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Scrolling Text

Basic marquee tag:
<MARQUEE>XYZ Company-We’re on the move!</MARQUEE>

Attribute Description Values
Font Specify the font and size of the text.  
Height Set the height of the marquee, either in pixels or as a percentage of the screen.  
Width Set the width of the marquee, either in pixels or as a percentage of the screen.  
Bgcolor Sets the color of the background against which the text scrolls.  
DIRECTION Controls which direction the text will scroll. left: make the text scroll from right to left
right: make the text scroll from left to right
BEHAVIOR Specifies how you want the text to scroll. scroll: make text scroll normally so it continues until it runs off of the screen.
slide: make text scroll until it reaches the edge of the browser window and then stop.
alternate: make text scroll until it reaches the edge of the browser window and then appear to bounce and move in the opposite direction.
Loop Tells the browser how many times to scroll the text. Without LOOP, the text will scroll until the visitor decides to leave your Web page. 2: the words will scroll twice and then stop
SCROLLDELAY Defines the number of milliseconds between each rendering of the scrolled message. The higher the value, the slower the scrolling will be. 50 seems to work well for this attribute.
SCROLLAMOUNT Determines how many pixels the text will jump ahead on-screen between each successive display. The higher the value, the faster the text scrolls. 5 is a good value

<BODY> <FONT FACE=”Verdana” SIZE=”5”> <MARQUEE HEIGHT="30" WIDTH="75%" BGCOLOR="red" DIRECTION="left" BEHAVIOR="scroll" LOOP="2" SCROLLDELAY="50" SCROLLAMOUNT="5">XYZ Company-We're on the move!</MARQUEE> </FONT> </BODY>