Chinese Literature Courses

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Thousands of years of Chinese civilization have produced a uniquely rich Chinese literature.

Classical Chinese Literature in Translation
Modern Chinese Literature in Translation
Chinese Literature Appreciation

  WLIT 110  Chinese Literature in Translation (Classical Chinese Literature)

This is an introduction to classical Chinese literature. Students learn to appreciate some of the most influential Chinese literary works and gain insight into the Chinese culture by reading and discussing translated samples in the following literary forms: poetry and prose before the Tang Dynasty, poems in the Tang Dynasty, lyric verses in the Song Dynasty, dramas in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, and novels in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. All readings and discussions are in English. Textbook to be used: An Anthology of Chinese Literature: Beginnings to 1911.

  WLIT 111  Chinese Literature in Translation (Modern Chinese Litrature)

This course is also conducted in English.  All readings and discussions are also in English.  This course, however, will look at some most prominent modern Chinese writers, poets, and playwrights, including Lun Xun, Ba Jin, Bing Xin, Lao She, Guo Moruo, Cao Yu and their works since 1911. 

  CHINESE  Literature Appreciation

Classical Chinese Novels (in Chinese)
Three Kingdoms (in English)
A Dream of Red Mansions (in English)
Classical Chinese Literature Reading Selections  ( in English)
Moden Chinese Literature Reading Selections  (in English)
Contemporary Chinese Literature Reading Selections  (in English)
Chinese Poetry (in English)
300 Tang Poems   (in Chinese & English)
Classical Chinese Literature Selections  (in Chinese with an on-line Chinese-English dictionary)
The Twenty-Four Filial Exemplars (in Chinese & English)
Other Readings for Pleasure (in Chinese--Make sure you have enough time for this)
Index and Database on Chinese Writers

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Created:  November 15, 1997
Last revised: March 3, 2003