Download and import the following two files into your Zika:

Sources file: sources.csv    

                                                Word list file: ECC1_wordlist.csv  

Installation Instructions:

1) Click or right click (to ¡°Save the target as¡­¡± or ¡°Save the linked file as¡­¡± without changing the file name or appending such tag name as .txt or .bak to the original filename) to download the file (remember the folder where you have the file downloaded to);

2) Start Zika (your Zika must be at or above Version 6, you can check this by clicking "About" in the menu at the top of the screen.  If your Zika version is too old or you do not have one yet, you should download one at;

3) In Zika, click "Books" in the menu at the top of the screen, and you will see "Import Wordlist";

4) Click "Import Wordlist," and a directory window will pop up;

5) Go to the folder where you downloaded the file, and choose it to import;

6) After you import the two files, restart Zika;

7) In Zika, from the "Book" pull-down menu, you can choose Essential College Chinese 1;

8) If you want the program to start with ECC1 as Zika¡¯s default next time, click "Options" in the menu at the top and click "Preferences," and then choose ¡°Essential College Chinese 1.¡±

If you have trouble or questions, contact Professor Yin at   Enjoy using Zika to assist you in your Chinese language study with us at UVM.