Chinese Tools and Sources

Chinese Homepage Chinese Language Chinese Literature Chinese Culture Activities Study Abroad

   Table of Contents

This page contains links to web sites and pages are related to Chinese learning & teaching. The information is divided into the following categories:

Chinese Computer Software
Chinese Media
Chinese Language Learning over the Internet
Chinese Universities
Chinese Job Opportunities

    Chinese Software

Unless your system already has Chinese fonts (e.g., MS Song, MS Hei, MingLiu) or universal fonts (e.g., Bitstream Cyberbit) installed, to be able to view the web sites or web pages coded in Chinese, you need to download one of the following Chinese add-on programs. 

    Chinese Media

If you have already installed a Chinese add-on program (one of those listed in the "Chinese Software" section on this page for PCs or Chinese Language Kit for Macs), you will then be able to browse the web sites in Chinese listed in each of the following categories.

    Chinese Language Learning over the Internet

If you want to learn Chinese or brush up your Chinese skills online, try the following web sites.

mov-ball2.gif (1653 bytes) Chinese Writing and Pronunciation

mov-ball2.gif (1653 bytes) Listening and Reading in Chinese

mov-ball2.gif (1653 bytes) Online Chinese Dictionaries

mov-ball2.gif (1653 bytes) Online Chinese Courses

    Chinese Job Opportunities

While you are in college, knowing the job market helps you prepare yourself well for the future.

Chinese Homepage Chinese Language Chinese Literature Chinese Culture Activities Study Abroad

Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Please write to John Jing-hua Yin:
Copyright © 1997 Chinese Language Program. All rights reserved.
November 20, 1997
Last revised:
October 12, 2002