Sectors: Assessing the Implications of Network Governance. Administrative Theory & Praxis. 28(4). 593-601.

Koliba, C., Campbell, E. and Shapiro, C. 2006. The Practice of Service-Learning in Local School-Community Contexts. Educational Policy. 20(5). 683-717.

Jennings, N., Swidler, S. and Koliba, C. 2005. Place-Based Education in the Standards-Based Reform Era—Conflict or Complement? American Journal of Education. 112(1) 44-65.

Koliba, C. 2004. Assessing Reflection Assignments for Public Affairs Courses: Implications for Educating Reflective Practitioners. The Journal of Public Affairs Education. 10(4) 295-309.

Koliba, C. 2004. Is Service-Learning Contributing to the Downsizing of American Democracy? Learning Our Way Out. The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning. Spring. 57-68.

Koliba, C. 2003. Generation of Social Capital in Schools: Expanding and Deepening Social Networks Through Service-Learning. Academic Exchange Quarterly. 7(2). 336-345.

Koliba, C. 2000. Moral Language and Networks of Engagement: Service-Learning and Civic Education. American Behavioral Scientist. 43(5).

Koliba, C. 1998. Lessons in Citizen Forums and Democratic Decision-Making: A Service-Learning Case Study. The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning. Fall.