
Courses, syllabi, and course materials

CS 1210 Introduction to Programming

CS 2240 Data Structures and Algorithms

CS 2250 Computability and Complexity

CS 2510 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Note: For 2024 fall and 2025 spring, this runs as CS 2990 (topics). However, I’ve applied for a permanent course number which, if all goes as planned, will be CS 2510 starting 2025 fall.

CS 3993 Evolutionary Algorithms for Music Composition

  • Independent study
  • Prerequisites: CS 2240 Data Structures and Algorithms with grade of A- or better; at least one course in MUS with grade of B+ or better; instructor permission
  • Recommended: CS 3240 Algorithm Design and Analysis
  • Syllabus available upon request

CS 3993 Digital Signal Processing and VST Plugins

  • Independent study
  • Prerequisites: CS 2300 Advanced Programming with grade of A- or better; MU 1770 Introduction to Music Technology with grade of A- or better; instructor permission
  • Recommended: CS 3240 Algorithm Design and Analysis, and at least one course in studio music production, e.g., MU 2771
  • Syllabus available upon request

CS Fundamentals

Generative AI in Teaching and Learning in CEMS


If you are enrolled in a course I am teaching, please use Brightspace as a primary source for course materials.

Office hours: 2025 spring

Drop in T 3:00–4:00 PM, Th 10:00–11:30 AM, F 8:30–-9:30 AM, or by appointment.

Please see my typical weekly schedule for additional information, or if you are UVM student, faculty, or staff, see my schedule in Outlook.

UVM GitLab

The following UVM GitLab repositories are accessible with a UVM NetID login. These are not intended for consumption by students enrolled in courses I teach (though you’re welcome to look). For course materials, please see Brightspace.