Chinese Tools and Sources

Chinese Homepage

Chinese Language

Chinese Literature

Chinese Culture


Study Abroad

   Table of Contents

This page contains links to web sites and pages are related to Chinese learning & teaching. The information is divided into the following categories:

Chinese Computer Software
Chinese Media
Chinese Language Learning over the Internet
Chinese Universities
Chinese Job Opportunities

    Chinese Software

If you have a computer, you should use it to assist you in learning Chinese.   

·   Microsoft Global IME
MS Global IME (Input Method Editor) enables you to view and input Chinese characters.  You can input Chinese text into any Microsoft Office XP applications, web forms, and e-mail messages on any language version of Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium, Windows 98, and Windows NTŪ 4.0 with Service Pack 6 (SP6) or later. You need to install the Global IME for Office XP first, and then you just start your Office XP program, select the language from the Language bar, and you can type the language you choose, regardless of the language version of Office XP or Windows you are using.

·   Google Chinese Input Method (谷歌拼音输入法)
This allows you to input Chinese characters not only by using pinyin but also by using strokes if you do not know how a character is pronounced. 
使用谷歌拼音提供的笔划输入功能的方法为:先按"u"进入笔划输入模式,然后用使用代码h(横),s(竖),p(撇),n(捺),z(折),d(点)依次输入该字的各个笔划。其中,nd是相同的。例如,您希望输入"",则可以按下u,再依次按下"dppn" or “nppn”。有时字在没有输入完笔画时就能出现,比如,按下”udppdps”时,就出现了。问题是有些笔画顺序不够规范;完全按笔画顺序规范,一些字并不出现。

·   NJStar Chinese Word Processor
This is a versatile Chinese word processing program for Windows (Mac/Unix not supported).  It has a "Popup Dictionary" function, which allows you to move the mouse pointer to a character/phrase to look up its English translation instantly.  NJStar also converts a block of Chinese text to Pinyin with tone marks. There are many more features you will be happy to use to help you with your Chinese language learning.

·   Chinese Star
This add-on Chinese word processing program has a set of beautiful fonts and can be used with most of the English Windows applications.

·   Chinese Partner (TwinBridge)
This program allows you to use Chinese within WordPerfect for Windows.

    Chinese Media

If you have already installed Chinese font in your computer, you will then be able to browse the web sites in Chinese listed in each of the following categories.

·   Newspapers

·   Magazines

·   TV Stations

·   Radio Stations

·   Movies

·   Xinhua News Agency

·   Book Companies and Publishers

·   Reading for Pleasure in Chinese

·   Language Resource Center at UVM

    Chinese Language Learning over the Internet

If you want to learn Chinese or brush up your Chinese skills online, try the following web sites.

mov-ball2.gif (1653 bytes)Chinese Writing and Pronunciation

·       Chinese Character Writing Sheets

·       Chinese Character Learning

·       Chinese Character Strokes

·       Animated Chinese Character

·       Chinese Phonetics

·       Chinese Character Flashcards

·       Getting a Chinese Name

mov-ball2.gif (1653 bytes)Listening and Reading in Chinese

·       Viewing and Listeing to CCTV Programs

·       Chinese Text-to-Speech Synthesis

·       Reading for Pleasure in Chinese

mov-ball2.gif (1653 bytes)Online Chinese Dictionaries

·       Chinese Dictionary (All in Chinese)

·       Chinese Idiom Dictionary (All in Chinese)

·       Chinese Characters Dictionary

·       Etymological Chinese-English Dictionary

·       English-Chinese Online Dictionary

·       Chinese-English Online Dictionary

mov-ball2.gif (1653 bytes)Online Chinese Courses

·       Learn Chinese on Your Term—Chinese Pod

·       Situational Chinese Online—Chinese Tide

·       Chinese Online—汉语网

·       My Mandarin “我的中文教学网

·       Conversational Chinese by Dr. Xie

·       Live Teachers from China

    Chinese Job Opportunities

While you are in college, knowing the job market helps you prepare yourself well for the future.

·         New China Career

·         Teach in China

·         Jobs in China

·         Greater China Job Opportunities

·         Catapult JobWeb

Chinese Homepage

Chinese Language

Chinese Literature

Chinese Culture


Study Abroad

Created:  November 20, 1997
Last revised:
January 15, 2007