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Keyboard Shortcuts

Use for Action Key Combination
Combos For Creating Presentations Insert New slides Ctrl/M
Increase font size Ctrl/shift/>
Decrease font size Ctr/shift/<
Select next object on a slide Tab
Select the previous object on a slide SHIFT/TAB
Make a duplicate of the current slide CTRL-D
Display grid and guides on-screen The lines these commands display make it easier to line objects up properly. SHIFT-F9 and ALT-F9.
Undo your last action CTRL-Z
Redo your last action CTRL-Y
Group items Use this technique to treat multiple objects as one unit, moving them around the slide with one mouse move. Click all of the items you want to group while holding down the SHIFT key. Then press CTRL-SHIFT-G.
Ungroup items This step returns objects to their status as items you can manipulate individually. Click the grouped items and press CTRL-SHIFT-H.
Copy an object’s attributes Like the color and shadow effect on an object? Click the object, press CTRL-SHIFT-C, click the object you’re copying the attributes onto, and press CTRL-SHIFT-V.
Copying formatting Click the object, press CTRL-SHIFT-C, click the object you’re copying the attributes onto, and press CTRL-SHIFT-V.
Spell check F7
Combos For Giving Presentations Start a slideshow With the presentation open in any view, press F5 to start a slideshow on the first slide.
Go to the next animation or slide: To go forward in the presentation, you can press the Down or Right arrow keys, ENTER, PAGE DOWN, N, or the Spacebar.
Go to the previous animation or slide: The choices are almost as wide for this task as the previous one. To back up a step, you can press the Up or Left arrow keys, PAGE UP, P, or BACKSPACE.
Go directly to a specific slide While in Presentation mode, type the slide’s number and press ENTER.
Turn the screen black during a presentation Press B. To return to the presentation, press the period button.
Turn the screen white during a presentation Press W. To return to the presentation, press the comma button.
Erase on-screen annotations Press E. (In case you don’t know about the tool for making notes on slides as you speak, press CTRL-P in Presentation mode and you can start marking up the screen like a football commentator.)
Show the shortcut menu Press SHIFT-F10.
End a presentation Press ESC.